
Chapter 1050

The meeting room was closed for a long time.

Outside, crowds gathered like clouds, and they were layered over the entrance to the castle.
It was the Northern Union users who failed to stop Kim Soo-hyun.

Some of them seemed to jump into the meeting room at the moment, but overall the atmosphere was unstable, but it was the key to waiting.
Because I know everything.

I know that the man in question dared to use his hands so that no one would get hurt. And the fact that there is no help in entering.

How much time has passed?

It was small, but the sound of the door knob turned.

But the door was only opened, and the eyes I looked at were more intense.

After a while, the door opened silently and the appearance of somebody slowly appeared.
It was Yoo Hyun-ah who appeared with a little weak face.

The clan members, who were waiting for the revenge, felt relieved to see Klan Road’s worry and worried, but the tension was soaring.

What story came and went inside?
What other conclusions have been made?

As the gaze of many questions poured down like a tsunami, Yu Hyun-ah slowly moved forward.
I breathe in my chest, I face my face with hundreds of eyes looking at myself.


The sacred queen quietly opened her mouth.

“I am… … ”

* Southern and Northern alliances!

The announcement that the tyrant Kim Soo-yeon and the sacred queen Yuh Hyun-ah took their hands spread quickly throughout the North Continent.

But the aftermath suddenly went down unexpectedly.
Obviously, the shocking news was correct, but the attitude to accept the news was relatively long.
To say the least, ‘Yet the northern coalition accepted?’ I’ve succumbed too. Degree.

It is not unreasonable to expect that the balance of power has been greatly collapsed since the Eastern Union turned.

As a result, the northern continent gathered together again.
At the same time, the end of the Spring and Autumn War era was over.

More than the discovery of the new continent Atlanta.
Also, as there is a reason that the huge public, the devil, is dealing with the enemy, it is better to combine strength with each other.
It was a positive factor that Kim Soo-yeon was treated as an alliance, as well as the Eastern Union, which he had previously received, as well as the Northern Alliance.

However, it is a matter of course that it wants the atmosphere of laughing and hahaha right now.
Anyway, I’ve been fussing for years, growling.
It was best revealed at a festival in the name of promoting friendship before marching into Terra.

“……I did it again. ”

Evening sun evening.

Kim Soo-yeon, who was watching the festive mood, mumbled as if he was tired.

He was a massive festival to use all of Atlanta’s tolerance, but it is staggering, and he does not say anything to users of the opposing camp.
It was the air that seemed to cause the bloody Abigail to carry a weapon immediately when a glass of his hand dropped a jingle.
To be honest, it was not a place for celebration, but rather a final dinner before the war.

Yoohyeon who stood beside laughed.
I think she can not help it.
If I can, I want to get rid of the accumulated sediment, but like this time, time is weak. I can not find a situation that makes sense.

okay . . .
No matter how much that man will be able to solve this … … .


When I suddenly recalled Kim Soo-hyun, Yoo Hyun-ah turned his head unwittingly.
It was not hard to find.
He stood slightly away.
It was enough to see the starry star gazing at the starry sky staring at me.

Yoo Hyun-ah turned his body only diagonally, and for a long time he was only touching his hands.

A man who came from another world.
Forcing this nonsense situation.
But users with enough power to make it possible.
And a man who proclaimed himself to have killed himself in the world.

Many complicated feelings and curiosities intersect.

The Terajin army is proceeding with a minimum number of people, not tens of thousands.
More precisely, it uses the warp ability of the two Zeegal Hazel’s as its primary mode of transport.
Only those who need to return to the original world and those who pass through the four zones are accompanied.

In fact, Kim Soo-hyun was a viable plan.
Because there is a monster of a sword, there is no place to see anyone who appears.
Anyway, no matter how late at night, it was possible to attack within a week.
If so, it may be the only opportunity to put the horse comfortably.



Even if I wanted to get close, I felt strangely shrinking in front of the man.
Especially when I looked into the emotionless eyes, cold appetite appeared on my back.
I was trying to make Yoo Hyun-ah hesitate because he had a sense of incongruity.

The next moment I do not know why, but Kim Yu-yeon in the breast-tinted clothes and Hana So-young in the nakedness were caught in sight.

Then, where did the courage Yuh Hyun a bubbling chest banged down drastically narrowed the distance between Kim Soo-hyun.


Evil, a sudden screeching sound.
It moves so fast that you will chew your tongue.

“……?”Yoohyeon, embarrassed with his hand clenched with one hand, raising his eyes like a lamppost.
Kim Soo-hyun’s face, which looked at her like that, went through an absurd light.

Right Ha, Ha Maier Huh … … ”

It took some time to interpret it as ‘I have a word to say’.


Kim said.
It was a different attitude, different from when I treated my sister Kim.
The castle was not very stupid, so I threw my shoulders.

“……Do you treat me? ”

Once I wanted to tell him to try to chew his tongue, but Kim Soo-hyun barely bothered.

“What do you say?”
“Yes Yes. You know. You said you were killed in the original world … … ”

The face of Kim Soo-hyun suddenly cooled down.

“Maybe I did something wrong … … ? ”

The man kept silent and tilted silently.
But when she did not leave, she opened her mouth with a face that she could not help but be very dissatisfied.

“You are the world, Yoo Hyun-ah of the other world.”
“Yes Yes.”
“But why do you wonder why?”
“If I was wrong, I would apologize instead … … ”

It was a slightly grim voice.

Kim Sohyeon sighed as the ground went down.
On the other hand, it was incredible to think for oneself.
I felt that I had changed a lot, but the feelings of irritation toward Yoo Hyun-ah remained as if I were treating the devil.
I do not have any unpleasant things to think about the inn.

Anyhow, the feeling of going back as before was not pleasant.

“You do not have to apologize. There is such a thing in there. ”

Do not care.
Yoo Hyun-ah made a wonder in a resolute answer.

“Sin, I’m sorry … … ”
“I have nothing to apologize for.”
Four I’m really sorry … … ”
“Ha, real.”

Kim Soo-hyun pointed his forehead.

“Too much. Can you tell me something? ”

Van Dahn, who was less than that time, shouted.
I was already drunk, whether or not I had been drunk with alcohol.
The mouth of Kim Soo-hyun became hollow.

“It’s your fault if you look at it.”
“I tried to kill my colleague because you did not seem like a good reason. It was also the chicks who completed the user academy. ”
“Oh, Is that so? ”
“Though I was in the intended situation.”

Van Dahui repeatedly banged up after she hesitated, and Cha Seung-hyun hastened to drag her out.

“I do not know what happened … ”

Yoo Hyun-a was still saying that he could not give up.

“Obviously it was not a bad intention. If I understood each other a little bit, maybe I could have been friendly? ”

Was it coincidence?

Unfortunately, before I died, I just wanted to get close … … ! ‘ Yoo Hyun – ah ‘s cry, which he cried out, struck Kim’ s mind.
At the same time, there was a scene in which Yu Hyun-a, who had been seen in the multi-space world, was smiling with a happy smile in his arms.

“What?” Maybe it was. ”

Positive affirmation.


Yoo Hyun-ah was like a puppy who was stroked by his master.
Kim smiled uncomfortably.

“magneton. Stop talking about useless stories. Why do not we just talk constructive stories? For example, even if you attack Terra, the devil may not give up. ”

Jae-yeon Jeon, a fast-paced person, stopped talking at the right time.

“I really want to help Mr. I know it’s not bad. ”

Quickly turn a topic.

“Important information has already been communicated to Kim Soo-yeon. And since the northern continent has joined forces, Satan will not move lightly. I do not have to worry about it. ”

Mild refusal.
In fact, they demolished the forces of the devil and forced them to reconcile the northern continent, and I was sorry to ask for more.

However, Kim Soo-hyun was a face that I was sorry even though I refused.

Yuh Hyun-ah pushed his lower lip out of the soft voice flowing in front of his ears.
No matter how much you dislike it, do not you make too much difference in attitude towards people?

“But Satan is not going to be more comfortable if you grab it.”

The moment I grunted inside, a gentle voice interrupted me.
It was Jegal Hasol.

“Are you going to the South Continent?”
no You can do it here, too? ”

Kim Seo-hyun, who was seriously worried about whether or not Ishizol is a wife, heard a glance at the horse.

“At this place?”
“Yeah. I can not guarantee that it is unconditional, but if it’s good, it will be good if it does not work. ”
“Look at this guy. Have you forgotten already? Since user Kim Soo-yeon is said to be seven years, by now, it will not be on the user’s store list either. ”

Jejal Haesol looked around.

“There are many people, so I do not worry about GP. If you do not have enough, you can use it. ”

Then he grabbed Ansol, who ate the food in the middle of nowhere, and lifted it up into the air.

“There is the most important pavilion ever. And if you have a miracle, is not it worth trying once? ”

Kim Soo-hyun, who watched Ansol pounding for the moment, fell down.
It was then that Zechari had realized what he wanted to say.

It is hard to say that it is the main reason that it is lower by consuming GP.

“But you can summon the evil … … . Well, surely the devil … … ”

The eyes of Kim Soo-hyun, who muttered for a while, caught a moment.

“……Let’s try. ”

It is a hardened heart.

“Is that so?”

Jeegal Hasol smiled grinningly.

* Satan’s dark pupil, looking down, ripped all over.

At the foot of it were the fruits of all the demons’ kings who had been crafted and worked out for years.

Demons, Armies of Asmodians, Human users who have completed brainwashed, fallen fairies … … .
In addition, the scene where the army gathered in the whole hall plane was scattered was enough to be seen as a minister.

“Hmm, this is … … ”

How much effort did you make to make this power?

I have been told that I can not get in touch with the Seven Devils I sent to Atlanta, but it does not matter.
From now on it is a struggle that can not be done.

The great prophecy commanded to keep returning, but it is fine.
You can show everything as a result.

Now, in a little while, the Zero code, which was the reason for the big battle, comes into your hands.
The destruction of the celestial world in the eyes of the devil seemed already good to the eye.

But the impression is here.

Satan was not the kind of person who could afford it.
I do not know what kind of work I’ve done, but it’s time to show off the secret weapons I’ve built.

Satan summarized his thoughts and opened his mouth lowly, watching the countless armies waiting for his orders.

“All Armies -. Listen. ”

An evil yet mournful voice rang in the streets.

That was the moment.

Suddenly a white magic ran over the top of Satan to open his mouth.

from now

In the next moment, it was almost simultaneous that Satan was covered in glittering light and vanished from his seat as he was sucked into the empty jeans before he could speak.

It was really mad. “… … ”

Satan calmly looked around at the moment of the moment.

Although surprised at the forced movements, he was not immature enough to reveal emotions.
The smell of food that pierces your nose and the bloody blooms are only slightly irritating. Especially, it is strange that many bodies of monsters are seen around the place where they stand.
There were several powerful monsters such as Medusa, Basilisk and others.

No, this is not important.

The first square boxes that are scattered on the ground in proportion to the number of fallen monsters … … .

Satan finally confirmed that he had heard his head.

“?”Then I could see clearly.

The users of the northern continent who made up the layers of the nest and the feast of the flashing weapon.

After a while, as soon as I saw Kim Su – yeon, who was holding his mouth wide open, Satan ‘s face got bruised.
And he said.


============================ Late Works ==================== ======== In fact, since I first introduced the setting called “Monster Summon Box” in this book, I wanted to try it once.

Satan, sorry. … .

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