Melody Of A Massacre

Chapter 11 - 9: last love pt2

[sakai walks to narimos room]

Sakai: hey narimo.. Im back.

Narimo: ok just give me a second.

[narimo opens the door]

Narimo: Did anything happen?.

Sakai: well me and yadara watched a movie.

Narimo: wait tell me more.

[narimo grabs sakai and pulls her into the room and narimo closes the door]

Sakai: oh also im his girlfriend now.

[narimo looks at sakai surprised]

Narimo: Wait, really?. That was fast.

Narimo: i guess so.

Sakai: hey narimo.. How do I make him happy?.

Narimo: what do you mean.

Sakai: well i mean like now since im his girlfriend i want to make him happy.

Narimo: i'm sure he'll be happy with you no matter what.

Sakai: I guess you're right.. But what kind of things does he like?.

Narimo: Well.. i'm not really sure what he likes either.

Sakai: well i guess i'll have to get to know him better to know what he likes.

Narimo: thats probably the best option.

Narimo: hey.. Do you really like yadara.

[sakai looks at narimo surprised]

Sakai: of course i do i wouldn't just date him for fun.

Narimo: ok because i don't want him to get hurt more if you two break up.

Sakai: i understand i plan to be with him as long as i can.

Narimo: well that's a good thing maybe you can get his mind off of things.

[narimo looks at the clock]

Narimo: Well hey it's getting late.. We should be going to bed.

Sakai: ok.

[after some time sakai wakes up while everyone is still asleep]

Sakai: i wonder if yadara is still up.

[sakai gets up and leaves narimos room and walks to yadaras room]

Sakai: maybe if he's still up we can watch another movie or something.

[sakai opens yadaras door and sees him asleep]

Sakai: he's so cute when he sleeps.

Sakai: it shouldn't hurt if i just sleep in here.

[sakai gets under yadaras covers and wraps herself around him]

Sakai: he's so warm.

[morning hits and narimo wakes up]

Narimo: hey sakai what do you think we should do today.

[narimo looks over and notices sakai is gone]

Narimo: Oh crap.. Did she leave and not say anything.

Narimo: no that's not sakai she would have told me if she was leaving.

Narimo: wait.. What if she went into yadaras room.

[narimo gets out of bed and walks to yadaras room]

Narimo: why would sakai go into yadaras room in the middle of the night though.

Narimo: maybe they're watching a movie .

Narimo: oh so that's where she went.. She wanted to sleep with yadara.

[narimo pulls out her phone and takes a picture of yadara and sakai]

Narimo: oh im keeping this.

[narimo goes downstairs to show yoichi the picture]

Narimo: hey yoichi look at this picture.

[narimo shows yoichi the picture]

Yoichi: Do you know what this calls for?.

Narimo: what?.

Yoichi: a prank.. We'll show her how scared yadara can get.

Yoichi: we just wait for them to wake up and jump out at them.

Narimo: ok.. But i was hoping you had a better idea to scare him.

[yadara wakes up and notices something is holding onto him]

Yadara: Wait, what's on me?.

[yadara lifts the covers and realizes its sakai holding onto him]

Yadara: oh she's still asleep.. What do i do because i don't want to wake her up.

Yadara: i guess i could wake her.

[yadara taps sakai on the shoulder and wakes her up]

Sakai: good morning.

Yadara: hey.. I thought you were in narimos room.

Sakai: i was but i decided it would be alot better to be in here with you.

Yadara: oh ok.

Sakai: Do you want to go downstairs?.

Yadara: i mean it's up to you.

Sakai: ok.

[yadara and sakai walk downstairs]

Sakai: hey.. Do you want to go anywhere today?.

Yadara: I was planning on going out today.. If you want to come with you can.

Sakai: sure i'll come with.

Yadara: great it can be our first outing together.

[yoichi and narimo realize yadara and sakai are coming down the stairs]

Yoichi: ok 3..2..1..

narimo : we caught you.

[yadara and sakai look at yoichi and narimo surprised]

Yadara: What do you mean you caught us?.

[narimo shows yadara the picture]

Sakai: wait when did you take that.

Narimo: before you two woke up.

Yadara: Hey, can you send me that later?.

Narimo: sure.

[sakai looks at yadara surprised]

Sakai: really?.

Yadara: i mean why not you look adorable.

Sakai: ok.. Fine.

[yadara takes his phone out]

Yadara: hey also.

Sakai: yeah?.

[yadara takes a picture of sakai]

Sakai: what was that for.

Yadara: nothing you just really look cute with your hair all messed up.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: well..i guess its ok .

Yadara: hey well im gonna go for a walk if you want to come.

Sakai: sure ill come.

Narimo: make sure you two aren't out long.

Yadara and sakai: we won't.

[yadara and sakai leave the house and start their walk]

Yadara: hey.. So where do you want to go.

Sakai: well i've always wanted to go to the park.

Yadara: sure.. i was kind of hoping to go to the park today.

Sakai: ok ok.

[yadara and sakai walk to the park]

Sakai: its a really nice day out.

Yadara: yeah its why i like to go on walks is because i get to sight see.

Sakai: hey.. Um.

[sakai holds yadaras hand]

Yadara: oh.. Um.

Sakai: i hope you don't mind if i hold your hand.

Yadara: yeah its fine.. You are my girlfriend after all.

[sakai blushes]

Sakai: thank you.. For being my boyfriend.

Yadara: oh.. Your welcome.

Sakai: also.. I love you.

[yadara blushes]

Yadara: oh.. Um i love you too.

Sakai: wow its really cute to see you flustered.

Yadara: what?.

Sakai: when you blush you look really cute.

Yadara: thanks.

[yadara and sakai arrive at the park]

Sakai: hey i think we should check out the flowers first.

Yadara: oh.. Sure.

[yadara and sakai walk around looking at the flowers]

Sakai: all the flowers here are beautiful .

Yadara: they sure are.

[yadara sees a flower stand]

Yadara: hey do you want me to buy you a flower?.

Sakai: sure if you want too.

Yadara: ok what kind of flower do you want and ill buy it.

Sakai: oh.. A white rose there my favorite .

Yadara: ok.

[yadara walks to the flower stand]

Yadara: hey do you sell white roses here.

Employee: we do .

Yadara: ok how much.

Employee: there 600 yen.

Yadara: ok.

Employee ok here you go.

[employee hands yadara the white rose and yadara walks away]

Yadara: hey.. Here's your flower.

[yadara hands sakai the white rose]

Sakai: oh it's beautiful.. I love it.

Yadara: well im glad your happy.

[yadara checks the time]

Yadara: Hey, do you want to go home and watch a movie?.

Sakai: sure.

[yadara and sakai leave the park and walk home]

Yadara: hey we should go out more.

Sakai: yeah it was fun today.

[sakai looks down at the white rose]

Sakai: i'll always keep this no matter what.

Yadara: yeah i'm glad you like the flower.

[sakai looks in the distance and sees a group of people]

Sakai: hey yadara.. Do you know them?.

Yadara: know who?.

Sakai: them.

[sakai points at the group of people walking towards them]

Yadara: no.

Sakai: what should we do?.

Yadara: It's ok.. I won't let anything happen to you just keep walking.

Sakai: oh.. Ok.

[yadara and sakai walk into the group of people]

Man 1: hey you looking for trouble.

Man 2: yeah don't just bump into us like that we could really hurt you.

[sakai grabs onto yadaras hand as tight as she can]

Man 3: aww are you scared little girl.

Yadara: would you shut up.

Man: What was that.. I don't think i heard you.

Yadara: i said would you shut up.

Sakai: yadara.. What are you doing?.

Man 2: yeah.. What are you doing talking to us like that.

Sakai: i wasn't talking about you.

Man 3: oh she barks.. But i wonder if she has any bite.

[man 3 tries to grab sakai]

Yadara: i wouldn't do that.

Man 3: and why not.

Yadara: [sigh] if you want to try it you can.

Man 3: ok.

[man 3 tries to grab sakai again]

Yadara: ok you asked for it.

[yadara uses his red helix power to cut man 3 in half]

Yadara: I told you.. To leave her alone.

Man1: oh its on.

[man 1 pulls out a knife and tries to stab yadara]

Yadara: oh you too huh.

[yadara blocks man 1 and throws him into a wall]

Man 2: I don't want any trouble, man.. Just dont hurt me.

Yadara: no mercy..

Sakai: yadara stop!.

[yadara snaps out of it and sakai looks at yadara surprised]

Sakai: what are you doing.

[yadara looks at sakai in fear]

Yadara: im..

Sakai: it doesn't matter.

[sakai hugs yadara as tight as she can]

Sakai: it doesn't matter.. Ill be with you no matter what powers or no powers.

Yadara: I'm sorry.

Sakai: its ok.. Just dont hide anything from me again ok.

Yadara: ok.

[yadara realizes how late it is]

Yadara: oh crap we need to go home.

Sakai ok.

[yadara and sakai walk home]

part 3 october 30th

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