The articulate Stark had never been in such an awkward situation.

He only felt that every word asked by the reporters was a scolding word.

A reporter saw the snowflakes on the ground and said excitedly

“Stark, are these snowflakes weather weapons secretly developed by Stark Industries?!”

“Could it be that Stark has been preparing for this crisis for a long time?”

Another reporter saw the remains of weapons on the ground.

“Mr. Stark, the scars on these weapons should be the masterpiece of your new armor.”

Silence, Stark is still silent.

If the questions these reporters ask have the slightest relationship with him, he can use this place as a press conference for Stark Industries.

However, from beginning to end of this big battle, he also fought one or twenty squads of the Zitari.

The rest of the time, he lamented the strength of Kasha.

This is how to let him answer.

There is only silence.

Seeing that Mr. Stark, who spoke best in the Avengers, was actually silent.

Journalists turned to other targets.

They saw Dr. Banner on the side, and in unison passed the microphone to Dr. Banner’s lips.

“Dr. Banner, along the way, we saw a lot of giant shark remains.”

“Presumably this is the work of the Hulk.”

“It seems that in such a long time, Dr. Banner’s strength has grown again.”

“Can you tell us what kind of role you played in this battle?”

“The hole card of the legendary Avengers, is it the Hulk?”

Dr. Banner and Stark looked at each other.

Silence, or silence.

This is all played by Kasha.

Dr. Banner is another man who is not a liar by nature.

What does this have to say.

He could only look at the camera and laugh twice.

Then I consciously ran to a place where the lens could not be found.

The reporters also wanted to interview Thor.

But the name of God is so loud that some journalists are discouraged.

Fortunately, next to Thor, there is also a legend.

Team America.

A well-known figure in the moldy country and a famous war hero.

The reporters rushed up again and shoved the microphone directly next to the American team.

An excited female reporter even burst into tears.

While interviewing:

“Captain, you are the core of the alliance, and this battle of twisting contracts is inseparable from your wisdom.”

“Don’t hide from you, I’m also a fan of yours.”

“Can you tell us how you commanded the Avengers?”

Since just now, the US team has heard the outrageous questions of these reporters.

He could have accepted it.

Journalists are by nature to want to make big news when they have nothing to do.

But the character in his bones made him unable to accept the dust of heroes.

Not to mention the hero who saved a city.

Facing this fanatical female fan, Team America said in a serious tone:

“All viewers.”

“I regret that I have to destroy the Avengers, and even my personal image in your hearts.”

When the US team said this sentence, all the reporters held their breath, and long guns and short cannons were put on the lips of the US team.

What big news is this?!

Team America’s words were stained with his most serious tone:

“The successful escort of this twist does not lie in our battle.”

“Although we fought bravely, most of us only did the tail sweeping and cleaning up the small forces.”

What the!!

The female reporter was dumbfounded.

The Avengers only did the cleanup job!

So many airship fragments outside, so many battleship wrecks.

There are so many alien debris, who did it?!

Could it be that they themselves fell from the sky ?!

The female reporter braced her body.

“Captain, I don’t understand, you, you are all war heroes.”

Team America stretched out his hand towards the portal, his tone full of respect.

“But in the Battle of Twisting, we are not.”

“The real hero is the one who is still fighting in the portal.”

“His name is Kasha.”

“It was he who destroyed the warships that covered the sky and did not let them raze the twist to the ground.”

“It was he who hindered the invasion of the army and did not let the army burn the contract.”

“It’s still him, and he’s still fighting in the portal.”

Team America lowered its shield and gave a military salute to the portal.

“He’s the one you should be interviewing.”

For a while, everything was silent.

All the reporters stopped taking pictures.

They are frantically chewing on the message that the American team has spoken.

The power of one person, saving the twist?!

Mysterious hero Kasha?

Supernumerary heroes from outside the system?!

This, this is typical material on the cover of the news!

The journalists went crazy again.

At this moment, the reporters who were still around Banner and Stark just now ran away for a moment.

All the reporters gathered in front of the portal.

The long gun and short cannon were aimed at the portal.

Even the female reporter who looked like a fan girl to the US team just now turned her head without hesitation.

Shout out to the camera assistant.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! ”

“I’m going to be the first to photograph this hero!”

That’s what all journalists think.

They were all ready by the door.

Inside the portal, there was a fluctuation.

Kasha is coming out.

PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation votes, comments, monthly passes, rewards, thank you Yanzu!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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