
Chapter 069

Vivian was transformed from human to spider. Body modification or infection is necessary to go through the process, and both processes essentially require a catalyst called the nucleus. Nuclear can be any material with mana, but the most representative is mana stone. You might think that it is Manna Stone, but Vivian was in a different case from the usual case.

Mana stone in the body becomes a nucleus of the body over time. Human beings can be seen as the backbone of heart or magic. A place where you have magical power, fairness and a lot of magical power flows through the day. After a long period of time, the mana stone becomes a nucleus, and the nature changes to a kind of inner end with deep mana.

Of course, it is not really comparable to the bridegroom or spiritual mind. But it was something I did not know and was better than nothing at least. I was intentionally worried.

“Well. It’s a little short. ”

in Ew, Please take a look. Is this really all? ”


Yeah, sure. really really.”


When asked, Bibiang came to his unfair face and yelled at him.

“Lee. stuffy. Really! If you do not believe it, go check it out! ”

“I want to have it.”

I slowly lifted her finger and pointed at her body. Vivian looked at my finger and turned his head straight along the direction. Vivian, who soon saw his body, bowed his head and looked at me with his face as a star and opened his mouth.

“The human male. I’m curious. Do you have any unusual walls? ”


“Huh. For example, to cross the spider … ”

Shut up

“Hick. sorry!”

I just cut her off. That’s what he’s talking about now. When I had a rough face, Vivian shivered and shook his eyes. I watched her for a while and I turned her knife up and down. The more the intensity of the trembling seemed, the more. Somehow, when I see that gesture, I feel that I want to harass it. I still have a seat, so I opened my mouth slowly.

“It does not mean I want to fuck you. I want to have something in you. ”

“I do not … ? There is nothing useful in me. Do you want me to pull out a thread? ”

“no no. That’s okay. That does not mean that. You were originally human. right?”


Vivienne nodded in earnest. I am more sorry to get out of some reason. But I kept my mind and continued to speak.

“If you turned into a spider, there would be a substance with a mana that acted as a catalyst.”

Sure! I felt it before …uh. Wait a minute. Are you talking nuclear? ”


“To me now. You want a nuclear? you are crazy

Do you remember that part either, or do you know that it was originally part of the research and direct examination of the body? Vivien raised his eyes in a circle and asked me. I looked back with a decisive face. After confirming her acceptance, she became a blank face, but she seemed to have a mindset.It was a horse with a face.

“furnace. joke?”

“I’m not kidding.”

“To this. No, it’s a joke. JohnHo Ho.”

No way! Give me the nucleus. I’ll save you a lot if you give me these things. character. Appointment.”

When I step on my little finger, Vivian’s face is distorted. She withdrew back and shouted with a loud voice.

you are crazy Why give it! ”

“do not worry. I do not die when I pull it. ”

“I know that, too. Can you tear off your heart or horsepower circuit? Do what you say! ”

“Of course I will not. Give it anyway. ”

“What a shit! Hate

“Give me.”

Bambusae / zhu ru Just kill! I’d rather die than give it! If you give me this, I will …Hick. ”

Really? Then I’m sorry. ”

Take a sword and step forward. When I saw my appearance, I saw my apologies, and Vivian clutched back and quickly retreated. But this is not a studio. It was in the palm of the Buddha that I could step back. Seeing the passage behind me, Vivian opened his mouth quickly in desperate tone.

Wait a minute Wait a second! First Put it in your sword once. Let us talk. story. Your really pretty Do not come! ”

I accepted her request properly because I am good. After I stopped, I again said the requirements with a clunky voice.

“I’ll say it again. Now give me these nuclei in your body. Let it be your life. ”

“That does not make sense … ”

“Negotiation breakdown.”

In the end, Vivian broke up the urge to see me.

“Hey ah! I do not even have tears in my blood !!!!! ”

“Right. You are revealing your true color. yeokshi This is annoying. I’d better just kill him and pull him off. We also dissect the body of the prosecutor … ”

As he moved his pace again with a hum, Vivian looked at me with a stunned look. chagrin. Disruptive. fear. I wish I could cry as soon as I saw her face sweeping the negative minus emotions …Ah. Why am I doing this? Is it really weird?

Eliminates the diagonal angle and causes magic to concentrate. My sword is blooming, and my face changes too. I had read my change of facial expression, Vivian turned his head around and found a breakout road, but it was in vain. Already in the studio was full of my life.

I could not give up hope, but when I saw the spider trying to run away on the wall, I approached it with a lightning streak and wielded a sword. With the feeling of cutting soft tofu, one leg of Vivian rolled the floor. Vivian cried out in pain and fell down the floor. Without him, I heard the sword over his head.

Bye But you were a pretty nice guy. ”

“Please! “Hold on!” Awake to sleep! ”

What is it? “Yes?” I will listen to the last will. ”

Vivian, who squealed his eyes with a sword, shook his eyes. I had a sigh of relief for a moment that I had confirmed that my actions had stopped, but I could see her eyes slightly shaking as if she had recognized her situation soon. Oh oh. Finally lucky …Goddamn it.

Anyway, when she saw my eyes, she seemed to realize that only words were true. Her tiny lips were opened.

“…I’ll give.”

What Speak loudly. ”

“Give! Do not kill me! This is a bad motherfucker! Uh huh uh uh uh uh uh!

In the end, I smiled a little while I watched Vivian burst into tears because I could not bear it. It looks pretty when you look at your face. I’m curious about human being. I smiled and laughed at the sword.

“I thought well. Haha

“Woo huh! whew! I’m sorry. Do not worry! An Angang! ”

I did the work of raising the spider myself. She accepted my hand, but the crying did not cease. Rather, I was scratching my head as I watched Vivien on the floor with the remaining legs crying. I treated you so badly. I felt a little sad when I saw a spider that was crying and crying with tears. Also, I was so sorry to see that my legs could not be cut off properly by cutting three pieces.

“Huh, huh, huh! Uh huh huh! ”

“Hey. shut up.”

My words sprung in the opposite direction. Vivian asked me if I had any effect on my blush. But I could not stop the sobriety on the legs of the year (expected by the shoulders).I ran away with a runny nose. In the meantime, Vivian is hesitant or “really? Are you really going to take it? “I had a look that I was begging to stretch my face. I was waiting for a moment and I was speaking with a frustrated face.

“Do you take the time now? If you give it, give it to me fast. Ah. I’ll just take it easy to cut. ”

“All right, fuck. I wonder if it will be …Huh huh. ”

I could not bear the sadness of my nerves in my unwavering determination. Vivian wailed again and made my belly bulge. It was shaped to push out the inner end in the center. Once twice Severn Vivian, who made the ship so bumpy, looked at me with his desperate face as if it was the last time. I heard the sword quietly.

“Give it to me! Fuck! This is crazy! You bitch! Fuck you! ”

In Vivian ‘s curse, I replied with a shrug. In the end, Vivian ‘s mouth, which showed the process of pushing out finally, came out with a black and round sphere. Almost the size of an adult palm had been kept for quite some time. I quickly checked the information.

“I learned the nucleus of Alchemist Vivien.”

In the end, Vivian, who had puked out the inside, fell down and fell down with a frowning face. It was a form of energy. The tears fall down on the floor on her face falling down. I stretched out my hand toward my inner side with a satisfactory face. Then Vivian heard a small voice in his ear.

BlackIt’s poisonous. Blackjack! If you pick it up, hurry. you die.”

In the meantime, I worry. This is really funny. I laughed and grasped my hands with my hands. Then Vivian ‘s face turned into an awkward face, and I looked at me with a half – faced face that I was worried about. I shouted at my hand as quickly as I wanted to make fun of her.

“Ugh. Suddenly poison seems to penetrate. Ouch. Die.”

“What, what? Your really pretty So I …Oh…This is not it. Oh yeah! It’s good! ”

I lightly raised a hand in the hand, and I breathed in aspiration. The desire that I infused is to remove the poison in my inner table. Soon, the color of the inner end of the dongle dongle started to change gradually in my hand containing the magic power. At first it was a black color without a spot, but gradually it was going back to its original blue color.

This was the merit of myth class. If it is a salt class, it burns unconditionally, but the myth class shogun was able to control it according to the will of the user. Vivien watched the process with a strange face. Soon after I finish the process, I look at me with a distant face as I put my inner self in my arms. I laughed and said, “Actually, it was crazy.”Then again, his mouth was pierced, and he finally burst into crying again. I giggled at the sight.

After a period of disturbance, Vivian sat down with a fretful face. I spoke to Vivien on the spot. Of course, in the meantime, Vivien was packed with all the pouch.

“congratulations. I will live as promised. Haha Do not think too badly. If you give me one piece of information for reference …You better leave this dungeon as soon as possible. In the near future, the dungeon information will be revealed and the city inspector will investigate. ”

“Do not care!”

“Do you die here?”

“I lost most of my power, no matter what the core was! The situation is the same when we go out! So I die and I die …Uhh! ”

Vivian, who had a brain with an enamel face, painted his face with painful facial expression. It was not able to control the inside because of the loss of nucleus.

“Ugh …큭 …APAIt hurts! ”

Vivian looked at me and appealed for pain, but I had nothing to do. If you dare, I will kill you. As I pointed my sword with a natural face, Vivian turned his head to his face with a sense of betrayal.

“bad guy…BlackI gave my body and mind …Uh …큭! Aaaaaaaa! ”

“What a bullshit.”

I watched Vivien with my nose. I was a little surprised to see the following scene. Vivian’s body began to twist forcibly, and then the bridge slowly began to fall off one by one. I looked like a robot, disassembled one by one, twisted and twisted, I caught my eye. This phenomenon … .

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene. Ah. I’m really trying to do it. I feel like my head burns over a thousand years … . Hahaha What is happening to Vivian’s body?

Originally, Vivian was planning to kill him behind the scenes, but he changed his mind to think that he had exposed his personality to a certain extent by crossing the neck of the user. Vivien. I would like to thank the readers.

In this. The long and long dungeon expedition is over. I will return to Mule next time. Hahaha And if there is anyone who has passed recommendation and comment last time, I would like you to come back and press. Your 30-second investment is the driving force for 30 hours of power.

“Relief” 1. Tragedy life: Ha ha ha. Please look forward to the next meeting. First celebration.

2. Like Yu-Yun: It’s been a while! Please comment sometimes. Hahaha

3. GradeRown: Please expect what will happen next time. Posthumous.

4. Rain Rain: Mmm. Rather than abandon …It’s a bit of a mess. It is not a crazy person who likes killing insanely. But if you need it, you can be a crazy person.

5. Person’s life: I honestly felt that I was feeling sorry for myself. Ahaha. If it survives, it will be a duo with Soli …^^.

6. Einstei: I will probably educate Suhyeon to avoid such a situation. Hahaha

7. Yui Lana: Surprisingly, Vivien is popular. Vivien extended his life a little longer thanks to the previous user sacrifice. What will happen next time? Hahaha

8. Bass: That’s right. The base of Vivien is human …헙!

9. 3d33d: Well. If you put up the stats as you set it up early, really. like mad. It is rare. Next time, a detailed explanation of nuclear is also available. Hahaha

10. Legendary user: Yes. There are still a few caves in the ruins of the Institute and caves of the cries. Hahaha

Comments are always read all over again. I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple. I will answer your question if you give me a note!Please give me some comments! And also recommended …☞ ☜) Then I will leave today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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