Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 469 Level 8 Life Form

"Level 8 life form?" Levi was surprised. He had always guessed that they were enemies of the two major gods, Zeus and Odin, and one or more more powerful hostile gods!

But Levi didn't expect that the enemy of the two major gods, Zeus and Odin, was actually a terrifying level 8 life form!

This is the first time that Levi has received information about the exact existence of life forms of this level. Previously, Levi speculated that perhaps level 7 life forms are the top existences in the universe!

Because level 7 life forms are so powerful, not to mention planets, even huge celestial bodies like the Milky Way may be just toys in their palms!

Levi's thinking simply cannot understand what kind of existence a level 8 life form is!

At the same time, what Levi found difficult to understand was that although Zeus and Odin were both main gods at the level of universe overlords, they were only level 7 beings after all. How could they be so unwise to offend a level 8 being!

After reaching this realm, Levi understood even more how big the gap was between the gods at each level, especially the higher up, the bigger the gap would be!

Therefore, in Levi's view, the battle between the two main gods Odin and Zeus and a level 8 god is simply the same as a mortal challenging a god!

"Yes! We didn't know until the war started that the enemies of Ragnarok turned out to be such terrifying entities!" The silver divine light in Moon God's eyes swayed like ripples, revealing the same extremely uneasy emotions.

Although Moon God is a god, as a new god, he is still at the bottom of the divine system. Their new gods only know that they must gather all their strength to fight a terrifying enemy, but they do not think about the opponent they are fighting. He is actually a level 8 god!

Before that, Moon God had never come into contact with level 8 life forms, and he was not even sure whether there were existences of that level in the universe!

"Why? How did you offend such an existence?" Levi asked doubtfully.

"I don't know either!" Moon God shook his head. "Tens of thousands of Kabal years ago, there was already a legend about Ragnarok in the pantheon! It is said that somewhere in the universe, an enemy of the gods sleeps. , when he wakes up, he will kill our entire pantheon!"

"It's just that at that time we didn't believe that there would be that kind of existence in the universe, because our god system and our main god were too powerful! Among the races in the universe and many god systems, our god system is the top existence!"

Recalling the glory that once shone on the boundless star field, the Moon God couldn't help but let out a sigh. After all, such a powerful Zeus god system has now turned into history, leaving only her, a little new god, lingering!

Levi does not believe that there is love without reason in this world, and he also does not believe that there is hatred without reason! There is definitely some kind of grudge that is unknown to outsiders between Zeus, Odin, Helios, and that level 8 life form!

"Do you know the information about that level 8 god?" Levi asked a little cautiously. Even when the name of a god is mentioned, he will feel it, let alone such an existence. Levi doesn't want to attract his attention. !

"I don't know!" Moon God shook his head directly, "In the battle at Ragnarok, I didn't see that person at all! The task of us new gods is to cooperate with several ancient gods in the gods to deal with them. There was a demonic wolf guarding the portal for that level 8 being, and I was seriously injured by that demonic wolf when I met him, and fell into a deep sleep!"

Among the gods, Moon Goddess was almost at the bottom, so she was also the first god to be eliminated. However, this shameful record made her the only survivor of the battle that year!

"A few ancient gods led dozens of new gods to fight against a demonic wolf?" Li Wei was shocked, "And the demonic wolf is just a gatekeeper?"

"Yes!" Moon God nodded, "The plan of the main gods back then was to take action while that level 8 being was sleeping. They did not seek to kill with one strike, but only wanted to weaken the opponent as much as possible! And that level 8 being Sleeping in a huge and desolate planet, the demon wolf is guarding the surface of the planet! "

"And because of the energy transformation that was released when the Level 8 being was sleeping, the planet was almost as tough as the main god's kingdom. Therefore, if you want to get close to that being, you must first get rid of the demonic wolf!"

"Is that demon wolf called Fenrir?" Levi suddenly said as if he thought of something.

"Huh? How do you know?" There was a look of surprise on Moon God's face. Except for the gods who participated in Ragnarok back then, how could outsiders know this information? Moon God even guessed in his heart, could it be that Levi had also been in contact with that person? Bit exists?

"Sure enough!" Levi suddenly realized. Not long ago, he got a magical collar from the self-sealing place of the Goddess of Pain, but that collar was directly integrated with the thunder ingot chain to form an artifact called the Wolf-Binding Lock!

According to the introduction of the book, the Wolf Chain is a powerful artifact created by the two main gods Zeus and Odin, led by their gods, and it is also a directional artifact specifically targeted at Fenrir. Its only function is to bind and control the demon wolf Fen. Lille!

Moreover, the book also said that Fenrir was the guardian of a powerful sleeping person, which was completely consistent with the information about the demon wolf spoken by the Moon God!

Levi guessed in his mind that although the demon wolf Fenrir was very strong, he was certainly no match for Zeus and other powerful ancient gods. However, they still chose to capture the demon wolf Fenrir alive, most likely because they wanted to control Fenrir by manipulating him. A level 8 being performs a backstab, and even has other more important role tasks!

But what confuses Levi the most is why is the collar part of this crucial prop artifact in the hands of Aragons, the goddess of pain?

Moreover, as the daughter of Zeus, Aragons was sent away by Zeus before the Ragnarok war, so it is basically certain that the collar was secretly taken away by Aragons, but why did the other party do this? Sabotaging her father's important plans?

Of course, the true soul of Aragons happened to be in the hands of Li Wei. When there is time, he can naturally awaken it and get the reason why she did what she did back then.

"Is there any information about that level 8 existence?" Levi quickly digested and connected the relevant information in his mind, and continued to ask the moon god.

"No more! I'm just a new god, and I'm not a strong war god yet, so I don't know much information!" Moon God shook his head, and then seemed to think of something again, and said with some hesitation, "By the way, what happened back then? One of the main gods mentioned during the conversation that level 8 life forms no longer seem to be called gods, but are collectively called Titans!" (End of this chapter)

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