
Chapter 066

Ahn was staring at the spider with his bare face. Ansol listened to his staff without speaking, and the well was sprinkled with a dagger. Looking at the face, it was the faces that seemed to run out of nowhere.

On the other hand, the face of the face, Ani Vivian’s face was overflowing. She smiled as she watched her brother’s fate and laughed and greeted her with a lively voice. Of course, it was me who was talking.

“Smile? I smile! Do you think so? Human male? ”

“If you look at it from your point of view, I think it makes sense. Spider-female. ”

“Yo ho ho! Spider female. Cracked. You’re kidding me. You look different too. Good! I have a patience for a long time. You do not kill …Hmm …Decided to live! ”

Vivian was a very solid face. I heard the two legs in front of me and put on my arms (? The kids were not ridiculous, but they were giddy, and there was a sound of windshed.

Anyway, by my standards, it was a pretty pleasant monster. I also had a soft smile and opened my mouth with a little playful tone.

“I have an answer. I do not think I’ll spend a little more time writing this? ”

I noticed the intention of my words, and Vivian opened his eyes in a circle.

It’s something. What is it? Do you want other kids to live? ”

“Not that. I came to this place and saw your body …Did you kill both of them? ”

In my question, the spider nodded immediately without hesitation.

Yeah, sure. I did it. But why? ”

“But the name is Alchemist. Do not you use your body for experiments? I do not understand why I left it alone. Is not it Vivien? ”

“To this. I’ve torn that shrill …Ohing? But how did I know I was an alchemist, Vivienne? ”

After seeing Vivian ‘s reaction, I put a smile on my smile and put on a gentle expression. It was refreshing and had some intelligence. But that was all. There seemed to be no higher thinking power that might have been seen in the old Alchemist. Once I checked the desired response, I could not get over the distance.

Vivien showed delight that there was a person who knew himself by splashing with a bright face.I am afraid that the dungeon will collapse every time I play. Though it may be my guess, Vivian probably touched on a body modification or intentional infection with the desire to live more. In this case, I could see it as a miserable word of a wizard or alchemist who was not high enough to be rich. I do not have to say if I’m satisfied. It was a rare type anyway.

“The other humans, females, came in first. There are a few children who are still on the subject of lower grades. I lost a lot of useful people. you. Did you pass the vacant lot with the goblins? They were not originally used by the public. I was forced to fill it in the wind as the original ones were wiped out …Eight! Fever! ”

Vivien grew so upset that he was really angry. She usually pours a bottle of poison from the chin, and proves her anger. She was breathing and speaking with a high voice.

“Do I have to see it? I did not want to leave it this way. But it was a museum. Exactly. I really did use a little bit of it, but one of them is running away? The one holding the bow! The other humans abandoned, and I was running away to live alone, and I was overwhelmed. Come on. What. But thanks to the rest of them, even though they lost the former. ”


“Honestly, I wanted to kill him first, but other humans did not let me go. Especially the male priest. I liked it, but I kept killing it first and then killing it. I grabbed the other kids and ran away. I followed the back, I put a leg, and I cut my back halfway. Well. But then I thought of it and just chased the first runaway male. So I did not check. Is he dead? ”

Vivian spoke all these words very quickly. I wanted to be a person who likes to talk a lot. When I talked to Vivian without any hesitation, they were all watching with their faces. Then, suddenly Ahn Hyun suddenly faced with a glance face, I was able to see her eyes glancing toward the children. Perhaps it seemed like I misunderstood that I had to regain as much as possible while I was taking the time to talk. I was just wondering if I was really wondering … .

However, this misunderstanding is not bad any more, and after accepting it, I answered Vivien’s question.

“Huh. He’s dead. So the archer’s user is finally hit by you? ”

“Heehee!” It is so fun to talk to after a long absence. Yeah, sure. You know. Honestly, those guys are not quite as good as I am. So I went to the end. He scratched his throat and screamed. Did I do well? Woah. ”

Vivien was a real joyful face. She closed her eyes as if she were recalling what she was doing, and she looked at her. Meanwhile, Ahn Hyun was breathing slowly. He said, “I do not have the answer when I only talk about the sol.” I pulled and pulled and I liked it.

Then Vivian shimmered his eyes and pointed to the air by lifting his legs with a surprise face.

“Hey! Ask him! I am so delighted to talk to you strangely ~ Hee. ”

“…okay . . . What happened to the female user hanging on the ceiling? ”

When I asked him with a good voice, the spider tied his body and opened his mouth with a red bullet. Back from “That year … “I heard a sound that Yu – jeong spit out. Myoje. Are you jealous of monsters right now?

“꺄 e. The female hanging on the …okay . . . I did not like it when I first saw it. I was really annoyed when I looked down at me with blinking eyes. After all, it’s going to be like that. I do not like it. ”

“Even if you do not like it …That’s a bit too much. ”

As he talked to his friend, Vivian picked it up and closed his eyes again. It seemed to enter the recall mode again. I’ve already had dozens of opportunities to do it. However, I did not attack very well because it was fun to listen to it because it made the horse quite tasty. Of course, I also have other ideas that I keep hearing about.

“Heehee!” It would have been fun if you saw it together. At first I am tied up and trying to sharpen me. I really wanted to break it down. That’s why. Renga also gets ~ Goblins also ~ The first man who has escaped Ramic also receives ~ And finally the role of the spider to finish the clean finish! It is still in the first sight to see the plight of monsters deprived of the innocence of the year when it was so dignified. That’s how you cry … . It was so funny that the face that I was staring at and smirking was wringing my nose and I forgive him. Eventually, she lost her ejie as she conceived and gave birth to an egg. Heihi Hit! Stupid years. I wish I had done it from the beginning. Then, like other males and females, I would have kept them alive. ”

“…Then there are users still alive. ”

“Uh. I had a good conversation with Kochi. It will be alive for a while. But I am worried about where to write it. I’d like to have kids …Or make it a chimera. Hmm … The latter is more bullish. ”

All of the children ‘s breathing was quite stable. I listened to the sword that I had peeked at because I thought I should finish the conversation. Looking at me with a sword, Vivian muttered with a sad face.

inTo fight? Let’s not do troublesome work ~ huh? I will not make you bad. ”

“It’s annoying. But I think I should knock you down. It’s like our kids do not like you. ”

“huh. Toothbrush. Something good. He says he drank a bullet. But I do not kill you because you like it. And…Ela. I wrote it again. He also lives with a cute male. ”

The face of Ahn Hyun changed oddly. However, as the atmosphere of the prefecture and me changed subtly, the anger of the oil well and the brush got more and more intense. After spilling a little sweaty sweat a little, I throttled my throat and talked.

“The other two?”

Hum… Honestly, the maternity year seems to be more appropriate. Mana seems to be abundant. But I think I will be too open to it from now on. They are also kings who commit suicide before they are made into a mother. So I’ll have a gigabyte next year. ”

crazy bitch

“Huh. I am crazy. ”

“It’s screaming.”

“I do not have?”

“[email protected]# $%^ & * & ^%$ # @ @! ”

In the affirmative response of Vivian, the voices shouted, speaking a language that they could not understand. Vivian, who listened and laughed and laughed at the profanity of the pouring oil well, soon began to pour out his life with a sincere look. Every time I talked to him, I saw a spider whose atmosphere was changing and I was sneaking around. It was certainly not a spider with normal accidents.

As soon as Vivian’s prayer changed, she immediately began to ask her mouth. I saw the children who seemed serious and I raised the horsepower gradually. However, there is a sense that it is a little unreasonable to leave it to the children entirely. This time, I was thinking of going out even if there was a person who showed his talent. The moment I take my mind and take a step. I could see that the lower jaw of the spider who was searching for us was opened wide and a thread like a waterfall flowed out.

“If I get caught, I will not hurt. I’ll catch it all at once. Hihihihi! ”

With the laughter of a spider, a silver thread springs from his lower mouth. I have been proud of the huge amount and the huge amount of the spider which the spider which it opposed so far compared with the spider web which is not comparable with. The poured threads toward the floor were soon scattered like umbrellas, and soon bowed like arrows toward us.

I was at a very fast pace, and I had a sense of a moment. The thread of the spider touched our bodies in the middle of the night so I felt it. Soon, the gentle threads began to enter our bodies. But I did not act and just kept quiet. For a moment, one thought flashed over his head. If there is no threat of life in this situation, it would be better to take it back to his secret base and come out again.

“You were surprised? Heihit. ”

I did not have much resistance, but the kids were desperate. But I was at a rate that I could not react. Ahn Hyun was late, swinging the window around and pulling the threads away, but it was in vain. It was a problem of thickness and viscosity, but it was so heavy that it was hyperalgesia. If he did, there would have been no point in being able to point to the well and the brush. Nonetheless, when the boys used the dragon, Vivian uttered a laughable smile and then uttered his voice.

“Wow. I’m in vain. I did not make my yarn weak enough to be cut off by such a men. Do not be underestimated. Just accept it. Like the male at the front. My eyes, my mouth, my ears are clogged too, but at least my nose will not be blocked. “What is it?

“Hey. Wait a minute. It’s all blocked except your nose? ”

“Oh, Uh, yes. ”

As I opened my mouth with a half – colored face, Vivian waved his eyes and stuttered. However, after confirming that my head was big, I turned my head backward. The speed at which the thread closes the body is so fast that the children have already decorated the thread with the whole body like a pupa cocoon.

I leaned my head downward and I saw a yarn winding around my body. The five senses are blocked. That said, the kids in Kochi could not see and hear what I did. I thought it would not be necessary to go inside if the secret was guaranteed.

As I set my mind, I awoke to sleep in the body.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

The prize came safely.
The person turned into a handful and put it in the ashes.
I had a lot of thoughts while walking with the hot urn.

Readers who have posted a lot of comments. Thank you very much.
This comment has been really great power.

I came home at ten today.

As usual, I can not write in 2 hours in absolute time, but there was a little amount of work I had done before, and when I was pushed into the corner (?), Somehow the capacity came out. I wanted to keep my promise because I announced that it will be canceled from February 2 to February 3 only. Some people may not like the quality or quantity of this article, but please understand the circumstances of today.

The alchemist’s dungeon is almost ending. I will probably finish in three or four times and return to Mule. Please wait a bit for those who are bored. In the future, I will try to meet your expectations with more fun and good contents.

Lilith will be resumed tomorrow.
Thank you for your interest and support.

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