
Chapter 1048

As soon as all the members were seated in the meeting room, the room seemed quiet as if promised.

Yoo Hyun-ah, Cha Seung-hyun, Van Dahui, Jegal Haesol, Chan-Ho Cho, Cha Shaolim, Baek Han.

On the opposite side, Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Su-yeon, Jegal Haesol, Kim Yoo-hyun, Kim Yoo-yeon.

The longer the darkness was, the more slowly the air flowed into the room.
We seem to see calm tension of operating room ahead of the operation of the whole lifetime.
Even if you do not say how important this place is today, everyone knows.

The user who broke the silence that followed did not know that.


It was a zealous hazel in the original world, facing the zealous hazel of the world.

“It was you. Between the eastern and the northern part, the killer did not even eat. ”

At first glance it sounded like a blame, but in fact it was a pawn to take the initiative in the conversation.
As soon as I realized that intention, I could not stand still in this world.

“You’re right. “And?”

I deliberately answered it brightly, and the tongue of Wonzegal Hazel was slightly sharpened.

MO! “And?”
“Yeah. I think that the year was a jerk … … . Will you pick it up? I No, are you? ”

It was not a mistake to change the horse in the middle.
It was on purpose.
Because you mean yourself.

Eojjeorago ~~~~ As his opponent scratched his pride, Wongeegal Haesol smiled silly.

“Huh. It’s funny. Is that the attitude of the person who came to talk now? ”
“Are you the attitude of a person who is aware of the sag?”
“Excuse me?”
“Why raise your voice? I want to rebut if there is something wrong. ”

Kim Su-yeon and Kim Yeon-yeon felt awkward when they saw Jejal Haesol in this world, which is a kind of reflexive shoulder.
The same person was talking about each other, but it was unfamiliar to me, but I felt like I was a little bit cheerful when I talked to Jegal Hazel, who had scratched the inside of me every time I talked.

I wanted to see more like my mind, but the reason I made this position today is obvious.
Judging from his opponent’s authority, if he gained more power, he could not improve it. Kim Soo-yeon lifted his hand and stopped the world Zeegal Hasols.

“I did not mean to quarrel. I want to get into the point. ”

Then, Wonjegal Haesol, who had gone through this, turned his gaze as if he had done so.

“You do not have to go in. I know. After all, you’re supposed to come in? ”
“Did you say that?”
“I am an ally, but anyway.”
“……Agreed. It is not unreasonable to think so. ”

It was a coarse pitcher.
However, Kim Soo-yeon was stepping backward and speaking.

“So I asked to talk. I thought at least I could come up with an answer in some way. ”
“What do you say? How many days have passed? ”
Yoink! It was not a good time for us to get so tired that we were offered an alliance. And in this sudden situation, in the context of a sudden alliance request, did not you think about the efforts of our leadership to make a decision somehow? ”

Wongeegal Haesol lifts both hands slightly and takes a gesture of surprise.
Kim Su – yeon asked his mouth.

“And rightly so, but there are a lot of users in our camp who hate you?”
“It’s an open fact. Anyway, why did not we answer right away? Have you ever thought that you were in the midst of trying to figure out your intentions within the Union and what to do? ”
“…….””It does not mean that you do not like it. It’s a situation where you have to cover up a series of things you do not understand, and you have to persuade internal personnel … … . Do you think this kind of intentional act helps the alliance? ”
“…….”It was like saying that the liquidation was the best.

On the other hand, this world zegal haesol had been tugging Kim Soo-yeon’s shoulder from the beginning.
It is an act of asking for an opportunity to say that I am in a hurry and I think I am going to die.
I wanted to do that, but Kim Su-yeon was still.

Or if you think that “all I need is ‘ .’

In the meantime, Wongeegal continued to speak Haesol.

“You do not think we will take it for granted … … ? ”

I want to drive.

Kim Soo-yeon, who thought so, bowed his heart slowly.

I do not know why, but Wongeegal Hasols has been trying to keep the word “force” at the core.
But in fact, there was nothing to say in this situation.

In order to establish a dialogue here, one had to solve the misunderstanding of the other person.

What should I do … … .

Kim Soo-yeon went back to his seat.
However, Kim was watching the conversation with an interesting face.
Like an unrelated observer.

In the end, Kim Su – yeon decided to take out the defeated hand.

“I will not deny it. But you are not the main reason. ”
Sure do.
“I’m in a hurry.”
“in a hurry?”

Jeegar Hasol shook his eyes as if to tell me more.

Really? I need you, Holy Queen, Yoo Hyun – ah. Hopefully, I can water the devil. ”

Kim Su – yeon finally brought out the secrets hidden in Terra ‘s strategy.
The northern camp was not surprised by the detailed explanation.
If only as she says, you can solve a huge problem of evil in one room.

“It seems like we already know, but this guy is a top user in a world that shares our worldview. “You can trust me.”

Kim Su – yeon ‘s addition to the eyes of Kim Sun – hyun was focused on.
In the eyes of the truth, he smiled silently and nodded his head.

“Huh. exactly… … ”

Jeegar Hasols touched his lips with his blank eyes and muttered.
On his serious face, Kim Su-yeon felt the hope of the end.

“It’s a time fight from now on. We must act quickly before Satan can make plans. ”
“Right. If true. ”

At that time, Zegal Hasol suddenly reversed the horse.
At the same time, one side of the mouth came up skeptically.

“That’s not why we should all be allied.”
“What?” why!”

A long, glazed hair was instantly pounded.
Kim Soo-yeon was harshly worked on the table.

Nevertheless, Zegal Hasol was speaking without smile.

“It is. It is a different matter that we must form an alliance with your circumstances. ”

‘Do not you know that?’ Kim Yoo-yun sighs in the tone.

At this point, the greatest weapon of the Confederacy was that the northern coalition was in a bad situation.
Of course, the secret to Terra was a must-have story, but it was too early to get it.
That’s why I’ve only been told that my opponent needs an alliance, and more precisely, that I will not be able to do it myself.

“You -. why-. I how should-.”

There was anger at every horse in the horse with sharp eyes.

“I am grateful for what you have said without revealing important secrets.”

As soon as the turk rushed, Cha Seung-hyun came out calmly.

“But as for the alliance agenda, I am the same opinion as Jejal Hasols.”

Kim Soo-yeon looked sharp and sharp.

What? Is this still because of the continental continent? ”
Well… Obviously, I did not understand mermenery road at that time. But as soon as I realized what the devil was, why did it. I do not know why I should have done it, but I do. At least now. ”

In the unexpected words from Cha Seung-hyun’s mouth, Kim Su-yeon closed his eyes twice.

“But what I want to say is the behavior you saw at that time.”
“Pretending to reluctantly agree. Did not you go to the end and betray us, pretending to follow our opinion? ”
That, that’s … !
“Even then I believed in you … … . Until we sacrifice. ”
“…….”It was a polite but bony horse.
Kim Soo-yeon was able to speak as if it were a dumb nectar.

“That does not say a word.”

When it was this time, Van Dahn was also in a cold voice.

“Do you want to tell me why you are called a tyrant?”
“Not one or two.”
“I have something to say. Your actions are -. ”
“It is not an act but an atrocity.”

Once the fingerprints had begun, the accusation soon burst out like a pussy.

Jitan is condemned.
The accusation is the cause.
The origin is clamorous.
And it did not take a long time for the outburst to turn into turmoil.

Kim Soo – yeon ‘s strangeness got tired in the blast of repetition.
A little while, but my head shook.


Even now, I want to shout and refute, but my mouth does not fall.
I know one by one, but suddenly the sensation of nakedness peeled off.
Above all, I am embarrassed and embarrassed in front of these two men.
But there was nothing to say.

Just a little trembling, just like a fist clenched, I hold it. So the atmosphere of the intestines gets tougher and the moment you get to the corner.


It was amazingly Yoo Hyun-ah that he arranged the space that was noisy in an instant.

Our apologies. The atmosphere is overheated … … . I’ll apologize. ”

I alternate between left and right and slowly bend my neck.
Then Kim faced Kim Soo-yeon with his calm face.

“I know. It’s right to follow the words of Mercenary Road in this situation. ”

Finally, the sacred queen opened her mouth.

“On the other hand, I was surprised. I’ve heard this kind of accusation, but I think I’ve never seen you stand still. ”

She smiles gently and gently ties the horse.

“By necessity.”

Kim Soo-yeon sat down on the chair and replied.

“Right. Necessity

On the contrary, Yoohyeon stood up slowly.

“That’s the essence of this agenda, and it’s also true of Mercenary Road.”
“I need to form an alliance. Is this bad? ”

Yoo Hyun – ah walked slowly forward and shook his head.

No. I’ve never said anything bad. ”
“But it’s not perfect either.”
“What more do you need?”

Yoo Hyun-ah stopped at the middle of the pillar.
And I put my hands on my left chest.

That’s… It’s authenticity. ”

Kim Soo-yeon snorted.

“It’s useless. In this world. ”
“You are still. Because it is the hall plane, there is a way of thinking that you can act against the doctrine. ”
“Stop the sermon. I do not want to come up here again. ”
“I am the same.”

The values ​​of the two monarchs are mutual.
No matter how this situation was, there was no possibility of narrowing them down.

“So I’ll just ask one.”

Yoo Hyunah made a speech with a low voice.

“Again, is there any guarantee that Mercenary Road will not use us?”

It was a simple twist to emphasize ‘this time too’.

Kim Su-yeon was a lost expression.
She looked at her in a slightly sad light.

“Of course not. The alliance that is needed as needed disappears as soon as the need is fulfilled. ”

That is.

“I want to believe, but I can not believe it.”

It was called.

It was then.

It was the moment when Kim Su-yeon abandoned his shoulder with his abandoned face.

There was a quiet laugh in the room.

It was not difficult to find the killer.
Kim Soo-hyun who sat next to me smiled and laughed.

Pair, Pair, Pair, Pair … … .

And even touched lightly.

It was an unacceptable act in the space that I was inundated with, but Kim Seo-hyun was expressing my heart’s admiration.

Indeed It should also be called the Holy Father. ”

Yoon Hyun-ah’s eyes narrowed gently in the ensuing private talk.

“What are you talking about?”
“It is you. Oh, I wanted to hear it once. Your words awakened as a sacred queen. ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who spoke quietly, immediately looked away from the other side.

“I heard your comments for a short time. I think it would be pointless to talk more here … … ”

Kim Soo – hyun finally lightly sat down.
Hold your desk with both hands and obliquely tilt your upper body and stare at your opponent from the front.

“Anyhow, can the conclusion be accepted that the alliance has no intention to do?”

Yuh Hyun-ah whispered in my ear, and Yuh Hyun-ha hesitated reflexively.
I simply stood up and the momentum has changed completely.

Yuh Hyun-ah’s nervousness, as soon as the tension came to power, Zechal Haesol hastily came out on the opposite side.

“Then what?”

I pretended to be nervous, but it was an incredibly provocative answer.

At the same time, Kim Yu-hyun, who had just been calm, had felt his heart tightened for the first time.
My heart is shaking and my heart is rocking.

A series of conversations only confirmed how deep the goals of each other were, and there was no achievement at all.
In fact, Kim Su-yeon was almost resigned.

if so.

How does Kim Soo-hyun solve the knot?

I tried to talk but it was not accepted.

There is no easy way to go.

Even if Kim Seo-hyun moves a little, even if there is no performance, it is not to let the Northern Union break down.
The powerful Koran Union has not broken a hand and has broken down.

There is no need to do so.

Yoo Hyun-ah needed but it was not necessary to persuade.
As a result, the Northern Union users in this position can be killed and the sacred queen can be made to live and die.

okay . . .
If it was Kim Soo-hyun, he obviously chose such a method. But, but now … … .

I believe.
You must believe.

Kim Yoo-hyun wiped his sweaty palm on his robe and focused on his younger brother.

How much time has passed?

Suddenly Kim Soo-hyun looked grinning.

the filtering element.

Next moment.

“If you say so … … ”

The face of her face was cold and cold.
The two pupils were like the beast.
And he said.

“War, let’s do it.”

Kim closed his eyes.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Now I have about three pieces left.
I do not have a little boring feeling about the contents today, but I would like you to enjoy it slowly.
Then I will meet you with a cider with a strong carbonation two days later.
Have a good night readers. 🙂

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