Also inside the Avengers base.

After telling the whole story with other superheroes.

With the approval of everyone.

It was already 12 p.m.

So Wanda went back to her room to rest first.

And inside the conference hall.

Team America, Hawkeye, Vision, Natasha, Falcon after seeing Wanda leave.

Natasha said first.

“It seems that the counseling of the psychologist played a role, and Wanda acted alone and solved it in this incident.”

“Is this true?” Team America raised his eyebrows, looked at Natasha and confirmed, “She took the initiative?” ”

“Yes.” Natasha nodded in confirmation.

Face this performance.

Team America nodded in approval.

Hawkeye also nodded in approval.

And Vision and Falcon are not familiar with Wanda at this time, and can only be regarded as acquaintances.

So I can only nod my head alongside.

“It seems that psychiatrists are also very helpful for superheroes.”

Team America smiled and looked at everyone.

“Then you can also go and see it if you need to, and then ask Tony to reimburse him, he has endless money.”

The voice just fell.

A projection opens in the conference room.

“No, no, if you want to use my money, you need my approval.”

Tony’s figure is revealed in a 3D projection.

It’s as if he’s really here.

And also conveniently refuted the American team.

And the American team did not frown and asked rhetorically.

“So did I get your approval? Tony. ”

Hearing this, Tony thought about it and pouted back.

“Maybe… bar. ”

This one.

Let the face of the American team instantly become serious.

But Tony shrugged his shoulders indifferently, nodded and said.

“Well, I’m not here to make love with you.”

“Get down to business.”

“After Friday’s analysis, online citizens have a 26% better impression of the Avengers because of Ms. Wanda’s heroic performance.”

“And support for Wanda instantly rose from 31% to 66%, more than doubling directly.”

“So what I’m trying to say is.”

“If you don’t want the Avengers’ reputation to be ugly online as it is in reality, do more with less talk and don’t wreak havoc on the city, understand?”

“Learn to be like Ms. Wanda, just hit the target, use your brain.”

Maybe that’s Tony’s character.

He was a bit pretentious when he said these words.

So this made the American team very unhappy.

Team America asked as he looked at Tony with his arms folded.

“You mean that we should pay attention to the safety of property when facing the enemy, not the safety of the Avengers members?”

“And we don’t use our brains when fighting, do we?”

Tony spread his hands and said without looking at the American team.

“I didn’t say anyone rolled up their sleeves and went up to do it without using their brains.”

“I didn’t say if he was holding a round shield.”

“I mean use your brain and think more about how to minimize the loss before you do it.”

“As for security, I believe you will protect yourself without me saying it.”

The American team was a little annoyed with the naked eye.

He stepped forward and wanted to line up with Tony.


But Tony glanced at him, swept up and down, and then reached out and pointed at Team America and said.

“So I don’t want to say a word to someone like you who can only do it!”

“Tony Stark!” The American team also raised his chin and said: “Do you think we were spurned by the citizens without your reason?!” ”

“It was your self-righteousness and unauthorized actions that caused the incident in Sokovia!”

Watch the two argue.

The other members looked at each other, all remembering to persuade.

Because this has already quarreled to the point of who is right and who is wrong.

And a team can’t distinguish between right and wrong.

There is only one right together, one wrong together, one success together, or one failure together.

“Yes, you’re right.”

But Tony immediately looked at Team America and nodded back.

“Then you take your members to behave well.”

“Let’s see if people can trust you again under the leadership of you, a World War II star.”

Finish speaking.

Tony glanced at everyone.

Then just turn off the 3D projection and leave.

Then there was a silence in the chamber.


After half a ring.

Team America hammered a fist on the seat.

“Disband, go back to rest, wait for the task.”

Unlike the quarrel in the conference hall.

After Wanda returned to her room, she began to search the Internet for news about Su Yi.

But it’s a pity.

Su Yi’s name is only popular in the upper circle.

There is basically no news of him on the Internet and among ordinary people.

So Wanda checked, only found Su Yi’s name and so on.

What: [Top psychiatrist] [The most handsome doctor ranked first] [Unknown boss] and so on and so on.

But that’s enough for Wanda.

She directly read all the news about Su Yi.

Then he went back to the bed and lay flat looking at the ceiling.

Yes, what comes to mind is still Su Yi.

After all, for the story before she met Su Yi, basically everything was a good thing.

His parents were killed by a bomb developed and manufactured by Stark Group….

The younger brother died in the Ultron incident in order to save people….

The hometown of Sokovia was also completely destroyed by Ultron….

And after meeting Su Yi.

Milk tea… Respect… Laughter… Hot kisses… Love….

These are things Wanda has never felt.

She is now full of Su Yi, open her eyes, close her eyes, and forget it!

So today for Wanda.

It was destined to be a sleepless but beautiful night.


PS: The new book is not easy to !!! Kneel and beg all Yanzu to vote for flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, comment help, thank you, even if it is a deduction of 1 in the comment area!!!

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