
Chapter 1053

It was clear that the vision was disturbed.
The appearance of the woman who spoke was also clear.

I watched her stumble across the stomach even though I could not keep her body properly.

The hair that was in the sky was shortened to such an extent that it was barely cut off as if it were forcibly cut off by cutlery.
The peculiarly big eyes that shone like the stars in the night sky were blurred like dead fish.

So then it was just after the war with the continent and the allies of the boomers.
And Yoo Hyun-ah … … .

“Seo Hyun is brother. And dah. ”

Suddenly, the voice was cut off.

“People are good to know. But should I have killed him? ”

Yoo Hyun – ah, who is approaching slowly, feels fresh.
I have to say that the retirement is new.

“I am. I’m not here to help you. No, I will not. Please do not answer. ”

okay . . .

Uri How did this happen? ”

Obviously I heard the same thing.

“I just wanted to get along with you … … ”

I could not hear it and I heard a swallowing sound.

“But I should have done that.”

Even his voice trembled faintly.

“I absolutely can not forgive … … ”

Yoohyeon, approaching step by step, paused in front of her nose and grasped both hands.


Heavy silence.

The lips, which had been trembling, were torn apart.

“I’m sorry … … . I wanted to hear a sincere apology. ”

The tears, which were full of two eyes, were falling down.
At the same time, Yu Hyun-ah fell asleep.
It was a miserable and disgraceful fool who could not compare with Yuh Hyun Ah of the world.

I kissed the sound and looked down without her tears.
I heard something that was not heard then, and now I can see it.

I do not remember what I said at the time.
But you do not have to think about it.
One reason I came back to this point.

He carefully placed his hand on the top of the head visible under the eyes.

“!”A large swinging motion was transmitted through the palm of your hand.
She takes off her uniform and runs to her body floating in the cold, slowly kneeling on one knee and gazing.
Yoo Hyun-ah confronted me with a face that seemed to be unbelievable.
He opened his mouth quietly, not avoiding the drunken eyes.

“If you apologize, can you forgive me?”

At that moment, I was struck by a rotten eye.

“Or how can you be forgiving and comforting me?”
“……How… ? ”

The words that seemed to be cut off were delicately sharpened.

“If it is you. Do you think you can forgive me? ”

You will not be able to.

“How I lived and lost two … … . What did you do … … . Do you know? ”

I do not know, but guesswork is possible.

I know.

Yoo Hyun-ah raised the words sadly.
I tear the collar of my uniform and keep it as hard as I can.

“But how do you forgive … … ”

Yoo Hyunah bite his mouth so that his lower lip is fresh.

I have an appetite.
Yoo Hyun-ah of other world said that he would forgive.

But who would accept apologies and just forgive just by apologizing?
No matter how opponent is the sacred queen Yuh Hyun-ah, I did not expect that it would be solved easily.
Because it was not an apology.

“My past is marked by hard and hard memories. I still do not want to think things are surly. ”

Because of that

“So when I first met you … … . It seems to have been obsessed with the obsessive degree. I have not even considered the other direction. Maybe you could have been together as you said. ”


“I sometimes thought that after I had a job at the inn. However, I did not forcibly forget, or rationalize myself, and did not worry deeply. No, I was not. ”


Maybe. I admit that I was wrong. I seem to have been afraid to deny the ten years. ”

Yoo Hyun-ah seemed confused as if he did not know what he was talking about.

It was only after a while that the mouth was opened again.

Suddenly Why are you doing this? ”

A boiling voice came out from under the head of the chairman.

“I just need to say one thing in a formal way. Why… … ! ”

I shook my head hard, shook my hand and shouted.
There was so much crying in the speech that it was hard to understand.

Yoohyun. don’t. I am.”
“I can not admit it.”

The hot voice suddenly cooled down.

Yuhyeah heard his head roughly.

“Now I have come to say this.”

I gaze at me with a poisoned eye and a grimy grin, distorting my face.

“You are self-satisfied because you want to feel guilty anyway … … ! ”

And I am. “It’s just a twist.”

I immediately answered.

The face of Yoo Hyun-a, who slowly disappeared, suddenly got bruised.
As if you had an unexpected answer.

But what she said was true.

“No matter how I laugh … … . Every time I remember you, one corner of my heart became uncomfortable. Sometimes it was clogged up like a burst. I hated that. ”

I’m offended.
My heart is not restless.

I’m a little funny to talk to.
But these self-centered words were in me and in me.

“Then, is Jae Hyun brother?”

Yoo Hyun-ah who opened his mouth was barely opened.

“What’s up?”
“…….”“……I am! ”
“So I’m going to change.”

My voice heard in my ear was surprisingly cool.

“Change … … . still?”
“Yes. Cha Seung Hyun and Van Dahn. A world where these two people live. ”
“……?””And to the world where you live.”

If it was originally, it would have begged Yoo Hyun-ah to desperate.
I did not hesitate to give a damn about her.

I will not do it here.
I change everything related to me, including Yoo Hyun-ah.

It was a prudent thing.
I looked down at Yoo Hyun-ah, looking at me with a lost expression.

“But there is one thing that must be done before that.”

I grabbed hold of the pathetic sagging shoulders.
And slowly lifts up and raises the body.

We stood up again.

Yoohyun. don’t.

The eyes of Yoo Hyun-ah, who was amazed at his spirit, grew bigger.
It is a little puppy that died soberly but regains the courtesy color.

I stepped away from her with a face of devastation.
Then he bends his waist a little bit and puts on his mouth.

Now we have to.

What I could not do then. “At that time, I accepted your words and I did what was out of order.”


“That made you sick.”

What I can do now. “I’m really sorry.”

The ground is visible.

Suddenly a white eye comes down and touches the ground in a shady land of dusk.
I saw that there was a little bit of footwear but the snow melted down.

Was it snowing at this time?
I do not think so … … .

No way.

How much time has passed, Yoo said.

“I really apologize … … . I did not know… … ”

There was a quiet voice somewhere in vain.
On the other hand, it seemed like a sharp spiny poison came out at once.

I slit my back slowly.
Yoo Hyun-ah’s face still wide open with tears.
He stretched out his hand and wiped his tears as if touching him.

“I thought I had changed. But the reality was not at all. ”
“Su, Suhyun. Well, I … … ”
“I told you so, but I will change it. You, of course, for myself. ”
“……You can speak Korean

There was an easier way.
But I did not choose that method alone.
It is not solving the problem that goes on but it is just covering my darkest memories.

So I came here first.

now… … .

“I’ll go back.”

Now, we go back to the time we first met.
I change everything from there.

Is it okay?
Maybe not.

If there is a believing corner, only the zero code.

Towards end

I turned to a place where I could feel the zero code.

But before I left, I turned around and looked back.

Yoo Hyun-ah did not show any reaction and just stood in the place with a feeling of extreme.

“When we met again.”

I smiled as much as I could for her.

“I hope you see a smiling face.”

* There was a rattling wooden door opening.

“there… … . I heard there is a Kim Soo-hyun here. ”

At the same time, the voices that were waiting rang out at the entrance of the inn.
I and all the others turn their eyes to the door.

At that place.

Hello! Are you Kim Soo-hyun? ”

She was there.

I do not have to worry about the world.

“Kim Soo-hyun is this person here. Who are you? ”
“You are too. Thank God.

Vivian pointed at me and said, “Yoo Hyun – ah sweeps his chest down and takes a sigh of relief.

Ahh! I am the representative clan of small city mule, newly appointed beech tree clan road and it is called the third year user Yu Hyun Ah. Well met.
“Three-year user Cha Seung-hyun.”

Standing beside him, the male of the impressed man who was sadly greeted with a voice of bass.

I stood up and tried to look natural.

“Yes. I am Kim Soo-hyun. ”

And said softly.

Well met. User Yoo Hyun-ah. ”

At that moment, Yuh Hyun-ah’s stepping stomach stopped.
She suddenly blinked twice like a person who was shocked.

After a while, the apricot cheeks shone in the dark balsam light.
The cott is also full of blushing, and the snow flies down.

What was that?
Is my smile strange?

“……?””Well, I want to talk to you for a minute … … . I want to go in … … ”
“Oh, come in.”

Yoo Hyeon-hae, who was hesitant, caught his hand.
Then she made a similar noise.

Soon, Yoo Hyun-ae sat down.
Gokgyeo grumbled and brought a cup of tea.

“Ah. Gomapseumnida

I lost my pace and looked at the holy queen.

“that… … . If you look so … … . Boo, I’m ashamed … … ”

As she rolled her eyeballs around and took her cup to her mouth, she glanced at me and laughed.

No, never! To apologize … … ! ”

I was embarrassed when I saw Yoo Hyun-ah, who pushed my hand more than I needed.
When she heard the sigh of Cha Seung-hyun, she soon became as sweet as her new color.

“Sorry for making you laugh … … ”

Yoo Hyun – ah also nodded shyly because he nodded in the sense that it was okay.

It is different from the past.
The reaction was somewhat strange, but it was an unpleasant atmosphere.

Of course, we have a story to tell, but we have our own.

I hope so.

It’s so easy.

“It took a long time.”
“Oh, no. I heard there was a story I wanted to do. ”
“Ah yes!”

Yoo Hyunah shouted with a godly voice.

I stared at her with my hand clutching her chin.

“on. He, I mean … … ”

Then I do not know why, but Yoo Hyun-ah also made a harsh look.
The well shadows the well and leans his head again.
Conventionally, the ear was red.

Why do I do that before?

I suddenly worried. … …Are you going right now?

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Sorry.
At last, the volume control failed. ㅠ. ㅠ There is one more epilogue epilogue.
Actually, not 6K, but I think it will be completed.
On Sunday, May 8th, I will make a knot even if there are two sides of the sky.
Thanks for reading. _(__)_

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