Seeing the arrival of Kasha, Thor’s fighting spirit was immediately ignited.

As soon as he got rid of the sabre-toothed tiger’s entanglement, the power of Thor suddenly erupted.

The saber-toothed tiger has not yet noticed Thor’s change and wants to threaten Kasha with Thor.

He was hit on the liver by Thor with a charged heavy punch.

Directly beat the saber-toothed tiger to dizziness, and the sandman who was waiting on the ground saw the opportunity and immediately fled into the distance.

The sand could not conduct electricity, and Thor could only watch the sandman escape.

Kasha stretched out his hand, and the pieces of sand on the ground turned into glass, and the sandman also turned into a glass man.

Finished solving the enemy.

Thor said in a grateful tone:

“Your Majesty!”

“How did you find it?”

Kasha explained casually, and did not mention that Kasha knew about the plot.

Hearing Kasha’s insightful analysis, Thor only felt that his intelligence was somewhat inadequate.

“So, this guy just wants to find the meaning of his life?”

Kasha Dao:

“That’s right, but his way is more special.”

Thor sighed with some emotion.

“It’s scary to give such a person power.”

Kasha unleashed his divine power, and the map of the entire Doujie appeared in front of Thor’s eyes.

The Doujie is cobbled together by the Nine Realms, and Asgard, where they are located, is the periphery of the Doujie.

The transcendent they were looking for was at the core of the Nine Realms.

Sol Dao, who almost lost his life just now:

“Unfortunately, I need some time to rest.”

“The battle just now consumed me a lot.”

Cassie snapped his fingers, and Thor’s body recovered immediately.

Even the storm tomahawk that Thor had broken just now became its original appearance.

Thor stood up from the ground in surprise and wanted to thank Kasha.

Kasha Dao:

“Let’s go, let’s go to the center.”

The entire Dou Realm is quite extensive, and since the Transcendent is a patchwork of several worlds together, the composition of the entire Dou Realm is not very regular.

Many strange scenes also appear here, such as the desert next to the sea, and the snow-capped mountains near the desert.

The two walked from the ice fields of Asgard, walking all the way to a sand dune.

The air went from biting cold to extremely scorching, making Thor a little uncomfortable.

“Your Majesty, where are we here at 03?”

“The pyramid, the Transcendent moved the pyramid too.”

Hearing that the two had come to the pyramid, Thor quickened his pace.

There were sounds of battle in the distance, and Kasha heard the voice of the American team in these voices.

The two quickened their pace and walked near the American team.

“I can fight you for a day.”

Behind the dunes, Team America uses a shield to protect himself, and in front of him is a man wearing a bullseye.

This character, Kasha is also familiar with, this person is called bullseye.

The ability is to throw, which is considered a marksman.

Throwing small pebbles can throw dead people.

However, in this desert with only sand, the combat effectiveness of the bullseye has been greatly weakened.

Only with no weapons at hand did he fight Steve for a long time.

Seeing the old team member meet the enemy, Thor waved the storm tomahawk in his hand and rushed out.

“Steve! I’m here to save you! ”

Steve looked back and saw Thor rushing over, and Kasha standing behind Thor.

Team America’s expression was quite happy, not only for the reunion of old friends, but also because Kasha was here.

When Kasha comes, there is hope for life.

At this moment, the bullseye condensed the sand into a ball, and a ball of sand was thrown towards the American team.

Prepare to block the airways of the American team.

The sand ball is thrown out, forming an arc.

Thor shouted caution and was about to come up and knock the American team down.

However, the sand ball suddenly stopped in mid-air, which made the bullseye quite puzzled.

“This is?”

“Why, why did this sand actually stop?”


Without having time to think, the bullseye saw Kasha in the distance.

This Blue Star is a name that is thunderous.

Rumble in the ears of the bullseye.

God King!

A ruthless man who can defeat Thanos!

Seeing that Kasha was there, Bullseye no longer had the idea of attacking, and he used enough strength to run backwards.

And this little hesitation allowed Thor’s storm tomahawk to cut at him.

The axe carried thunder and lightning, and the bullseye was electrocuted into coke.

Team America gratefully extended a hand towards Kasha.

“Your Majesty, thank you for your assistance.”

Kasha shook with Team America, and Thor also came up to give his old comrade a hug.

He pulled out the axe again and carried it behind his back.

“Did you see anyone else?”

“Or is this desert just us?”

Team America said:

“No, I didn’t notice the other characters.”

“Only this bastard who throws things.”

“But there seems to be a guy in the distance of the desert, and the strength seems to be good.”

Kasha Dao:

“Okay, then we’ll go meet him for a while.”

The louder the noise, the more the transcendent will perceive his movements.

With the American team, the speed of several people in the desert instantly increased.

Along the way, I also encountered many villains, but these villains are much smarter.

Just seeing Kasha appear, these villains began to flee.

Many villains have already slipped away without even seeing Kasha’s face.

The American team couldn’t help but sigh.

“God, there’s a word I don’t know if I should say or not.”

“Your Majesty, you really have an extraordinary position among these villains.”

Sol laughed.

“These are smart guys, and there was a scoundrel named Doom just now.”

“Directly defeated by our Majesty.”

Hearing Doom’s name, Team America was a little shocked.

“Wouldn’t the Dr. Doom you said happen to be Viktor Doum?”

Sol Daw:

“It’s the one who wears an iron mask and talks rather hatefully.”

Team America was taken aback.


Victordum! The famous Dr. Doom!

After the Blue Star Federation was built, the Dragon Kingdom personally ordered to eradicate this villain.

However, the Avengers used a lot of power, but they did not find this monster.

He is proficient in magic and technology, and has set himself up to be an immortal man.

Not only can he avoid the all-day pursuit of S.H.I.E.L.D., and even fought with thousands of heroes.

From Thor’s description, the American team knows that such a cosmic thief was actually easily cleaned up by Kasha.

Kasha’s power may be able to easily solve this transcendent.

The three walked for a while, and the desert gradually came to an end.

They also ran into some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the middle of the desert.

The agents have built forts in the desert.

And also got an intelligence that on the edge of the desert, there is a castle.

That’s the realm of another supervillain.

The three walked down the castle.

On the periphery of the castle are huge skulls, and inside the skull is a castle covered with fire.

Just seeing the shape of this castle made the American team gasp.

“Oh my! Who the hell are here? ”

The flames accompanied by a pungent smell of sulfur gave Thor some memories.

“Wait, isn’t this hell?”

“Who dares to come to the Horn of Hell?!”

A monster roared above the castle, and everyone looked towards the monster in unison, and a huge red demon was spreading its wings above the castle.

Seeing the appearance of the demon, Thor slapped his head.

“Mephisto! Ruler of hell! ”

Mephisto flew down from the sky, and when he flew near Kasha, Mephisto hurriedly jumped backwards.

“You, what are you being?”

With hundreds of millions of years of hell, Mephisto has almost no concern about anything in the world, nor does he care about things in the world.

How many gods there are, Mephisto doesn’t care at all, he just slows down his development, and waits until he is strong enough to come out and sweep the world.

The sudden light brought him to this place, and he thought that he was already invincible in this place.

But the power of Kasha in front of him shocked his heart.

This power, and this completely unfamiliar face, Mephisto had no idea what kind of existence the person in front of him was.

Court of Life? Oaa?

Mephisto, who had wanted to harvest these souls, was filled with fear.

Thor explains:

“This is Kasha of Asgard, King of the Gods!”

The American team looked at this Mephisto you one second arrogant, the next second to change the face attitude, is a big surprise.

Judging from this castle and this appearance momentum alone, the American team thought that Mephisto was the real Hell Demon King.

The shield in his hand was about to be propped up, but he didn’t expect Mephisto to be easily shocked by Kasha’s divine power.

Become a little devil who talks a lot.

Mephisto bowed his head and said:

“King of all gods, I honor your power.”

“Please don’t destroy my territory.”

“Then get out of the way and stay out of our way.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Yes, yes, yes.”

The Hell Demon King who harvested his soul before has now become extremely tame, and Kasha just said to let him get out of the way, and with a wave of his hand, the flames of hell erupted from below the castle, directly devouring everything above.

The original castle became flat.

Not only that, Mephisto also made a gesture of invitation, for fear that the god king would not be happy, so he would destroy it.

This service attitude is simply better than the waiters of five-star hotels.

As the saying goes, raise your hand and don’t hit the smiling person.

Seeing Mephisto so obedient, Kasha said something to tell him not to harvest souls, and let Mephisto go.

Before leaving, Mephisto was still waving at several people while tearing his soul contract.

When everyone crossed the desert, it was a sea.

This makes it difficult for the American team, the body of the Thor god, and does not need to breathe.

Not to mention Kasha.

The American team is just a strengthened ordinary body, although it can spend a little more time in the water.

But he can’t stay long, but the sea is also endless.

Several people missed out in order to disassociate with the heroes they knew along the way, so they did not choose to teleport.

At this time, the American team can’t go down.

“Everyone, me.”

Thor patted Team America on the back.

“Man, I know what you mean.”

“It’s okay, we’ll come up and pick you up soon.”

The US team said with a serious face:

“I can’t leave my comrades behind.”

Sol Daw:

“No, look at this sea, it’s wider than the desert we’ve walked through.”

“You’ll be drowned below.”

Seeing that the two had to pull for a long time, Kasha raised his hand slightly, and the riverbed at the bottom of the sea suddenly rose, conjuring up a way.

Thor exclaimed:

“Your Majesty!”

The American team looked even more straight!

This creativity! Absolute!

The entire Avengers, even the Scarlet Witch, who has always wanted to compete with Kasha, can’t build a bridge in such a short time.

Not to mention in such a long sea!

The bridge that Kasha built was not above the sea, but in the sea.

He directly separated the sea with force!

This speed, this efficiency, makes the American team give a thumbs up.

The three stepped into the road, and the surrounding sea was roaring fiercely.

Thor watched the creation in the deep sea as he watched the road go forward.

Except for the people of Aquaman and Atlantis, most of the superheroes and supervillains are not assigned to this deep sea, so the pace of several people is also fast.

Walking through the deep sea, a white space appeared in front of several people.

The space is littered with grid-like stones.

The interior of the space is like a dead field, a piece of emptiness.

As soon as he stepped into this place, Thor felt a little uneasy.


“It seems that something is following us.”

As Thor was speaking, a man rushed towards them in a clearing in front of them.

The U.S. team raised its shield to block the front.

And the speed of the man is faster than the speed of the American team’s shield.

A pair of sharp steel claws grabbed the American team’s shield and scratched a scratch on the outside of the shield.

Kasha looked at this iconic weapon and knew who was coming.



Seeing that it was Wolverine, Steve shouted:

“Logan, are you crazy? It’s us! ”

Logan 533 grabbed it, and the ruthlessness in his tone did not cut in the slightest.

“Report your Avenger number.”

“I will believe you.”

Kasha stood out from behind the shield.

“I’m real, they’re all.”

Seeing Kasha, Logan withdrew the steel claw that popped out.

“Sorry, necessary precautions.”

“The master of illusion is imitating superheroes and then making us kill each other.”

“Most of the villains are in this place.”

Thor looked around warily, and there were quite a few sneaky figures in the distance.

Following Wolverine, the three walked forward, and in the distance, a female voice was arguing with someone.

“I said, Pete.”

“Why have you grown so big, and why do you say you’re Spider-Man, the real Spider-Man should be me.”

Another voice said:

“Sorry Gwen Stacy, to tell you a little knowledge, in most parallel universes, you are not Spider-Man.”

“One more little knowledge, this is not your universe.”

“And one last little knowledge.”

The four quickened their pace.

Gwen turned her head in surprise.

And beside her, there stood a man who looked a lot like Spider-Man.

The only difference is that this man does not have a spider silk emitter on his body.

Instead, he carried two double knives on his back.

Seeing this character, Wolverine once again stabbed out his claws.

The man made a stop gesture and said to Gwen again:

“Last little knowledge, I’m not Spider-Man.”

“I am.”

Wolverine roared.

“Wade Wilson!”

“Why are you here!”

With that, Wolverine pounced.

Gwen’s spider sense can’t dodge.

“Hey! You guys! ”

Almost scratched by Wolverine’s claws.

Suddenly, her eyes swirled.

She only felt that something solid was holding her back.

Looking back, he saw a handsome eastern face.

It was this man, this man who saved him.

Gwen’s face turned crimson unconsciously.

“Thank you, thank you.”

“I’m Gwen Stacy, are you?”

Kasha gently put down the warm fragrance nephrite in her arms.

Saul added:

“Little girl, you are fortunate enough to meet the king of Asgard, the king of all gods.”


Hearing Kasha’s name, Gwen suddenly smiled.


“You look like my neighbor’s brother.”

“King of the gods, really?”

Thor said seriously:

“The name of the God King is no joke.”

In the distance, the sound of ping-pong swords slashing at each other rises and falls.

Deadpool’s throwing knife suddenly flew out and was stopped by Thor.

Kasha said lightly:

“Enough, you two stop.”

Deadpool suddenly looked at Kasha.

“Wait a minute.”

“This beautiful man, you, who are you?”

“Why have I never seen you?!”.

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