Melody Of A Massacre

Chapter 6 - 5: a secret we didn't want to keep

[yadara and narimo going on a walk ]

Narimo: hey yadara.. yesterday did yoichi act weird to you?.

Yadara: kind of.. I dont get why he was covered in blood though.

Narimo: me either.. I don't know if he was beat up or if he killed someone.

Yadara: yeah all i know is that maybe he got into a fight with those men that were at our house yesterday.

Narimo: oh yeah if I forgot about them.. Maybe it did have to do with that.

Yadara: maybe we should ask him when we get home.

[yadara gets a call from yoichi]

Yadara: Hey yoichi what's up?.

Yoichi: you two need to get home the police sent a letter about your mother.

Yadara: Is everything ok?.

Yoichi: i'm ȧssuming so but i want you two to read it.

Yadara: ok we'll be there soon.

[yadara hangs up the call with yoichi]

Narimo: Is mom ok?.

Yadara: I don't know.. Yoichi said something about the police sent a letter to us.

Yadara: ok.

[yadara and narimo run home to see what the letter say's]

Yadara: wait up narimo.

Narimo: whats wrong am i too fast.

Yadara: fine.. This is the only time i'll admit it but yes your really fast.

Narimo: like i thought.. Now i'm the fastest.

[yadara and narimo begin to laugh]

Yadara: ok miss ego.. lets race.

Narimo: ok you're on.

Yadara: ha.. like i said i'm still the fastest.

Narimo: ok.. Fine i admit it.

[yadara and narimo laugh then open the door ]

[yoichi standing in front of the door waiting for yadara and narimo]

Yoichi: here's the letter.. I have no idea what it says but it has something to do about your mother.

Yadara: ok we'll check it out.

Narimo: have they said anything about when we'll be able to visit mom.

Yoichi: not yet i'll let you two know as soon as they tell me something.

Yadara: ok.. Come on narimo let's go see what this says.

" Yadara and narimo i'll always love and miss you two "

From: mom

[yadara and narimo realise that its a letter from their mom]

Yadara: i didn't think the police allowed the prisoners to write letters to they're family.

Narimo: they do on special occasions.

Yadara: oh ok.. that makes more sense.

[yadara and narimo go to yoichi and ask him some questions]

Yadara: hey yoichi.. When we visit mom are we able to tell her about our powers.

Yoichi: absolutely not.

Yoichi: because it'll trigger her to have another breakdown.. then god know what'll happen.

Yadara: you're right we don't want what happened 10 years ago to happen again.

Yoichi: exactly.

Yadara: ok well me and narimo are going to go back on our walk.

Yoichi: ok.

[yadara and narimo go back on their walk]

Yadara: it sucks that now we have to hide our powers away from our mom like this.

Narimo: yeah.. But we'll get used to it after a while.

Yadara: I know.. But that's the last thing i wanted to hide from her.

Yadara: how.. How can i forget something that was drilled into my head everyday.

Narimo: I'm not really sure.. But we can find a way.

Yadara: how?.

Narimo: We could go and try and find you a hobby.. Or even a girlfriend.

Yadara: narimo.. You know no girls like me right?.

Narimo: That's a lie.. I know it is.

Yadara: how?.. I've never had any luck asking a girl out.

Narimo: its because your looking in the wrong place.. all my friends talk about how they would date you in an instant.

Yadara: really?.

Yadara: well i've always had a crush on that one girl you hang out with.

Narimo: which one?.

Yadara: the short brown haired one.

Narimo: oh i'm telling her.

Yadara: no don't.. Im begging you i want to be the one to tell her.

Narimo: ok ill try and see if she wants to come over next week and ill try and get you two together.

Yadara: you would really do that for me?.

Narimo: yeah.. I'm tired of seeing you so depressed so if this makes you happy then i'm happy.

Yadara: thanks.

[yadara and narimo arrive at the shore line and look out at the beach]

Narimo: hey yadara.. Do you think you want to go to the beach sometime?.

Yadara: sure.. we can go tomorrow if you want.

Narimo: sure.. That would be fun.

chapter 6 september 17th

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