
Chapter 071

“Stay quiet.”

When I was finished, Vivian bit his mouth. But it seemed as if I was still hopeless to see me as an eager young pupil. Suddenly in the open space, I remember the memory of Jeong Yeon-nee’s neck. She was also hoping for something. Please save me. Kill me. Only you will know what it means. But Vivien is different. She wants to be sure.

As you can see from the more detailed information, the rare classes and abilities are adhered to. 92 points of magic ability. I can say that it is a good ability to use even in the second half of this period. Other stats were also good for the mage. It is not enough for the top ten users of the top 10 or top users, but the job is complementary.

The problem was that a bottle of Elixir was consumed. You can not buy GP again. I already paid for 77,777 GP and bought hidden items. If there is no way to save it again, I will never use it, but it was not necessarily.

I know how to get two more bottles of Elixir in the future. I can not go right now, but I definitely remember about it. And Yoo Hyun left two bottles for her brother and Han Soo Young, but they were Elixirs who assumed the worst situation ever. I do not have to write it unless I drag it to the beginning.

If you look at Vivian’s ability after recovery. [Strength 48] [Durability 50] [Dexterity 56] [Stamina 45] [Power 92] [Fortune 74] can be defined. If you are lucky, you can get 1 or 2 more horsepower. It was obvious that this kind of talent would help if we joined our party at the beginning. Above all, you can fill in the missing wizard positions.

And the best thing is that you can have two rare classes. If you let Vivian give you the book, you get two identical jobs. And Vivian, who has already learned a lot about the job he has already seen, will be a good mentor for future users.

I felt my mind leaning on one side. In the end, as a resident, the burden of death is small. I will not hesitate to use my wishes later. After completing the calculations in various ways, I turned to Vivian with a soft smile.


Yes, I can,

I straightened my face, nodding her head, and I reached eye level with her. I thought she was beautiful when I saw her naked. Long dark hair and silvery eyes. With a white skin (no cracks) Wonderful face. I felt her shrinking as soon as I gazed at her body, which was slippery. It seemed to be quite nervous that the dung bean was sweet.

“If you are an alchemist. You know the equivalent of an equivalent exchange. ”

o . . .rum. Exchanging things of equal value … ”

Really? You have released what you have, and I have decided to save you. This can be an equivalent exchange. This will enable On the other hand, if you give me your life again, what can you do? ”


“I am sorry that I am like this. But I can surely heal you. Maybe I can restore the lost power. It is not the spider again, it is the only opportunity to return to the human form. ”

“Uh, how?”

In my words, Vivian’s eyes trembled tremendously. I was surprised that I was regretting that I became a spider monster without knowing it. Once the first button was sewn well, I whispered in her ears with a more subtle voice. One hand grasps her head and the other grasps her back. Vivian’s body trembling was getting worse every time.

“You’ll see that. character. If I give back your life, give back the lost power, and return the lost human being. You would also have to pay the equivalent. ”

“…What do you want? You know I do not have to give it to you now … ”

No. One remains. That’s right. ”

I stabbed her back, her stomach. So the skin was a little bit split but I did not care. I can fix a whole bottle of Ellis anyway. Vivian, grimacing and sad, impressed me whether I understood my words. It was time to choose.

A few moments of silence revolved around us. But, As you can see from above, Vivian had a passion for life. I was able to make a satisfying smile as soon as Vivian ‘s head nodded weakly.

“Do you have to listen to me in the future?”

“…All right.

I do not know why I smell a dangerous smell in my words, Vivian answered with a loose voice.

* With two items from Vivien and two users cocoon, I returned to the vacant lot again. There were four cocoon dogs on the vacant lot. I quickly cut the thread wrapped around the cocoon and released the kids. Every time I release one of them, the kids look at my face and look happy to jump.

After a short break, the children ‘s interests naturally headed towards a woman of delight and two cocoon. The problem of Vivien was a pressing one. I had to say it before, but I was a bit worried, and Vivian was doing better than I imagined.

Now According to you, you have been turned into a spider by a bad wizard long ago? ”

“Huh. That’s right. But beside him, I was able to find my self by extracting the nuclei that make up the spider, which is the body. ”

Soon…Even if I turned into a spider, I remember. Kill users, create dungeons. ”

“After turning into a spider, I could not get out. I’ll be hunted when I see it. And since my body has been infected with spiders, intelligence has also been lost to monsters due to the effects of nuclear. I have a clear memory, but my view is ambiguous. If it was a human, it would never have been. ”


She looked at her with a suspicious eye and turned her gaze to me. I immediately opened her mouth and explained her explanation.

“Her words are true. If I was not Vivian, I’d be dead too. If we did not help her to limit the spider’s behavior at the right time, we were all dead. ”

In my words, Yu – jeong and Ansol became a distressed face. I smiled as I watched Vivien, who was acting well. I was deceiving the children now with a speech that mixes lies in the truth. In order to set Vivian as a party, she had to alleviate some of the things she had done so far.

“But what you did did not change.”

Absolutely. I also do not want to avoid it. ”

“But what about your body? I think your shoulders and back are a little cracked … ”

Ahn Hyun asked the Vientian properly, and asked Vivian. She looked at me and immediately answered.

“Actually, I am in a very dangerous condition now. The body came back by extracting the nucleus, but the burden on the body is significant. ”

“So you’re going to die soon?”



As soon as I got out to say that I was going to die, the complexion of the kids was a bit cloudy as expected. Your head will be confused. I stepped back into my eyes as I stepped back into my stomach. I’ll have to take a stone fastball.

First We are going to act with Vivien. ”

When I talked to them again, the eyes of the children gathered in an instant. Ahn Hyun was surprised and Yu and Ansol seemed not to like to frown their faces. But when the kids were against my decision, it never happened since I entered the Hall Plane, and I never thought about going back.

It is also good to recruit prospects. But we needed to move things fast now. It would make sense to hire a user or resident who could immediately see it as a power-up rather than a user who would take a lot of time to grow. If Vivian adds to our party now, it will take at least a third of the time for me to do what I have planned.

“Vivian himself seems to have a lot of conflict with what he’s been through. If I could live, I wanted to live at atonement. Of course, what she did is not right, but there is room for consideration. I see signs of reflection. So let’s take it to the city. Looking for a way to cure after taking. If you act together, if not …I suppose I must. Is that possible? ”

Ahn Hyun showed such generosity. Rather, I was worried about oil wells and brushes, but they were still a dull face. Still, it seemed to be shaking a lot by saying that nature and tendency were good and saved me. Soon he said, “I might die soon … “I was able to see them nodding like a barely convinced.

I had a sigh of relief when I solved a big job like eating beans on a lightning bolt. Though I did not clear the suspicion yet, it was time to solve the problem as I was successful in getting into the party once.

After exchanging my eyes with the kids once, I turned their attention to the space where the users lie. Then the children ‘s gaze also felt like following me. There were two male and female users lying flat on their loose cocoons. It was the first two users who were caught by Vivian.

To be honest, it was so much fun to make fun of Vivian, forbidding their existence. Maybe if I did not have the voice of Vivian calling me to step out of the aisle, I might have let it go.

The colors seemed to be alive because of the sound of the breath, but the face was quite pale. Both of them will not be as high in physical abilities as they wear a wizard robe. Yujung, who looked at them, opened his mouth in a worried tone.

“brother. Are not they going to die like this? ”

“I will not die. I’d better go to the city as soon as possible though. ”

“I know the shortcut.”

As Vivian lifted her hand quickly, she sighed.

“huh. I’m good at speaking. It was like this because of who it was in the first place. ”

“…….”Vivian’s face came to the fore, but she was able to bite her lips and endure. I was a little relieved to see that I was following my words faithfully to restrain unconditionally at first. I was still breathing nostalgic though I could not help it.

I picked up the two nerves and turned to the users again. I was going to check user information. Just the moment you want to activate the third eye. I felt my head shivering. I shook my head, feeling the blurred vision, and I was able to focus again. But it seemed that the surroundings were leaning about without knowing why.

“brother. Why do you … ? ”

I was watching you die, and Sol soon approached me. WhyThis?

Hyun, Yu-jeong, and Vivian came to me as if I had noticed my strange feeling. The moment you say you’re okay and try to force your third eye again.




I felt the whole body became helpless when I turned my sight in front of my eyes. This feeling is …It’s a burning phenomenon. No way. At that moment, the words that Seraf had used to say before have spiked his head.

User Kim Soo Hyun. The power of the lanterns is not the level of human sight. It is not unreasonable to look at pure power, but controlling and controlling it is a matter of different dimensions. If you do not use force properly, you must exceed 101 points. No. At least not over 90 … .

I did not write it to the maximum. This way … . Finally, I could see the surroundings getting darker. It was a moment when my eyes were rolling.

“Potential ability. I can not fall (Rank: A +). ”

At the same time as a message came up in the air, a will to breathe my body to crumble.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== 71 times is not a crossword. Our apologies.

I do not know why I’m so busy getting my job done and finishing my job today. -_- a So I will raise the person to raise tomorrow.

It is also unclear whether it will be put on tomorrow at midnight, so just plug in the yesterday ‘s draft. Maybe I’ll have a lot of hands on it.I will fix what I do not want later.)

Sorry for not being able to leak. However, I read the comments without fail. Thank you very much for your readers. I will finish my transfer today and work hard from tomorrow.

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