
Chapter 111

Three days after the expedition. Two days to explore the ruins of the Institute. Mullo comes back for three days. We were able to complete the return at the integrated Eidle Bay. The arrival time was just over the afternoon. Similarly, other users returning after the exploration around Tosa have been taking a gentle look at us. Perhaps all of the people seemed to be wondering where they went.

However, only the faces were bright even though the color of each person was cloudy. I had a lot of gleanings from this expedition, and I felt like I was coming back with a vivid expression. Soon afterward, the front door still looked pale, and he opened his mouth with an exciting face.

“Uh …I finally came back. I want to go to sleep, eat warm food, wash and sleep well. ”

“Hnnnhhh.” I do not … ”

When Ansol smiled and replied, Ahn Hyun, who listened to their conversation, made a stern look. It seemed to be able to see what I thought in my heart that I gave my shoulders a lot of strength and stiffened my neck. I decided to play a little play.

“Ahn Hyun. What are you going to do since you go back? ”

When he went to the side of the prefecture and pinched it, he responded with a gentle look.

“Of course, I will start training. It’s a bad idea to eat and play and think well that you’re back from exploring. ”

“A very desirable attitude. It’s also a rare class. ”

“Fuhu. Would not it be normal for this? ”

Ahn who opens his mouth with his face shaking his head. On the other side, Yu and Ansol were staring at him. Before long, for a while, Yu-jung, unable to tolerate the expression of her sore throat, was spitting out a harsh word.

“I’m playing. You will practice well. It will only eat pigs. ”

Despite the strong criticism of Yu – jeong, Ahn Hyun ‘s face was an indolence itself.

Hmm … Where it smells of ordinary users. It looks like a very ugly smell of jealousy. I think it would be better to move between my brother and Vivien. ”

As soon as Ahn responded with a very noble tone, I could see the bubbles splashing from the eyes of the well.

Crazy guy A bastard. ”

“Where the mad animal cries for jealousy. brother. By the way, the day is very clear today. Hahaha

“Yes. You both have to stop. ”

In my words, Ahn nodded with a relaxed face, and Yu – jeong chewed his lips and showed him going north. I thought I would touch it a little bit. Shin Sang Yong and Vivien laughed at them, looking at them.

I turned my attention to Jung Hae-yeon for a moment. She has been in a daze all the time since she left the ruin lab. The parties did not speak to her, and she rarely opened her mouth first. Yu Jung, who had been so close to himself, was pretending to be Jung Hae-yeon.

Honestly, I could not see it in a good mood. Miuna Gowana Anyway, I’m in the clan to be with you in the future. At least for the time being a family, the atmosphere should come out at least when you start your exploration after meeting in the mule for the first time. Moreover, since I am planning to apply for the establishment of the clan after this expedition, she will also become a member of the clan.

Anyway, I would like to have a good day to relax and talk to someone else next time. There are a lot of things to come back from the expedition but plan to go through most of the work before going on the next expedition. However, everybody invested time, and I could solve them one by one. I also stayed in the city for a long time.

I twisted my body to complain of fatigue and I passed through the North Gate. Listening to the salute of the guards greeting me from the side, I took my first destination as an inn.

In a small town mule, the lodge I seek is always the same. Good lady. The facilities were not so good, but the users were not crowded (let’s exclude users who were looking at the performance), and the food tasted good. Of course, such inns are nothing but superficial. The reason I really went to the inn was the recruitment or killing of the performance. So, the time to handle her was approaching.

In the worst case, she could fight alone with her. I hope that it will not happen, and I climb the stairs of the inn that I arrived at once.

I was able to see the rear view of the performance of the performance, cleaning the table as soon as I opened the wooden door that was closed.


This is the voice that Ahn Hyun sucks. She stole the table coolly and turned effortlessly to find out if she had already felt the popularity. Soon after she checked my face, she gave me a nice greeting.

Yoink! It’s been a while.”

“Long time no see.”

When I walked in the door of the lady ‘s lady’ s inn, I saw the users who were only slightly invisible. So, I will probably get rid of the bums in this month. It is still in the planning stage, but the already smelled users are slowly leaving the cities in the north.

The performance was still wearing high-exposure clothes. A V-neck-like top that reveals more than half its chest, and a missing bottom showing a smooth thigh on the knee. She gathered both hands with her face that she was glad for a long time guest.

“I’ll have a meal …Or bath? Or … ”

As soon as I came back, I stopped singing at the end of the performance, saying that I was tired.

“I will wash after meals. I will leave the room for two weeks, and give me three in a room. I always ate meals. ”

“The toothbrush.”

She seemed to hear the sound of her tongue hitting, but she decided to go over. We were seated at a nearby table, receiving a small gaze from the side of Unhyeon. Soon after all, the chair sat large enough to make a creaking sound, and one long sigh.

“Wow …However, Suhyun. ”


“Why did you get three rooms? Two is enough. ”

“One has to do things apart. There is also a space where you can handle things if you have a room. ”

In my words, Vivian stared at his head. One of the suites was going to be used by me. We have a lot of work to do in the future, but we needed a space where we could work more than anything else.

I could remember one possibility after seeing the plaster in my throat. Maybe if I think right, at least I will be able to raise my stamina one point.

I waved my head just as I remembered this kind of thought. Today, I have to rest and concentrate on the recovery of the body. I did not seem to have abandoned the habit of always putting the body to the limit in the first round.

Most of the children were wearing their necks on the table. It seems that the fatigues accumulated during the fighting and the returning force in the meantime are all at once. I did not say anything in the city because I was taking a look at it.

It took a little time, and I could see the guitar playing with food.

“brother. I have a drink. ”

“…Drink a little. ”

I thought it was okay to have a light drink, so I accepted the petty request. As soon as I heard the words of Yu, I added drinks to suit the taste of each party. I also wanted to calm my dry throat.

The meal was able to finish lightly. The parties quickly ate the foods that were in front of them without saying anything. Everyone seemed to have a strong desire to fill up their boats and climb up and rest.

After the meal, female users chose to take a bath, while male users chose to go straight to the room. Looking at their appearance, I chose to simply wash after paying for the performance.

After I washed my body, I left one room, and Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang Yong entered the old room. Ahn Hyun, who was practicing training, was showing the atrocity of kicking the bedding at the same time. I kicked my tongue and covered my bed quietly and lay down comfortably on the bed that was next to me.

* “Huh.”

A little more, I cried a little more, I finally raised my body. When I looked at the window, I was out in the dark. I lay back and tried to sleep somehow, but less than a minute later I got out of bed.

Throughout the years, the habits of getting on the body are scary. Even if I try to fix it, I act unconsciously. I’ve been sleeping for an hour or two and I’ve been going to bed for a while but now my body is moving. The problem is, I consider myself a problem, and a corner of my mind is a necessary process.

About three or four hours after I lie in bed. Even though it is much more than the usual sleep, sleeping time is short. I thought that I would be seriously hurt when I went this way.

Stats are not universal. But when it is time to rest, it can function when it is important to rest. Despite knowing that, I eventually grabbed the sword that was standing next to me. I had to move my body or control my mind and it seemed to be able to calm down this softness.

As I turn my gaze, I see Ahn Hyun kicking my bed and revealing my belly. He shakes his head and shakes his clothes again, and puts up the futon again. Even though I think of myself, I feel like my parents are really like a bitter taste in my mouth.

I opened the knobs and pulled the knobs. The sound of the door opening seemed to be great today. After closing the reopened visit, I immediately walked to the room without anybody yet.

Nobody except the companions on the floor I am now. The reason is that there is no reason for other users to use the current suite and that there are not enough users in the current mule to use the suite.

If it is hard to swing the sword, I opened the door of the leased room by meditation. And…


“You are here too.”

“…What are you doing alone? ”

When she opens her mouth with a face that is dumb, Jeong Hae-yeon tilts her head slightly.

In the room of the suite, which was intended to be used for business purposes, Jeong Hae-yeon, who was impressed as usual, sat in the room. On top of the table, I saw a bowl of liquor and an appetizer of roasted vegetables. When I stared at her face for a moment, Jung Hae-yeon shrugged and opened her mouth.

“Why do you look like that? Can I do this? ”

“…That does not seem to be a problem. Well, there’s nothing to be done. ”

“Huhh. Do not get stiff, but come in and sit down. I wanted to drink alone, but I’m really sick.

It does not seem to be the usual Jeon – Yeon – Yeon when it is seen from the outward appearance. Once I pulled a chair across from her, I glued my butt. After I confirmed that she was sitting down, she lightly flushed the drink I was holding.

“I was kicked out.”

“…….”“…just joke. They are not the kind of kids. So do not make that look. ”

The voice of Jung Hae Yeon was mixed with a little snack. I was impressed at once when she was kicked out, and she smiled and corrected her words. And as soon as it was complaining, it was a horse.

“But there is a little uncomfortable atmosphere. I do not have anything to say about self-help. ”

Well. I did it too. There was an uncomfortable atmosphere. It seems that there is a need to talk with Yoo Jung soon. But that was not the case right now.

At first, Jung Yoon-yeon was clearly saying, “You are here too.” I pulled out the word. That means I was expecting to come to this room. The days that I have been with her have been small, but I have been able to show the same things. Even so, what I predicted to be here today was certainly gambling speculation.

When I closed my mouth, Jung Hae Yeon filled the empty glass with alcohol and put it out at me. I received a glass of drink with an angry face. Before drinking, I asked her with a loud voice.

“How would you do if you did not come today?”

“What. I thought there was definitely a possibility. If you do not, you can sleep alone. No matter what the outcome is, it is not bad. That’s the way Hall Plane wizards think. ”

I heard words of seductive tone, not the usual pure voice. When I kept holding the cup, Jeong Hae-yeon glanced back at me as if I were going to drink it. I analyzed the composition of the liquid in the cup with the third eye, and then poured it into the mouth.

“You’re hot. It is not such a weak drink … ”

I saw her twitching and I cut her off with a loud voice.

“For reference. I do not like turning words. ”

“…I think it changed a little sentimental because you drank. I’m drunk and I understand. ”

She smiled beautifully in my words. However, my eyes looking at Jung ‘s eyes are just ignorant. I could instinctively know. He said he was drunk himself, but he is a lie. That face was never a drunken face. If so, he was acting for some reason.

It was not her that I first spoke.

“…Kim Soo-hyun. ”

“Please speak.”

“I have time tonight … ? ”

Jung Hoon – yeon called me once and I stole one jaw. Then I talked to me with sleepy eyes. Dark night. Room with two. One table between me and her. Her coloring is breathing, and sometimes I hear a sweet sigh that blows out.

She stared at my eyes for a long time and slowly opened her nice lips.

“if you have time…Would you listen to me tonight? ”

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

What should I say.

A good person. The cheer of encouragement. The one who told me to wait. I can only say thank you.

I will do my best as I have decided to catch two rabbits this time.
Thank you.__) PS. Lilipples will start next time.
PS2. Noble Nobody to tell me the water level. ㅜ. ㅠ.

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