
Chapter 1041

Goseong, who had been somewhat calmed down by Kim Soo-hyun’s declaration to leave, was once again shaken.

Kim Yoo Hyun and.

It may not be that hard to accept just the same as it was just a while ago.
However, the mind of the Mercenary clan has been every bit surprising now and then.
Even though the man I watched with his smartphone pictures was so unfriendly, he had enough to stir up confusion.
In fact, as soon as I saw her, I did not have a few clan members who took out their weapons.
If Kim Soo-hyun did not explain it directly, it would have happened. Therefore, as a result of desperate efforts for a long time, Kim Su – yeon and other members seemed to understand the current situation.

Of course, it was a matter of desire that all things flow like water.

“What happened?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who had crushed his temples, stared at the opposite side with his face being troubled.
With dozens of people around, Kim Yu-hyun sat in a straight chair.
It was a very expressionless face.
He was sitting next to him, and he was turning his eyes around without seeing what he was so grateful for a moment.

“How do you … ”
“I thought it might be fun. I used to swarm to let me follow. ”
I beg your pardon?
“Aabe negotiated with Zero Code.”

Jeegar Hasols replied, grinning.

“I’ve never seen zero code so ejaculate. I was originally trying to come in, what did you say? It is said that one human being is passed on and the other is passing on a different dimension. ”

Zegal Hasol was enjoying the attention he focused on himself and was talking to me.
Kim looked at her with a face that was real.

However, Kim Yoo Hyun has been keeping silent for a long time.

It is not the usual attitude.
There is something that I do not like.

Kim Soo-hyun finally realized that he was not looking at himself.
Kim Yu-hyun’s gaze was a little on the side, so he was heading for Kim Yoon-yeon, who was clinging to his brother’s brother.

“…….”I wonder if the atmosphere is strangely flowing.
Kim scratched the ball as if it did not know what to do.

How much time has passed?


Kim Yu-hyun, who had been closing his mouth for a while, opened the door.

“You do not seem to like me much.”

It was a screeching voice.
Kim Soo-hyun, who pulled out his arms and pinched his arms, stopped acting.

“Why did not you come back?”
“Oh, it’s a little bit of a … ”
“circumstances? Was not this a different world? ”
“Oh, Did you know
“I’ve been listening to Zero Code.”

Kim made a hard look.
It was a fact that I knew that I would not go through with any excuse.
It was hard to deny that if I really had a heart, nothing would have happened.

“I tried to … ”
“Did you?”
“I am interested in this world … . But I tried to go back. You, really.
“…Suh Hyun-ah. ”

Kim Yi Hyun sighed for the ground to go out.

“It is not your will to fall on this world, and I do not want to blame you. But it is a multi-space world. I can not and will not interfere in the first place. ”

Kim Soo – hyun ‘s shoulder was hanging on the stern rebuke.
There was nothing to say in the conclusion that stabbing the sword.

There was a slight sulking around.
It was because Kim Seo-hyun, who was great, felt the unfamiliar sight of the lingering sight.

Some of them were really fit, but some of them were convinced and nodded.

Kim Soo-yeon was looking at her mind from the moment she opened her mouth.
In the eyes that you look at, there is a clear sense of envy for why.
Because it is a person who is symmetrical with Kim Yeon-yeon, it is completely different.

I was always a different person from my sister, who was lonely and soothing to say she did well all along.
He rebuked me for scolding, and he was angry at me, but I was worried about my brother and his attitude toward each one of his words and gestures.

Actually, when I saw the picture, I was imagining it for a while.

okay . . .
That’s what I was dreaming of … .

When I thought of the word “Brother,” Kim Su – yeon blushed his cheek.

I have not met a day yet.
But knowing that she was going to leave soon, she was confused as to why she felt this intense attraction.
On the other hand, it seemed to understand why a little sister Kim Soo-hyun who did not see for a few days died so much and could not live.

“cool… ”

Kim Soo-yeon muttered like a monologue.

“It’s not just that.”

In the meantime, Kim Yu-hyun continued to look at Kim Soo-hyun alone.

“I do not like it, do you know how much your wife is worried about?”
“…….””What do you think my dear ones think of you now?”
“…What is it? Now, wait a minute. It must be real oh. ”

The flagship Kim Soo-hyun hovered and pointed to Kim Yoon-yeon.

“Is this your sister, brother?”

Is your older sister?
Because he did not understand the words for a moment, Kim Yu-hyun was forced to look blankly.

“I told you I know. It’s a multiverse world. Just as there is another person in this world … ”
“So the woman is symmetrical to me?”

Kim suddenly nodded his head when asked to stop the horse.
On the other hand, Kim opened his eyes narrowly and revealed the light of strong distrust.
It was not that I could not believe it as much as my brother told me, but it was a somewhat difficult explanation to accept.


Zegar Haesol made a foolish gesture.

“It’s funny. That woman? Why Do not you say you’re a woman? ”
“You’re right.

Kim Soo-hyun was affirming.
He was worried about what to do, and with his mouth wide open, his eyes blinked.

“…Excuse me?!
“It is. He’s a symmetrical person. ”

The eyes of both men and women were simultaneously turned to the left.

Kim Soo-yeon, who was watching quietly, laid eyes on Kim Yu-hyun without knowing it when he encountered snow.
Suddenly, the feeling of getting hot was overwhelming.

At the same time, the eyes of Kim Yoo-hyun grew bigger.

She reflexively tried to raise her body, turned back and looked angrily at it.

Kim Soo-hyun Why lie … ! ”

But the cry did not last.
I can not find a falsehood in the face of Kim Soo-hyun, who is rather uncomfortable.
I was also informed that the reaction around me was true, not a lie.

“I’m not lying.”
“I was surprised when I first arrived. So it’s interesting. ”
“Do not be ridiculous.”

Kim Yu – hyun endured trembling and said barely.

“I, I can not believe … . why… ”

I heard it, but it was too far out of my expectation.

“…Do not be ridiculous.”

Then, once he shook his head hard, he forced himself to calm himself down.
Then he screamed long and suddenly.

“Do not be ridiculous!”

Was it such a shock?

The shout was very large and rang the ears of the crowded king.

“My sister is … ! ”

Kim looked at Kim Soo-hyun once, and he stepped out of his chair and walked up to Kim Su-yeon.

Kim Soo-yeon took a step backward at a pace that was rapidly accelerating.
But soon he banged his lips and swallowed his breath.

“that… ! ”

I face Kim Yu-hyun with a lot of power.

“Oh, hello.”

The step of Kim Yoon Hyun stopped.

Kim Soo-yeon gazed at the front of the audience with tense eyes.
However, nowadays, Kim Yu-yeon has only Kim Seo-hyun to hang around and Kim Soo-yeon felt alienated.
In the meantime, Kim Yoo Hyun’s presence in the name of worrying about her brother was a fresh shock to her.

“Please listen. I am Kim, Soo-yeon, a seven-year-old user, and a mountaineering clan rod of the world. ”

A clear and clear voice rang.
Besides, I bowed to my head and greeted him in a few places.
The glazed hair washed away.

“You can not believe it … . It’s true. ”

Soon afterwards, I put my head back down and wiped my hair behind my ears.

“…….”Kim Yoo-hyun’s complexion got tired.
I wore it in a nice smile, but it does not come out.
I was so embarrassed that my head seemed blank.

Famous? Kenichi Momoyama

Kim Suk-hyun squeezed his shoulders as if he could not see his brother stuttering with a devastated face.
However, Kim Yoo-hyun stared at him blankly and focused his nerves on the woman in front of him with his brother behind him.

“So you … . Suh Hyun Lee and the symmetrical figure … ? ”
as In the Brother Younger sister
Nothing… No. I can not … . Su, I can admit that Suhyun has a unique desire … ”
“Yo, I wish … ”

I did not say anything at first.
But I do not know why, but Kim Su-yeon seemed to accept it as praise.

“Thank you, ah … ”

He shook his eyes half way and said, “I do not know what to do. I put my hands on the red cheeks.”

“Well, I hope you do not look like that too … ”
“……?”just… I feel so strange … . Mo, I do not know. ”
“……!”Now I see the head of a poem by Doridori and I do not know and do not know Kim Soo-yeon, and Kim Yu-hyun shed a moaning voice.

Younger sister ? ”

She shook her eyes when she heard the sound.

Wu Yoo Hyun is brother … ? ”

That was the moment.
Kim Yoo-hyun, who had never been in a hurry, shook the whole body, even though it was lightning.
I bowed my head and did not open my mouth for a while.
Just like a soulful person, if you touch it, it will stand still as if it will collapse.

“brother. OK?”

Kim Soo-hyun calls and has no answer.

Maybe it was a big shock to your mind?

Kim Soo-hyeon hastily activated the third eye.

Kim Soo-yeon had similar thoughts, and often walked on foot, gently waving her arms around Kim Yoo-hyun.
Then slowly clutching his face carefully.
And he said.

“brother… . Are you okay?”

It was the moment when the slender beauty was tickling the ears of Kim Yoon-hyun.

Kim Soo-hyun behind the back was clearly seen.

Two messages emerging suddenly in the air.

“User Kim Yu-hyun detected a change in user information.”
“My sister-in-law, Jin-myeong, evolves into” my sister-in-law (awakening)! “

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