
Chapter 1025

Omnibus – Sovereign Of Sword.

As a result of Serap, the process of the pregnancy and birth of an angel is similar to that of a human, but there are also distinct differences.

The first is the period.
If the time it takes for a human to be born is ten months, the angel can be said to be quite fast because it is only two months old.

The second is the process.
The process is a more comprehensive word, which is about one month after the birth of an angel, in the form of eggs rather than children.
After another month there, the child breaks out of the egg himself.

To put it more precisely, the first month is a process in which Seraf delivers experience and knowledge as a mother.
And the other month is the process of accepting and matured by the child.

In other words, the baby angel comes to the world when he has some intelligence.
As soon as I get out, I recognize my parents and even express my thoughts.

It was so effective that it was supposed to be compatible with the process of giving birth to a fairy.
But if you tell me your personal opinion, I was not feeling sorry for myself.
Because it seemed that the fun of raising a child as a parent was halved.

Anyway, I can not help it, but I had no idea to change the law from the beginning.
The fact that it is my child no matter how it is born does not change.

So it took me two months since Seraf had conceived my child, and I and Seraf finally had a long-awaited break.
I have heard that there may be errors about a week or so, but it happened exactly one month after Seraf had an egg.

“Move again.”

Rooftop where sun is best in place.
I could not take my eyes off the pure white egg that Seraph had, covered by the wings of an angel.

The size of the egg that is tilting to the left and right is 25 centimeters by 25 centimeters.
It is about double the volume of ostrich eggs.

Of course, it has not been so huge since the first birth.
He came out of the world and grew in size for a month, and Seraf said that he was absorbing knowledge well, so do not worry.
But how can you not worry?

I looked up at the sky for a moment, and I could see the year of heavy snow.
It seems that the signs of the wave are visible.
The movement was quite intense until just an hour ago, but as the time passed, the tremors were remarkably quiet.
The burning candle slowly fades.

So much more sad.
The child seems to write a child who wants to come out, but the skin is too hard.
I think it would be a little easier if you could drill a hole … .


When I moved my arm without knowing it, my hands were caught in a hand stretched across.
Seraph slowly rolls his head across.
I do not mean to say, but I know what it means.
Let the child break out on their own.
I scratched my head again.

Seraf grabbed his hand carefully and grabbed the egg.
Near the face on the surface, he whispered in a small but beautiful voice.

“Cheer up. Silap. I am waiting for your father, and for everyone who is waiting below Silap, to be born healthy. ”

Then something strange happened.

The movement of eggs in the whispers of Seraf stopped.
The next moment, a strong noise and a torn shell sounded.

The source of the sound is the top of the egg.
Although it was only gold with fingernails, it was definitely a crack.
Seraph saw both eyes when he saw it.
Then I turned around and looked at me.

wae geurae Did you do anything wrong? ”
No. Would you go down now and bring me only one person? ”
“…Only one? ”

It was a strange saying.
We are the only two on the roof.
Seraf requested that the newborn child should not confuse his parents.
I am born with intelligence, but there is a clear difference between what I know and what I see myself.
I thought I had a reason, so I ordered a ban on the rooftop.
Then suddenly, bring one?


Seraph smiled and said the person to bring him.
In the meantime, the crack grew a little bit, and I immediately turned around and opened the roof door.

I jumped down the stairs at full speed and saw clan members gathered at the first floor.
When I look down on me, I feel surprised.

I tried to impatiently purposely, and hastily fixed the expression.
He is sitting on a rocking chair and rushing up holding his cane while riding his stomach.
It was the moment to use miracles.
Plus, to take out all kinds of potions, including Elyos for personal use.

No, it is not! I came to pick up someone to go with. ”

I quickly pulled out my hand, and all the action stopped.

Sibling Is not it wrong? ”
“Not at all. You do not have to worry.”

Ansol sighs relievedly.

Hyujae I also … . But you came to pick me up? ”
“Huh. sorry. I’ll explain later. ”

Looking around, I looked around.

It was not difficult to find.
It was not common in the Merinerian clan, as it had the appearance of a middle school student and hair color like seraph.
No, there is only one.

Let’s go.
“Oh, Oh, Father … ? ”

The girl caught badly and was dragged away in panic.
I jumped up the stairs with Marr ‘s hand tight.

When I opened the rooftop door, I saw seraphs concentrating on the eggs inside.
Although I had not been one minute since I left, the cracks have been enormously widespread.
It was about half the surface.
If I was a little late I could not see myself being born.

“Oh … . Ah, three, Seraph. ”

I tried to tell him what I had to say.
Seraph smacked his head with a smile.

Greetings. Fortunately, the. It’s not too late. ”
“Ha, but! If I’m here … ? ”

simplicity and honesty!

That was the moment.
Seraph squeezed his head and opened his mouth, but suddenly half of the eggs rustled and the upper part slightly shifted from the bottom.
As soon as the cracks begin to break apart, the fragments of the crumbs fall off.

After a while, something suddenly emerged suddenly in the egg where the upper part fell off.


Dry shrieking hurriedly hid behind my back, and the smile of Seraf, looking at the broken egg, thickened.
I gazed at the little thing that popped out of the egg.

The first thing that came into my eyes was the dazzling silver hair that reflects the sunlight.
Will the upper body be one and a half centimeters?
A pair of white wings sprouting on a white background were small and cute enough to be only palms, but they were clearly telling that they were angels.

And face.
A white, snowy white ball, a bright but sharp nose, a very soft pink lips like a cherry, and a divine and lovely bright eyes that resemble seraph. .

That baby angel is my … .


Then the baby angel shook his head and shook off the rubble of the skin attached to his head.
One pupil of the right eye is blinking a couple of times.
Within a moment, he looked up at the seraph which was holding him and smiled grinily.

Hi there. motherWhat are you talking about?
No, did you say that?
You were born new?

I heard that there is an intelligence and I can express my opinion, but I did not even dream about it.
However, Seraf was greeted as if it was natural.

“Right. Well met. Silap. ”
“Silab … . Thank you for giving me a pretty name. mother
“It is called Seraph. I had a hard time coming out. I sincerely did my best. ”
“Yeah. It was really hard … . I heard my father and mother voice in the middle. I want to see so much … ”

Mother angel and baby angel talking calmly.
Am I confused now?

I looked back and looked at Seraf and Silaf with a dry hand holding on to his dry hands.
Unless you were mistaken, it seemed that you were somewhat envious of yourself somewhere.
Come to think of it… .

After a while, Seraf put his hand between Silap ‘s armpits.
I hugged me carefully and looked around.

Soo-hyun Daughter. ”
“Silafe? Say hello. Your father. ”

Silafe’s eyes shone brightly.
He wings his small wings vigorously in his forearms, and flew out with his fern-like hands toward me.

“Oh, huh?”

I accepted the sillaff, which I dug into my arms without knowing.
When I gazed at the eye, I saw a baby angel laughing brightly in my chest.
The feeling of moving twisted and twisted is wonderful and warm.

Four apuchi

Syllab speaks as if, of course, gladly.

“Oh, do you recognize?”
Sure do. Does it feel right? Every time you sleep, you always stroked me and said you wanted to see me again. ”

I certainly did.
So when I was in the form of eggs, I remember what I did and what I heard.

“like that… ”

Sillaw smiled at his room, smirking his face in his atrium.
I could not figure out what to do, so I just shook my head.
But soon I realized I did not have to panic.

Yes, Silaf is an angelic blood.
It can not be placed on the same line as a normal human child. Besides, as soon as I was born, I could have a sigh of relief.
Sillaw is the man.

It was then.
Seraph, who had come to the side, reached out behind me.
I wondered what he was doing, and from the time he came up on the roof, he kept catching Marr, hiding behind me.

Sure. I can come out now. ”
“Oh, Soon…

The dry one, who was taken out of the way, swallowed his breath as he looked at Silafe.
She looked at Silaufdomar, and her eyes were round and her head caught her head.
It looks like a sister.

It’s pretty!
Brock mother Who is this beautiful person? ”

It’s like talking.
Seraph sincerely smiled when he thought the same thing.
And he said.

“Silab. Say hello. My daughter. ”
“Yeah !?”

Marr jumped at the sudden introduction.
Thirteen pairs of fairy wings shining in a prismatic shrubbery also fluttered.
It was quite rare to reveal emotions to such a degree when I saw Marl’s personality and behavior as usual.

Sillaw opened his mouth.

Sibling Is that my sister? ”
Yes, that’s right
“Wow, really?”
“Oh, oh b, oh, no!”

Dry saw me and Seraf as alternating as I was before.

Reflectively, he pushed Silauf to Marr.
Dry was an embarrassed expression, but he did not reject Silaf.
Rather, he received a child as if he was just a saint, and showed an uneasy light.
In some ways, I seem to be worried.
Just like you are worried about what to do if you are rejected … .

Hello! Sibling

But the face of the girl disappeared like a lie the moment she greeted cheerfully.

Marc’s eyes were greatly lifted.
The lips that trembled trembling faltered, and the two eyes were numb.
Impression, and surprise.
Except for these two words, Moora was an inexplicable face.
Whether or not, Silaf was a clear speech.

“Me. I have a pretty sister. ”
“My older sister. Please be pretty in the future. You can speak Korean
Ah… Ah…

As always, Marz, who is always elastic, is suddenly sitting on the floor.
I guess my heart is tense.
The shoulder holding the silaf is shaky.

Thank you.
What is it? Sibling Cry? ”
Thank you. Thanks. Huh… mother

I kissed the dry sound and muttered.
However, I can not speak as if I am thirsty. …Oh, yes.
That’s why Seraf asked me to bring Marc.
Now I think I know what it means to bring him back.

Seraf sent Marques the most obvious message in the most important situation.
It is a message that accurately defines between the two.

“…It’s just … ”

“You tell me again.” “Seraph slowly fell to his knees.
Then he grabbed his head, Marw, and his fern-like hand with Sillaw, who wiped his eyes.
The large wings spread out from her back softly surround the three.

And I quietly stepped away.
I do not know why, but I did not think it was time for me to break in.

The sky was a clear day without a cloud.
The elevated sun across the expanse blesses the warm sun on the rooftop.
The three silver balls that came into contact with the sun shone a brighter light.

“…….”I stood in the room and looked at the three women for each other.
I do not get tired, I keep on going.

It was peaceful and warm scenery that felt better than ever.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Kim Soo-hyun Omnibus, let’s start. _(__)_

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