While fleeing, the laughing bat did not dare to turn back.

Although this Kaxia has a lot of doubts, but even so, the Laughing Bat still does not dare to take a little risk.

If Kasha did come, he knew that he had no chance of victory.

In the dark space, the laughing bat runs while brewing the next plan.

The Red Reaper has already caused a lot of destruction to this world.

And destruction nourishes Barbatos, and as long as the power of destruction is enough, Barbatos can come with his endless darkness.

Blue Star, the red Grim Reaper saw the laughing bat escape, but there was no fear in his heart.

For him, who has divine speed, it is much easier to deal with these superheroes in front of him than to deal with the Justice League.

What’s more, he was able to run away.

And the speed of Quicksilver is nothing in his eyes.

Kuaiyin, who barely picked up a life, said: “Three nine zero”

“He’s fast, you guys be careful.”


Doctor Strange repairs Quicksilver’s wounds while helping Stark take off his armor.

Now he has no time to doppelganger, and the magic on the Book of Emperor Vishan flows.

Handed over the battlefield to Loki.

Seeing Loki appear with an illusion, the Red Grim Reaper observed the illusion a few times and saw Loki’s hiding place.

“You know, the air vibrates slightly when you cast spells.”

“This is your weakness.”

“Now I want to know what kind of person you became just now to be able to scare that monster away.”

Loki said:

“Your Majesty Kasha.”

“But he won’t come back here for the time being, and I’ll deal with you instead of him.”

At the time of speaking, Luo had disappeared behind the red devil.

Holding a rune dagger in his hand, the power on this dagger is enough for this red death to have an incurable wound.

And Loki, who knows his opponent’s abilities, is quite careful unless he strikes before his opponent strikes.

Otherwise he wouldn’t have moved a step.

Loki aimed at the heart and stabbed out.

The blade was faster than Loki’s usual speed, but Loki knew that he had stabbed into the air.

The tip of the knife cut through a cloud of air, and the red Grim Reaper stood behind Loki with great mockery.

“Not fast enough, you’ll die.”

By the time he pierced the sky, Loki had already released the illusion.

But the red demon’s fist seemed to know where Loki was, and accurately hammered into Loki’s stealth air.

Loki’s mantra of oral repair was punched out of the prototype.


“What about Thor?”

“This guy’s strength is not small.”

Strange Road:

“Loki! You okay? ”

“Not good.”

Loki shook his head.

A big battle broke out among the people, which attracted the attention of the Dragon Kingdom.

More and more superheroes are coming to the support of this place.

In the eyes of the two, this kind of support is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

Once he knows that he has no way to live, the red Grim Reaper will solve them in a matter of seconds and then dash away.

Loki endured severe pain to recover from his body, and at the same time issued a forbidden spell.

The surrounding space begins to thicken and time begins to slow down.

This is his spell, capable of cheating time.

As long as Loki doesn’t die, the speed of time flow here will be one ten-millionth of the outside world.

The Red Grim Reaper perceives the change in time.

His face was slightly surprised.


“You really impress me.”

Having said that, the speed of the Red Death Devil has not diminished at all.

Only a second later, he rushed at several people again.

The Red Reaper, protected by God’s Speed, can carve out space on its own.

Time freeze has no effect on him.

Strange wanted to recite the spell to block it, but the speed of the Red Death was obviously faster than Strange’s spell.

A huge red storm crashed into several people.

Suddenly, the Red Reaper stopped.

Outside, more and more mechanical warriors surrounded here.

They are the mechanized troops of the Dragon Kingdom.

Made by Dragon Kingdom Federation Hybrid Krypton Technology.

“Let go of the Avengers heroes!”

“Give up any resistance! You will receive the most fair treatment. ”

Red Death smiled slightly.

Then turned around and rushed to the mechanized troop group.

A red storm blew through the mechanized troops, and after the storm, countless mechanical warriors were torn apart into pieces of scrap iron.

And the Red Death did not have the slightest bullet mark on his body.

This shocked several superheroes.

Such a monster.

The speed, the movement, have exceeded their imagination.

“Yes, I only have twenty percent of my strength left.”

Red Death.

“I can only take you for burial.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Saying that, the Red Grim Reaper rushed into the superhero group.

But the first second he stepped forward, he retracted his footsteps again…

Something stood in his way.

It’s a person.

A person who is faster than the super speed of the Red Death.


Seeing Kasha’s arrival, several superheroes instantly showed smiles.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

“Your Majesty! His ability is super speed! ”

“You want to limit his speed.”

Red Death’s forehead began to sweat.

Just now, he obviously used all his strength, but he could still be followed.

No wonder the laughing bat will see this man and run.

“You are Kasha?”

The Red Death distracted Kasha by speaking, and then came out with both fists and aimed at Kasya’s temple.

However, the moment he reached out, he found that his arms had detached from his body.

Then the Red Death suddenly noticed that he was able to see his back.

In just an instant, his head had also been cut off from his body.

At the time of his death, this red Grim Reaper who fused with the Flash was shocked!

How can there be such a fast speed!

Kasha showed no mercy, and the sword of the Black Death sword cut through the body of the red Shinigami.

Let this fusion monster disappear in an instant.

Behind him, several people also resumed fighting.

Only Strange, his eyes were full of shock!

The battle just now was for everyone else, just the red death spoke, and then disappeared.

But in the eyes of Doctor Strange with the Eye of Agomoto.

At the same time as the Red Death spoke, Kasha had already cut out the Black Death Sword.

One sword, two swords.

When the 4.4 color death swung his fist, Kasha had already slashed countless swords on his body.

It’s just that the Red Death’s nerves are still quite dull, so he didn’t react to Kasha’s slash.

In terms of speed, Kasha is millions of times faster than this monster.

And the speed of this monster, Quicksilver can’t even see clearly.

If compared at such a pace.

Kasha’s speed can even reverse time!

It was since the last time I saw Kasha, it was when Thanos War.

Strange only felt a huge gap.

Now Kasha has grown to the point where he can’t catch up.

It seems that he, the second day of Karma Taj, must sit down.

But there are good things.

Only such heroes can be the crisis they encounter.

PS: Please book it all! Customize yourself! Ask for flowers! Thank you, Yanzu!

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