
The fleeing ship re-landed and docked in newborn Asgard.

They rushed back so eagerly, not for homesickness.

Rather, participate in the coronation of their new king.

At the top of the temple, Odin himself crowned Kasha.

Under the gaze of all Asgardians.

“God King Kasha! God King Kasha! ”

Looking at Kasha in a royal robe.

Odin saved his belly to be king, but never said it again.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly said:


“Your divine power has surpassed the gods I have seen.”

“But your deeds surpass those of Asgard’s predecessors.”

“So you don’t need anyone’s guidance.”

“Just do what you want, and Asgard will always follow his god-king.”

Odin’s oath was finished.

The crown, a symbol of authority, was worn by him on Kasha.

The people of Asgard raised their fists and shouted;

“Kasha God King!”

“Kasha God King!”

“Originally died for the God King!”

Since Kasha ascended the throne, what he did, these Asgardian gods have all seen in their eyes.

Conquer the Frost Giants and make them all bow down.

Kill Asgard’s great plague, the dark elf, and save the fairy queen Friga.

It was the power of one person that cut off the abyss, the two evil enemies of the flame giant, and solved the Ragnarok from the root.

In their eyes, Xia deserved to be a god king.

On the coronation, relatives, Sol, Loki, Friga, Vera, and other relatives, stood around Kasha.

Thor clapped excitedly, his eyes full of blessing.

Loki smiled faintly and kept pouring wine into his mouth.

Both brothers were using their actions to show their blessings to the new king.

With the addition of the crown of Runi, the divine power of the Taikoo was released.

This is the divine power of the kings of Asgard, and it is constantly nourishing the divine power of Kasha.

Kasha quietly felt this strange power.

It was as if Asgard had become an energy reservoir for him.

Thor, Odin, every Asgardian.

The power of this world belongs to Kasha.

[You have witnessed the power of the primeval world, you have been crowned king of Asgard, you have an epiphany, you have comprehended the realm eternal godhead cultivation method. 】

[You have obtained the Eternal Godhead]

[Immortal and immortal, the godhead is eternal, and the power of the first realm can be used by 03 itself, and the power of the first realm can also be used to nourish itself]

Since then, Kasha has become the Lord of the First Realm.

At the moment when the crown was placed on Kasha’s head, exclamations gradually came from the distant crowd.

“The earth has changed! The earth has changed! ”

“My divine power, my divine power is getting stronger!”

“What a powerful force! Is this Kasha’s divine power?! ”

In the distance, the plants on the earth began to grow, and the original scorched earth began to come to life again.

The clouds were constantly stirring, the flowing water began to become clear, and even the shrine was shining again.

This is the power that countless Asgard Immortal Kings cannot do!

The nearby Immortal Palace warriors even knelt down one after another!

They surrendered to this extremely powerful divine power.

Their mouths chanted Kasha’s name aloud.

“My King Kamui! My King Shenwei! ”

Odin exclaimed:

“Miracle! This is a miracle! ”

“When the World Tree was still alive, I had never seen such a grand event!”

“This must have portended something.”

Frigga laughed:

“The new king will bring prosperity.”

“Under his rule, Asgard will do what the Immortal King has not done!”

When the new king ascends the throne, the first thing Kasha has to do.

It is to deal with the impending crisis.

That is the coming Thanos.

The Hulk returned to Blue Star as soon as he received the Avengers’ call.

The name of the fallen titan Thanos resounded almost throughout the universe.

Everyone knows Thanos’ extreme combat power, and Thanos’ Obsidian Legion.

There is not a single person who is unaware of Thanos’ ambition and strength to destroy the world.

But now, no one in Asgard is flustered.

Just because they have great trust in their god king.

Facing his subordinates, Kasha asked:

“Thanos is coming to Blue Star, what do you think?”

Heimdall next to the throne began to analyze the pros and cons.

“Return to the God King.”

“The balance of the nine realms is quite important for any of us.”

“If we can’t keep the balance! We Asgard, too, will be devoured by it! ”

As a guard of the Immortal Palace, Heimdall has a wide vision.


Kasha answered.

Loki said:

“My King.”

“We should wait for the opportunity, the Obsidian Army has not noticed Asgard for the time being, this is our advantage.”

Hearing the word waiting for the opportunity, Thor was a little angry.

“Loki! Bluestar is my second home! ”

“Steve, a few of them can’t beat Thanos.”

“My king, I ask to go to war.”

Several people were stating their opinions.

Heimdall suddenly exclaimed.

“My King, I can feel it.”

“Thanos’ forces are out of the domain!”

“They’re coming at us!”

Hearing Heimdall’s words, Loki was a little flustered.

As someone who has some connection with Thanos.

Loki was well aware of the might of this fallen titan.

“Heimdall, who are the people here?!”

Heimdall unleashed his divine power and swept through the battleship group:

“General Deadblade, Black Dwarf.”

Hearing these two names, Loki’s expression became even more flustered.

“General Dead Blade!”

“That’s the head of Thanos’s subordinates!”

“It looks like he’s going to swallow Asgard in one fell swoop!”

“I have to think of a plan, I have to have a plan.”

Loki’s flustered expression was seen by the other Asgardian gods.

But there was no reaction.

The gods were calm and waited only for the order of the new king.

It’s a fight, it’s a flight.

Kasha said lightly:

“Since it’s here.”

“Just let them send the body here.”

Kasha Kamui issued a command to declare war, and also issued it.

“I announce, Asgard, war against Thanos.”

At the order, all Asgard gods looked happy.

And the fighters below cheered even more.

Asgard is the land of martial arts.

Bloody and fearless of enemies.

This is the god-king they want.

Tens of thousands of Immortal Palace warriors wore armor and replied:

“Obey the orders of my king!”

“This time, led by the Flame Giant.”

These two small characters can’t make Cassa himself.

Surtel, holding the Sword of Twilight, walked out from outside the city.

Looking at the giant body like the gate of Surtel.

The flames above and below his body are burning the power of darkness.

Many Immortal Palace warriors were secretly frightened.

I can’t imagine that their god kings are such powerful pets!


The Immortal Palace warriors were agitated.

With Kasha’s order, Asgard entered a state of combat readiness.

In the void outside the Immortal Palace.

The Dead Blade General’s fleet group is quietly approaching Asgard.

Among the nine realms, Asgard’s combat power is not weak.

There are strong people like Odin and Thor.

So the Dead Blade General’s movements are quite careful.

“Report to the chief general.”

“Just now, an unknown force is spying on our tracks.”

General Dead Blade said:

“It’s Heimdall, he’s Asgard’s eyes, there’s no need to be afraid.”

“Our goal is the whole of Asgard.”

“He’s just our third target.”

“Odin, Thor is our opponent.”

The Dead Blade General immediately ordered.

“Scout ship, start strafing the ground in Asgard.”

“I need to know outside information about these cities.”

The reconnaissance ship hidden in the darkness released a visiting laser.

The laser swept across the ground in Asgard.

Immediately returned to the image of the reconnaissance fleet.

One picture after another of Asgard appeared in their eyes.

The black dwarf saw Kasha on the throne at a glance.

“Who is this? Why with the crown of Asgard? ”

The Dead Blade General said disdainfully:

“Young life.”

“The new king of Asgard, he doesn’t look daunted.”

“Seeing our army coming, they will definitely surrender or escape.”

Most of the creatures between the universes.

After seeing Thanos’ fleet of ships, he fled.

Or surrender immediately.

This is nothing new to the duo.

The Dead Blade General continued to order. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Scout, strafe the terrain of Asgard.”

“I want to see if these people are ready to run away again.”

Thanos personally ordered the two to slaughter Asgard.

So the two did not have the slightest softness this time.

It is to sweep Asgard.

Not only power gems.

It is even more necessary to completely destroy Asgard.

The news came back, and the reconnaissance ship in front responded.

“Back to the general, they have no intention of escaping.”

“Even quite a few Asgardian soldiers are already preparing for battle?”

“Out of battle?!”

These words made the Dead Blade General hear strangely.

They actually want to fight?

They didn’t already see Thanos’ fleet.

Black Dwarf has a mouth of blood.

Burst out laughing.

“This little god king thinks he can beat us.”

“I didn’t run away.”

“Interesting, Dead Blade, let me go.”

“I’m going to fight him personally.”

Dead Blade’s expression was silent.


“Entire fleet, remove stealth mode.”

“I’m going to talk to them personally.”

The shrine of Asgard.

The Asnarok warriors, led by Thor and Valkyrie, had lined up in formation.

Odin put on his armor again and planned to go on a campaign under the orders of the god king.

Thousands of Immortal Palace warriors are waiting for a decisive battle.

In the sky, a giant screen was projected onto the square of Asgard.

The face of the Dead Blade General appeared in the sky of the Divine Palace.

“God-King of Asgard!”

“I’m the vanguard of Thanos, and you’ve probably heard my name.”

“My name is General Deathblade.”

The Dead Blade General deliberately paused for a moment, expecting the frightened reaction of the crowd.

Unexpectedly, the warriors of Asgard were completely fearless.

It was as if the name of the Dead Blade General had never been heard.

This surprised the vanguard officer of Thanos.

He looked at the throne, and the god on the throne was as safe as Tarzan, even, with some disdain.

How can anyone not be afraid of Thanos’s blade?!

Isn’t he afraid of death?!

The Dead Blade General releases a threat.

“Asgard, I brought Thanos’ Star-Burning fleet.”

“We have more ships than all of you.”

“So it’s better to surrender and hand over the Power Gem.”

“Otherwise, you will be scorched earth.”

After releasing the cruel words, the Dead Blade General saw it in horror.

The warrior below was actually expressionless.

There are even Immortal Palace warriors pointing weapons at the sky.

It seems that he is ready for war at any time against Thanos’ starships.

Faced with the provocation of the Dead Blade General, Kasha on the throne answered.


Then Kasha waved like a fly.

Electric light emanated from Kasha’s fingertips.

The huge projection screen in the sky disappeared.

The Dead Blade General only felt a torrent rushing through the battleship.

Then he noticed a terrifying image.

He couldn’t control the battleship.

The Dead Blade General flicks the button on the mothership in an attempt to establish communication with the other warships.

“Call the ship group! Call the ship group! ”

“Can you hear me?! Can you hear me?! ”

Dead silence, as if locked in an iron box.

The face of the Dead Blade General showed shock.

That just shows.

Not only him, but all the rest of the starships have failed!

For a time, tens of thousands of starships fell silent on the periphery of Asgard.

Thousands of ship groups, at this time, became thousands of living coffins.

The members of the fleet could not get out, could not escape.

There is no gravity in space.

They will not sink at all.

It can only be trapped on the outskirts of Asgard to float.

The Dead Blade General’s eyes gradually turned red.

This is what he only shows when he is extremely emotionally turbulent.

With just one word, turn their fleet into a dead domain.

The power of this god monarch cannot be underestimated!

On the edge of the spaceship, the black dwarf has lost its mind.


“This Asgardian’s strength exceeds estimates!”

“We should report it to the master immediately!”

The Dead Blade General gritted his teeth.

“You don’t have to.”

“Order all armies and break open the ship group.”

“We don’t rely on vehicles, we have to fight him! 613”

Contact wizards through the fleet.

Countless monsters of the Dark Order broke through the hatches of the fleet.

Run from the darkness to Asgard.

Some monsters are blown to the body of the universe with dark fluctuations on the periphery of the universe.

There are also monsters that have been gradually quenched by storms outside Asgard.

The Dead Blade General carefully watched the situation of the legion.

Just reach Asgard.

It lost nearly half of its troops.

Not counting the warships that were scrapped by this Asgardian god king.

What a shame.

Thanos’s troops have never seen anything like this!

Not yet to the territory of the enemy, there is such attrition!

All this is due to this new god-king of Asgard!

Just one battle.

The Dead Blade General had already faded his initial contempt.

For such an opponent, he must give his all.

Asgard, cheer.

On the first day of their new king’s accession to the throne.

Kasha brought them a huge victory!

The star destroyer fleet of the galactic overlord Thanos was annihilated by an electric light from their god king!

No doubt.

This is a feat that the Asgardians could not have imagined before!

Seeing such a feat, even Loki, who was still scared just now.

I also mustered up enough courage.

With such a god king! What are you afraid of Thanos!

In his heart, his respect for the new god king reached the extreme.

Loki couldn’t help but get down on one knee.

“My King, forgive my fear.”

“Now I am willing to fight with these warriors for the Kasha God King, for Asgard.”

“I only ask you to give me this glorious opportunity!”

Kasha said lightly:

“Go ahead.”

At this time, the morale of many Asgardian warriors had reached its peak!

They spontaneously wave their weapons.

Shouting the name of the God King.

“Glory to the Kasha God King!”

“Glory to the Kasha God King!”

“Within the Nine Realms! God King is honored! ”

“Within the Nine Realms! God King is honored! ”

As the warriors kept shouting their names, they felt their strength grow again.

Even the weakest warriors dare to boast that they can tear the army apart!

At the same time, Kasha on the throne also suddenly discovered.

His own divine power is also growing.

The strength of these warriors is constantly supporting themselves.

This represents the ascension of all people in Asgard, and in the end, they will turn into their own strength.

This newly realized immortal Godhead.

It’s true!

Kasha looked into the distance.

The sparse Thanos soldiers gradually fell to the ground.

And the warriors of the Immortal Palace were already waiting for their arrival.

They were just waiting for a military order from Kasha.

Thor bowed his head.

“My King, give orders.”

“They are willing to give everything for you.”

Kasha’s divine power gradually rose and personally ordered.

“One is not left.”



Thousands of Immortal Palace warriors armed with sharp weapons rushed to the Thanos army in front!

The Great War, Begins.

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