Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 431 Mask Induction and Resurrection

"Also, since the Faceless Mask is useful, what about the other masks?" A new idea came to Levi's mind.

He had long discovered that there was a very obscure and secret connection between the Mask of the Faceless Man, the Mask of the Breathless Man and the Mask of the Bloodless Man!

Among these three masks, although the Mask of the Faceless Man has the weakest ability in comparison, Levi found that the Mask of the Faceless Man seems to have the highest, or most special, status!

Because when Levi took in the Mask of the Breathless Man and the Mask of the Bloodless Man, these two masks originally tried to resist, but under the suppression and influence of the Mask of the Faceless Man, they had no choice but to let Levi take them in!

"Wow!" Levi did what he thought of, summoning two masks of the Breathless One and the Bloodless One, and threw them directly into the Life Juice!

"Huh? It's no use?" After waiting for a few seconds, Levi frowned slightly, because the two masks of the Breathless Man were quietly suspended in the life juice at this time, and did not absorb the life juice. The power of emotions inside!

"Buzz!" But the next moment, it seems that with the continuous absorption of emotional power, the ability of the Faceless Mask has been continuously improved, or restored, and two colorful energies are directly emitted from the Faceless Mask, shooting to On the other two masks, it's like two rainbow bridges connecting three masks!

As these two colorful energies continued to wash away the two masks of the Breathless Man, the surface of the masks also began to emit traces of fluorescence, and they kept getting closer to the Mask of the Faceless Man, and finally guarded the Faceless Man on the left and right. mask!

As a strange energy flow occurred between the masks, the three masks seemed to form a whole, and the energy contained in the Faceless Man's mask suddenly surged.

"Boom!" The faceless man's mask even shot out a circle of colorful energy like thunder, instantly covering the entire life juice, and the speed of absorbing the emotional power in it also increased dramatically! !

"At this current rate, even if we want to completely absorb the emotional impurities in the life juice, it probably won't take too long!" Levi thought for a moment.

At the same time, Li Wei also discovered that the energy circulation of the three masks at this time seemed to be incomplete, which meant that there should be a fourth mask!

Levi's mind immediately thought of the third name woven by the loom - Freddy Krueger!

The origins of the Bloodless Mask and the Breathless Mask are characters woven through looms, so the fourth mask should be in the hands of Freddy Krueger!

Even Levi had to guess what kind of relationship there was between these masks and Arachne's loom?

Levi had a hunch in his heart that when he collected the four masks, there should be some wonderful reactions and changes between the masks!

"Eh?" Just as Levi was thinking about the mask, a feeling suddenly came into his heart. He turned to look at the Eternal Island thousands of kilometers away, and suddenly saw clearly that the huge island was slowly floating. A soul!

"Is someone dead?" Eternal Island is Li Wei's kingdom of God, and everything that happens in it will be sensed by Li Wei immediately.

In the past, the residents of Eternal Island had almost infinite lifespans because of the magic runes! And because of the existence of this relationship, even if some residents die due to various accidents, their souls will be directly swallowed by the magic rune circle, which is very similar to an equivalent exchange!

But the soul that appeared at this time stayed in place, with a look of panic on its face, and was not swallowed up by the magic rune circle, indicating that this soul should be a newcomer who just came in!

Levi checked for a while and found that the newcomer's death was actually related to him!

This newcomer is called Jack, and he was a priest when he was in Midwich, but the god he believes in is made up and does not exist!

And after coming to the Eternal Island and seeing the real miracle, Jack instantly repented, changed his family, and became Levi's first fanatical believer among outsiders!

But after Jack became familiar with the environment of worshiping faith, he was shocked to find that there was no statue of a god on the island for people to pay homage to!

So Jack, who is over eighty years old this year, borrowed a hammer and chisel from the aboriginal people and started climbing the mountain alone, trying to find rocks suitable for carving into statues of gods!

But in the process, Jack accidentally slipped and fell from the mountain, directly becoming the first newcomer to die!

"This!" After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Li Wei suddenly felt speechless, but the other party's reason for the accident was to build a stone statue for Li Wei!

In particular, Jack is an old priest who is very good at preaching his faith, which is quite important to Levi. It would be a waste to just let the other person's soul dissipate!

"Phew!" Levi stretched out his hand, and Old Jack's soul instantly appeared next to Levi.

In Jack's sight, he only felt a sudden change in front of him, and he came to a place with gold as the foundation, emerald green divine liquid as the river, and colorful rainbows flying!

Especially in front of Jack, there was still a group of majestic figures shrouded in golden divine light, with only an outline visible. Jack suddenly had an idea in his mind. He had definitely arrived at the true kingdom of the great Sun God. !

Jack was surprised and delighted, and quickly knelt down to Levi, "Your most devout believer has seen the great Sun God!"

But Levi ignored Jack. With a thought, a drop of life juice flew out from the side and stained Jack's soul!

"Buzz!" And as this drop of life juice came into contact with Jack's soul, the life juice, which was originally only the size of a fingernail, seemed to take root and sprout, reshaping Jack's body at a speed visible to the naked eye. !

This body looks exactly like the original Jack. Although it still looks like a tall, thin and old man, it exudes power fluctuations comparable to those of a third-level life form, as well as quite strong vitality!

It's not that that drop of life juice can only shape this body that is comparable to a third-level life form, but just because Jack's untrained soul strength can only control this level of body at best!

In the future, as Jack's soul improves, the power contained in this body will continue to be released, and eventually Jack will be able to gain power comparable to a level 4 extreme life form!

At the same time, the strong vitality contained in this body is enough to sustain the body's long life span of thousands of years!

Levi looked at the old Jack who had resurrected and even evolved, "If I can master the method of creating souls in the future, then I can create life!" (End of Chapter)

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