“This is the Hayabusa squadron, which has come to the designated airspace and began to carry out interception missions.”

“Here is Hayabusa 01, radar detected the signal source, azimuth 021, distance 15KM.

“Target locked, AIM200D, two launched!”

The radar range is 15KM, but the Hayabusa squadron’s fighters have already locked on to the three F35A.

The AIM200D is a sixth-generation hypersonic air-to-air missile with speeds of up to Mach 12.

Six AIM200D hypersonic missiles burst into the air with a strong sonic boom.

The huge friction with the air looks like 6 shining meteors dragging tail flames.

The missile is technically almost two generations apart, which leads to almost no reaction time for the F35A.

When the pilot of the Chaos Splinter just saw the alarm light in the cabin go on, the alarm went off like crazy, and he was locked by an air-to-air missile.

He first heard several violent roars.

He only saw a dazzling flash of fire through the HUD of his helmet.

The F-35A didn’t even have time to dodge the dodge, and the pilot urgently put down the parachute ejection, and the next second saw his plane burst into a huge fireball in the air.

“MAYDAY! MADYDAY! I was hit! The engine failed, the hydraulic fire started! Damn it! ”

“Where is the enemy! To hell with nothing to see on the radar! ”

3 F-35A, such an advanced fifth-generation aircraft, actually did not even see the enemy on the radar, and they were shot down in an instant.

You know, this is the most advanced fifth-generation aircraft, this is the F-35A! Even the enemy could not see it, so he was locked and shot down from a dozen kilometers away!

Military experts often predict that the battle between 5th generation aircraft will be a return to the dog fights of World War I, World War II propeller aircraft.

But now the side of subverting common sense has appeared in front of them.

Three of the most advanced F35A of the White Eagle Federation did not even see the shadow of the enemy aircraft, and were shot down by the enemy from more than ten kilometers away beyond the visual range.

That’s because the F/A-181 Black Sabre’s radar is only 20 years ahead of the current level.

And such a fighter is just a basic fighter in the foundation.

Knowing that the fighter he sent was shot down, Ophelia’s brows furrowed slightly.

I didn’t expect that the Foundation’s fighters were so powerful that the Air Force sent out by itself did not even play a role in containment.

But the arrow had to be fired on the string, and Ophelia gritted her silver teeth, picked up the radio and gave the order to attack.

“The end of chaos is coming, make the enemies of chaos tremble, be afraid!”

“The attack begins!”

“Chaos is coming!! Chaos is coming! ”

With a cheer over the intercom, the 702nd and 703rd battalions of the Drop Hammer Task Force, which were on guard, were attacked by artillery fire at this moment.

“Report, encounter the enemy, suspected Chaos Splinter, the enemy has a certain mechanized power, equipped with at least 105 mm caliber artillery is attacking us.”

“When will the 705 Heavy Armoured Battalion complete its deployment?”

“It takes another 10 minutes, sir.”

Hans was just about to give an order, when he suddenly saw a V-44X command Blackfish transport helicopter slowly docked in the open field next to the farm.

He looked surprised and stepped forward and gave a military salute.

“Sir? You, why are you here? ”

Chen Feng returned a military salute with a slight smile, looked at the surrounding task force, and said with a smile: “Colonel Hans, the Drop Hammer Task Force looks very relaxed.” ”

“Report sir, I don’t think the offensive of the Chaos Splinter is something to fear, after all, this is the territory of the Federation, and our battle will inevitably be controlled within a certain level.”

“Even the Chaos Splinter will definitely not provoke an uncontrollable battle at this time, in an area close to the heart of the Federation.”

“After all, to the world, we are still organizations hidden in the shadows.”

“This means that they can’t use too much heavy firepower, and even the air force that can be mobilized is extremely limited, and now air supremacy is in our hands, with the presence of the Hayabusa squadron, their large-scale sorties will only become targets for gunboats.”

When Chen Feng heard Colonel Hans’s report, the smile on his face widened, and he nodded with satisfaction: “Well done, Colonel Hans, but I think they may invest the all-powerful assault force and come here.” ”

Hans looked confused: “Sir, the 096-shy man has been contained, and now that V-44X Blackfish will return to the base under the escort of the Hayabusa squadron, what value is there here?” ”

Chen Feng looked at the confused subordinates, did not continue to be a riddler, and said his intentions, “Of course, it’s because, I’m here.” ”

“The top leader of a foundation is here, do you say it will be worth more than 096?”

“Perhaps today we can see the extraordinary power invested by the Chaos Splinter.”

Hearing this, Colonel Hans’s eyes widened and he argued: “But sir, I think you should return to the headquarters, as the supreme commander of the foundation, you…”

“Don’t worry, Hans, everything is under control, I would like to see what kind of means the Chaos Splinter can come up with.”

After that, Chen Feng walked straight to the farmer’s house, which had become the temporary headquarters of the Drop Hammer Task Force.

Colonel Hans smiled bitterly, then glared at several contingent soldiers around him and roared: “Don’t disgrace the Drop Hammer Task Force!” Nail that bunch of bastards to the perimeter positions! ”

PS: “The update in the past two days is very rubbish, very sorry, because the author’s old occupational disease attack, lumbar muscle strain caused the lumbar spine pain is terribly, there is no way to sit well in the codeword, even went to the hospital physiotherapy acupuncture twice to get better, the body has recovered, tomorrow should be able to 5 more guarantee.”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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