Looking at the mushroom cloud dissipating on the screen, and the containment 096 that continued to advance, all onlookers knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. was powerless to stop 096.

Chen Feng put down the happy water and said lightly: “The defense line of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been breached, and 2B has the task force ready, and they can act.” ”

Miss 2B very dutifully played the role of adjutant and said: “Okay commander, I will convey your instructions immediately. ”

Whether it’s Nick. Fury, or Coulson, now they have a whole new understanding of containment.

It’s hard to believe that a creature, and a living being about the size of a human, can not only run at a speed comparable to a supercar.

What is even more terrifying is that even the nuclear weapons that mankind is proud of cannot stop it in the slightest.

Can we still defeat such a monster?

Everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. fell into deep self-doubt.

Instead, it was the people of Hydra who were very excited.

Such a powerful containment, such a powerful 096, if anyone controls it, wouldn’t it be controlling a terrible superweapon?

That’s not invincible!

At this time, in the base of the Foundation’s paradise island, the huge underground hangar, the alarm lights flashed

This is the air base of the A-class headquarters of the Foundation Paradise Island, and a mobile contingent has long been ready to go.

With the dim red light of the warning light, a group of soldiers wearing black combat uniforms, armed to the teeth, lined up in 10 lines.

They are the cornerstone of the Foundation, MTF Mobile Task Force!

MTF Mobile Task Force NU-7, drop hammer!

The Armed Mobile Task Force, the Drop Hammer, is a battalion detachment consisting of three special infantry, a mechanized armored battalion, and a heavy tank company.

There is also a helicopter group, a chemical-biological-radiation-nuclear (CBRN) company, a combat engineer battalion, a nuclear weapons expert (NWS) team, and a brigade-sized mobile contingent of additional combat experts and support personnel.

Around them are infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, armored vehicles, logistics vehicles.

Behind them are 48 V-44X Blackfish and 8 AH-99 heavy attack helicopters with countless boxes of various equipment, ammunition weapons.

If any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is here, I’m afraid he will exclaim, because the equipment of these soldiers and the vehicles in the base are at least 20 years ahead of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, they were ready to go, and their fighting spirit was high.

The commander of the Drop Hammer Mobile Task Force was briefing the key officers of the Task Force.

“According to the highest instructions of the director of the foundation, the Drop Hammer Task Force is required to go to a farm outside New York to house 096.”

“Once again, the mission consists of two parts, namely the special containment operation part and the vigilance intervention part.”

“The containment force will contain 096, and other vigilance units need to be responsible for guarding the enemy.”

“According to reliable intelligence, our enemy may have Chaos Splinters waiting in the dark.”

“In order to ensure that there is no large-scale civilian death, we will be the first to dispatch, Commander Chen Feng said, and will deploy the Hell Parachute Task Force as our backup.”

“But what I want to say is, let them be the backup, this mission is enough to use our drop hammer”

“Mission briefing is over, MTF, do you have any questions?”

“No problem, sir!”

“Then go back to our respective teams, deliver the mission briefing, and we’re about to go!”


At this time, the green light comes on, indicating that the base is ready for a sortie, and the contingent commander does not talk too much nonsense. Instructions for sorties were immediately given.

“It’s a green signal! Special advance team departure! ”

“Hurry up, get on board! It’s time to go, it’s time to go! ”

The takeoff director waved the flag in his hand, followed by a ground crew in a yellow reflective vest giving a thumbs up to the Hercules pilot.

Then the huge engine roar of the 12 V44 Blackfish, which were the advance party, sounded.

The special containment unit, which is the advance party, will depart first to begin the containment operation and fly to New York.

Somewhere along the coast of Paradise Island, the platform of the base opened, and then one V-44X Blackfish after another took off along the underground runway.

About 20 minutes later, the second batch was loaded with armored vehicles, and the remaining 36 V-44X Blackfish transport helicopters of the tanks took off.

With the radar deliberately turned on, a huge fleet of aircraft appeared in the airspace near Los Angeles and flew quickly towards New York.

Not long after, in New York, Coulson received a report from his men.

“What? Found a lot of UFOs? Is the foundation out there? ”

He immediately called, “Chief Nick, it seems that the air power of the Foundation has been dispatched!” ”

Nick. Fury took the phone, heard the news, and said in a shocked voice: “What foundation is dispatched?” ”

Then he let out a long sigh: “It can only be handed over to them, that monster… It is not something that humans can defeat at all, can he really be contained? ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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