118. Hei Yao Fourth General Was Instantly Killed When He Arrived

The Q&A live broadcast ends here.

Everyone was sent back to the original place by the question and answer space.

As soon as Stark came back, he called the Avengers for a meeting, and shared the information he had just seen from the Q&A live broadcast. He also distributed a bottle of panacea to every Avenger present.

When everyone knew the effect of this medicine, they put away the medicine like a baby.

This thing is something that can save lives at critical moments. Everyone is very precious about this kind of thing.

Dr. Banner wants to study this drug and see if it can be synthesized.

Everyone has no opinion on this, if this medicine can be supplied indefinitely, that would be the best…

Time passed without knowing it, and a month passed like this.

Today, Wanda and Jean came to the Avengers base in New York together.

Yes, the New York base, not the Mars base.

Now, the four Infinity Stones are all in the Avengers New York base, Doctor Strange came with the Eye of Agamotto (Time Stone), Wanda carried the Female Vision (Soul Stone), and Stark held the Rubik’s Cube ( Space Gem), Natasha with the Soul Gem.

They didn’t cover the breath of the four Infinity Stones, attracting Thanos with the Infinity Stones.

As for why you want to be here instead of somewhere with fewer people, or simply go to Mars.

There are two reasons.

Number one, it’s because they have the ability to protect everything on Earth, even if the battle is fought on the outskirts of New York City.

Second, through this battle, they will tell everyone in the world that their Avengers are protecting the earth!

Otherwise, if no one knows, wouldn’t there be no way to show off? Yes, that’s right, the above are Stark’s original words.

The time now is six thirty in the morning.

Above the sky, a spaceship in the shape of a circle descended, approaching the New York Avengers Base.

The spaceship was so big that everyone in downtown New York saw it and panicked.

But soon, the water drop that appeared in the Battle of New York and was later evaluated by humans as “the tears of the Virgin” appeared, and it crashed the spaceship that invaded the earth as soon as it appeared.

The place where the water drop hits is the position where General Hei Yao Si is in that spaceship.

It hit at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour, and instantly wiped out the bones of Proxima Centauri and General Death Blade among the four generals of Hei Yao. Their bodies were all gasified by the high temperature emitted by the water droplets.

Only Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw reacted fast enough to dodge the blow, and then fell with the drop of the spaceship.

The spaceship crashed in front of the Avengers headquarters in New York.

Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw emerge from the wreckage of their spaceship when they find themselves surrounded by the Avengers.

Both Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw have ugly faces.

They didn’t expect that the water drop was so powerful.

Originally, before they invaded the earth, Thanos reminded them to be careful of water droplets, saying that it was a black technology developed by human beings.

But they don’t care at all. The human civilization on Earth is just a primitive civilization that hasn’t even left its home planet. How powerful are the water droplets they developed?

They paid the price for their carelessness.

Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade were vaporized by water droplets before they even showed up, and their deaths can be described as extremely hasty.

And Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw were also seriously injured.

The Avengers are not ready toThey negotiated, because everyone knew that negotiation was useless, so after they surrounded Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, they attacked them.

Facing the intensive fire of the Avengers, the two barely made any effective resistance and were overwhelmed by the attack.

The Black Yao four generals of the Dark Order were wiped out within a few minutes of their arrival on Earth.

Not long after, the official department of Eagle Sauce came. They wanted to take away the wreckage of the spaceship, and even talked to the Avengers with the high-sounding reason of “for the sake of mankind”, which disgusted everyone.

Wanda didn’t bother to care about this kind of thing, she stood with Qin, watching all this like a bystander.

But something unexpected happened to Wanda.

Stark refused to hand over the wreckage of the spaceship to the official department of Eagle Sauce. This is the spoils of their avengers. Even if Stark doesn’t like this so-called spoils of war, it is not something that the Eagle Sauce officials can take away if they want.

After going through so much, Stark has long seen through the face of Eagle Sauce officials. If they are allowed to take away the wreckage of the spaceship and develop new weapons, they will definitely find excuses to start wars against other countries.

How could Stark tolerate this happening.

In this matter, almost all Avengers sided with Stark.

Only the war machine James Rhodes, who was born as an air force colonel, is in a bit of an embarrassing situation.

Facing the aggressive eagle sauce official, Stark directly resorted to his own big killer – water droplets.

The power of water droplets was fully demonstrated during the Battle of New York. Of course, the Eagle Sauce officials knew how powerful this thing was. They didn’t know until now that water droplets were developed by Stark. They were all jealous immediately. Propose to place an order with Stark, and order a Waterdrop.

But it’s useless for them to be jealous, Stark has no intention of selling this technology to the official.

In the end, it was S.H.I.E.L.D. who came forward and gave both sides a step down, so that this confrontation did not get out of hand.

Anyway, in the end, the Eagle Sauce officials failed to take away the wreckage of the spaceship.

Because the wreckage was destroyed by Stark on the spot.

The eyeballs of Eagle Sauce’s officials are bulging. They think that Stark is reckless. If he doesn’t want it, he can give it to them. Why destroy it!

After this incident, the relationship between the Eagle Sauce official and Stark dropped to a freezing point, and even Stark’s company was maliciously targeted by the official, and its market value plummeted.

But Stark only revealed one piece of information on the Internet, and the company’s market value immediately began to skyrocket again.

What did he tell the world?

The answer is simple – he said: I developed the water droplets.

As soon as this news was announced, the shareholders and stockholders of Stark Industries immediately increased their confidence in Stark Industries, and bought a large number of shares in Stark Industries. The direct result was that the stock price of Stark Industries skyrocketed .

The Eagle Sauce official can only watch all this happen.

during lunch.

Wanda said to Stark: “‘You will be rejected by your own country like this’ “I will run for President Z after I solve the tyrant.”

Stark snorted coldly.

“If you want to run for President Z, I’m afraid the probability of winning is very high.”

Natasha said.

“Aren’t you serious? In fact, there are still many ways to solve the problem. I can use magic to make everyone forget about it and restore everything to the way it was before.”

Stephen Strange was speechless.

(Ask for flowers and tickets together).

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