Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 374 Son of God?

"Pilgrimage?" Pilgrimage literally means worshiping the icon, but in religion, it includes being able to see the gods after passing a certain test or form!

And the gods referred to here must be existences of level 6 or above, not demigods!

Because Li Wei could clearly detect a trace of abyss-like pressure from Qiao's body. The other party himself was a genuine demigod!

"The main reason why our X Alliance has been able to lead the development of such a brilliant civilization on the planet in just five thousand years is that we believe in a god!"

"God created us, gave us wisdom and strength, guided the development of human civilization, and gave us evolvers the path and method to transcend ordinary life!" Qiao's face showed a look of faith.

"And you, as the best in life created by God, are naturally qualified to have close contact and feel God's grace!"

"Master Chief!" Ledo raised his arm, and after receiving a nod from the other party, he asked, "The gods are so great, are we really qualified to worship them?"

Although Ledo and others have been instilled with the majesty of Zeus and other gods since childhood, due to the fall of the gods of the pantheon, the gods are completely myths and legends to Ledo and others, and they are far away!

But now that he might actually come into contact with a legendary god, Ledo couldn't help but feel uneasy!

He just wants to use the power of the alliance to collect the rare objects needed for the warehouse god base, and has no desire or dare to contact the gods!

It is completely unimaginable for them to know how powerful the gods are and what terrifying powers and abilities they possess, but Ledo can be sure that once they see the gods, their true identity and purpose will inevitably be exposed!

"Haha!" As if he could understand the "uneasiness" in Ledo's heart, Qiao chuckled and explained, "I'm just taking you to visit the artifacts left by the gods. As for whether you will be summoned by the gods, then maybe I feel like a great god!"

After hearing Qiao's explanation, the three Soros breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, they also suddenly moved. A sacred object left by the gods? Is it possible that that is what Warehouse God Base really needs?

"Go back and have a rest, and get used to the strange objects you got!" After Qiao explained, he waved his hand, and the three Thoros disappeared immediately, but Levi was left behind!

"Little guy! You are very mysterious, even I can't see through you!" After clearing the place, Qiao put away the smile on his face, looked at Levi suspiciously, and then shook his head, "That's right! How can it be easy to get the summons of that treasure!"

"Levi, right?" Qiao turned around and pointed at the densely packed rooms around him, "Do you know that the secret treasure house is coming?"

"The secret treasure house itself is actually an extremely powerful rare object, which can contain almost all the rare objects in the world! At the same time, as the chief, I have certain authority to forcibly integrate the strange objects in it with humans!"

"So this is the secret of forcibly merging strange objects!" Levi secretly thought in his heart. The commander-in-chief with this ability will naturally become the most powerful person on the planet!

Moreover, Li Wei felt vaguely familiar with this model. After thinking about it for a while, his mind moved, aren't the warehouses on the earth also have this model?

On Earth, the Church keeps the rare objects it receives in warehouses, but here, the Alliance searches for rare objects and stores them in the secret treasure house!

The warehouse guardians in the church can also help members select and even fuse rare items!

"Is it a coincidence? Or is this a common pattern among gods?" Li Wei secretly speculated.

"Do you know why the omnipotent god gave us humans the secret treasure house?" After Levi absorbed the information, Qiao continued.

"To make human beings self-reliant and self-reliant?" Levi replied after thinking for a moment.

"Maybe there is a reason for this!" Qiao chuckled and nodded, and then said in a deep voice, "But the most important purpose of the gods is to let us find a powerful and unknown strange object from the secret treasure house!"

"A powerful and unknown strange object?" Levi's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but speculate that this strange object could be the right eye pupil of Horus!

"Since it is an unknown and strange object, how can we find it?" Although he was suspicious, Levi still pretended to be unaware of everything, "And why would the gods give this task to us humans? Woolen cloth?"

"Levi, do you know how many rooms there are in the secret treasure house?" Qiao did not answer Levi's question, but turned to him and asked him.

Qiao likes to communicate through this questioning method. To put it simply, the other party likes to titillate!

"I don't know!" Levi shook his head.

"Although the secret treasure house seems to be just this building, it is not the only one. The treasure house exists in several different dimensional spaces at the same time!" Qiao explained in layman's terms, "But one thing is absolutely common, that There are only rooms with house numbers 1-9999 in each dimension’s secret treasure house!”

"Huh?" Levi's heart moved when he heard this. He had just entered room 10000!

"Yes!" Seemingly seeing the surprise in Levi's heart, Qiao nodded and responded, "According to legend, that incredibly powerful object that even the gods want to possess exists in the unknown room No. 10,000! "

"According to legend, Room 10,000 will only appear from the unknown void when the Son of the True God arrives!" Qiao's face showed a look of solemnity, ecstasy, and even a hint of relief, "And you, Levi! You are the one The prophesied son of God, the spokesman of the gods!”

"Me?" Li Wei knew very well that he was neither the spokesperson of a god nor the son of a true god!

"Yes!" Joe nodded, "Now you know why the gods would hand over the secret treasure house to humans and let us find the strange object from it! This is all the arrangement of the gods, just to wait for you!"

"Moreover, your talent value is 100! That is a realm that only gods can reach!"

"Levi, I know this news needs to be digested slowly, but you have to remember that since you came here, you have already shouldered the mission of the gods!" Joe did not ask what was in room 10000, but He said to Levi in ​​a deep voice with an extremely serious expression.

"Maybe you can't understand and accept it now, but in a few days when you go on pilgrimage, you will understand everything!" Qiao took out a towel, reappeared the wooden door marked with sect No. 10, and looked deeply at Li Wei After one glance, he walked straight into it and disappeared!

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