"We finally arrived in South Dakota!" Levi drove on the highway and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the huge road signs on the side of the road.

After vaguely realizing that the Divine Transformation Society might be connected with some high-level government officials, Levi suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart. He killed the pig-headed puppet and was now most likely exposed to the sight of the FBI and the Divine Transformation Society. middle.

The FBI only needs to check Zeke's call records to easily determine Levi's identity!

Although Li Wei has now reached the limit of a Level 2 life form and possesses great power in every gesture, the Divine Transformation Society that can survive and develop under the eyes of the Church of All Souls is definitely not someone to be trifled with!

The opponent must have a level 3 or even level 4 aberration! Levi is afraid that he will not be able to get a good deal from those beings!

Therefore, after receiving Zeke's notice, Levi threw away his mobile phone, removed the GPS in the car, replaced it with a stolen license plate, and even spray-painted the car himself to change the color of the car.

Although he could not hide for long under the tracking and investigation of violent agencies such as the FBI, it could be delayed for a few days, which was enough for Levi to go to All Souls Church.

Afterwards, we traveled non-stop, day and night, and finally arrived in South Dakota after spending a day and a night.

Moreover, the headquarters of All Souls Church is located in South Dakota, so the probability that the Divine Transformation would dare to come here should be low. He should be considered safe now!

Looking back on the journey, Levi sighed deeply. He only traveled half of the United States, but he encountered three waves of aberrations, the Masked Killer, Vincent the Pig-Headed Butcher, and the Pig-Headed Puppet!

If ordinary people were to encounter one, they would definitely die. It is no wonder that the United States, with a population of only 300 million people, has nearly 200,000 missing people every year!

"Boom! Boom!" At this moment, a muffled thunder in the sky interrupted Levi's sigh.

Li Wei looked up and saw that the sun was shining brightly and the weather was dry and hot just a second ago. At this time, a thick layer of dark clouds was slowly covering the air. A gust of wind blew, and the already empty road was even more crowded. It was flying sand and rocks, and the car glass was hit by gravel and made a "click" sound.

South Dakota is located in the western part of the United States. Extreme weather is very common, especially since Levi is now close to the edge of the Badlands Desert. Extremely hot weather, sandstorms, and tornadoes are commonplace.

The road Levi was driving on was in a desert of sand and gravel. Not to mention trees and jungles, there was not even a withered grass around. It was completely empty and without any obstruction. Therefore, as the weather suddenly changed, there was a sudden wind blowing on the road. A crosswind that could almost blow people away.

"Buzz!" At this moment, an engine roar suddenly came from the empty road behind, and then a huge silver Mercedes-Benz pickup truck passed directly by Levi.

"Tsk, tsk!" Levi raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this. The Mercedes-Benz pickup truck was seven or eight meters long in front and back, and had a total of 6 heavy off-road tires, 2 in the front and 4 in the rear. It looked extremely wild and domineering!

Levi also saw this car in a magazine a few months ago. It is a Mercedes-Benz X-Class 6x6 pickup truck. It is said that it is the only one in the world and it was completely customized by a mysterious rich man!

The huge size gives the pickup truck a huge mass, allowing the pickup truck to move forward steadily at a speed of more than 100 yards even in such strong winds.

Levi's car was already larger than a normal car, but it was still moved sideways under the crosswind. Levi was worried that the steering shaft would be damaged, so he could only move slowly at a speed of twenty or thirty yards. .

"Rich old man!" Through the black light-shielding glass of the Mercedes-Benz, Levi clearly saw a man in the driver's seat, about sixty years old, with half-white hair, wearing a tuxedo, with a cigar in his mouth. His face was expressionless but he couldn't hide the arrogance in his bones.

On the passenger seat of the other party, there was a rather conspicuous shotgun bag. Considering the current season, the other party was probably coming to South Dakota to hunt black-tailed deer or bighorn sheep.

Although bighorn sheep are protected animals, for these wealthy people, they only need to spend a small amount of money to bribe the local police station and animal protection personnel, and they do not even need to apply for a hunting license.

And for these rich people, ordinary animals cannot arouse their interest at all. Only by hunting some different ones can they show the difference between themselves and ordinary people.

"Click! Click!" As countless large and small gravels hit the car door, the window glass was quickly worn and cracked with dense cracks.

Fortunately, this extreme wind came and went quickly. Within half an hour, the strong wind and dark clouds dissipated, the sky cleared, and the weather returned to a scorching sun.

Levi slowly parked his car on the side of the road and circled around his car. He found that the right side of the car that had been facing the strong wind was full of cracks in the glass and the door bezel was also badly worn.

"Hey!" Levi sighed helplessly. It had only been a few days since he bought the SUV and it had turned into this. Even though Levi was not short of money now, he felt slightly distressed.

"Huh?" He drove back on the road and after traveling for more than ten kilometers along the road, Levi found a sightseeing car converted from a bus overturned under the road.

Levi got off the bus and walked to the sightseeing bus. The bus's engine was still slightly hot. It was probably because of the sandstorm just now that the bus ran off the road and rolled over.

Although the bus was littered with debris and there were faint traces of dripping blood, there was no body of the injured in the bus, indicating that the people in the bus were not seriously injured.

Levi raised his head and glanced around, and saw the dense footsteps near the bus and the movement traces leading to the west. From the footsteps left on the ground, Levi judged that there were almost twenty people on the bus.

Levi unfolded the paper map and discovered that there was a small town named Roland more than ten kilometers away in that direction. The people in the bus should be planning to go to seek help.

Although there are a large number of coyotes in the wilderness, it is noon at this time, and the probability of the coyotes coming out to hunt is very small. By the evening, it is enough for those people to walk to the town.

"Bang!" Just as Li Wei was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head to look to the west. Far beyond the hearing of ordinary people, Li Wei faintly heard a burst of gunshots.

The gunshots came from the same shotgun, and the shooting intervals were steady. It didn't look like a group of people shooting in a hurry after encountering a pack of coyotes, but more like a hunter leisurely hunting a pack of prey!

Levi's heart moved slightly, and he drove in the direction where the gunshots came from. When he drove to a small slope, he saw a dozen human corpses lying in a mess on the plain below. The blood flowing out formed a stream on the dry sand!

Obviously, these people who got off the bus became someone's prey!

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