
Chapter 056

“Damn it! orWolves! ”

“If you have time to grumble, come into the large size!”

I quickly blocked Ansol’s head and pulled Ahn Hyun’s arms to form a triangular circle. The number of wolves seen in front of the eyes of a few seconds, boasts a tremendous amount of countless times. I felt a tingling sensation at the explosion of the gangs.

I bite my lips. Suddenly, the traces of the caravan disappeared like crazy. The more you walk in, the stronger the trail is, the more likely the trail will be lost from a certain point in time. Somehow I wandered around for a while to find other traces, but I could not catch the clue as if I were possessed by ghosts. In the end, I was attacked by the wolves unfortunately for the third eye.

Even if it is the wolves of the black forest, I was confident that I could handle alone more than 100 in my present condition. But the problem was the kids. The numbers I’ve seen over the past twelve times seem to go beyond that. It was not natural for them to be frightened by the new chicks and the new chicks.

“Oh, brother.”

“Do not step back!”

Despite my cry, the oil wells have left their feet unaware of themselves. Then the wolves began to cry out at once. At the same time, listening to the sounds of over forty people, Ahn Hyun, Ansol, and Yu-jeong were all hesitating with a frightened face. I could hear what Ahn Hyun mumbled from the side, but without any hesitation, the wolves quickly narrowed the distance with us at once.

I will be treated like this. There was no gap between the children in Germany. Both Yu and Hyeon became hollow faces and soon they saw a hot spirit and grabbed the weapon. I did not take comfort at the end, but still the disadvantage of the present situation was unchanged. I picked the sword out of it.

“Ansol. Assist me with protection for a while and step back a little. And from now on, I leave the formation. ”

“Yes Yes? brother? brother!”

I did not have time to convince myself to answer, but I grabbed my sword and stepped forward. When I saw me coming out, the wolves opened their mouths and pushed their sharp teeth. There was a screaming sound from behind, but this time, it was not a level enough to tune the battlefield with a simple arc. Moreover, there was no guarantee that the children could follow. After all, the answer was only to reveal my skills a little more.

Soon after, the first battle of the wolves began.

I also went into the center of them with one step and then wielded them with a sword of magic power. And the result was surprised by my own prediction. The power of the swordsmith expert has come to great freshness. My experiences of training the sword and the synergistic effects with the special and potential powers were pouring out the power that was different from the former. It seemed to jump up the pouring of the blood fountains of six wolves with a single cut.


Finally, Tim was well protected by Sully. The wolves, who were running well, were gazing at me with a flustered gesture as if they did not know that their colleagues were going to be on a knife. But it was only a short time. Because of the fact that I still have an advantage in numbers, I went to a place where there were children, and the remaining 30 people started clinging to me.

I immediately took care of two wolves from both directions and I immediately turned around and cut off the body of the wolf who jumped. Hot blood swallows my whole body. In the meantime, looking at the kids swiftly luckily wrangling and wrangling against wolves were touting. Nevertheless, the wolves still remained a lot. However, when I entered the battle which was disadvantageous for a long time, I pulled the sword and excavated it once again.



It is not a level to catch one by one arm. Two, three are basically caught, and when critical is blown, six are flying like before. Before I thought I was already black, I was rolling along my best sword road. It was the invitation of the new sister day.

“Cuckoo! Kang! ”

Throne! Throne!

When the knife was waved in succession, the body of those who ran to the front again was neatly cut. And the moment I tried to turn my body into a living that felt in the back, I felt a tight feeling on my thigh. Once I bowed my head to the back with a knife, I was waving my teeth in my thighs.

“It is not your life to penetrate.”

I whispered quietly and stabbed my sword down. Then the fountain rises from his head. After pounding a wolf that had fallen with a cylindrical face, I jumped around like a fortune. I wielded a sword for a while and then turned around again, I could feel the quiet around.

The battle was in a lull. The number of wolves exceeding the first forty was reduced to a few. In that short time, more than thirty wolves were slaughtered. It is too much to show a little skill.

Gradually, I smiled a smile on the body, and the wolves seemed to step back. The wolves, who had only been watching for a long time until now, started to run away after they snarled.

Where are you going to run away. I was caught in a battle, and after a moment of trying to make fun of my body, I heard an urgent call from behind me.



“Oh my brother!”

When I heard the cries of the children, I was able to come back to reality. I have not been able to see my smile because I’m turning my back, but anyway, this fight did not have much sense. What do we do? What? The thoughts of the mind fill the head.

Then. The moment I bowed my head, my whole body was soaked with blood. When I smelled blood for a moment, I could think of a good idea. The fact that I had to postpone every time I was sick, but I could not help it. I just had a feeling that my move was definitely over the road. Suspicion is burdensome in smallness, it was best to cut off buds in advance.


Bro! all right

As soon as I heard the children coming to me, I was stunned in a row and drove to the floor. Of course, I did not forget to breathe deeply. It would be better if it poured blood, but I did not know that there was a possibility that it would be frenzied to go back again.

“Whoa, whoa!”

As I sweated all over my body and I had a painful look, the faces of the kids came to me. The prefecture was taking out the pot from the bag, and Soi was quickening the treatment order. And he was about to take off my clothes. What, what? What are you doing now?

Bro! Bro! Stay tuned! ”

“brother! My brother! ”

“Poetry, it’s noisy. Do not be ridiculous … ”

“brother. Let’s do this! ”

As I saw Ahn Hyun pushing a bottle of medicine through my mouth, I shook his head and shook his hand for a moment. I was so happy to see my face in front of me.

“What, what? No trauma? No way…You hurt your lower body? ”

“Cough …Please, everyone, just stay … ”

Slowly turning the horsepower, I saw the white smoke in my body and looked at the brush with my urgent face. I thought it would be obvious if she was a good student like Sol. The brush, which memorized the membrane treatment order, looked white as the white haze rising from my body, and the face became white.

“Move out!”

“꺅! Hey, why is he suddenly? ”

“You are not!”

She had seen her eyes, and she leaned against her body. Soon, he leaned on my chest and slowly infiltrated the magic power into my body. It seemed to me to see the situation in my body. I stood up to this time and raised the horse power with horse races steadily. At first glance, I can see that I’m playing hard.

MajayoMakes no sense

“What the hell are you doing?”

MajayoMana is running into congestion. It’s like reversing! ”

“Reverse phenomenon? This will enable


After he finished speaking, he burst into tears and surrounded my face. I felt the warm tears and breath of the brush on my face. Ahn Hyun and Yu-jeong also looked at me with a mischievous face as to whether he knew about the phenomenon of reversal of mana.

“damn…I was not in a hurry at the time … ! ”

“how to do…How on earth … ”

“…Everybody quietly. ”

I wanted to be at this point, I barely managed to get up. Then the sword that blew away the tears, the prefecture, and the oil well all looked at my face again. Everyone was a face to see what a superman. I still watched the white blooming on the whole body and turned on my thigh. The kids almost fell out of my body when I knew what I was going to do.

Well hanginBeware of the surroundings for a moment. ”

After seeing the kids nod three times a second, I slowly began to meditate. If you go into contemplation once, you will not fall too deeply because you do not know time. I had better use the third eye anyway.

Obviously, the trail was getting stronger, and it quickly disappeared in a moment. Most likely, it was a badge. However, the reaction of magic surface power must be felt, but the feeling of Hantol can be felt as a type of career rope using a road that is not a correspondence circle.

I slowly began to play around the forest with the focus on the surroundings after the third eye was triggered.

Hoo …

After the analysis, I took a long sigh. It was not much more than seeing what happened in the past in past rituals, but it was much more difficult than simply looking at information. I was able to see two pairs of pupils blinking right in front of me.

I forgot


I forgot




Ahn had a window with a bloody face and was wary of the surroundings. Then I turned my head to the sound of the children calling me, and I saw the eye I was looking at. Then slowly, the mouth of the prefecture seemed to be open like a sword. I was able to barely raise my body after I had difficulty pulling the kids out of my face.

“brother. What about your body? Is your body okay? Yes. it is.

“for now. I do not have to do it.

“brother. This one. Come on. ”

“Oh, no. Stamina potions on mana reverse phenomenon … ”

I wanted to say that it was no use, but I could not refuse to see the face of Ahn Hyun. After all, I had to get a pot with an awkward face. Somehow I wanted to feed this potion to me.

While I was gulping down the pot of the pot, the kids were following me up and down again. I shrug with my face as to why I felt like this, and Yu – jeong opened her mouth with a grassy face.

o . . .brother. We should not go back this time. ”

“Do not bullshit.”

“I heard from Sol. Mana reversal does not happen all at once, but if it does not completely heal once, it may recur again next time … ”

“I told you I had to keep it down. I can go to the city later and treat it properly. ”


“At the time to worry about that … . Whew. is not I wanted to get a little better and it was undone again. Did not you learn to never step back against monsters? It tells them that I’m scaring you guys. ”

Of course, the kids did not feel a little uneasy. This is the first time I’ve seen over forty wolves at once. Anyway, I was speechless to say that it was not worth the remainder, and Hyun and Hyun Lee painted his head.

I wonder why I ran out of style. It is not you who did not keep up the formation. I thought that if I shot it like this, I would make a soul tightly, but it seemed that I knew what they were doing wrong.

Even though I was obsessed, the kids still had an anxious look. It was probably a valid way to distort the face a few times while playing the third eye.It was really hard.

I opened my mouth with gymnastics for a moment and saw the kids watching my lips.

“Anyway, I do not want to go back. Even if it is me. So take your mind firmly. This time, I think it might be, but if you show the same attitude the next time, I’ll be really sorry. ”

“Tongue, brother. But…The solitary mana reversal is … ”

“But it is only jiji. I know my condition well. I still do it. Do not worry, you guys are good. ”

After my words had fallen, the children seemed to be slowly taking their burdens. However, it seemed as if the face of each of them was dying, and the atmosphere was loosened before they met the wolves. I was able to realize the position where I was sitting, looking at the fraud that fell in a moment.

When I stepped, I could feel the gaze of the kids. But I never intended to go back. Once you have come to the road. I had to turn back to where the trail disappeared in the middle.

I could not find the trail because it was in the course of the career as expected. It is a career path that you can see another world in one step. At last, I thought I had a clue to the pensioner’s dungeon.

============================ Late Works ==================== ============================================================================================ It does not affect even if deliberate subtraction works. I do not know if I was wrong or I was wrong. But every time I upload it, I always feel like a prankster.

2. I heard that one of my relatives was involved in a traffic accident. I am the one who saved me a lot. the problem is. This is a very urgent situation now. My father went down hurriedly but I have not heard anything yet. I do not even get a phone call … .

Simplifying the ripple, Suhyun is in the best position among current users. It is enough to be able to gain an advantage only in the first 20 minutes when fighting whom it is right. On the assumption of power. However, the stamina is still holding on to the ankle. Even if you play 1: 1, the more you drag the time, the worse it becomes.

The stats point is “really.” I do not give well. So, it is very surprised that Suhyeon received a rite of passage ration point. You may think that it is extremely rare to receive stat points in the future as achievements or performances.

I tried to change it a bit bright, but it does not seem to improve at all. I tried to joke on purpose and I joked, but when I saw my face in the mirror, it was so terrifying. It is horrible that the batter goes out differently from my feeling. I have a complicated head.

Comments are always read all over again. I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply with a note.

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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