Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 448 Karen who shouldn’t appear

"Huh?" Levi suddenly came outside the wooden house and saw in the mid-air not far away. At this time, there was a man wearing a blue tights and a red cloak, with a golden belt buckled around his waist and chest. There is also an "S" shaped logo on the front, which looks like a Superman man in the comics.

And Levi was very familiar with this man, because he was actually a humanoid creature that was supposed to be trapped on the moon, Karen!

"What does the American government want to do?" Levi's first reaction was that the American government wanted to do something wrong again, so it sent Karen back from the moon again!

The other party seems to want to reap the benefits. At this time, except for Levi, several people in the field are in very bad condition. It is entirely possible that Karen will catch them all, but what benefits can the government gain by doing this?

Moreover, Levi couldn't figure out how Karen secretly entered this sacred mountain. Did he change his identity and hide in the exchange meeting from the beginning?

Also, how did Karen resist the past in the face of the terrifying Star Color? After all, the other party's condition at this time looks very good!

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Several people came outside the house together. Caucasus looked at Karen who was slowly landing on the ground, his brows furrowed. He also found that something was wrong. Caucasus remembered very clearly that he didn't even I didn’t invite the person in front of me to participate in the exchange meeting!

Moreover, other than him and the sacred mountain itself, no one else should have the authority to open and enter the sacrificial site on the sacred mountain, unless the other party is a god!

"Levi! Unexpectedly, we meet again!" But Karen ignored Caucasus' question and just stared at Levi. He was crushed and beaten by Levi, and even one of his eyes was gouged out. Pain and humiliation are tormenting Karen all the time!

But now, Karen feels that he finally has the opportunity and ability to take revenge, and he is naturally a little impatient!

"The eyes have grown, but it seems that you have forgotten the original pain!" Levi glanced at Karen's eyes and knew very well that the other person also had an eye of true seeing.

After all, the Omnipotent Eye is smelted from Karen's eyes, and the price of its use is that whatever eyes Levi fuses, Karen will get the same eyes!

"I haven't forgotten! I don't dare to forget!" As if Levi mentioned the pain, Karen was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and suddenly let out a ferocious roar.

And then Karen seemed to feel that her hysterical appearance would make her look even more weak and incompetent, so she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and murmured, "And, thanks to you for giving me this true sight." It was my eyes that gave me such a great adventure!”

"Oh?" Levi's heart moved. Did the other party use the power of the Eye of True Sight to discover something extraordinary on the moon?

"In return, I will return the pain you gave me a thousand times!"

"Boom!" As soon as Karen finished speaking, he stood in the void and punched Levi suddenly. The violent, pure and powerful power was released from the tip of his fist, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

Ripples of power visible to the naked eye appeared in the space, and spread in all directions. With Karen as the center, the woods and aberrations within a radius of dozens of kilometers were instantly turned into powder under the action of the ripples, but this temple was the center of the circle. The wooden house that looked very dilapidated is still standing!

In particular, it seems that his heart is full of resentment towards Levi, so Karl's punch actually exudes a trace of anger, like a volcanic eruption. This kind of thing similar to the punch in the novel shows that Karen has actually vaguely understood With the slightest hint of law, the power of this punch directly doubled several times!

Therefore, although the main target of this punch was Li Wei, everyone in the wooden house only felt that the gravity on their bodies increased sharply, and there was a faint burning and stinging feeling on their skin, and even the air in their lungs felt... After being squeezed clean, the hairs all over my body stood up, and my heart was filled with the fear of a catastrophic impending disaster!

Even Caucasus, who was proud of his body, couldn't help but have the thought of being "invincible" in his mind, so everyone dodge in all directions!

"Huh? Some progress!" Faced with Karl's punch that he had been saving for who knows how long, Levi couldn't help but nod and praise.

In terms of pure strength, Karen's punch reached at least tens of millions of tons of power, which was much stronger than the last battle. It was even stronger than the power shown by Levi that day. No wonder it got stuck. Lun is confident to come to trouble Levi!

Although I don’t know what kind of adventures Karen had in this short period of time, which allowed her strength to soar to such an extent, but while Karen was growing up, Levi also received huge improvements, and even improved The magnitude is far beyond the other party’s imagination!

The next moment, in Karen's surprised eyes, she found that Levi was actually standing there without dodging, preparing to receive his full force punch!

"Arrogant!" Karen's eyes were cold, but he didn't think Levi could take the punch, so he couldn't help but snorted angrily, "Damn it! I made you die so easily!"

"Boom!" The next moment, an extremely violent roar was heard from in front of the wooden house, like two huge copper bells colliding. The harsh sound waves even made Carl and others unable to help but close their eardrums!

And after this invisible and qualityless power was transferred to Levi, a dark red fire-like energy reaction suddenly exploded in place, like a volcano erupting, or like a meteorite hitting the earth, violent and hot The power is bombarded in all directions. This is an intuitive manifestation of the power of the law of anger contained in Karen's fist power!

"Li Wei! What's going on? Why doesn't he hide?" Several Caucasian people watching the battle not far away also looked in the direction of Li Wei with frowns. Since they could dodge, why did Li Wei not do anything? What about hard resistance without resistance?

Moreover, they all knew that Karen had come with bad intentions, but they were greatly damaged in combat. Therefore, in this situation, everyone was naturally on the same front, and of course they did not want Li, who was also at the top of the combat spectrum. Wei had an accident!

"Could it be that there was something else in that punch just now? Did it stop Levi?" Katyusha looked at Karen solemnly. Even if she was at her peak, she would never be able to withstand Karen's punch!

"It's possible! I felt an extremely powerful and terrifying will from that punch. If I had been targeted by that punch, my body and soul would have been shaken, and I would have been completely unable to think of escaping or resisting!" Iron Fist The Venerable also spoke at this time, his voice hoarse.

"Huh? What! How is this possible!" But the next moment, as the strange phenomenon at the impact of the punch slowly dissipated, everyone was stunned. They saw that Levi, who took the punch without any resistance, was actually unscathed. Stand still!

"Karen, I may disappoint you again!" (End of this chapter)

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