Chapter 0074 – Teach Stephen! Little Hela is here!!!

The three went out of the temple.

Along the way, every mage would bow when they saw Gu Yi.

And Su Yi is a very vain person.

Then he would definitely want these people to salute him as well.

Then the way to do this was to have Gu Yi reveal the identity of his Supreme Mage Godfather.

But this is obviously very brain-dead.

And compared to letting ordinary people salute him.

Su Yi was obviously more willing to let people in high positions salute him.

Well, more advanced.

The three of them walked out of the temple and onto the boulder-paved road.

Then walk through the courtyard.

All the way to the martial arts training ground.

It’s still morning.

So when the three of them came here.

The mages in the martial arts arena are practicing in the morning.

Some of them are casting spells with the suspense.

Some are using staff to cast spells.

Of course.

This cane is huge.

It is a long staff in melee weapons.

And not a staff like a brush.

“How do mages practice?”

Hela asked curiously from the side.

“They’re not really mages yet.”

Gu Yi replied from the side: “A true mage, you must be able to cast spells as usual without fear of the environment around you. ”

“And you need to learn all the basic spells, such as melee spells.”


Karma Taj All the spells learned here are close to the spells.

That is, rubbing your hands.

Then two spells like shurikens came out.

Maybe this is related to the low defense of the mage.

So make up for the defense first. Hela nodded, indicating that she understood.

But she didn’t have that distress.

Hela can perform both death spells and melee and ranged attacks.

She is more like a full-fledged melee mage.

At this time, Gu Yi and Su Yi were looking at one of the people in the Mage Morning Training Brigade

That is, Stephen Strange.

Among the many mages.

Only his earthly breath is the most serious. Everyone else is quietly practicing spells. But Stephen has never been confident.

Because of the car accident.

Stephen has always felt that his inability to practice spells is the reason for his own hands.

And not their own reasons.

So after several attempts to draw a golden spark.

Stephen would start to be impatient.

He looked at the people around him.

And then try to learn something.

Then he saw Su Yi and Gu Yi Mage not far away.

Stephen’s eyes widened.

“Why is Sue here?!”

These are his inner words.

At the same time, the movement of his hand was also broken.

Why is Sue here?

What is he doing here? Learn spells with me?

“Don’t look around!”


Wang shouted sternly from Stephen’s side.

“The first key to practicing spells is to have no distractions!”

“Do you see you did it now?!”

No distractions? You are so noisy, who can do Stephen turn his head and look.

The people around him were not distracted at all.

They are not at all curious about what is happening around them.

Still concentrating on drawing spells!

All right.

Stephen touched his nose.

A little embarrassing.

It turns out that it is really only myself who is not paying attention.

Wang looked at Gu Yi in the distance, then at Su Yi, and then nodded at the same time to represent the luggage.

Then he continued to say to Stephen.

“The practice of spells requires concentration!”

“In your current state, you will never be able to learn spells!”

Face the king’s admonition.

Stephen said, raising his trembling hand.

“It was my hand that influenced me to practice spells.”

The king wrinkled his face.

Looking at Stephen, he explained, “You can learn spells without hands, why can’t you have hands?” ”

“Can you do without hands?”

Stephen apparently didn’t believe it.

“You can’t do without hands.”

But at this time, Gu Yi and Su Yi had already come to Stephen’s side.

Stephen suddenly looked at Su Yi.

And Su Yi was expressionless for the time being.

Stephen looked at Furuichi again, and he knew that Koichi was the number one person here.

So he reconfirmed with a little respect.

“Is it really okay without hands?”

Guichi has no nonsense.

She directly asked a handless mage to walk up to Stephen.

Then he used the melee spell in front of him.


Stephen was stunned.

He looked at Su Yi with inquiry in his eyes.

Su Yi did not answer his question.

And just said lightly.

“Suspicion is the most powerful enemy. A word from Su Yi. ”

Stephen was instantly silent.


He had always been skeptical.

He wondered if he could do it.

He wondered if his hands would work.

He really doubted everywhere.

Simply put, it is pride and inferiority.

Su Yi saw this.

Lightly reminded.

“Don’t be blinded by the pride you once had.”

“There is still a long time, and you will always carry the heart of an apprentice to get you out of trouble.”

Su Yi reminded two more sentences later. Stephen fell silent again.

But strangely.

Su Yi also saw Gu Yi, Hela, and Wang beside him, and was also silent.

They were all silent.

After half a ring.

Gu nodded and thanked him.

“Even those words just now have benefited me a lot.”

Wang didn’t say a word.

Give a big gift to Su Yi.

“Thank you, Supreme Mage Godfather!”

After Stephen woke up.

He was immediately puzzled: “Godfather? ”

These two words.

Jean Furuichi smiled.

She looked at Stephen.

“You’ll find out later.”

She was looking forward to Su Yi saying something in front of Stephen at that time. “You don’t even want to call me godfather. 》

And Wang turned out not to be blinded.

But Gu Yi’s words blinded him.

What do you mean?

Guichi said to Stephen.

Could it be that Stephen will become a Supreme Mage in the future? Wang looked at Stephen again.

Can this person do it?

Can he grow to the Supreme Mage like this? But it has to be said.

It really can.

What is the core of the Marvel male protagonist.

Grow thief fast.

Whether it’s Spider-Man, Iron Man, Supreme Mage, or Ant-Man, it’s a thief who grows fast.

A few months ago he may have been a street gangster. But in a few months he will be going to save the world.

That’s it.

Followed by.

After watching Stephen.

And comment on him after three sentences.

Su Yi already knew that he had figured it out.

So Su Yi nodded, looked at Stephen and finally said.

“Practice well, your past, whether it is banknotes or reputation, has passed.”

“Now you only have the path of a mage.”

“Don’t give up, when you only have one way to choose, then this southern wall must be hit.”


Stephen nodded seriously.

“I see, thank you, Sue.”

Su Yi nodded.

Then he patted him on the shoulder and left with Furuichi and Little Hela.

After watching the three leave.

Wang stared at Stephen and said.

“The Godfather and the Ancient One Mage value you very much!”

“Don’t let them down, you know!”

Wang’s words made Stephen stunned.

“Sue is the godfather?!”

Wang listened and glared at Stephen.

“You don’t have the right to know now!”

“It’s not fast yet!”

After being admonished by the king.

Stephen immediately concentrated on training.


The three returned to the temple.

Gu Yi thanked Su Yi.

“Stephen’s mentality has been adjusted to the best.”

“And you only used three sentences.”

Sometimes boasting people don’t have to boast on the surface.

It’s like: awesome, awesome, good.

And the ancient one these two sentences.

Su Yi’s ability has already been expressed.

Hela on the side echoed after hearing this.

“Sue, you should come to Asgard to be the god of hypnosis.”

“Or go to another space to become an evil god.”

“How many women like this…”


Little Hela hasn’t finished speaking.

It was lifted up by Su Yi pinching his ears.

Hela screamed on her tiptoes.

“I was wrong! I was wrong! ”

“I was really wrong! I’m not talking nonsense anymore! ”

After hearing Hela’s instant apology.

Su Yi chuckled and let go of her ears.

After Hela came down, he immediately held his ears and hid far away.

But my heart is still hard.

“Next time you dare!” 》

Gu Yi also smiled helplessly after seeing it.

It seems that God was also so naughty when he was a child.

Hela is an Asian-level combat power.

Now after becoming a loli, it is no different from a child.

Although the combat power did not fall out of the sub-parent level, it was obvious that the mentality fell out of the sub-parent level.


Su Yi and Gu Yi continued to chat in the temple.

For example, the question that Furuichi wants to discuss is.

The life and death of the earth.

Whether to rely on initiative or passivity.

That is, take the initiative to change, or passively accept the rot.

The question is simple.

Su Yi’s answer was.

“If you want to do what you want, you are not a strong person, and if you don’t want to do something, you are really strong.”

This sentence translates to the same as Earth.

You want to change the earth, not really change the earth.

But if you don’t want the earth to become, it’s really strong.

Being able to refuse is really powerful.

To this.

Furuichi smiled, nodding and shaking his head again.

“I can’t predict the location of the enemy.”

“There are too many, too many unknown powerful enemies in the universe.”

“The Celestial God Group that I know alone is already an irresistible existence for me and Odin.”

Gu Yi and Odin are both Heavenly Fathers.

But in the eyes of the single cosmic-level Celestial God Group, it is obviously not enough to see.

The difference between the two is a whole order of magnitude.

And this magnitude is about as much as the difference between a house and the entire earth.

And maybe more than that.


Furuichi understood.

Then Su Yi didn’t have to tell Gu Yi anymore.

Once the gap in cognition is too great.

It’s not good to say.

This is equivalent to knowing too much and not being able to do anything.

Only despair.

And of course, there are more powerful people behind the Tenjin group.

For example, the five gods.

And these are useless for Gu Yi to say.

Furuichi also knew that it was useless to know.

So that’s where the question is clear.

All stopped talking.

This is the wise man.

Not a moment later.

Wanda returned with several female mages.

As soon as she came in.

Su Yi saw that she was wearing two hanging rings on her hands.

And unlike normal suspense.

The two rings are scarlet.

Very well matched with Scarlet Witch.

Then this should be what Gu Yi did specifically after he knew it.

Su Yi looked at Gu Yi.

Gu nodded in acknowledgement.

“Sue, look quickly.”

Wanda came to Sue’s side.

Then show the suspension ring to Su Yi.

“This thing can help me mobilize mana quickly, and the control is more precise.”

“About half of the improvement!”

Su Yi took the suspension ring and looked at it.


Then it was returned to Wanda.

“When you become a current mage, I will give you better magical equipment.”


Wanda smiled happily: “Great! ”

Su Yi did not send it indiscriminately.

It’s just that the reward mechanism allows Wanda to learn faster.

And what he was going to send was the Book of Darkness.

That thing is just in Westview Town. He took Wanda to get it. After chatting with Wanda. Su Yi looked at the time.

Getting up and saying to Furuichi.

“Then Wanda is here to ask the ancient mage.”

“She will only be able to move freely in Karma Taj and the outside world normally after she learns to teleport spells.”

“Before that, she would live in Karma Taj.”

“It’s her choice.”

After Gu Yi heard it.

He looked at Wanda with a slight surprise.

She originally thought that Wanda had such a powerful person as Su Yi after becoming a partner.

Learning magic may be just finding something to do.

But she didn’t realize Wanda would try so hard.

If you don’t learn teleportation magic, you won’t go out of the mountain!

You know, many mages can’t even learn to teleport magic in their entire lives.

Although Wanda has a foundation in magic, her hard work is worthy of Gu Yi’s serious teaching.

So Furuichi nodded back seriously.

“I will.”

Then since the conversation is over.

Su Yi turned around and hugged Wanda, who was begging for a hug.

Patted her on the back.

Su Yi encouraged.

“With your talent, maybe soon we will see you again.”

“Believe in yourself, Wanda.”

“Even the First Mage of the Nine Realms is not enough to see in front of you.”

“You have no idea how much potential you have.”

Wanda put her arm around Su Yi.

The mood is a little low.

“You’re about to lift me to the sky.”

“No, I’m telling you it’s nothing.”

Su Yi patted his shoulder: “When you look back later, you will find that things are easy now.” ”


The two hugged for a while before that.

Wanda took the initiative to push Su Yi away.

“You go back, pay attention to safety, if you are bored, call Gwen to come over and accompany you, or let that little loli tease you.”

Su Yi smiled: “Okay.” ”

But little Hela on the side was unwilling.

“Who do you say is funny?”


“Okay, okay.”

Su Yi grabbed Hela.

Then nodded to Wanda and said.

“Goodbye, I look forward to your surprise for me.”

“It will!”

Finally, under Wanda’s reluctance in her eyes and Hela’s annoyance.

Snap ~

Su Yi snapped his fingers.

He and Hela disappeared in place.

Inside the temple.

After Wanda saw Su Yi go.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

But wait a while and then open it again.

Her eyes were filled with a thirst for knowledge.

Wanda turned to look at Hela.

“In addition to sleeping and eating, I can fully concentrate on learning spells!”

And Gu Yi is the more he looks at Wanda, the more he likes it.

She also nodded and smiled.

“And I will help you with all my might.”

The other side.

After snapping your fingers.

Su Yi and Little Hela instantly returned to the door of the penultimate floor of the North Mansion, and then Hela became honest in an instant.


Su Yi looked at Hela and asked strangely.

“Why did you suddenly become weird?”

Little Hela glanced at Sasuyi.

Then he folded his arms and said in an old-fashioned manner.

“Hmph, you’re so stupid!”

“I’m helping you perform for Wanda.”

“So that your Wangda won’t worry about you when it comes!”

Little Hela’s words made Su Yi stunned.

But he immediately reacted and praised Hela.

“Not bad, good, you finally did something, little Hela.”


Little Hela pouted after hearing this: “Just kidding, I’m smart, okay.” ”

Although she said that, the corners of Hela’s mouth were about to smile.

So the pouting turned into a pouting corner.

It’s like a crooked-mouthed dragon king.

And Su Yi had already opened the door of the office.

“It’s Monday, work.”


Hela dragged a long voice: “What’s the point of this?” ”

Su Yi walked in.

He said after making a noise to remove the ash.

“There’s also a PS5, a PC top-of-the-line computer, iced milk tea and a variety of snacks and desserts.”

“If you are too lazy to eat, you can also order takeaway, in short, except for not being at home, there is everything here.”

The words did not fall.

Su Yi saw a green-haired loli figure wearing a skirt and rushed in.

“Little Hela is here, five!”

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