058 Ten Captain America? Impossible! (4/5 For Flowers And Votes)

The rest also saw this scene.

A man in white was on fire all over his body, and he was shocked.

“Oh my God! That man is flying!”

“Sheet, or supersonic flight! Is this a human?! Why do humans always secretly evolve behind my back?!”

“It’s cheating! Supersonic Flight doesn’t wear professional suits, this is really a fight between two husband and wife – Chiguo goes into battle!”

far away.

The same man who was flying quickly saw this scene and was stunned.

“What’s the situation? Burned?”

J.A.R.V.I.S immediately replied: “Supersonic Flight, you seem to be wearing ordinary clothes that are not resistant to friction and flammable.”

The man was immediately stunned, and his eyes almost popped out: “Pure physical supersonic flight?!!

Where did this monster come from? !

No, this guy is too amateur, isn’t Supersonic Flight wearing normal clothes? ! Where did this layman come from?

J.A.R.V.I.S, check it out. ”

J.A.R.V.I.S said immediately, “Sir, sir, you still have a task to do.”

The man said nonchalantly: “Look at it, the situation over there is still under control. J.A.R.V.I.S, speed up! I want to see who this layman is, who can actually fly at supersonic speed.”

J.A.R.V.I.S reluctantly: “Okay, sir.”

The man burst out.

at the same time.

the other side.

Hawkeye is also explaining his work situation to his boss, Lu Dantou.

With a professional headset, he sighed: “Director, Li Xiu he…”

Hear Hawkeye sigh.

Braised Dantou on the other end of the phone frowned: “Mom messing with Fake’er! It wouldn’t be so coincidental… Li Xiu also ran into the Hulk and the others. Did something happen to him?”

Hawkeye said quickly: “No, no, there is no such thing.”

Braised egg frowned slightly and said, “Mom mess with Fake’er! If it’s not particularly important, you can bring it back and report it to me. I’m in a hurry here.”

Hawkeye’s mouth twitched: “I can’t spy on Li Xiu…Is this a big deal…”

The head of the braised egg was startled, and his voice was raised for a while: “He died?!! Mom messed with Fake’er!”

Who is Hawkeye? As long as the top-level agent under his command is a task he sends, almost no other party can’t monitor it.

If the target cannot be monitored, there is only one case, and that is the target hangs.

Definitely, in fact, there is another situation, that is, the other party is beyond Hawkeye’s surveillance range.

Just this kind of person, he will not send Hawkeye to monitor, the task that cannot be completed is meaningless.

Thinking that Li Xiu was dead, Lu Dantou was a little surprised. After all, he finally found a powerful tool.

After a few touches, it hangs up, which is too bad luck.

Hawkeye: “…”

The amount of mother’s provocation is too high…

Hawkeye coughed: “No, it’s just that the opponent’s strength is beyond our imagination. I can’t monitor it.

I’m guessing his strength starts with at least ten Captain Americas, not two Captain Americas like you said. ”

Ten Captain America? !

The sound of breathing cold air came from the headset.

Braised Dantou was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly: “Ten Captain America start?! How can it be so strong?!”

The strength of ten super warriors is amazing, far beyond the expectations of Braised Dantou.

Braised Dantou frowned: “With the exception of Walter, how can there be such a powerful human being.

Except for the Hulk and Abomination that just appeared, after all, these two are no longer human species.

Mom, Fake, you’re not fooling me, or hallucinating. ”

Braised Dantou’s expression was solemn, and his voice was decisive: “Ten Captain America? It’s impossible!”

As the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, he knows the super soldier plan very well, and also has a deep understanding of mutants.

Even a powerful mutant would be like four or five Captain Americas.

This is the human limit.

As for Walter, it’s an extreme case, and as for Captain Marvel, it’s all alien technology.

It is impossible for humans to reach the level of ten Captain Americas, at least on Earth.

In fact, the normal spider-man, lizard people, etc., are 20 tons to die, which is four Captain America.

Hearing the boss say so decisively.

Hawkeye quickly recounted what had just happened.

He said that the other party felt dangerous to him, and that he seemed to hear a sonic boom, and when he went out and saw that the other party was gone, the speed could only be supersonic.

After listening to the other party’s speech.

Braised Dantou frowned slightly, then shook his head and said: “You know, the human body can’t withstand supersonic speed at all. And you also said that he was wearing an ordinary clothes at the time.

Do you think normal people would wear normal clothes and fly supersonic?

The reason why you didn’t see it may be that he entered your downstairs corridor, or that the other party flew behind some obstruction and just blocked your view.

However, although it is impossible to reach the point of ten Captain America, but there should be four or five Captain America. ”

Immediately, Braised Dantou’s eyes became fiery. Four or five Captain Americas were considered extremely powerful mutants and superhumans!

The power of 20 tons, and the ability to fly, is like a god.

Such a powerful superhuman must be under his command!

Immediately, Braised Dantou said, “Okay, then you don’t have to monitor him. I’ll talk to him later.”

But immediately, Braised Dantou touched his bare head, and became troubled again.

After all, it was rejected by the other party in the morning.

It is also very difficult to apply for a higher salary. After all, Pierce’s attitude is estimated to be difficult to squeeze out money.

Difficult to do!

Could it be that he is going to make some black money as a salary for the kid?

It’s not impossible, but I don’t know if 300,000 is enough…

Are you going to extort some criminals…

As the head of S.H.I.E.L.D, he has innumerable information in his hands, and he can easily extort a few criminals.

Just so insulting to Sven!

He has been the head of S.H.I.E.L.D for so long. He is clean and honest, never bribes and bends the law, and he doesn’t even bother to do these stupid things!

Blackmailing a few criminals is too cheap!

He immediately thought of a few bigwigs on Wall Street, and he still had the other party’s black material in his hand… If…

Braised Dantou touched his chin and couldn’t help thinking.

The assistant next to him coughed a few times and quickly reminded: “Director, you still have something urgent to do.

You haven’t given the Hulk’s latest address to Iron Man…

If you don’t update someone’s address, how can he help you pull the Hulk into the Avengers alliance…”

Braised Dantou patted his head quickly: “Mom to Fake’s Li Xiu! It made me forget about the business!”

the other side.

Li Xiu also exploded in speed.


The biological energy in his body exploded, and his speed climbed again.

Before the body was completely burned out, before being exposed, he plunged into the sea of ​​clouds.

Therefore, in the eyes of other people, they saw a surging and burning fireball rushing into the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Once you enter the sea of ​​clouds.

The clothes on his body turned into flames again, burnt out, turned into ashes and scattered.

Clothes indicate that wearing Li Xiu is a high-risk job, and you can sacrifice your life for the Lord at any time, burn yourself, and be generous to righteousness.

The high-altitude cold wind struck, and Li Xiu felt that it was particularly chilly below.

(Ask for flowers and votes.)*

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