
Chapter 073

When we left Mule, the faces of the boys were bright enough to be seen after we entered the North Gate where we left. Everyone did not say anything, but if I were to look at me with my eager face, I would have to sit down. I took a small pouch out of my arms and threw it to Ahn Hyun. Ahn, who was carrying one user, became embarrassed, and fortunately, the oil was caught in the middle and succeeded in grabbing the pouch.

“Good job.”

“Do not give praise, but give me a reward.”

This place

I pulled down the user who had carried it to the body and handed it to the well. I grumped at the well, but still got that user nicely. I just opened my mouth as I looked at the oil well, which seemed to be a little gentle and powerful.

“You know where the lady lady is? I have enough room for two rooms a week. I have dinner first. You can eat anything you want to eat. And if you ate it all, go in first and rest. ”

“brother is?”

“I have a job to see with Vivien for a while. And we have to report it. ”

“We are together … ”

“It’s easier for me to be alone. It’s okay to go in first and rest. ”

It was a bit cloudy, but I was able to see my head in my head. I feel like wanting to take a break now and want to go to a rustic inn. It was quite annoying to be honest, but it was something to do anyway.

After I sent the kids first, I could only stay with Vivien. Vivian watched me and paused and sighed greatly.

“I really do not know it.”


“Kids and you.”

As I watch Vivien through me with my thin eyes, I silently say, “Why?”I expressed the word. Vivian was even more stubborn and more and more vocalized.

“The kids are not even some newborn babies. I watched only you and chirped, but I was scared. And you are the same. It was very difficult to justify if they were kids. I did not pray when I saw him coming or going. Why. I’ll be very nervous too. ”

“I was originally?”

Really? So I’m just about to come forward and do it? ”

I raised my hand instead of the answer. Vivian turned his eyes once and sighed again. As soon as Vivian’s mouth was about to open, I moved my hand to Vivian’s head.

“The body.”

“Oh, huh?”

“Is your body a little okay?”

Vivian is embarrassed by my surprise. She rolled over to her face with her bare face and stuttered. Then she raised me a little and saw her open her mouth carefully.

“Not yet.”I’m fine. I can bear it. But this hand …How. ”

Once I gently swept away, I turned. She seemed to hesitate a little from behind, but within a short while she felt her coming. As long as you acted like you, you needed to give your trust and give as much as possible to get the maximum amount of money.

The streets of Mule were definitely more turbulent than the morning we left. The majority of users were going to the temple to do exploratory reports like me, but there were a couple of explorers. Looking at them that went out this night, I simply asked him for his name.

Before I went, the first place I stopped in was the user ‘s warehouse. If the shrine and the warehouse were all on the opposite side, it would have been difficult. Fortunately, the two were somewhat in the same direction. As I went to the shrine, I could see that it was not a Barbara, but a certain number of users.

And the attention of users was being collected by Vivien. Vivien is a shame, leaning down his head and making himself closer to me. I was in a good mood, but I felt jealous.

If you go out on the streets of the continental shelf in front of you, you can go this way. “I wore it because I wanted to be eaten by you guys. So please take me to eat. “It was nothing like advertising. It did not mean that I was worried. Vivian was certainly a worthy timber if he regains only strength. Probably a few users will not be able to push their business cards or bones.

Soon after arriving at the user-only warehouse, I immediately pulled out all the Elixir and gold coins inside. The gold coins I am holding now exceed 1200 gold. If you sell jewelry or other items, it is a huge amount, and it was too much for the users who started in the beginning. The more money you have, the easier it is to plan ahead. And I decided to use some place already. I put a heavy purse in my wrist.

“What is that?”

Vivien was curious as he turned one of the empty bottles filled with bright yellow. Looking at her pushing her face closely, I simply answered.


The power of the word Elixir was beyond imagination. Vivian, who made her first look, is usually “hot.” After I had changed my nose, I clutched my hand. Where is this guy.


“Do you know Elixir?”

stupid Alchemists make potions. Elixir is the best known among them. Once fooled. Bring it here. ”

“You come and see yourself.”

In my opinion, Vivian grumbled and pulled out his head. For a while, Vivian’s look at Elixir was getting more and more strange. I just tried to stretch out my hand and I immediately bit the Elixir. It is obvious that Alchemist has built a certain level of skill, so Vivian’s face was in a state of seriousness.

“This is strange. Wait a minute Do not pull it off. ”

“I do not need to do that. You can drink a little bit. ”

I was firmly in love. It was not my personality to have made a decision beyond that aesthetic. I drastically opened the sealing lid of the Elixir and handed it to Vivien along with a small amount of Elixir on the lid. Vivien, who took the lid quickly, sniffed his nose for a moment, took the smell, and immediately gulped his neck.

“Umm . . .

Why not?

“for a bit…Uhm? Huh…Hmm…

And also, Vivian, who enjoyed a little taste for a while, opened his mouth with his eyes round. I realized what is happening inside my body. I immediately activated the third eye. This time, I was going to get her information very quickly.

Native Status * Translates resident information into user information.

1. Name: Vivienne Lacclassard 2. Class: Chimera Alchemist Master 3. Nation: Espinion (now a city that has been destroyed).
4. Clan: – 5. Jinnyeong · Nationality: Ancient Alchemist · Black Hunt Spider · Hall Plane 6. Sex: Female (24 · 128 [?])
7. Height / Weight: 165.5cm · 48.8kg 8. Propensity: Chaos / Neutral Ability [Strength 48] [Durability 50] [Dexterity 56] [Physical strength 45] [Power 92] [Fortune 74] * Elixir My body was temporarily restored by drinking a small amount. If there is no additional intake, it returns to its original state.

A Plus Plus Plus Potential (4/4) 1. Rank Magic (Rank: A Zero) 2. Orthodox Magic (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus) C Plus) 3. Build a magic position (Rank: A Plus Plus) 4. Make a potion (Rank: B Plus) Ability Comparison 1. Kim Soo-Hyun: 540 (12 points left with the ability point)
[Strength 94] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Power 96] [Fortune 88] 2. Vivian Raccladas: 365 (No points left.
[Strength 48] [Durability 50] [Dexterity 56] [Stamina 45] [Power 92] [Fortune 74] Is this the ability of Vivian to regain all the power? I looked at her with a fresh face and a fresh face. Again, the magic and priest are the most important points of the magic ability. If the other stats have an average of 30 or even more than 90 horsepower, the user is going to get caught up in any clan. In the Hall Plane, mages were such.

I was really wondering what might be the dominance of 66 athletic legions, especially those who were A +++ ranked. Rare class jobs were not comparable to secrets, but they certainly had the ability to differentiate from regular classes. Of course, the general job is strong if you nurture well, but Rare can maximize efficiency in battle, and Secret has powerful power. So, it is the two classes that users expect to be unhappy.

I roughly summarize my thoughts and turn my gaze forward. Looking at his body with a flustered face, Vivian is usually an urgent face, not an urgent face. That was the face with all the eyes, the face with a mind.

There was a moment of silence between her and me. But the stillness was momentary. Before long, Vivian broke his leg and ran to me.

“Give me that!”

“Good luck.”

I put one hand on her face. She waved her arms and tried to approach me, but it was not enough. Nonetheless, she became more and more radiant and used the dragon to hold the Elixir in my hand.

“Give it to me! Give me! Give it to me! ”

“I can not give you that right. What if you eat and wash your mouth? ”

“I will not. Dress So give it to me! ”

She pushed her hard, but Vivian rushed back to me. I sighed and extended my hand again. Instead, this time, it was change if it changed to go out toward the chest rather than the head. As soon as I saw Vivien, who was running in my arms, I felt a fistful of flesh with my right hand. Five. It feels good.


Hum… May

“Huh? What about you? Ah ah? ”

I stretched out my breasts that came into my grasp. It is the breast of a woman who has been touched for a long time indeed, and the pleasure has been pushed for somehow. Vivian tries to pull out again, but this time I did not let her hold her breast. Because of that, when her breasts came to my hand, Jabiian reaped both hands.

“What are you doing! Get your hands off! This idiot! ”

“nincompoop. So who will run? ”

She forcibly took off my hand with both hands aiming at Elixir. Even though I was a little sad, I handed my hand in earnest. A bit harder to hold, Vivian gently tears his heart.

“Sobbing…ottokeI was dirty. ”

“I have only one heart. Anyway, did you confirm that I have a means to heal you? ”

As I laughed as I could, I had a sore throat, and Vivian nodded silently. As if I was going to give you the Elixir, I laughed and said to myself.

“Anyway, I decided to wait for a while. You can make sure of one promise. ”

“I remember what you said in the dungeon.”

“You do not know what you’re going to do.”

On my part, Vivian became a dumb nectar. But now she has not yet recovered the archetypal mind of Alchemist, and she was in a state of urgency. And now this is the moment I was looking for. It was nothing more than to fly a precious Elixir as if you were eating and running away or if you were uncooperative. So I needed to make a minimum of preparation.

“Well, then what should I do?”

“Fuhu. Let’s make a contract. ”


I looked at Vivien, who was puzzled by his head, and answered with a smile.

“Huh. contract. Let’s go to the temple once. I have to go and report on the expedition and write a contract. ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Once more, I raise more. It is fortunate that we can keep the promise of the chronicle. Hahaha

I was so frustrated that I wrote it at the 73rd while receiving it.
I do not know if tomorrow will be at midnight. Anyway I will keep the daily series. (If you do not come at midnight, do not just wait and sleep. I will have to edit the contents of Ottawa from the 70th time.
And I should do it by driving a lilipple.

Now I write this up and write it in my later life. Hahaha
I will come to the land now. Hyujae ㅜ. ㅠ.

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