Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 418 The Soul of the True God

"Why are you able to control the power belonging to the Goddess of Pain?" Looking at Leviathan's wanton use of the rune array formed by the mighty thunder of heaven, Levi asked curiously, "Is it possible that the Lady of Pain has also completely perished?"

"Not dead, but she might as well be dead!" Leviathan chuckled and shook his head, "Her current state is almost the same as your human vegetative state! No, not even as good as a vegetative state. After all, Alagons doesn't even have autonomous consciousness now. have nothing left!"

"So that's it!" Levi was originally surprised at what method Leviathan used to control the soul of a true god, but in the end it turned out to be a mistake!

In particular, Leviathan is also practicing the Law of Pain, and as the heroic spirit of Alagons, after the opponent completely lost his soul consciousness, Leviathan actually gained a trace of Alagons's divine base authority!

"Buzz!" Leviathan stretched out his hand and controlled the demon body to exert powerful divine power, pulling out the entire rune array in the church from the void, along with a ball of pure incomparable magic. Black divine power.

This black divine power is like a black star, exuding powerful, mysterious and holy power fluctuations. Through the divine power, Levi can see the shadow of a girl, huddled in it with her eyes closed!

I saw that this girl was completely naked, with long black hair. Her appearance was extremely beautiful and cold, like a sleeping beauty sealed in an iceberg. She was the true soul of the goddess of pain, Allegons!

Before falling into a complete sleep, Alagons used his last divine power to activate an artifact and lay a layer of protection around his soul. It was this layer of divine defense that had blocked Leviathan from coveting it for thousands of years!

After all, it was an artifact, and even though Leviathan racked his brains, he couldn't break through the artifact's defense!

Originally, Leviathan's plan was to create a demon body first, and then use the power of the body to forcefully break the defense of the artifact!

But now, Leviathan naturally attracted the attention of the Moon God Sword in Levi's hand!

Previously in the Forest of Death, Levi was able to use the Lunar Sword to destroy the finger bones of gods even as a level 4 life form. Leviathan thought that if he activated the Lunar Sword, it would be even easier to cut through the defense of the artifact. loose!

Even with the help of powerful artifacts such as the Moon God Sword, which ranked among the top gods under Zeus, Leviathan felt that even the gods he achieved through this "stupid method" may not be as powerful as those new gods. Difference!

"Give me the Moon God Sword and help me break through the last protection outside the soul of the true god of Algons. You will be able to witness the fall of a god and the birth of my new god!" Leviathan extended his hand to Levi The expression on the palm of the hand is solemn and serious.

"Haha! New God? I think they are just false gods at most!" Levi chuckled and shook his head. Then with a thought, the Moon God Sword suddenly appeared in his hand and pointed the tip of the sword at Leviathan, "Also , give me the soul of the true god of Algons, and I can give you a happy life!"

After the spirit of Alagons appeared, the divine mark on Levi's wrist was almost jumping out. Even though he was countless light years away, Levi could sense the excitement transmitted from the warehouse divine foundation!

At this time, in the A-level warehouse, Marcus, the church patriarch, was holding a pen and handling official duties. His hand movements suddenly stopped, and he felt that the church's god base was about to fly out of his soul at this time. The intention made him stand up suddenly, with an uncertain look on his face.

And now Levi understands that the ultimate goal of the so-called Patriarch Competition is that the Warehouse God Base wants to welcome Alagons back to the Zeus Star Territory and restore the glory of the gods!

Alagons is not only one of the only two gods left in the Zeus pantheon, but the other is also the daughter of Zeus. The respected blood of the main god Zeus flows in her body. With all the seventh-level ancient gods fallen, Alagons He is the god most qualified to take charge of the Zeus pantheon!

"Huh?" Even though he was only pointed at by the tip of the Moon God Sword, Leviathan felt a slight tingling sensation in his body and soul. The more he understood the power of the Moon God Sword, the more he wanted to get it. The Moon God Sword, and facing the ungrateful Levi, Leviathan gradually lost patience, "Looking for death!"

"Boom!" Leviathan waved his hand, and the rune array suspended around him suddenly bombarded Levi like a golden python!

These runic arrays are made from the power of heaven, thunder and divine power, and contain extremely powerful suppressive power. It is impossible for demigods to resist at all in the face of such power!

However, Li Wei did not move when faced with this magic circle. He even put away the Moon God Sword in his hand and allowed the rune magic circle to bombard him. Suddenly, countless thunderbolts splashed in all directions. Come on!

Although he was able to mobilize the rune array with some power from the Allegons god base, facing the remnants of the attack power of the array at this time, Leviathan also hid directly behind the demon god's body, and the sputtering thunder of heaven's power If it fell on Leviathan, although it might not kill him, it would probably make him suffer a lot!

"Huh?" But the next moment, Leviathan couldn't help but widen his eyes as he looked at the scene in front of him. He saw that Leviathan was actually unscathed under the downpour of the terrifying thunder.

Leviathan even discovered that Levi had a somewhat cheerful look on his face, and he was devouring the mighty thunder around him with his body!

"How is this possible!" Leviathan felt that the scene in front of him was like an illusion. The thunder of heaven belonged to Zeus's divine power. It was a power at the level of law. Even the new god could not do what Levi did!

"Cool!" Levi, who was bathing in thunder, felt his body numb, as if countless pairs of small hands were massaging him. Every cell was swallowing these thunders of heaven like a sponge and storing them deep in the body!

In this process, Levi could clearly perceive that his divine body power was increasing at a very fast speed, just like under an electrotherapy stimulation, his bones became tougher, his muscle fibers were stimulated to be thicker, and his internal organs became stronger!

Even the evolution of the soul was growing rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the development of the soul broke through from 80% to 90%, saving Levi decades of hard work!

"Hmm? What is this?" As the mighty thunder in the rune array was completely absorbed by Levi, the array began to slowly disintegrate without the thunder as the energy source. But at this moment, Levi found a ring-shaped object in the array! Levi grabbed it and found that it was actually a collar made of silver metal! (End of this chapter)

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