
“The King of All Gods, his god name is like that.”

The Transcendent stops the game in his hand, and the power of transcendence infiltrates the world, which is an ability unique to the Transcendent and can be retrieved across time and space.

“King of all gods, King of all gods.”

God’s name is the foundation of a heavenly god’s destiny, and it is also his connection to the whole world.

But when the Transcendent examined the divine name, he found for the first time that his transcendent power had become useless.

As if the name did not exist at all.

The transcendent looked startled.

Since he came to this universe, he has made a definition of himself in his heart.

He is a transcendent and he should be omnipotent!

But now, he couldn’t even retrieve a god name.

“No, no, the name of God is not right!”

The Transcendent said angrily:

“I can’t retrieve him!”

Annihilation was also shocked.

Originally, he planned to let the Transcendent and Kasha compete in a two-strong competition, thus breaking the prohibition of the Transcendent on them.

But now, the Transcendent couldn’t find Kasha.

This is big news, knowing that even inanimate objects, transcendents can find them.

This also shows that there is a limit to the power of the transcendent.

After the search, the transcendent became more and more excited.

His transcendent power even extends to the abstract world, but the abstract world does not have any existence related to this named Kasha.

For the first time, the omnipotent transcendent felt the smell of limitation.

“Interesting, so interesting.”

“The king of all gods, isn’t it?”

“I’m waiting for you to come.”

Everyone walked into the center of the Dou Realm.

This is the most developed area in the Doujie Realm, and the Transcendents have bonded the technological centers of various planets in one place.

High-rise buildings shade the sky, and below is a ruin.

Quite a cyberpunk feel.

Deadpool whistled and squeezed his eyes at Kasha.

“Your Majesty, the City of Night has arrived, hahahaha.”

“I don’t know if I can meet my favorite Johnny Silver Hand.”

“But this time, we don’t have to be afraid of the Adam Heavy Hammer, there is the King of Gods, and the Adam Heavy Hammer is a small deflated three.”

Seeing that Deadpool was talking crazy again, Thor subconsciously kept his distance from Deadpool.

In the steel jungle, the roads have also become somewhat narrow.

Kasha brought up a map of the entire city, and in the middle of the map, several people saw familiar figures.

A Spider-Man in a suit is flying between tall buildings, seemingly dodging some pursuit.

Gwen Dao:

“That is? You Spider-Man of this universe? ”

Deadpool 750 chimed in just right.

“It could be Venom, Miss, don’t jump to conclusions.”

The map shows Spider-Man outside three buildings.

Everyone flew to the center of the three buildings with their own skills.

Among the tall buildings, there are spider silks.

Peter greeted his old teammate excitedly.

“Your Majesty! Thor, and the captain, how are you. ”

Spider-Man jumped down and asked strangely:

“Who are these people?”

Deadpool introduced himself one by one, and with each introduction Spider-Man’s mouth opened wider.

When he introduced Spider Gwen, Peter’s expression was even more strange.


“You’re Spider-Man too?”

Gwen said in a disgusted tone:

“When I knew you were Spider-Man too, it was this expression.”

“By the way, who’s chasing you.”

Seeing Gwen ask this, little Peter stepped in front of Kasha.

“Your Majesty!”

“Be careful! This area is controlled by a very powerful and evil villain. ”

“He has abilities we’ve never seen before.”

“We simply don’t know how to deal with him.”

Thor boldly took out the axe.

“No matter how strong the ability, an axe is enough.”

The building not far away suddenly reorganized, and at the back of the building, a man dressed in strange costume walked out.

“You said axe?”

The man casually pointed to the axe in Sol’s hand, and saw that the axe that was still sharp just now turned into a rose.

Thor exclaimed in shock.


“My axe! Damn it! Where did you hide him? ”

The man said:

“It seems that this axe is not very good.”

Seeing this man, Deadpool held his head in his hands and hid directly behind Kasha.

“Divider Irving !!”

“Why are the villains in the Fantastic Four publications coming?!”

“God, you monster, you’re Dr. Manhattan in DC!”

Saying that, Deadpool hid behind Kasha, shivering.

“You two are the same freaks, Your Majesty the God King, you must protect me.”

Having seen the strange abilities of men, Team America said:

“The madman is right, this man’s power is indeed a little strange.”

Molecular Humanitarian:

“Knowing my name, why are you coming?”

Kasha stepped forward.

“Get out of the way.”

“We don’t have time to fight you right now.”

Owen glanced at Kasha and sneered:

“When you witness my power, you won’t think so.” (adcb)

Like magicians, the movements of the molecular man began to become faster.

And in the movement of the molecular man, the molecules around Kasha began to reorganize.

Rabbits began to grow on the floor on the ground, the surrounding houses began to turn into rabbits, and even the flowers and plants on the side of the road began to turn into rabbits.

After a meal, including Deadpool’s clothes, they turned into rabbits.

Team America wanted to throw a shield, and the shield turned into a rabbit.

Gwen’s spider silk emitted, and the spider silk turned into a rabbit in mid-air.

Wolverine didn’t conjure up claws, but Wolverine’s vest also turned into a rabbit.

All power, all attacks, are ineffective in the eyes of molecules.

As long as these things are made of molecules, molecular people can change their structure and turn them into rabbits.

The Avengers held a rabbit and looked at the molecule man speechlessly.

And the molecular people were even more shocked.

What is it?

Why did all his molecular variables change to someone else’s!

He obviously wanted to reorganize Kasha’s molecules and turn them into rabbits.

Why has he changed for so long.

Kasha’s molecules didn’t move at all?

What the hell is this guy made of?!

“What are you?”

The molecule became furious, and the movements on his hands began to accelerate.

More and more rabbits began to emerge from Kasha’s side, and this time the molecular man even turned the nitrogen in the air into rabbits.

But the Kasha he wanted to change remained the same.

And there is a hint of banter in the expression, as if watching a crappy magician whose performance has failed.

Why? Why can’t he change?

Isn’t his body made of molecules?

But molecular people know that everything is made of molecules.

Nothing escapes this law of physics.

Only the God King in front of him.

The molecule man gasped, and his words were extremely shocked.

“You are?”

“What exists!”

Sol Daw:

“This is the God King of Asgard!”

“Your vile magic will do nothing to him.”

Seeing that his law ability was mistaken for magic, the molecule man was a little annoyed.

Deadpool praised:

“Silly big man, this is not some kind of rabbit magic.”

“This is molecular recombination, full legal ability.”

“If it weren’t for his opponent being our Majesty, we would have been turned into rabbits by him long ago.”

Thor still wanted to retort, but looked back at his shoulder armor, on which a rabbit jumped down.

Such a picture shocked Thor greatly.

“What a despicable magic! Dark wizard! ”

“I’m going to duel you!”

Completely ignoring Thor’s invitation to duel, Irving remained in shock.

“Why? Why are you able to ignore my power? ”

Kasha said lightly:

“Because I am God.”

In fact, Kasha, who possessed the power of annihilation, had already turned into a rule incarnation.

Rules cannot be changed because there is no substance.

Although Kasha is still a molecular composition in the eyes of molecular people, in fact, each of Kasha’s molecules is the embodiment of rules.

With a snap of his fingers, the rabbits around him turned into prototypes, and the rose in Thor’s hand also turned back into a storm tomahawk. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This shocked the molecule even more.

The way this man modifies the composition of matter, is stronger and more dashing than he is.

The lifting of his hand changed his laborious creation.

This is also to make the almost invincible molecule Owen feel that there is a sky outside the sky again.

“You are strong.”

Owen’s tone was a bit lost, since he awakened his powers, he had always thought that he was the truth of the universe.

Thought he could escape fate, but after this battle, Irving’s confidence died.

“I lost.”

“Go over.”

After the fight between the two ended, the members of the Avengers were relieved.

This kind of battle between super powers is indeed not something that heroes like them can participate in.

Deadpool is even more exasperated.

“I have to say, Your Majesty, it’s good that you are in this world.”

“If converted to Dr. Manhattan, our current way of dying should become a lump.”

Team America looked at his shield with relief.

“If this old guy turns into a rabbit, then I can’t stand it.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

The Avengers, who escaped the fate of the rabbit, surrounded Kasha.

Gwen grabbed her pink lipstick in her hand and quietly asked Kasha.

“Your Majesty, can you turn it into a rabbit again?”

This sudden girlish heart!

With a casual wave of Kasha’s hand, the lipstick turned into a pink rabbit.

Gwen kissed Kasha happily.

“Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty! ”

Kasha, who had been mixed in the Asgard beauty group for so long, was suddenly a little touched.

Mingling with hundreds of years old beauties every day.

Suddenly felt the vitality of this teenage girl, and suddenly felt a little up.

Kasha froze and looked at Owen in the distance.

The big scientist who used to be full of spirit is now hanging his head, looking like he has failed the college entrance examination.

Kasha hooked his hand towards Owen.

In the original comics, Owen was a stunned boy.

After being a villain for half his life, he finally woke up to the fact that there was no future.

Become a repairer of a world, repair the world by strength.

It can be regarded as a real hero.

However, Owen in the fighting world just looks confused.


Hearing the title of Kasha, Owen was a little uncomfortable.

He is also a scientist in his forties and fifties, and he is called a kid, or for the first time.

But if you want to check in a heavenly god like Xia, it is based on a hundred years.

Being called a brat is not a problem.


Kasha Dao:

“My kingdom needs a royal architect.”

Before Kasha could say he would like to come, Owen immediately saw Venus.

Architect, that’s where his heart goes.

At the beginning of Owen’s learning ability, his current molecular architecture is just to become a rabbit.

Hearing that Kasha was going to recruit Owen as a royal architect, Deadpool’s eyes straightened.

He knew Owen’s specifics.

Typical physics genius.

Proud and conceited.

Such people go to engage in civil engineering, and they also beat ashes, even if there is some separation in the heart.

And Kasha’s invitation seems to be still in love.

And Thor was surprised.

Although Owen, like the Planet Devourer, is a relatively powerful aid.

But Owen is not the same as Swallowing Star, and Swallowing Star is lost.

This Owen looks like he is unruly.

It’s not something you can persuade casually.

Both were ready to wait for Owen to turn his face.

But Owen replied freely:

“Your Majesty, I do.”

The two were shocked.

That’s too fast.

Are you ready to turn into a rabbit, and this time you agreed?

Kasha’s influence is really terrifying.

Kasha said lightly:

“Then lead the way in front.”

With the regional boss leading the way, several people along the way were unimpeded.

Owen’s power even changed the plot, turning the original ruins into tall buildings.

At the end, a long time and space rift stretched across the junction.

Kasha Dao:

“This is the edge of the Transcendent realm.”

A thick grotesque power seeps outward from within the realm, and this power fills the surrounding darkness.

Molecular people carefully analyze this power.

“I don’t understand, what is this power and the guy who claims to be a transcendent made of?”

“Abstract concepts?”

Team America said:

“I don’t know, but such people are not in a good mental state.”

The molecular man manipulated the air and turned it into a long bridge that connected the two ends of the road.

A group of people walked across the long bridge, and when they stepped into this world, a rich transcendent power gushed out.

Everyone has been affected to a greater or lesser extent.

Only Kasha, in this energy-covered area, still ignores these transcendent forces.

And from the power of transcendence felt a familiar force.

This is the power that the Transcendent unconsciously brings, which comes from the Wall of Origin.

Seeing that Kasha was still calm in the power frenzy, Owen secretly praised it in his heart.

It is worthy of the body of the gods.

In this irregular area, the complexion remains unchanged.

On the other hand, look at several members of the Avengers.

The body is as if weakened.

Thor couldn’t release what was in his hand, and Wolverine’s steel claws didn’t seem to respond.

Deadpool’s regenerative ability, which is so strong that it is perverted, is also gradually failing.

Only Kasha, still looking as usual.

Everyone looked at the map, and the Transcendent was at the end of this passage.

But they are like this, let alone dealing with transcendents, even if they catch thieves on the street.

“Why? Will our abilities disappear? ”

Wolverine looked blankly at his hands.

Deadpool said:

“That’s because it’s not our territory.”

“This is the outside world, and it is also the transcendent realm built by the transcendents.”

“Here, all the laws of the universe do not work.”


Everyone looked at Kasha.

Kasha stood on the edge, divine power activated.

The golden power is overwhelming, and there is a faint color light inside.

“This is?”

Thor exclaimed:

“His Majesty is purifying this place with his divine power!”

As the power continued to stretch, the space around them was no longer simply white.

Their power is also returning.

And the center of the white field.

The Transcendent seems to be inspired.

This power, this power, this familiar power.

The Transcendent clenched his fists.

He could clearly perceive this familiarity.

That’s the power! So that he came to this universe!

The master of this power should also be able to answer his situation!

Now, there’s no need to care about the king of all gods.

The transcendent moves space towards power.

“My friend! I’m coming! “。

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