Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 446: Mutation and the true goal of the Color of Stars

"Boom!" But just when Levi opened the passage to the Eternal Island and sent Leonora directly from the Star Color to the Eternal Island, the Star Color seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly became violent and turned the spear. Most of the power is aimed at Levi!

I saw the color of stars covering the entire sky and earth, shaking violently, and then the halo of light that was originally scattered continued to condense towards the position of the cabin, and there was a "rumbling" explosion in the air, as if the sky was shaking. Explode!

During this process, the color of the Star Color also became darker and darker. The original purple-red began to solidify, turning into a blood-like dark red. There were even countless human faces that were wailing miserably, like ghosts. Open your mouth and rush towards Levi!

"Huh?" Levi felt his body sink suddenly, as if the whole world was pressing down on his shoulders, "What's going on? Did the Kingdom of God stimulate the Star Color?"

Li Wei frowned, because at this time, the Star Color blasted out countless powerful energy, trying to open the passage to the Eternal Island through Li Wei, as if there was something in the Eternal Island attracting the Star Color!

Fortunately, when Levi sent Hughton and others to the Eternal Island just now, they had not been covered by the Color of Stars, otherwise it would have directly triggered a riot of Color of Stars!

"Want to go in? I will help you!" Levi thought for a moment and immediately decided to open the passage to Eternal Island, because although Eternal Island is extremely weak compared to its peak period, it is a complete kingdom of God after all. Worried that it will be destroyed by the color of the stars!

Of course, in order to prevent the Color of Stars from harming the believers that Levi had finally collected, he controlled the Eternal Island and isolated a blank space high in the sky to store the Color of Stars!

"Boom!" As the passage to the Eternal Island opened, Star Color seemed to be like a group of piranhas smelling the smell of blood, crazily crowding into it!

Moreover, Li Wei also kept an eye on it. He set the passage to the Eternal Island directly in the stone well, so in the eyes of everyone, it looked like the Star Color had returned to the stone well after eating and drinking!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hold on!" Xingzhicai's unusual movements naturally attracted the attention of several other people. The most intuitive manifestation is that the power and damage caused by Xingzhicai on the body dropped sharply, making several people who were almost unable to hold on. My heart is ecstatic!

"Huh? What's going on?" Caucasus was full of surprise at this time, because he had already experienced a Star Color riot, which lasted for nearly half an hour. He was like a husky who had been restrained for too long, waiting to have fun. After enough, return to the stone well!

But this time the riot ended in only a minute or two, which was really against common sense!

"Plop!" As the color of the stars completely dissipated, everyone collapsed to the ground. Bucky, who was the only one who had no damage, quickly helped Carl sit on a wooden chair aside, and instilled the radiant energy from his body into Carl's body, alleviating Carl's pain. Lose your strength!

As for Katyusha and Lord Iron Fist, they looked much miserable. Their bodies were covered with dense wounds, as if they had been tortured!

Especially for Katyusha, most of her natal magical objects were destroyed, causing great damage to her soul. At this time, she almost didn't have the strength to stand up!

The Caucasus is also consuming decades of accumulated energy, slowly repairing the injuries on its bones!

Several people took the time to make adjustments and repairs, but no one noticed the abnormality on Li Wei's face at this time.

In the Eternal Island, the Star Color was restrained in a high altitude area. At this time, it was like a giant python, tossing and turning, trying to find a passage to the outside world!

"Dad, Mom, look! There are so beautiful clouds in the sky!" On the ground, a bored little boy discovered the color of stars. He quickly grabbed his parents who were working next to him, pointed at the sky and shouted loudly. !

Although the humans who entered the Eternal Island from the planet Midwich were rescued by Levi, they still needed to eat, drink, and eat as mortals. Fortunately, the land in the Eternal Island was extremely fertile, so they were able to be self-sufficient and live a peaceful life. Stress-free pastoral life!

Of course, the various talents among the believers have not been buried. With the coordination and help of the White Queen, all kinds of talents can continue to work in the fields they are good at!

Especially those scientific and technological talents can get almost unlimited equipment support from the White Queen. After all, the White Queen can control super polymer materials to make almost all equipment. In the past, only theoretical experiments could be carried out. !

Of course, no matter who you are, the first priority you must have every day is to pray devoutly. The more devout believers are, the more they will find that as they dedicate their faith, the great sun god will send down divine grace, allowing them to Both his mental and physical abilities returned to their peak in a very short period of time, and even began to improve significantly!

This is simply the greatest gift for those scientific researchers! After all, scientists know very well that as they grow older, their physical and mental strength will decline. Therefore, among all believers, scientific and technological talents have the largest proportion of fanatical believers!

Moreover, the White Queen is also preparing to integrate scientific researchers from various systems to feed each other and promote the explosion of science and technology!

Closer to home, when more and more believers saw a very gorgeous and beautiful purple-red cloud in the sky that was constantly changing its shape, they immediately regarded it as a miracle and knelt down to pray!

"What do you want? The sun disc? The power of faith? Or the purified divine power?" Levi observed the movement of the star color with his soul. After a little thought, he opened a hole and released a ray of star color the size of a handkerchief, wanting to see what was attracting the star color.

"Swoosh!" After a ray of star color gained freedom, it first turned a few circles in the air, as if it was a little dizzy, but soon, the other party determined the target it wanted to find, and rushed directly to the sun disc emitting eternal light and heat above its head!

"Is it really for the sun disc?" In this Eternal Island, the highest grade and the most powerful one is the sun disc. After all, it is the natal artifact of a level 7 main god. If there is any treasure that can attract the star color, it is most likely this sun disc!

But Levi's heart once again had doubts. The sun disc came from the main god of the sun, Aten, and the star color was most likely created by Hephaestus. What is the connection between the two?

"Hmm? No!" But the next moment, Levi was surprised to find that although the starlight was rushing towards the sky, it was giving off a very obvious sense of fear, and it was obviously extremely afraid of the sun disk!

But the starlight still rushed towards the sun disk without hesitation, and after a slight circle, the starlight actually sank directly into the victory spear behind the sun disk! (End of this chapter)

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