Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 275 Return to the warehouse and the strange coffee pot

"Bah!" After Levi landed, he took back the mental force field that covered hundreds of meters around him. After all, it is quite rude for an evolutionist of the same level to use mental power to scan and probe others at will. , and may even be taken as a provocation and lead to a fight to the death!

Levi looked at an old wooden house at the front of the town. This house was where Walter had warmly received him. He wanted to say hello to him first, but at this time the door was closed and there was no human presence in the house. signs.

"You are Pastor Levi, right?" A tall, thin, middle-aged man wearing a tan linen robe was fetching water from the only well in the town. He glanced at Levi and recognized him. , after all, he is a level 3 life form with strong mental power, and his photographic memory is just a basic ability.

"Yes!" Levi nodded, and then asked, "Hello, Father, is Father Walter not here?"

"What a coincidence! Walter is out on a mission, he just went out yesterday!" The priest shook his head and said.

"Okay! Thank you!" Levi nodded and then walked towards the warehouse behind the town.

"Crack!" Levi walked outside the warehouse door and noticed an almost undetectable energy sweeping through him. Then a small door opened on the iron wall, revealing a picture of a man who looked a little stiff. Face, "Pastor Levi, Blitzcrank is happy to serve you!"

After expertly passing the identity check inside the warehouse to ensure that the identity of the entrant was true and accurate, and that he was not being monitored or controlled by other extraordinary beings, aberrations or even strange objects, Levi entered the core of the warehouse.

Levi first came to the registration office, took out a mask and handed it to the staff in the cabin, "This is a rare item I got, please let me exchange it for merit points!"

"Okay, please wait!" In the studio, the staff with a somewhat stiff expression took the mask from Levi's hand and gently placed it into an old-fashioned safe that was more than two meters high and extremely heavy behind him. , a few seconds later some basic information about the strange object was displayed on the computer in front of the staff.

"Pastor Levi, according to the test, this rare item is incomplete. It can be exchanged for 300 merit points for you. Do you want to confirm the exchange?"

"Confirm the exchange!" Levi didn't care how much merit this mask could be exchanged for. He just wanted to set up a spatial teleportation point in the warehouse as a final safe escape route.

Levi glanced at the safe behind the other party. It was filled with thick and restrained radiation. It was a strange object that could be used to detect other strange objects. He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Wouldn't the detection of that strange object not be the same?" Something went wrong?"

"Pastor Levi, please rest assured. This strange object, the safe, is integrated with the warehouse. As long as the radiation energy contained in the strange objects placed in it for testing does not exceed that of the entire warehouse, then the test results will not be wrong!" The staff patiently said explained.

"The entire warehouse?" Levi nodded after hearing this. He vaguely knew some information about the warehouse. The reason why the warehouse is called the most powerful strange object in the church and even in human beings is because every strange object contained in the warehouse is , which itself will become more powerful!

And Levi glanced around behind him. The huge space inside the warehouse, which was almost hollowed out like a mountain, was filled with huge shelves. On the shelves were metal boxes of different sizes, and each metal box The box represents a strange object!

Such a huge number of strange objects will increase the power of the warehouse to a terrifying degree!

"I wonder if this safe can detect the divine body of Tsathogua, the furnace of Etna, and the sun disk? These three strange objects come from gods, and they are even ancient gods with level 7 life forms!"

"Especially the divine body of Tsatogua and the sun disk. Even with the help of the leather book, these two rare objects require me to collect and use them only after they have reached level 5 life forms. The power contained in them is extremely terrifying. It should have been Exceeding Warehouse No. 13!" Levi thought secretly in his heart.

"Huh? Isn't Ms. Medina here?" Levi took the elevator to Ms. Medina's office and knocked on the door lightly. After waiting for a few seconds, there was no movement inside. Levi couldn't help but see this. Somewhat surprised.

Because Ms. Medina, as the guardian of the warehouse, cannot leave the scope of the warehouse! Although the church is quite low-key and rarely interferes in the disputes between various other forces, the church, especially Ms. Medina, has been secretly protecting the safety of the earth and mankind.

In Levi's eyes, Ms. Medina is very similar to the Supreme Mage Ancient One in Marvel comics!

"I don't know! Maybe he's dealing with something important!" Blitz, who was following behind, shook his head and responded.

"Crack!" Just as Levi was about to leave and go to the baptismal hall, the bronze door behind him slowly opened, and Ms. Medina's voice came out, "Levi, you are here, come in!"

"Yes." Levi's brows moved slightly, because Ms. Medina's voice sounded a little tired and even dispirited, which made Levi extremely surprised.

As the guardian of the warehouse, Ms. Medina can borrow the power of the warehouse. Is there anything in this world that can make her tired? Could it be that the other party just had a battle with a certain demigod who was planning to cross the space barrier?

"Ms. Medina!" Levi walked into the office, passed through the huge bookshelves, and saw Ms. Medina sitting behind the long table, her face was indeed slightly pale, and the other party was making coffee with concentration.

"Sure enough, I saw you right. You can receive level 3 baptism so soon!" Ms. Medina showed a satisfied smile on her face. Levi's ability to obtain the inheritance of heroic spirits is of extremely important significance to the entire church, and even Ms. Medina has already considered Levi as one of the candidates to become the next warehouse guardian!

"Ma'am, I see you look a little tired?" Levi asked after sitting down, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Haha! Thank you for your concern!" Ms. Medina chuckled and shook her head. "But I'm fine. I just went to collect a rather special rare object. I just wasted a lot of energy. I'll be fine after two days of rest." !”

"What kind of strange thing? With your strength, you have to work so hard?" Levi asked curiously. Could the strange thing that can make Ms. Medina lose her vitality, a divine thing used by the gods?

"Haha! It's this little gadget!" Ms. Medina chuckled when she heard this and nodded at the unattractive steaming coffee pot in front of her!

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