Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 368 Quantum Host and Treasure House

Several people looked at this strange pyramid curiously, while Levi focused on the eyeballs inside the pyramid!

This huge eyeball is very similar to the talent tester I just saw, except it is much larger!

"Master, this crystal pyramid should be the host of the intelligent life of the X Alliance!" On the opponent's home court, the White Queen also seemed very cautious.

"What a strange host. I didn't sense electromagnetic signals from it. Is it also a strange object?" Levi took a closer look at the crystal pyramid in front of him.

Levi found that the pyramid looked transparent and flawless. Despite his super vision, he could faintly see countless white light spots in the pyramid that were moving at extremely fast speeds and were even much smaller than molecules.

Moreover, Levi had an intuition in his heart that these white light spots were composed of more delicate and complex substances, but that substance was too small and exceeded the minimum limit that his naked eyes and mind could detect!

"Master, after my preliminary observations, this should be a quantum computer that perfectly uses Majorana fermions!" The White Queen introduced, "The number of particles contained in it is at least hundreds of millions, and the computing power is greater than that on earth. The power of the fastest supercomputer is almost uncountable!”

"It's really unimaginable what kind of technology can create this quantum host!" The White Queen exclaimed, "Maybe it's the help of gods?"

"So awesome?" This was the first time Li Wei saw the White Queen praising something so much.

"Yes! With the help of this kind of computing power, the intelligent life forms of the X Alliance have even been able to calculate almost perfectly the past and future of everything on this planet!"

Predicting the future through calculations is something that earth scientists are still in the theoretical research stage, but the X Alliance actually has a perfect finished product!

"The only good thing is that the performance of this host has not been fully released and developed! The computing power that the X Alliance intelligent life can mobilize may be less than one ten millionth of this quantum host!"

The White Queen is a little lucky. If it weren't for this reason, the White Queen might have been discovered or even harmed by the other party's intelligent life when she first invaded the network!

Although intelligent beings like the White Queen are extremely powerful in the digital world, their abilities are also inseparable from various media!

And even if the intelligent life of the X Alliance is not as good as the White Queen, if the other party can fully obtain the authority of this quantum computing host, its various abilities will definitely be able to completely crush the White Queen!

For intelligent life, this quantum computer is simply a priceless artifact!

"It seems that people in the X Alliance do not trust the intelligent life in this host!" Li Wei guessed that it was precisely because of distrust and fear that the people in the alliance would impose various restrictions on this quantum host, which would greatly Restricting the ability of intelligent life!

This kind of precaution is actually understandable, because this quantum host is too powerful. If that intelligent life is allowed to completely control the quantum host, the other party will definitely become a god in the digital field of information!

But for Levi and others, this is good news! Otherwise, this quantum host is very likely to discover problems with the identities of Levi and the others!

At the same time, Li Wei already had the idea of ​​winning this quantum host!

The White Queen can provide great convenience to Li Wei. If this quantum host is equipped to the White Queen, with its powerful computing power, will the White Queen be able to transform into another kind of god who can trace the past and predict the future?

After all, for Li Wei, the White Queen is also a rare object that cannot betray him. Naturally, there is no need to worry about what the White Queen will do to disadvantage Li Wei after possessing the quantum host!

"Bang!" At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the corner of the hall, and then a tall, thin, beardless, very neutral-looking weirdo with some light golden color on his skin walked out. He stretched out his palm slightly and made a follow gesture.

The three of Soros looked at each other. They detected a very powerful energy reaction from this weirdo. At least the three of them were not sure that they could defeat the weirdo!

This also sounded the alarm in the hearts of Soros and others. The other party seemed to be just a servant of the chief, but he actually possessed power far beyond the ordinary level 4 peak life form!

But Levi noticed a vast and powerful burning aura from this servant's body. This aura was vaguely similar to the fusion fire he controlled!

The four of them walked obediently behind the weirdo. The sound of footsteps was extremely harsh in the extremely quiet hall. The weirdo showed no intention of talking to each other. They walked around without knowing where the weirdo was going to take them!

Soon the weirdo led a few people to a door made of gold. He stopped and turned around. The door that was five or six meters high automatically opened a door crack that was large enough to pass sideways. The door crack was full of It was so bright and golden that it was completely unclear what was behind the gate!

"Excuse me, do you want us to go in?" Several people looked at each other, and Ledo asked softly, but the weirdo had no intention of answering, and just stared at the few people quietly with eyes without any emotion.

"Let's go!" Upon seeing this, Soros shook his head and walked into the crack of the door first. They are rare top talents for the alliance. Even if the other party has doubts about their identities, their lives will not be endangered for the time being. .

Levi, who was at the end of the queue, was also confused. Didn't he say that the head of the alliance's parliament wanted to see them? Could it be that the other party was behind the gate?

"Buzz!" Levi felt his eyes darken, and then found that he had arrived at a huge domed building, but there was no figure of Soros or the other three in front of him.

At this time, in an unknown dark room, this room was quite simple and small, and it looked like a very ordinary road hotel!

A big-ass TV set in the room displayed a constantly shaking black and white picture. The picture was like a four-screen monitor, evenly divided into four grids.

Each grid corresponds to the four people of Li Wei, and the scene where each person appears in the picture is exactly the same, as if the four people are in different spaces!

Although there seems to be an invisible surveillance camera monitoring every move of Li Wei and others, Li Wei and the others are unaware of it and are carrying out their own explorations.

On the other side, Levi looked up and saw that the building as a whole looked like a tube building, very tall and majestic. The ground he was on was nearly a thousand meters high from the dome above his head!

The building has thirty or forty floors, and each floor has hundreds of doors shining with light gold, making the entire building shine with splendor!

"Is this the secret treasure house that Shamera mentioned?"

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