Mei Zong’s opening fatal turn

Chapter 486 Death Teleportation

Duma thought that the conditions he had given were extremely generous. After all, in his opinion, at the level of gods, most of them were kings of their own, and there were very few frictions, let alone deadly battles!

Moreover, the universe is so big that even the gods don’t know where the edge of the universe is, whether there is an edge in the universe, and it is impossible for friction to occur due to resources!

As the true top life form in this universe, gods have endless lifespan and infinite power. How could they fight for life and death for something insignificant?

Not to mention that the power of Duma at this time is infinitely close to that of a level 7 ancient god. He believes that as long as Li Wei is not stupid, he will definitely choose to trade with him!

"Boom!" However, what Duma never expected was that Levi would respond with a straight punch.

Moreover, during Levi's punch, his body exploded at the speed of light, and his height directly changed from about two meters to the body of a god with a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. An ordinary punch was as huge as a star at this time!

I saw that in the space that was completely turned into darkness after being blocked by the Duma barrier, a light that was more dazzling than a supernova explosion suddenly burst out. The space surged and the barrier shattered. It was obvious that the punch contained extremely powerful and pure energy. the power of!

After all, in Levi's current state of divine body, he doesn't even know how powerful his power is. Levi even has a feeling in his heart that he can easily push and lift the entire galaxy!

"What!" Levi's punch was too fast, and Duma, who originally wanted to dodge, was shocked to find that this punch contained a sure-hit rule. He could not dodge except to block it, and could only incite it. The seven pairs of wings on the back block the chest, forming a wing shield!

After igniting the divine fire, Levi also began to quickly understand the sure-hit law attached to the victory spear, and was able to use this law in any of his attacks!

"Boom!" But the next moment, the shield formed by these seven pairs of wings was directly pierced by Levi's punch!

"How is this possible!" Duma, who was behind the wings and shield, looked down at the fist arm that had been pierced through the chest. Dark red blood like lava was dripping from the wound, and there was a look of disbelief in Duma's eyes.

Duma has now devoured and fused two younger brothers, and his divine body has also been strengthened to a level comparable to that of the ancient gods. But even so, Duma's body still looks fragile in the face of Levi's fist!

"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, Levi shook his arm violently, which directly shook Duma's body into countless pieces. At the same time, the divine power on his arm turned into the incombustible sun fire, igniting these fragments of the divine body. It seemed that there were suddenly many pieces of the divine body in the universe. Hundreds of stars, large and small, emerged and turned into ashes!

"Buzz!" Just the next moment, with a flash of silver-gray divine power, Duma, who had been turned into flying ash, returned to his original state.

The body of a god has an almost infinite ability to regenerate, and physical damage will have no impact at all!

The reason why the gods are powerful is because their bodies and souls have been integrated with the omnipresent laws of the universe. Unless the source of the laws in the gods' bodies is completely destroyed, the gods will be immortal!

But at this time, there was a solemn look in Duma's eyes, because although he restored his body instantly, the very powerful power of law contained in the sun fire just now, actually attacked Duma's divine body and The soul has been obviously consumed!

This shows that Levi's understanding of the law has completely surpassed and even been able to crush Duma!

"Ancient God?" Duma had an idea in his mind that he couldn't understand. Only the Ancient God could crush him in this extreme state, but Duma was sure that Li Wei's The life level is definitely only level 6!

"So that's it!" Levi put down his fist, with a look of surprise on his face. In the attack just now, Levi discovered that Duma's divine body had long been separated from the realm of flesh and blood. Every cell in the opponent's divine body, They all seem to be composed of the devil's laws understood by the other party!

If you want to cause effective damage to Duma, you must be able to annihilate the law condensed in the opponent's body!

The most effective and common way to do this is to use different laws to kill each other. The deeper, more, and stronger the laws you understand, the naturally able to crush the power of weaker laws!

Of course, if the power mastered reaches a certain level, it can also cause wear and tear on the laws that constitute the gods. For example, if someone is powerful enough to destroy the universe with one punch, then naturally he can easily kill the gods!

"Buzz!" After recovering, Duma, who was shocked in his heart, directly mobilized powerful divine power to infuse the vertical eyes between his eyebrows, because Duma knew that in this situation where the enemy was strong and he was weak, he had to take the initiative to attack, because Duma himself was also A god who "attacks high and defends low".

Of course, the so-called high attack and low defense is precisely because of the vertical eye between Duma's eyebrows. This vertical eye comes from the ancient god like Li Wei's left arm, but the former owner of this vertical eye was the demon clan. Lord God!

"Boom!" With the infusion of divine power, this vertical eye was slowly pushed open like a giant door, with a very powerful and terrifying power surging behind it. When the vertical eye was fully opened, something emerged from it. Shoot out a majestic energy that is as solid as a silver-gray metal pillar!

"Dang!" Facing this attack, Levi raised his left hand, and then a golden round shield appeared in his hand. The collision of the two sent out an extremely strong energy tide that swept in all directions, wiping out hundreds of people around him. All matter within light years!

"This is the main artifact?!" Looking at the golden round shield in Li Wei's hand, Duma was shocked, but he continued to pour more divine power into the vertical eye because he discovered the faint presence on the round shield in Li Wei's hand. crack!

"Crack!" Sure enough, when the vertical eye shot out with more violent power, the cracks on the surface of the sun disk began to gradually appear, and there were signs of spreading!

"Huh?" Levi looked at the sun disk that was close to its limit. After thinking for a moment, he put it away directly. At the same time, a ball of dark and terrifying energy burst out from his right eye, which represented the power of the dark star. This energy Not only did it easily block Duma's vertical eye, but the power of annihilation contained in it also began to disintegrate the power in the vertical eye!

"What!" Duma's heart was shaking wildly. This was the first time he had seen an existence that could disintegrate the power of the law, especially the terrifying power that was like the poison of the tarsal bone. It actually spread into the vertical eye along with the energy emitted. among!

"Not good!" Duma only felt severe pain in the vertical eye. The power of the law of the vertical eye of dimension order began to be eliminated by the strange force. If the vertical eye was destroyed, then Duma would probably die. Level dropped!

"You forced me to do this!" At this time, Duma's eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and with a thought in his mind, he saw eleven strange talismans shining with various colors of light appearing around his vertical eyes, which represented the demon Lord God. The eleven powers!

"Buzz!" Then, these eleven talismans began to flash and rotate around Li Wei, shattering the space, forming a space passage, and directly teleporting Li Wei in!

"Bang!" As Levi disappeared, most of the eleven divine talismans also collapsed, and the vertical eyes that originally shone with divine light also disappeared, leaving only a dark red mark between Duma's eyebrows.

The power that was originally infinitely close to a level 7 existence in Duma's body has also declined by most. It is obvious that the method just used has caused huge and irreparable damage to Duma!

"Damn it!" Duma wiped away the remaining divine blood between his eyebrows, feeling furious in his heart. That was the ultimate trump card of raising eyes between his eyebrows - death teleportation!

Death teleportation is the natural talent of the demon Lord God. By sacrificing his own divine eyes, he opens a door to space and forcibly teleports the enemy to the nearest and most dangerous realm where death is almost 100% possible!

This kind of teleportation is uncontrollable. Even Duma doesn't know where Levi is at this time, but if he goes to the extremity area selected through sacrifice, even the main god-level existence will definitely die!

After all, the demon lord sacrificed two of his three eyes before his death, thus dying together with the two lords who besieged him!

However, for Duma, although he felt that Li Wei would definitely die, he still suffered a huge loss. Not only did he not get the Sky Serpent Talisman, but because of the dissipation of the main god's power, he permanently gave up the hope of becoming a level 7 ancient god. ! (End of chapter)

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