Meiman: My Understanding Is Against The Sky, My Magic Is Completely Forbidden

Chapter 80 Get The Key To Soul Gem, Guardians Of Galaxy Gamora! [Seek Full Order And Custom Order]

Hearing Lin Ang's voice, Captain America looked in Lin Ang's direction.

When he found Lin Ang and Mela, he was obviously taken aback.

He didn't know who the two people behind Nick Fury were, and he didn't know why they were here.

Captain America looked at Nick Fury, then at Lin Ang and Mela.

He seemed to be wondering if the two in front of him were newcomers to their team.

"Who is this?" Captain America asked Nick Fury.

Nick Fury seems to have just remembered that he and Wanda don't know Lin Ang and Mela yet.

He quickly introduced the two parties.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to give an introduction."

Nick Fury solemnly walked to Lin Ang's side, and introduced Captain America.

"This is the magician of Lin Ang, the Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj."

Seeing Nick Fury's excited look, Captain America frowned slightly.

Lin Ang magician?

He hadn't heard of it.

Kamar-Taj, seems to have heard of it somewhere, but not familiar with it.

And what is Sorcerer Supreme?

Is it the magician level?

Is this level great?

But it sounds great.

Nick Fury saw Captain America's look and doubts.

His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help thinking to himself, Stephen must have committed the same problem as they did before.

"Cough cough cough..."

Nick Fury coughed twice, and then said with a hint of warning.

"Don't look down on Lin Ang magician and underestimate him when he is young."

"His strength may be higher than all of you combined.

"It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest existence in Blue Star."

After hearing the words, not only Captain America was stunned, but even Wanda, who had been immersed in grief, couldn't help raising her head.

Stronger than all of them combined?

real or fake?

Captain America couldn't help but look at Lin Ang.

It's just that Lin Ang has always been indifferent, and he can't see the depth of Lin Ang at all.

He couldn't help squinting his eyes, and then looked at Mei La behind Lin Ang.

Meera bowed her head and played with her hair.

Apart from her good looks and being the most beautiful woman present, she looked quite harmless.

Captain America couldn't help frowning, then turned his gaze to Iron Man.

Tony Stark is a guy who has always been arrogant and won't buy it from anyone.

Nick Fury said so firmly just now that Lin Ang's strength is stronger than all of them, and he is stronger than all of them combined.

What's more, Nick Fury also said that Lin Ang is the strongest existence in the entire Blue Star.

Tony Stark wouldn't buy it.

But quickly, Captain America couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

Because he found that Wannie Stark didn't seem to have the slightest objection to Nick Fury's words.

He even gave a big nod after Nick Fury finished speaking!

He didn't have any intention of refuting, and he didn't have the slightest dissatisfaction!

Captain America looks at Iron Man in disbelief.

This was something that was absolutely impossible to exist before!

And now, it just appeared.

It seems to see the suspicion and disbelief of Captain America and Wanda.

Spider-man Peter Parker stepped forward with a bit of excitement to explain the "glorious deeds" of Mela and Lin Ang to the two

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and finally he looked at Lin Ang and Mela with a bit of admiration and fanaticism.

At first both Captain America and Wanda felt that Nick Fury had gone too far.

What is stronger than the sum of them, what is the strongest blue star.

However, following Peter Parker's explanation.

The more they listened, the bigger their eyes widened.

Although they don't know the strength of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf.

But they've seen the power of Thanos' other minions.

In the hands of those people, Wangda and Vision have almost no resistance ability.

Otherwise, Vision wouldn't be dug out of Mind Gem abruptly, and a huge amount of hole was opened in the head.

They all know the strength of the enemy.

But with such a powerful enemy, Mela was able to suppress the opponent and even grind Black Dwarf to death.

And Lin Ang even made a move, and he hit Ebony Maw in seconds!

Their strength is indeed stronger than all of them combined.

Wanda looked a little excited, she stood up abruptly, and looked at Lin Ang with a bit of panic, excitement and pleading.

"Lin Ang magician!"

"I beg you, I beg you, help me avenge Vision!"

"As long as you are willing to make a move, I am willing to pay any price!"

Wanda looked agitated, and her state At the moment was obviously not quite right.

Seeing her like this, Captain America quickly wanted to change the subject.

It's just that, Wanda, who has been blinded by personal hatred, At the moment doesn't give him the slightest chance to change the subject.

Her eyes were red, and with a wave of her hand, she sent Captain America flying.

Captain America, who was sent flying, was stupefied. He had no idea that Wanda would attack him suddenly.


Seeing her sudden attack, everyone present couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Then they couldn't help looking at Wanda with some vigilance, her current situation seemed to be very wrong.

Lin Ang raised his eyebrows and looked at Wanda.

Today's Wanda has not yet fully grown up.

Her current Ability is not enough.

Even in such a state of anger and rampage, the power that erupts is not too strong.

It can't be compared with the Scarlet Witch that made Ultron worry.

Lin Ang walked slowly in front of Wanda.

"I agree with what you said."

In any case, the plan of the director of the Universal Family Planning Office cannot be realized.

Anyway, it’s all about dried purple sweet potato essence, which is a benefit for nothing, why not?

Although Wanda is not yet strong enough, it is a potential stock.

After finishing speaking, Lin Ang looked at Wanda and said one word: "Sleep."

Afterwards, Wanda, who was already on the verge of running amok, actually blinked twice with heavy eyelids, and then closed her eyes.

Watching Wanda close her eyes, her body kept shaking and she was about to fall to the ground.

Black widow Natasha Romanoff hurried forward, put his arms around her shoulders, and held her in his arms.

Seeing that Wanda calmed down, everyone present could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Captain America looked at Lin Ang with something in his eyes.

Hearing what others say is far worse than what you see with your own eyes.

Wanting to subdue Wanda, who was blinded by hatred and fell into a state of rampage, is not easy to control.

As for Lin Ang, he just said one word, and Wanda fell asleep.

This kind of strength is indeed much stronger than them.

He had to be convinced about this kind of thing.

Captain America took two deep breaths, then brought the conversation back to Infinite Gems.

"Lin Ang magician, what did you mean when you said that Thanos has got four Infinite Gems?"

"Besides space, power, and the Mind Gem, what other gems did he get?"

Lin Ang sighed softly, and then said.

"It's a Reality Gem."

"The Reality Gem is only stored in the Collector of the Realm of No Knowing."

"Do you think that with Thanos' current strength and character, he will let Collector go?"


Nick Fury, Captain America, Tony Stark and others were all silent.

Their faces were very ugly.

As Lin Ang said, Mieki will not let Collector go.

Thanos is a must for Infinite Gems.

Even the blue star, he sent Ebony Maw and others to find it.

Where the Collector is, naturally he will not fail to send someone there.

Now, the only miscalculation of Thanos should be the existence of Lin Ang in Blue Star.

The owner of Time Gem today is not Lin Ang.

So at the moment, I'm afraid Time Gem will also fall into Thanos' hands.

And while they were silent with this bad news.

Lin Ang gave them another hammer.

"If nothing else, the current situation is that Thanos is likely to get the fifth Infinite Gems.

Nick Fury was shocked.

He asked somewhat flusteredly: "Lin Ang magician, how do you say that?"

"Didn't you just say that he got four? Why is there another one?"

There are six Infinite Gems in total.

Space, time, force, mind, reality and soul.

If Thanos gets five, doesn't that mean that the last one is the Time Gem in Lin Ang's hand?

Lin Ang glanced at the nervous crowd, and then told them very calmly.

"Actually, Thanos already knew about the way to obtain the Soul Gem."

"And he's already fully prepared."

"It can even be said that he thought he was ready, so Thanos launched one war after another.

Nick Fury frowned tightly.

This is definitely not good news for them.

But now things are not the worst.

Thanos needs six gems, the last of which is in Lin Ang's hands.

As long as they can protect the Time Gem in Lin Ang's hands, it's not too late!

Tony Stark grasped the key point through Lin Ang's words.

That's what Lin Ang seems to know, Thanos' situation today.

"Mr. Magician, although I don't know where you got the information from.

"But I guess you know something else, like, how did he get the Soul Gem or something?"

Lin Ang looked at Tony Stark.

As expected of Iron Man, his mind is delicate, and he discovered it so quickly.

Lin Ang nodded, saying that he did know how Thanos got the soul stone.

Immediately, Nick Fury and others all looked at Lin Ang in shock.

"My lord Lin Ang, how on earth is he going to obtain the Soul Gem?"

"I think we should be able to get the Soul Gem out ahead of time."

……ask for flowers…

Lin Ang thought for a while, and then said.

"Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy is the adopted daughter of Thanos."

"She's the key to Thanos' access to the Soul Gem."

When hearing the names Guardians of Galaxy and Gamora.

Captain America and the others were stunned for a moment.

What are Guardians of the Galaxy?

Who is Gamora?

How on earth would they find this and the Guardians of Galaxy and Gamora?

Moreover, even after finding them, what should they do?

Lock up the Daughter of Thanos?

Captain America asked with some doubts.

But before Lin Ang answered.

Nick Fury spoke first.

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

He frowned, then looked at Lin Ang, and asked.

"My lord Lin Ang, I don't know if the portal used by your magicians can

To the realm of the unknown?"

"I think the most important thing for us now is to determine whether the Reality Gem has fallen into the hands of Thanos."

Seeing Nick Fury say this, Captain America, Iron Man and others also remained silent.

Open the portal to the realm of the unknown?

If it was before, he really couldn't do it.

After all, although his teleportation can span time, space, and even dimensions and superimposed spaces.

But there is also a prerequisite, that is, he must have been there in advance, or know the exact star position of that place.

But it's different now.

He took down the entire Apocalypse star.

There is a well-established star map in Apocalypse Stars.

Under the guidance of the star map, even if he has never been to a place, as long as he holds the star map, he can still go.


"Okay." Lin Ang looked at the crowd of Nick Fury and Avengers, and then said. ,

"Come closer."

Although Captain America doesn't know what kind of riddle Nick Fury and Lin Ang are playing, he can probably understand it.

Lin Ang seems to have a way of quickly reaching the realm of the unknown.

He quickly followed the others to Lin Ang's side.

Lin Ang's energy enveloped everyone around him, and disappeared in the Avengers' base in the blink of an eye.

when they reappear.

The surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"This is the realm of knowing nothing."

Everyone in Avengers couldn't help being amazed at the changes in the environment before them.

Tony Stark looked at Lin Ang with some doubts, and asked.

"This seems to be different from the teleportation magic used by Wang magician and Modu magician."

He still remembered that in the previous battle, when Wang and Modu opened the teleportation gate to send Banner and Nick Fury away, they drew a circular fire circle gate.

As for Lin Ang, he was completely unprepared.

Say send and send.

This speed and efficiency are hundreds of times that of the portal.

Lin Ang nodded: "It's not a portal, it's better than that."

As for Captain America, who experienced teleportation for the first time, he couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

"The magician is really convenient!"

"If only I could do that."

Captain America was extremely envious.

If this kind of ability is put on the battlefield, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the enemy!

"Hey guys, did I say your attention should be on this poor place?"

Spider-man Peter Parker pointed ahead of them.

Looking around, the entire Zhiwu Domain has been turned into ruins, not even a complete building.

Peter Parker took two steps towards the realm of ignorance, as if he wanted to go in and see the situation.

However, he had just taken two steps when he suddenly stopped.

Then he turned his head to look at Tony Stark and others and said.

"Let me state in advance, if there are aliens jumping on my body, laying eggs on my chest, etc., if I eat you all in the end, I will apologize to you first.

Tony Stark pointed to Peter Parker and said: "I don't want to hear this kind of catchphrases about brats along the way."

Peter Parker spread his hands and said.

"Oh, well, what I'm trying to say is, someone's coming."

And his voice just fell.

A round iron ball rolled to the feet of Tony Stark and Captain America.

Then the round iron ball exploded instantly.

Unprepared, the two were knocked back a few steps by the impact of the explosion.

Then they saw a figure of huge amounts rushing out from the smoke of the explosion.

While rushing, he was still shouting.



Watching the man throw a few more things at them in the smoke.

Captain America immediately took his shield into his hands.

Then he hit back the ball that was flying towards them.

ps: Please order in full! Please order! Please flowers! Thank you, grandparents!.

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