
Chapter 1028

The first thing that was visible was what looked like a wooden pillar.

No, it is not.
That is a giant strut that soars above the sky that I do not know it ‘s over.

It ‘s like a pillar of old wood that has been living for so many years that it’ s been funny for hundreds of years.
No matter how I turn my head, my mouth is open to the vast height where no end is visible.

Besides, width is not a joke.
Even if you have hundreds of adult men with arms open wide, you can not afford it.

But the most surprising thing was neither the height nor the size.

A deep aura that comes from what looks like that tree.
I can not even sense how to say it.

Well, to put it mildly … .
The feeling of homogeneity?
I know it ‘s ridiculous, but it really seems to me.

– You do not have to try to define it.

At that time, the voice of zero code sounded in my head as if I had read my thoughts.

– Source, I, Essence, Life … . It would not be wrong to put any word on it.

Is that what I felt?

– It does not mean that you are right or wrong, but you do not need to define it. Why do not you look down once more?

I glanced down at the horse.
And I put my foot off without knowing it.

“What, what?”

Damn, I almost fell over.

By the way, what are those cracks?

Is not it a crack?

It seems that the rope of an adult body is twisted and tangled to see the stem of a giant plant.
I thought it was a crevasse at first because it was big.

Let’s take a closer look. Suddenly, a scene ran past my eyes.
Gehenna and Hwajeong were visible in the deep and wide gap.
The video was just shining the landscape I was standing on.

Kenichi Momoyama

It was when I turned around to reflect on the incredible phenomenon.

Urrangle, Urrrr!

As soon as a sudden and intense roar hit the ears, the body began to shake violently from side to side.
It was a terrible shock that the balance was disturbed at once.


I hurriedly moved to the air using the above, but no use.
The dragon’s wings spread, but the powerful shock was not even able to fly because of the whole body.
The entire space did not stop shaking like it was dropping.
If the vibration did not weaken in the middle, it would have fallen somewhere. – be careful. It seems that the restoration is starting now. Maybe it will not be over once.

Barely balanced, low voice rang.

“Bo, restored? What happened to it? “- Then, did you think that nothing was going to happen when the old-school gods really crashed?

It was a bit of a blatant voice.
I’ll still catch some.

Anyway, I was a bit of a snooze, but I went up in the air.

I pounded my throbbing chest and flapped it up on the wing.
And I looked down at him in a tired mood.

After a while, I lost my words again.


What should I say?

In the vast universe of space, there are all sorts of things, such as stalks, which can not be counted.
Centering around the junction where the deadwood and the bottom meet.
The first thing I saw was the pillar of the tree.
If you break the eggshell in nano unit, you will not get any cracks. It was a minister who could not come out of the elasticity.

One thing that is strange is that it appears to be complicated at first glance, but it is spread with certain rules.
Although there is a difference in thickness.
It must be said that it looks like a ripple in the waves. …Uh, what about the stalk scene I just saw?

– Human beings live for the rest of their lives.

The moment I was about to get complicated, my body was leaning.
Within a forced, and gradually begins to descend.
After a long time, the sense of touching something firmer on the soles of the feet was conveyed.
Suddenly the earthquake-like vibration stopped.

After folding the wings, I tried not to step on the gaps and looked around where the zero code felt.

“Choice?” – Do not think hard. What choice do you make when food comes out in front of you?

“Eat, do not eat.” – Or throw in a bowl, or worried about eating or not.

I almost thought I was teasing, but I barely managed to.
The tone of the Zero code was self-centered.

– The individual who was the one before the choice is subject to his or her own choice. In other words, the world that was one of the moments to choose is divided into several. Depending on your choice.

The explanation of the zero code which emphasized the choice was long.
It seems to know but does not understand subtlely.

– Even if you change your mind in the middle, there is one choice you can do at any point. The reality of each world recognizes and accepts only the circumstances of its choice. Of course there are exceptions anywhere.

“Exception?” – interference, retrograde, dimensional movement, regression, and so on. So you can see that you are a pretty big block of exceptions. That’s right.


There was meaningless mumbling in the teasing tone.

I continued to look around everywhere in a feeling of disgrace.
Is the universe of a clown reminiscent of this infinite, each a world?

“So it’s centered on me, and it’s my choice.” – Yes … . Uhm?

The zeros of the Zero Code, which were firmly positive, rose rapidly.

– Ha. I think you are misunderstanding something. Except for the base of you, there is no such thing in the divided world.

“-” Anyway, it’s pretty funny arrogance.


It was a moment.
Suddenly a strong wind ran over my ear.
The visible darkness quickly passes by the sight.

I was standing in a place where I was so uncomfortable.
I only know that I fell significantly from where I first stood.

– Look down.

There was also a stem in the bottom.
It looks much bigger and deeper than the stem I came out of.

Watch carefully and look into the inside of the movie again begins to come into the eyes gradually.

It was the first scenery and scenery.
Bright sunshine was illuminating the first castle.

“This place… . “…Oh, I found it.
In this world I was sitting in the middle of a high throne surrounded by several people.
The face looked very bright.
And around me is Goh … .

Yoohyun. don’t.

I suddenly stopped breathing as soon as I saw the unexpected person.

But many times I closed my eyes and woke.
No matter how I look again, she was Yoo Hyun-ah.
I was holding on to me with a very happy expression.

Wait a second.
Yoohyeon definitely killed with my own hand.

– Kim Soo-hyun of that world made a different choice with you.

A profound echo shook the questionable mind.

– You have chosen to define Yuhan as enemy and deal with it. But after the performance and encounters, a little bit in your heart, but there was a change … . Do you really need to kill him? It’s still a bud, is not it worth using? like this. …So I thought … .
Have you been?

– Anyway you chose to reject Yoo Hyun-ah. On the contrary, Kim Su – hyun of the world chose to accept her whatever the intention was.

“The choice to accept … “- Since then, I have joined forces with Isantelourou and Hamil Clan, and have succeeded in their own efforts to capture Atlanta in two years. Then, in another six months, I went to the top of Tera.

“… … “- The world you are seeing now is the world that quickly cleared this gap in this multi-space space. It was a fast speed without a gap in how the devil would be handed.


It is ridiculous.
It is impossible.
In this year and a half of six months, you’ve hit Terra?
That is not possible.

“But I’m Mar … ! “- Oh, of course, the Fairy Queen has replaced the Holy Queen. Thanks to the cooperation of the fairy easily in the last war. But,

The Zero Code, which broke the word for a while, giggled and laughed.

– Kim Soo-hyun of the world got not only Maru’s future but also Yuh Hyun-ah’s future cooperation.

“Yuh Hyun-ah’s future?” – Huh. What about her future you remember?

“…….”I remember her future.

Yoohyun. don’t.
I do not have any special skills.
But the lady who was crowded with superb users was thought to be a fraud.
And the sacred queen who built up strong forces against the power of the iron-blood queen Han So-young in front of her.

-Yeah, I do. Think about it. The four queens are not hostile to each other, they cooperate with you, and when the spring and autumn nations are over, they will spread the future.

“…So you mean I made the wrong choice? ”

In the meantime, I have raised my voice without knowing it, because my heart is getting rough.
The Zero Code sounded loud.

No. At least from my point of view, there is no wrong choice. But considering your goals, there may have been a more efficient choice to meet your goals.

“… … “- Just a home. The important thing is to know that you are only one of these many roots.

“…….”…Or is it?
So he wrote the funny arrogance.

– Do not make your face look too strong. By force alone, you are definitely ahead of any world. Though not unrivaled.

“I’m out of energy.”

It was a voice that I missed, even though I received it right away.
But not because I realize that I’m not special, but because I have forgotten a woman who has forgotten.

There is no regret.
However, there is a slight change in the heart.
I am so different now and then.
I’ve got a chance to reevaluate what I’ve done.

okay . . .
Just that … . …Let’s keep it.

I shook my head and spread my bent back.
I looked around and opened my mouth.

“How long must you stay here anyway?” – When the restoration is over.

It was a clear answer.

– But the end of the impulse is not bigger than I expected. I’ll be back in three or four hours.

“How can I get back?” – You can go into the world you came from.

“…As a stem? ”

It is so simple.

I moaned with my words and moved slowly.
It seems that the time to set up the mind is considerable, but the size of the surprise still remains.
This tremendous number of stems is a world that is divided one by one by choice.

When I thought about it, I looked around and saw a stalk stuck in my eyes.
As we have already seen above, the world that is divided and rooted around the origin is created with certain rules.

But what is caught in sight is just as noticeable in this complex space.
Unlike other stalks, the shape that was alone was enough for the viewer to lose his gaze.

– Hmm… . That’s … .

As we walked looking up, the zero code blew weakly.
Do you mean you can not?

– I do not recommend watching … . It does not matter.

What would you do?
It does not matter, but it makes me nervous.

In the midst of the severe conflict, I stopped at the destination.
Curiosity goes on.
But this multi-space world is a place where my strength does not work.
There will be no worries, as if you were knocking on a stone and crossing. I turned and asked.

“Do you have any negative effects?” – Exactly. It’s your choice. It’s just that the world … . Hum…

The sound seemed to be difficult to explain.

“What is it?”

I’ll have a confirmation.
I looked at the inside of my mind like I did before.

But it ‘s a bit deeper than it looks.

Yes. it is.

It was the moment when I bowed a little.

Urrangle, Urrrr!

Another loud noisiness struck my ears unchallengedly.
At the same time, an intense shock was applied to the whole body.
As if to pick up strongly.

It was indeed a rage.


For the next moment, the navel felt close to the hook.

Reflectively reaching out, it was meaningless action.
Already my body was sucking into a pit like a black hole.
Within a short time, I felt a sense of darkness like a tsunami that covered my eyes and closed my nasty eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Today’s Safe!
The night falls, but I am rather happy.
I think you wrote down what you want to write down.
I am interested in space.
Of course, I am afraid that the reader will accept how to accept it because of the content. . 🙂 It is strange, but it is hard to say that it is unconditionally good to save Yuhanah.
Kim Soo-hyun and the propensity to stand in the opposite direction, I would have encountered the judiciary.
Even if the results are good, I do not know what the process will be … .
The Zero code has shown the best future for the purpose, but I’m at a loss to think that there will be plenty of other futures.
This is why we put the monologue that there is no regret in the middle.

Oh, it ‘s already seven.
I am ready to go to school.
Readers can start a lively day!

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