Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 353 Internal strife and X alliance

The huge licker jumped down from the tree trunk. It was more than ten meters long and was as tall as a person lying down. It was wrapped in scarlet muscles, and its four sharp claws could easily crush large rocks on the ground.

The five to six meter long, triangular bone tail behind him shines with a layer of white light that looks like metal, and the tip of the tail is as sharp as a heavy spear!

"Crack!" Bonetail picked the soldier up to him, and then the licker opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, bit off the soldier's head and chewed it, causing the brains to splatter!

"Lord John! Please forgive Jack's recklessness! I hope his death can calm your anger!" Seeing his team members being brutally killed in this way, the captain could only hold back the grief and anger in his heart, lowered his head and said to the The famous hunter humbly admitted his mistake.

"Of course I won't argue with you mortals. It's just that my little baby is hungry. You can't let it go to fight hungry!" John kept groping for the two gemstone rings on his hand, one blue and one red, with a smile on his lips.

"Wow!" After the licker devoured the soldier, the muscles that had been piled together became slightly larger, and a thin layer of scarlet mist even appeared outside the body, and then moved towards the front. The tree monster pounces!

"Phew!" The licker was extremely fast. Even in this jungle with lush trees, his movements were extremely fast. Normal people could only see a flash of red light in their sight, and then the tree monsters started to move. Torn to pieces by sharp claws and bone tails!

The tough vines in the hands of those tree monsters were blocked by the thick muscles of the lickers. Even if they pierced the opponent's body with wounds more than ten centimeters deep, they could only be regarded as painless to the lickers. It's itchy, not to mention that the other person doesn't seem to feel any pain!

"Wow!" When those tree monsters saw that they were no match for the licker, the vines in each other's hands grew intertwined, and in the blink of an eye, they woven into a large net, directly covering the licker!

After the big net trapped the licker, the tree monsters continued to spurt out vines, thickening and strengthening the net. Hundreds of tree monsters exerted their strength at the same time, and even weaved a vine in less than a second. A large vine net like a hill was built!

Although the vines are light, this hill of vines, which is two to three meters high, weighs dozens of tons and is pressing down on the licker!

But those tree monsters forgot that this licker had teammates. The soldier captain picked up a portable rocket launcher and fired a red warhead the size of mineral water at the vine hill!

After firing the warhead, the captain and other soldiers rolled and hid behind a big tree, while lying on the ground holding their heads.

"Boom!" The next moment there was only a loud noise, and the violent air waves impacted and spread, and all the big trees and tree monsters within a radius of more than 20 meters around the center of the explosion were shattered!

And the most frightening thing is that there is some kind of special fuel inside the warhead, which sticks to the vines like glue. The high temperature of three to four thousand degrees burns through the large vine net in an instant, and moves towards the licks trapped in the net. Those who lick are burned away!

Behind the big tree, smoke and dust shrouded the captain. He raised his head slightly and looked at a large pile of ashes not far away, with a hint of pleasure in his eyes that a great revenge had been avenged!

"A hunter without monsters is nothing!" The captain was about to stand up and look for John, but was horrified to find that John was still standing firmly on the tree trunk. Not only did he not appear to be affected at all, he even lowered his head at this time. Give him a bright smile.

"Oops!" A thought came to the captain's mind, but the next moment a ferocious bone tail came out of the ground and pierced the captain's neck!

"Crack!" The soil on the ground surged, and the intact Licker emerged from the ground. Then his bones and tails flew, killing all the armed men around him in the blink of an eye.

"Ha! Ha!" The captain's physical fitness has reached the limit of a first-level life form. Therefore, even if most of his neck is torn apart, he does not die directly. Instead, he covers the blood hole gushing from his neck and looks at him with an angry expression. The hunter didn't move much.

"If you want to kill me, I will kill you. This is fair, isn't it!" John chuckled, but deep in his eyes were full of indifference. The captain's actions just now were not hidden from his eyes at all, "Let me think about it, It was Major Mawson who asked you to do this, right?"

Seeing the surprised expression in the captain's eyes, John immediately had the answer in his heart, and then controlled the licker to pierce the captain's body again. With a sharp flick of the bone tail, the captain flew hundreds of meters away.

"Boom!" Just when the captain's heartbeat completely stopped, his body suddenly exploded, erupting with a power several times greater than the previous rocket warhead, directly razing a surrounding hillside to the ground. !

"Sure enough!" The violent shock wave ruffled John's hair. As this special team moved, he could already faintly feel the team's defense and hostility towards him!

Especially from the captain, John actually sensed a fatal threat. If he hadn't happened to break through to level 3 monster hunter the night before, and his mental power had increased significantly, he might have capsized in the gutter!

"Buzz!" Just when John had finished all the soldiers and relaxed a little, a powerful spiritual power as huge as the sea rushed into his brain instantly, and his soul was occupied by the other party without any resistance!

Two kilometers away, Levi carefully looked through John's memory. Although the White Queen obtained a lot of information about this planet from the Internet, he found that very little of this information contained information about advanced life forms and extraordinary forces. !

Levi was not sure whether those messages were stored in a database guarded by intelligent beings, or were stored offline, but through his observations just now, Levi discovered from John an extraordinary system that was not found on earth, that is, the control of aberrations. !

"So that's it!" After a moment, Levi opened his eyes. From John's memory, Levi had a general understanding of the extraordinary information on this planet.

There are many extraordinary forces on this planet, and the largest extraordinary organization is the X Alliance formed by 25 countries around the world. Its status is similar to the United Nations on earth!

This alliance gathers nearly the power of the entire world, is able to mobilize the state machinery, and is said to have a legendary demigod sitting in charge!

It is precisely because of the power of extraordinary powers that the levels of extraordinary beings in this world are extremely strict. The X Alliance encompasses most of the world's resources, dominating and even squeezing other extraordinary organizations.

In particular, Levi discovered that the method of cultivation, which is not uncommon on earth, is extremely precious in this world, and is completely monopolized by the X Alliance and a handful of large extraordinary forces!

And these cultivation methods have also become a pie for large extraordinary organizations to "enslave" ordinary extraordinary people!

Ordinary extraordinary people may work hard for the X Alliance for a lifetime, but they can't exchange for a complete cultivation method!

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