
At Lake Alcali.

A secret base hidden under a dam.

Here is the military’s X-Weapon program.

Time has existed for decades.

Use mutant abilities to create super soldiers.

Uncle Wolf and Deadpool are among the personnel of this experiment.

William Stryker, is in charge!

He looked at the news of ‘asking for a son’.

And the growing number of applicants.

There was intense anger and resentment in his eyes.

“Damn mutants, is this trying to blend into humans?”

“Want to use money to give birth to children with humans, and then Bo’s human sympathy!”

“And those guys from the military, under the threat of Professor X, actually withdrew the blockade of X Academy!”

Recently, mutants have made frequent appearances to fight evil.

He sensed something was wrong.

Now the matter of asking for a child is out.

There is also the push of the TikTok APP.

Things come together, and a conclusion is drawn.

Mutants want to blend in with the masses.

Take advantage of public opinion in society to slowly accept mutants.

And then live in the sun.

“Very good scheme.”

“According to the group of stupid people in the political world who only care about interests, maybe it will really make you successful!”

“Unfortunately, I won’t give you this opportunity!”

Stryker’s eyes flashed with madness.

“Mutants, such disgusting creatures, should be exterminated!”

Beside him, the deputy couldn’t help but say: “Under the continuous brainwashing of the Doule APP, the wind direction of society has changed somewhat.” ”

“Many people, when referring to mutants, are no longer simply disgusted, but more careless.”

Stryker nodded.

As the existence of mutants has been studied for decades.

He paid more attention to the news of mutants than anyone else.

He also read all the comments on the Internet.

“This group of idiots simply does not know that once mutants can live among humans.”

“According to their various mutant abilities, sooner or later they will become the great enemy of mankind.”

“This is not a game, it’s a war! War between two species. ”

It has to be said that Stryker’s vision is extremely long-term.

Of course, if it were not for this reason, he would not have been entrusted with a heavy task by the military.

It is impossible to be the great enemy of mutants.

“There must be a way to make everyone dislike mutants again!”

“Moreover, the blow to mutants must also be strengthened!”

He tapped his fingers on the table, feeling a little annoyed.

He then left the room.

Came to the place where the mutants were kept.

There are cages here.

In each cage, there is a mutant.

Many mutants carry mutant suppressors around their necks.

Then he was chained, like a beast.

There are men and women, old and young.

The only thing they have in common is the scars all over their bodies.

It was formed after years of abuse.

See Stryker’s arrival.

Many mutants trembled with fear.

This is after being abused too much.

Physiological responses that occur naturally.

“Give me the iron bar!” Stryker said quietly.

It can be clearly perceived.

The fury that is about to erupt like a volcano.

Soldiers on the side.

Immediately handed over an iron bar.

Stryker held it and roasted it in the fire for a while.

Wait until one end of the iron bar turns red.

Slowly came to a mutant little girl.

A stick was pumped hard.

With a mournful scream.

A satisfied smile appeared on Stryker’s face.

“Yes! Right! That’s it, call it! ”

“Lowly mutants should not exist in this world!”

“Now I want to live under the sun, it’s delusional!”

Gradually, the little girl could no longer scream.

Stryker immediately walked to the next person.

The two soldiers quickly pulled the little girl and went to the medical room for treatment.

A moment later.

Stryker’s heart was much relieved, and he casually threw the iron bar on the ground.

A decision was made in my heart.

“To completely destroy School X. Then let Professor X, using the brainwaver, find out all the mutants in the world! Wipe it all out! ”

Some time ago, he had already received everything about School X from Magneto.

Including, Professor X, who can kill a large number of creatures in an instant with powerful psychic abilities.

“Bring me the Night Stalker!”

Stryker hates mutants because of his son.

The ability is to create illusions.

Because in times of emotion, the ability is out of control.

The torture of life killed the mother.

Since then, Stryker has been filled with resentment towards mutants.

His goal is to completely eliminate mutants from this world!

And Night Stalker is one of the mutants he captured.

The ability is within line of sight and can teleport continuously.

It’s just that it has now been controlled by him with his son’s brain fluid.

became a puppet who followed orders.

The plan to assassinate the president was implemented ahead of schedule.


I want to let the top officials in the political and military understand it thoroughly.

The threat of mutants!

“Mr. President, this time, you may be a little frightened.”

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