
Chapter 1031

At this moment, Kim Soo-hyun of the world did not hide the absurdity.
In the face of fierce battlefields, the light of strong distrust shines on the face.

“…wae geurae

As soon as the opponent looked blankly, Kim Su – yeon leaned back on his chair and twisted his legs.
The slightly elevated elastic calf is slowly put on the left thigh.
Kim Sookhyun ‘s eyes were frowned upon in his charming legs.

The next moment, the eyes of both men and women flashed at the same time.

“I confirm the invitation of user Kim Soo-yeon’s own ability third eye (Rank: S Zero).”
“I confirm the invitation of user Kim Soo-hyun’s unique ability third eye (Rank: EX).”
“The same ability … . However, the third eye of the user Kim Soo-hyun gets 2 ranks higher than the third eye of the user Kim Soo-yeon. ”
“User Kim Soo-yeon’s third eye (Rank: S Zero) has / has been found /!”

“!?”This time it was the time for Kim Soo-yeon to fret.
Her third eye was the strongest unique ability ever broken.

The light of unquenchable wisdom, the eyes of fairies that pierce the truth, The eyes of the heart that overlooks the sky, The eyes of truth that reveal true reason. One is the mastery, the dominant powers that can reach the knowledge of transcendence.
But neither one stands above the third eye.
By the way, it is surprising that the opponent has the same ability, even the rank is even higher.

Kim Soo-hyun stared at the message printed before his eyes.
Still confused with confusion and astonishment, she still looks at her with intricate eyes.

Kim Soo Yeon.
The user, who called himself Mercenary Clan Rod, was a woman reminiscent of a sister who had an anticipated soul.

The key specified in the user information is 168.7 centimeters and weight is 52.4 kilograms.
The black hair, which has gone down to the slender backstroke, has not lost its original color even though it is buried in blood.
He wrapped his upper body in black and red with a rhinoceros in harmony, but he could not hide his solid body in a solid shape.
In addition, there is a marvelous figure that seems to be elaborately crafted in a small face.

Let the information have to admit that the opponent who comes into the eye is a woman.

You… -Which is?

I was shooting with sharp eyes, but my voice trembled.
No, Kim ‘s lips were actually trembling.

“Five year car users … . Kim Soo-hyun

As she did, he opened the door with the same introduction.

“Kim Soo … . Chord

Kim ‘s eyebrows twirled.
The nervousness seemed to be sharp, and the face which stood on the face was stiff.

“…This is not the world … ”

Kim added a word, barely.

“The other world … ”

And yet the words have not ended.

“Mercenary Clan Road.”

The silence in the silence of the intestines suddenly became violent as a bomb.

“Are you kidding me now!”

That was the moment.


“Shut up everyone!”

A heavy noise rocked the thick stone table.
Andy Hyun, who was growing up in a room full of giggles in the room, turned around and got a good look at Jung Hae-yeon who got up and raised his voice.

Surprisingly, it was Kim Su-yeon himself who ended the frenzied frenzy.
She is holding her fist clenched on a tabletop and holding her eyes as they are.

You, really.

After a while, Kim Soo – Yeon sneaked and bowed his head and muttered into his mouth.
I do not ask anyone, just like she is singing herself.

“Not a lie? What? Interference in the world? So is it real? ”

Self-talk continued constantly.
The clan members shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders as they looked at each other.

However, Kim Su – Hyun understood Kim ‘s behavior.
Because she also had a heart in her heart.
I have already verified this with user information.

if so.
If you are a Grade 2 class newcomer, you will be able to explain this anomaly.

“So why … ? Why

Kim Soo-hyun, who thought so, looked at the woman with her head in her head.

After a short period of time, Kim Soo – yeon rolled his shoulders and buried himself in his chair.
He sighed like a sigh and pulled out a fine tobacco from his arms.

mee too One Taiwan. ”

There was a slight conflict, but Kim opened his mouth.
I quit smoking, but it seemed that I could not really calm down without burning one in this shitty situation.
Kim Soo-yeon, staring at him, threw the tobacco that was sandwiched between the index finger and the stoppage.
Kim Soo-hyun, who had caught a whistle, made a wry smile, confirming that it was the beginning of the year.

After a while, the cranes watched both men and women burning their tobacco plants with a strange eye.
It is exactly the same from burning to lifting the head to the ceiling.
The two, knocking on the tabletop with the left index finger, shed a gander at the same time as they watched each other’s actions.

I can not believe the face still remains.
Still, thanks to the explanation of the ambassador and Hwajeong, Kim Su – yeon seemed to regain a little but calmness.
Her lips were torn and foggy smoke slowly poured out.

“?””Give me evidence that you came from another world. Anything is good. ”
“Right now, the correction of the truth … ! ”

Kim Han – seum pushed his chair and rose from his seat.
However, as soon as Kim Soo-yeon glared at her, she shuddered.

“Not a correction of the truth.”

I say firmly and face the inside of the company straight.
It was a fact that she knew that he knew that the correction of the truth was not universal.
If Kim Seo-hyun really is right, there is a good chance of answering while avoiding the truth detection.

“It’s not difficult.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who made a smile of conversion inside, rummaged through his pockets.
After his child was born, he always had a habit of keeping his smartphone.
I carried it with the purpose of leaving the growth process of the children, but who knew that it would be so useful.


The smartphone that crossed the table with water flow was caught exactly in Kim’s hands.

Kenichi Momoyama
“Look at the album.”

Kim Soo – yeon tapped the liquid crystal.
The clan members, who had noticed, rushed to the ground and gathered around her.
Curious faces were thrust into the smartphone.


And after a long time Imhanna screamed.

“Hey, what is this picture? Why am I there? Who is this kid again? ”
“Na Hyun.”
“Yes Yes?”
“I am a child born between me and you. For reference, I am a daughter. ”

In the face of Imhanna, the surprise and the absurd rushed in turn.
She was not stupid enough not to understand what I mean.

“He, so you and me … ? ”
“Yes. Something like that. ”

Imhanna’s cheek was reddened.
He bowed his head and wrapped the ball with both hands, but he did not know it, he hit the ball.

Kim Su – yeon grasped it and passed the picture.
Then Jung Hae-yeon jumped out.

“Me, me, me, me too … !? ”
“He is a son.”
I beg your pardon? Stand, do not! ”
“…….”Kim was silent.
As well as Jeong Hae Yeon, Lee Han-na, who was stealthily sneaked, made an instant impatience.

“Oh, huh? This twin year! ”

This time, he was suddenly touched.

The twin years were nothing but Zeegal Hasols.
Of course it was a picture taken with a child.

What in the world……

It was poured into various eyes.
Kim smiled awkwardly while scratching his head.

But it was just the beginning.

“!”The two eyes of Kim Soo – yeon suddenly tore and became big.
The size and bread was spread.
This is because the third photo shows Gehenna and Sna.
It was just a matter of her eyes being exposed to the hell of horror.

Beauty Chin … ”
“Oh, did you see that Gehenna is not here? Seven years ago? ”

Kim Suhyeon desperately wanted to turn the topic, but nobody was listening.

“Are you there, too?”
“Is not this the shadow queen?”
“There is also a grief?”
in This picture looks like me … . Why are you hungry? ”

Kim Soo-yeon, who was passing the photo quickly, quickly dropped his smartphone.
Kim looked at his eyes, wondering what the hell he was doing.


Kim Su – yeon said with a slightly angry voice.

“Well, I do not … ”

At that time, a user of light grayish hair said in a laconic voice.
So I was wondering about Kim Soo – hyun who was the beauty of the glasses.

“What is your name?”
“Yes Yes? Well, I call it Seo Seon … ”

The woman who said her name stumbled strangely.
But it is not strange.

At that moment, Kim Soo – hyun ‘s complexion was devastated.
Shinseo Kwan carefully asked.

“Why, why do you … ? ”
“Maybe, to summon Masashi?”
“Oh, how !?”
Oh my God.

Kim grabbed his face with both hands.
It was almost impossible to see who the woman named Shin Seon Yeon was symmetrical with when her job was revealed.
Still, I did not say that I was not one of the sex change.

The heavy static fell down.
I was preparing my mind, but no one was able to open my mouth.

It was then.


It was not the man who broke the long, long silence but the old door opening.

“Excuse me.”

With the sound of the road doors closing, the voice of a fine woman flowed into the room.
It was cool, but it was a graceful voice that seemed to be rolling ogum on a silver tray.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was in shock, looked back at the reflex.

The first thing that came into my eyes was the dark coat of the magician who covered my whole body.

The crisp black light hair glistened like a star in the night sky.
A thin, white neck like a deer is full of clean, feminine charm.

I saw Kim suddenly stopped breathing.
The heart starts swelling.
Even though I had never seen it before, I was attracted to the intense and bizarre attraction that I could not control myself.

As soon as the eyes came, the deep and deep eyes of the woman caught her eyes.
A bright red lips like golden honey was slowly opened.

“this person is… ? ”

The moment of the moment.

“Uh, sister … ”
“Hamilton Road!”

Kim Soo – yeon and somebody ‘s voice were superimposed.

Kim Soo-hyun’s face was suddenly hardened.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== It’s the night you want to eat rice bowl … .
Just so.

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