At the same time, after a series of enlightenments by Banner, the Hulk also changed back from the previous big man.

Two Banners at the same time!

Seeing this, Luo Feng immediately unlocked the curse blue power used against the Hulk.

It looks like the two are about to merge together!

I saw that the two palms held each other, and at the same time, the two charms also combined, and then became a complete charm!

Ahh --

Only to hear a roar, a bright light flashed.

This huge movement is even more unclear to the superheroes not far away.

"It feels good to be back."

Banner gasped as if he had just experienced many things.

"Get ready to fight."

Luo Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

Seeing this scene, Ben was also stunned.

"So say... Ready to do it, right? "

"These militaries are trying to control the Hulk and make it a military bioweapon."

"I won't let them get away with it!"

"That's why I've resisted for so long."

"It's okay, after today, I will give you shelter, enough to get you out of all this!"

Between words, Banner's figure became taller, and then the muscles of his whole body loomed.

He has become the Hulk again, but compared to the emotionally unstable Hulk before, the Hulk in front of him is obviously much more rational!

"Big man, get ready to escape from here! Confrontation with them will only be an endless fight. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Hulk jumped and jumped up to a hundred meters in the air on the spot.

At this time, many gunners under Ross aimed at the Hulk!

"This is the ultimate battle, Hulk!"

Boom -

The intensity of this artillery fire is that even he can hardly dodge!

But in this regard, Luo Feng just snorted coldly.

As the palm slowly raised, many artillery fire stopped in the air at the same moment, and they did not move!

It's as if time has stopped!

Look at 363 here, Ross is stunned.

This powerful ability, the impression seems to be only ...

"General, I think you should look over there!"

The men exclaimed, and Ross then looked in the direction pointed by the other party.

"Is this this... Mutants who killed Magneto? "

"Nick Fury, what are your people doing!"

Ross was anxious, and his face turned red.

Previously, Magneto was already a huge threat to this world point, but now Magneto is dead, and a more powerful mutant has appeared! .

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