
Chapter 108

I hear her screaming voice. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Acting on the surface, it may seem like you are organizing your mind, but it shows up forever. I picked up my breath for a while and I started speaking in spiteful tone.

“I have lost my precious people.”

I had a lot of worries about this, but I decided to do it. It is unlikely that she will ever recall a user’s quizzes. Now it was time for me to answer her question, and as soon as I saw the flow of the correction of the truth felt under my hand, it seemed that the duration would soon be over.

“I feel sad and desperate to feel that time. After that experience, and since I came into this fucking Hall Plane. I remembered the memories of that time and tried to raise my strength and adapt myself with my power to die. ”

“…….””What I wanted to build up was getting to know the power to hurt my life …I wanted to live by the word. My goal is ultimately two things. Survival and return. I have not yet set the hope that this Hall Plane world will survive and return to Earth again. Soon…Going alone does not make sense. ”

I stopped for a moment and turned my head and looked at the kids. The face of Ahn Hyun, the face of Ansol, and the face of Yui Jung. The children were concentrating on my words, breathing colorfully. Of course, the real precious in my mind is not the kids.

This is a kind of ambiguous mischief that is just a horse and a heart. I turned my gaze back on.

“I do not want to keep the precious ones and let them die. I want to live without a single death and go back to earth together. Even if I have to sacrifice, I will be able to accept the sacrifice if I can save the precious ones. ”


“brother… ”


The light of the correction of truth opened. It still blooms with a soft light. I can not help it. I was reminded of my brother-in-law, Kim Yoo-hyun and Han So-young. And the correction of the truth really judged such a statement of my sincerity.

This is so, but anyway, the people around me now were thinking of those precious people as kids. Especially the kids who exchanged their eyes with me were all mixed up with elasticity and blur. I’m sorry, kids. But I’ll never let you regret that you follow me.

Jeong Hae Yeon, Shin Sang Yong, and Vivian were staring at me with a very admirable face. The correction of the truth proved that my words are not words in my mouth. This is all over. However, the crystal ball was still maintained. I ended up expecting more quickly than I expected and I was about to turn my head again.

At that time, Shin Sang Yong, who had only heard quietly, opened his mouth.

“Mr. Let’s stop now. ”

“Yes Yes… ? ”

“The questions you’ve had are enough. So let’s stop now. And the leader. ”

Shin Sang Yong abruptly stopped the horse, then sat down and sat down. And I lay down without falling asleep and put my head on the floor. I put my own hard, “tak.” The sound rang around.

LEADER Sorry. It was a while but I doubted you. So when Mr. Hae Yeon pulled out a correction of the truth to you, I could not stop it. But after hearing the truth of the leader …I realized how stupid I was. ”

“I am glad to be misunderstood.”

“I am the benefactor who saved my life, and I have received my favor. Nevertheless, I could not erase the suspicions that were on my mind. I am really sorry.”

“This is one of the things I’ve been talking about today. And stop waking up. I do not see the spirit like that now. ”

I opened my mouth with a melancholy voice, and Shin Sang Yong was hard-pressed. His face was filled with feelings of regret. Looking back, I can see Jeong Hae-yeon who was staring at me like that. Beginning with Shin Sang Yong, she looked at all of her faces including myself, and her gaze stopped briefly from Vivian. At that moment I could see her shining with a flash of light on her eyes.


“Hey guys.”

I swiftly turned my body a bit and watched the kids and talked with a soft voice. Just before he was about to talk to me, Jung Hae Yeon swallowed his saliva with a strange face. She just said the last question before, and it was not the atmosphere to drive me further from here. He said angrily to stop using his good name. It was obvious that if I opened my mouth once more, I would really live the anger of everyone.

All the children were drowning in their mouth with their lingering faces. I opened my mouth with a calm face that I did not show to Jung Hae Yeon.

“If you have ever wondered, ask now. I still have a little time left. ”

In my question, Ahn Hyun and Hyojung immediately shook their heads. No. If you do not ask questions, you have time. I can not hear the cries in my mind, and they both told me in a shy tone.

“brother. I solved all the doubts. And I did not doubt it in the first place. Rather..Sorry. And thank you brother. ”

“me too. Look. I knew it. What my brother was deceived … . I’m sorry for my brother … ”

I sighed as I watched the pouring oil well overshadowed. If you do not mind, Shin Sang Yong and Vivian are there too, so I turned my head to An Solo thinking that I was going to do something. And she …I just had a look at my face with a faint eye.

I intuitively felt danger (?) And I was about to turn my head to Vivien.


“Oh, huh?”

“I have something I want to ask you … ”

don’t. You do not. It was like a chimney to say, but I would burst into crying right away. In addition, the other children are curious about Soli’s question, and I did not recall the reason for rejecting it. Soli, who accepted my silence as a positive affirmation, opened his mouth with a giggle.

“Orabney is …What do you think of me … ? ”

“Coollock Cool!”

Ahn Hyun quietly listened to the vomit. I bite my lips at the thought that I came. Haha What do you think. I think it is the boy who always thinks that he wants to bother and cry for a child who does not have a sprocket …However, I could not express this in the same way.

“…….”He was very energetic now, with both hands clinging to it, with the ball painted red. When I tried to open my mouth with the thought of making a lump of words, an unexpected arc came in.

“What do you think. It is always a childhood act that only causes loneliness and makes you cry. Do you make your brother trouble with such a question? ”

Really? Suhyun is a very difficult face. There are two such questions or do not do it at all. Time and place should be covered. ”

Well and Vivian were talking to him as if tossing a sword in parallel. I nodded that I was right, but their tone was more pointed than I needed. In the refusal of two female users, Ansol extended her lower lip.

“Uh, I did not ask your sisters.”

“Where is Yokoko … ”


I sat down on the road with the oil spill that just raised my body with a screaming voice. Things were going strange, but I was able to break through the crisis with the help of both. I gathered everyone’s attention and I opened my mouth.

“Soli is very naive and innocent. Sometimes I am surprised. And…That does not fit well with the world of Hall Plane. That’s true. ”


“But Soli is a priest. I am a bully with a soli …I’m always paying attention to possibilities. ”

HoweverI do not get much help as my sisters say …It’s always just …Crying … ”

You know that. But I shook my head slowly without expressing it on the outside.

“The profession of the priest and the character of Soli are very good. I always think that Soli is the best priest. No, if you can keep it right now, you’ll definitely be the best priest later. ”

okay . . . You’ll be the Brilliance Priest later. It will be really useful to go then, and now I am going to ease it. I smiled and grasped the crystal ball and raised it. And the flame of the crystal of truth was still rising in light color.

Ansol’s face turned brighter and I heard Hyun-hyun’s face was excited. And at that moment, I saw the flame of the crystal of truth, which was heard in the air, and I saw the flame that slowly faded away.


Turn your head to the elasticity heard from the front. There I was looking at the modification of the truth in my hands with Jung Hae-yeon’s worried face. In the meantime, the flare that continued to fade gradually changed into a point, and soon the crack of the true crystal fixture began to crack.

B. It is. PASSAX … .

The gold sprang up in front of me in an instant, and it fell off the air as a handful of ashes. Jung Yoon – yeon was just staring at the falling crystal powder. As soon as all the powder was scattered, she lifted her head and stared at me with complicated eyes.

I had a great sigh when I passed one bomb at the brilliant timing. She changed her facial expressions and immediately opened her eyes to her in a casual tone.

Sure!Did you unravel any questions? ”


I was late one day but eventually I said “Yes.” I received the answer. It was difficult to answer with the hand of the truth, but there was no excuse any more than the maintenance time was over. And there was a good excuse for them to know.

Anyway, I had a great feeling that I made one important work. I had to deal with Belpeghorn, who is also a bit of a chewy person, so today was the best day. However, there was still one more pleasant thing to do.

“Then I will be the captain of the caravan again.”

“Is there a way.”

Shin Sang Yong ‘s clear answer is that I have a head and I have raised my body.

“I have been resting longer than I thought, so I will move back. Everybody get up. ”

All the people in my order rose from the spot. Jung Hoon – yeon gave up his sigh and woke up carefully. I approached her like that and whispered in a quiet voice.

“I will settle the day after I return to Mullo. Until then … ”

“…All right. And I’m sorry. ”

After I heard her confirmation, I turned right away. He rushed to me with a smile more pleasant than ever.

“brother. So you’re going back to Mule now? If you leave now, will you be getting sandy tomorrow? ”

No. If you include today, it will take about three days to return. ”

What is it? Why

“I was a little late now. And today may be another night at the institute. Know that. ”

In my words, all the people gathered their gaze to me with their full face. I was pointing outside the room.

“I found a secret passage when I was fighting Belpegor.”

“Secret passage?”

Really? When I found him on the first floor, he was scratching the ground like crazy. There seems to be a door leading to the basement somewhere on the floor. It’s still enough, but you do not know. There’s a bigger treasure in that secret place. ”

In my words, the boys became a persuasive face. However, only one ansol was an exception. She came close to me, grabbed her collar with both hands and hugged her.

“Orabney …We just go to Mullo … . I’m so worried about my body …You can speak Korean

I gently touched the ball of such a brush. She was caught on the back of her hands with a soft ball that had not fallen yet.

“It ‘s too bad to come back here and just go back. I’m fine. I was going to take a rest for a while longer when I returned to Mule this time. ”

“…“Are you sure?”

Really? So let’s go now. It is not hard to go. It’s already over. got it?”


I gently stroked Sol ‘s head and listened to my words. All of a sudden, everyone was in a state of grabbing. I checked everyone ‘s face and went to visit as much as I could. And as I came to visit, I smiled deeply at my mouth.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

The parting comes when I know people.
By the time you know farewell, people come to you.

Well. It is. By the way. Readers.
Parting is said to be beautiful, but it does not seem so pleasant.

Our apologies. I complained to you.

“Relief” 1. KIN 뿅: First congratulations. I’m glad you did. 🙂 2. Like Yuun: I’ll see you in a long time. Hahaha Who would be the first?

Ragua: Of course it is. But it is not yet time.

4. Kun Lai: Haha. Gomapseumnida I will refer to it later when I write an introduction.

5. Blami: The opinions of readers are also very different, and I have a lot of troubles. Hahaha I thought about it, but I was not sure what to do.

6. Wind Moon Master: Corrected. Thank you. Yes. You can count all that and see the results.

7. Arteskus: on. on. It’s dangerous. Take the test. You can not. 🙁 8. Shabby: Maybe if you simply skipped the situation now, you’ll probably have to ask questions later. Hahaha I believe that it is better to go over it now.

9. Hui: haha. There are parts that are right. If you think about the time of Vivienne, it seems to be closer to the correct answer.

10. You Chou: You’re the first comment! Hahaha Good day. Thank you for watching.

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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