099 This Is It? I, Aaron, Are Not Inferior At All! (3 More Kneeling And Begging To Subscribe!)

Extraordinary Dragon doesn’t know what will happen next, it doesn’t know what it will face.

In the whole dragon’s mind, what he thought was to exercise for five minutes, play for two hours, exercise for two hours, and play for a whole day.

Li Xiu naturally also saw what the other party was thinking.

As a person who knows the pain training method and the weight of the gravity room, he is looking forward to the state of the extraordinary dragon after the real exercise, whether it will be so full of energy.

Li Xiu said with a smile, “I’ll take you to practice when I finish eating first.”

Feifeilong nodded vigorously: “Okay! Then I’ll go play the game again! Boss, hello, call me when the time comes!”

With his head held high, his eyes full of confidence, he patted his chest: “Boss, I will definitely train very hard later! As a dragon, I have no advantages, but I can endure hardships.

After speaking, it immediately rushed to the game console and began to play games happily.

Li Xiu smiled even more when he saw the other party’s critical moment, and he didn’t forget to play two games at this time.

The Extraordinary Dragon should indeed exercise well.

This is not a good exercise, how can it be worthy of the powerful bloodline of the Dragon Clan, how can it be worthy of the training method and gravity room in his hands.

Li Xiu ate fast, and the wind swept the entire table as quickly as possible.

While eating, Li Xiu’s brain was still running, rapidly improving the dragon training method.

After he finished eating, a brand-new dragon training method was freshly released.

After doing this, Li Xiu snapped his fingers.

All the dishes automatically flew to the dishwasher and started washing themselves.

After doing this.

Li Xiu said with a smile: “Let’s go, Xiaolong.

Feifeilong immediately put down the handle, got up and ran towards Li Xiu.

When it came to Li Xiu, the whole dragon was excited: “Let’s go, boss, I’m ready.”

It is gearing up, ready to quickly complete the exercise program, and then come back to play the 053 game.

Li Xiu patted Feifanlong and nodded with satisfaction: “Full of energy, not bad.

The extraordinary dragon smiled.

Li Xiu stroked lightly.

Suddenly a portal opened.

The two came to the Skyline Canyon.

In this huge valley, almost no creatures are moving.

Because this place has almost become the territory of extraordinary dragons, no other animals dare to come here, making this place almost a forbidden area for animals.

As soon as Feifeilong came out, he jumped vigorously and couldn’t wait to move his limbs: “Boss, how do you exercise? I’m completely ready!”

Li Xiu grinned: “Just do some push-ups, sit-ups, running, and a little bit of other exercise.

When Feifeilong heard this, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

Just do some push-ups, sit-ups?

It originally thought that it would be a little difficult, and it would carry a large iron block or something to exercise.

The result was unexpected…

That’s it?!


The smile on Feifeilong’s face couldn’t be stopped, a proud question mark face.

Do some push-ups, run some steps, then isn’t it Feifeilong still within reach?

Complete this daily task in minutes!

Feifeilong seemed to think for Li Xiu’s sake and said, “Boss, do you want to add a little more. After all, I’m too weak, and it’s humiliating for you, you say no.”5

Hearing this, the smile on Li Xiu’s face became extremely rich.

Will think about how to increase the burden, this is a mature dog.

Li Xiu slapped his mouth and said, “I originally thought that the amount might be a little heavy, but since you have said so and are so willing to work hard, that’s fine, just add a little more.

Hearing Li Xiu’s words, Feifeilong waved his hand indifferently: “What kind of weight is this, Boss, let me tell you, I am also a dragon after all!

I will never allow you to look down on me, I will prove it to you tonight! I am not inferior at all, Aaron!

Hearing this, Li Xiu sighed slightly: “After all, I underestimated your enterprising spirit, Aaron.”

He patted Feifanlong on the shoulder and encouraged: “I’m very optimistic about you.”

The extraordinary dragon’s chin lifted higher.


Li Xiu waved his hand, and the huge gravity room appeared out of thin air before their eyes.

Seeing Li Xiu conjure such a big thing out of thin air.

Feifeilong’s expression froze for a moment: “This…how did you do it…Boss…”

Li Xiu said with a smile: “It’s nothing, it’s just that I carry a subspace with me, and some of my things are placed in it. You can take it out or put it in at any time.

Feifeilong’s eyes widened: “Is it okay?”

It can be considered to have flown a lot of planets, and some knowledgeable guys, but it has never heard of such a mysterious method.

Carry a subspace…

space to carry?

This is so bizarre…

Feifeilong originally thought that his boss was a powerful and mysterious person.

Now, it feels that it is no longer mysterious, but a little mysterious.

As a big-hearted guy, it immediately gathered its attention and focused on the gravity room.

It looked at the gravity room suspiciously and said, “Boss, what is this? Gym? You won’t…let me train in the gym…”

Li Xiu said with a smile: “It’s barely a gym, but there are some special functions, let’s go, let’s go in. 99

After saying that, he led Feifeilong inside.

Feifeilong walked in and found nothing unusual.

It can’t figure out why the boss let it exercise in the gym, after all, the gym can’t be effective for it.

But it quickly put the issue behind it.

After all, in its view, completing the exercise task and then going back to play games is the most important thing. As for the rest, Feihanlong doesn’t care.

Feifeilong said excitedly: “Boss, let’s start! Let’s start training! 95

Saying that, it shook its body excitedly.

Seeing the other party’s excitement, Li Xiu smiled in his heart.

He said, “I’ll teach you some exercises first, which can help you better tap your physical potential.”

Feifeilong nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Li Xiu began to teach the opponent the professional exercises in the dragon training method. These movements, when combined with heavy pressure, would produce very significant work.

With Li Xiu constantly teaching.

The extraordinary dragon starts constantly completing the corresponding actions.

The beginning (baai) is okay, not too strenuous to do.

Feifeilong was so complacent, he said while doing it, “Don’t worry, I will definitely complete the action that the boss gave me today!””

But doing the latter is not only laborious, but also a little painful.

Feifeilong’s expression was already a little reluctant, and he forced a smile: “Don’t worry, boss, I will try my best to do every action well. It’s okay to suffer a little.

Immediately it asked: “Boss, is there any action?”

Li Xiu said with a smile: “Today’s volume was originally this much, but you insisted on increasing it, so there will be a few more movements.”

Hearing this, Feifeilong’s smile froze slightly.

It immediately coughed a few times and forced a smile: “It’s okay, just a few moves, I can persevere. In order to become the boss’s right-hand man, it’s nothing to suffer.””

Speaking of which, don’t forget to pat your ass.

After completing the last few movements with difficulty, Feifeilong gasped slightly and sweated on his forehead.

There was no smile on its face, only pain.

Thinking of doing these things in a loop for a while, it feels a little bitter in the mouth.

It never imagined that some actions would be so laborious and painful to do.

It is now very regretful in my heart, and the thing that made the increase before.

If it can go back to the past, it will definitely slap itself, damn it, let you pretend!

Bitter tears flowed from Feifeilong’s heart.

Feifeilong held a smile on his face: “Boss, I will complete these tasks well, then I will start exercising.”

Li Xiu raised his hand and smiled: “No hurry, and…”

Feifeilong’s expression changed slightly: “Is there any other movements you haven’t taught?”

Li Xiu waved his hands and said, “Today’s movements have been taught.”

Hearing this, Feifeilong breathed a sigh of relief. If he added another action, he felt that he might not be able to carry it.

Li Xiu continued: “Just turn on when you exercise, I need to turn on the special function of this house to assist your exercise. 99

Feifeilong nodded quickly: “Okay, okay.

special function?

air conditioner?

heat sink?

Play a song?

The boss is still kind at times.

Feifeilong thought so.

Li Xiu tapped on the wall a few times.

next moment.

Strong gravity appeared out of thin air.

Instantly pressed on Feihanlong’s body.


The extraordinary dragon immediately fell to the ground.


At this moment, countless question marks appeared in Feifeilong’s head.

The extraordinary dragon’s voice trembled a little, with a hint of panic: “Boss… big… this is the auxiliary function you said… is it gravity?

Exercise is already very hard, if coupled with strong gravity…

Feifeilong couldn’t believe it.

Li Xiu nodded slightly: “Yes, it is gravity, with the blessing of gravity, your cultivation will be more effective.

This is fifty times the gravity, you need to get used to it first.

I have calculated that seventy times is your limit, which can maximize your physical potential. “”

Hearing Li Xiu’s words, Feifeilong’s eyes went black, and he almost didn’t shove it directly.

Forget about such an astonishingly hard action, plus gravity, and it’s seventy times as much…

Is this the workout in its boss’s mouth?

Are you sure it’s not devil torture?

I believe in you! You bad old man is very bad!

Li Xiu nodded slightly, and immediately increased gravity.

Seventy tons of gravity.

Let the extraordinary dragon feel that every cell is as heavy as a mountain.

Li Xiu said with a smile: “Okay, you exercise hard, I’ll go back first. There is monitoring here, so you have to exercise honestly, but don’t be lazy.

But I believe that you definitely don’t want to be lazy, and you definitely want to pursue perfection and get the best exercise effect. ”

Saying that, he patted the faucet with a smile.

Feifeilong asked, “Boss, won’t you exercise with me?”

Li Xiu said with a smile: “I have already exercised, and this exercise has little effect on me.”

After all, Hanging Wall has been training for nearly three years today.


Li Xiu opened the portal and left.

After Li Xiu left.

The Gravity Room was a whimper.

As a result, Feifeilong began to practice independently for the first time in his life.

In order to end the exercise early, it is doing every movement extremely hard.

Li Xiu looked at the self-conscious extraordinary dragon and nodded with satisfaction.

Then I washed and slept, after all, I have to go to New Mexico tomorrow to see where Thor came.

(3 more to offer!).

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