
Chapter 082

Shin Sang Yong was seen as a really introverted user. I have been feeling a bit frustrated when I see that it has been spinning around for more than five minutes. I was forced to listen because I had many eyes to see, but the children were showing a little boring expression.


When he noticed the sign, Jung Hoon – yeon gave a loud voice to him, and Shin Sang – yong shed an awkward laugh. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth this time with his eyes shining.

“Have you ever heard the word magic?”

The magic. I have heard of course. However, from now on, Shin Sang Yong will concentrate more on his own destiny than on simple magic. At the same time, the third eye was also activated. I wondered what kind of powers were there to come out.

User information (Player Status) 1. Name (Name): the liberty (2-year) 2. A class (Class): General Wizard (Normal Mage Expert) 3. Dept. of State (Nation): Barbara (Babara) 4. Affiliation (Clan):-5. Jin gang · Nationality: magic square, to seek the truth of Korea 6. Gender (Sex): male (28) 7. Kidney · Weight: 183.7 c m · 69.2kg 8. Inclination: order · Neutral (Lawful · True) stats [muscular 40] [duration 42] [agile 45] [health 40] [HP-85] [lucky 60] achievement (0) unique ability (1/1) 1. Harmony (調 和) magic square (Rank: A Zero) potential (3/4) 1. Pension magic (Rank: C Plus) 2. Authentic magic (Rank: B Zero) 3. And for decoding (Rank: D Zero) 4. -(Still not enlightened.)

“I do not know how much you’ve bloomed at the moment, but I have one thing in common with regular users. That’s…There is no special ability. It’s not from the beginning. It’s a special case that evolved into a unique ability that was originally there. ”


I stared at him with his eyes. He was speaking to me with a vague voice that I had never heard before.

“I’m sorry to say so. But I am saying. I do not know how to study, but interpersonal and social life is stupid, and it is not feasible to deceive others. Moreover, I want to disclose my user information at least as much as Mr. Suhyeon makes an unreasonable request. ”

“…I am burdened though. ”

“You do not have to bear it at all. That’s what I said. ”

I sighed and nodded. To be honest, I did not have the special ability and the inherent ability. It is a rare case in the first round, but I remember seeing a few of those users. However, it was a great curiosity about the ability of the unique ability of marching harmony.

Shin looked at my signal and immediately lifted both hands. Naturally, everyone’s gaze was driven by Shin Sang Yong’s two hands. Except only one.

Jeong Hae-yon was only looking at my face since Shin Sang Yong started talking. Perhaps she felt like she was making her own judgment. I focused my attention on the two hands that Shin Sang Yong put on with a sharper eye.

“From now on I will show you my unique ability.”

Hwaruk! What!

After his speech, Shin Sang Yong was able to feel light magic. Soon there was a flame in his right hand and ice in his left hand. It was two aura of mutuality. I mean, the magic of harmony is … .

Before my thought was over, Shin Sang Yong flared in both hands. And now that I have activated the third eye, I am very surprised to see that there are numerous magic calculations between the palms of my hands. I was able to see that the eyes of Jeong – yeon ‘s eyes were getting darker.

Shin Sang-yong cherished one of the two hands that cherished an aura that could not be theoretically accompanied by ice and fire. Looking down at the aura with his affectionate eyes, he opened his mouth with a quiet voice.

“Pretty … ? This is my own ability. The name is a harmonious magic. Haha

Soon fire and ice fell in my hand. It was definitely beautiful to hear some elasticity around. Even if you do not know the exact power, the destructive power that is caused by the mangling effect is obvious.

I felt that the unique ability of the magic of harmony was very crazed. If you can combine the aura of harmony, which is comparable to the lanterns and the lanterns … . I thought for a moment, but I shook my head. I can see that the mark of an ancient marriage practiced on my body is above the margins of harmony in terms of rank and efficiency. Nevertheless, it is only a matter of holding the lantern for a while. If the harmonious magic gets into the energy of the lantern, it will probably break at all.

Shin Sang Yong, who was scratching his head with a muggy face for a moment in the elasticity of the children, opened his mouth again with a calm voice.

“It would be a little big to say that you are an inventor. I was originally a worker at a research institute in Korea. I like to calculate, and there is great interest in making something. One of my favorite areas was the march. ”

The magic. A check that arranges the natural numbers from 1 in a certain order, one by one without overlapping or missing, and keeps the sum of the numbers in each group constant.

“The principle of magic is pursuing harmony and balance today. You might not know it, but there are a lot of examples that apply the principle of magic to real life. ”

The faces of the boys were getting harder again. Especially, Ahn Hyun and Yu Jeong were banging in front of me. They really do. I sent a glance that I was sorry, and Shin Sang Yong laughed and smashed his hands.

“I came to Hall Plane and got a wizard job. I wanted to add more priests, but the chief angel invited a mage mage. Honestly, the wizard was right with me. DamanI am a little different from regular mages. ”

Certainly yes. I do not have any special ability, but I have a unique ability to possess such good things. Orthodox magic is what mages learn essentially. What kind of pilgrimage magic and antiquity detoxification in the battle has bloomed?

I have the ability to obey, although somehow survived. Better, I was disappointed that I could not use my job characteristics more efficiently. If the magic rank is high, it may still be worth it, but both the pension and the authentic are both B rank. I pretended not to know anything and waited for the next word with a flabby face.

“Learning to be involved in orthodox magic more than a wizard in the Hall Plane is an explanation. But still. Although it may be personal nature, I was very interested in alchemy. People around me did not want me to learn pension magic, but I grew up learning because of my personal greed. Haha Are you pathetic? It is a life that goes back and forth in the world that has failed to face reality and has pursued the ideal. ”

Yes. I’m sorry. I wanted to answer. But I slowly shook my head.

“But I do not regret. If I had not had this alchemy for two years, my weak self might be crazy …Whoops. The horse is too long. Now I will tell you why I came to Mr. Suhyeon. ”

Shin Sang Yong is “Huh.”He breathed out.

“Getting information from the ancient alchemist dungeon was a real chance. So I shared information with my sister Jung Hae Yeon and Jong Yeon Yeon who I usually knew and I packed up a caravan in secret. I do not recommend exploring because of the current golden lion clan. So, in my opinion, it is my responsibility to be able to do so. Had I not told you in the first place …I still regret it. ”

Or is it? I did not just go into the woods of the darkness, but I got the least information. I heard his voice quietly, and I heard him quietly.

“There will be moral responsibility. But that’s what I’m responsible for. And I’m responsible for the delay myself. I did not reluctantly follow it, but I decided to do it myself. so… ”

Listening to Jeon ‘s bitter speech, Shin Sang – yong made a sorry face. She immediately turned to see if she felt she did not want to add more to the story.

“Even though we failed to get into the dungeon, we still have not forgotten the curiosity about ancient alchemy. I know this is like a jerk, but if it was not Mr. Suhyeon, or if I was alive, I might have entered the dungeon again. But now it is no longer necessary. Therefore sign

After stopping for a while, Shin Sang Yong looked at me with a distant face next to me. He folded his legs and kneeled down. Without a moment I could not stop him, he stood on the floor with both hands and fell down on me politely.

“I know that it is unreasonable to expect the dungeon’s rewards and goods. And that kind of mind has no secret. I could not stand still when I heard that there was an existing Alchemist. Please, please teach me under her. ”

“Shin Sang Yong. Wake up!

No. Now I think that this request is too blatant. However, alchemy is not the mainstream on the Hall Plane. There is no way to get advice from a subordinate, and no way to get advice. I only get through the self-taught self-taught …I still do not know if I’m on the right track. What’s more, it’s been a half-year-long feeling of clogging the wall. Maybe if I go this way … ”

Shin Sang Yong was still speaking without lifting his head. And I was able to feel a little watery in his words. I closed my eyes to a memory that suddenly came to my mind.

Now I was more aware of the user’s feelings than anyone else. I also did not receive the teaching of anyone. I was a self-taught master of swordsmiths, but when I came up with the process, I still had a lot of emotions.

I feel like a huge wall standing in front of me. I have to jump up the wall It ‘s so hard I can not make up my mind. The feeling of frustration at that time is so desperate to say the least.

In particular, although it varies from person to person, it is safe to say that most of the stats are developed if they grow up to the second year. As early as the day did not go up differently, but a huge effort to change the level of whether or not to raise just one point. I opened my mouth slowly to feel like I was hugging something.

“I read some old books, and I’ve seen something. And the contents of the book are so impressive that I still like it. ”

Shin Sang Yong seemed to be the force that would never raise his body until an answer came out of my mouth. But I could see that I was concentrating on my words. However, as a second-year user, it was true that I was eager to see that I tried to make a lot of efforts to kneel down to the users of year 0. I was speaking in a more gentle tone.

“If you look at the wall, you have a lot of worries about how you can jump. And to jump over that wall must be done by your own strength. But somehow, if you jump over that wall … ”

I stop talking for a while. After getting a little nervous, I was talking again.

“The wall is a solid support that supports the bottom of your feet.”


I opened my mouth as I watched Shin Sang Yong holding my head to see if there was anything I could reach. Request for a new service. I can not judge it because I have not heard the details yet, but it was a good opportunity.

“Mine says . . .”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

As many people have supported me, I have been watching interviews well today. The horse was out of control. I was a little sorry for the woman who interviewed. Hahaha It would be great if the results were good. Hahaha After returning home, I immediately commented and worked 82 times. Yesterday many of you had a conversation.

By the way, I am finally being criticized for being rated terrorism. I feel so sad that I’m sick. 🙂 “Relief” 1. Bezmil army: First congratulations. Originally, I was so busy at midnight that I had to write really hard until I was 12:18. 🙂 2. Person’s Life: Fucking Fuck! That’s it! (Hahaha It’s a joke.) I was too busy yesterday. I was busy doing preparations for interviews. I ask for your understanding of human life.__) 3. Imperialization Fellowship: Thank you for your interview! Please enjoy this time happily, too.

4. Sunset s: hahaha. It is difficult to see it as a higher version. Jung Hae Yeon has a merit in his own way, and Kim Han-hee has his own advantages. Ah. I would like to introduce Han Sang – soon soon.

5. MT Bear: First place will be hard. There are so many interesting works, and nowadays there are many people who give prehistoric works, so I was able to get a glorious position thanks to the influence of the animation buff (?!). Hahaha I will do my best in the future.

6. Latty doll: Aiku. Then I will go to completion soon!

7. Hyono: I like to talk about my head. Because then I can sleep well. Posthumous.

8. Hong Seung-shik: That’s right. I am curious to know who is the character for the popularity vote 1 character. It would be nice if I could have a personal breakup. Hahaha It’s the most popular character.

9. Suffering soul: Oh. You’ve been up 20 times today! Gomapseumnida Wow, 200KB. Wow. Hahaha I’m serious. (?)

10. Einste: There is no ability to know exactly and precisely like the third eye. There is only one or two ability to estimate. However, such abilities are significantly less accurate.

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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