
Chapter 114

(Please read the latter.)

In the hall plane, a woman’s body can be a means of survival. Or weapons aimed at assassination through bedding. So the notion of self-rule was not so hard. As for murder and death, it can be said that sex is rather open.

Of course, it is open only to the end, but it is not closed. Crime or coercion is a problem. As it is the northern continent where the military is still strict, it can not be said that it is similar to the Western continent where murder, robbery and rape are fierce. However, having sex with each other was never uncommon in Hall Planen. Users who have not forgotten the fragrance of modern age are getting used to such a trend of Hall plane as the year goes by.

Jung Hae Yeon was betrayed and abandoned. No, I wonder if it’s a little offensive to say that it was abandoned. In the beginning, the man seemed to have had no idea of ​​her. She kept the pain of the moment in one corner of her mind. Since then, I have been working with the trauma for more than a year.

She simply could not believe the inside of a man when she left the distrust of the man. And having such a trauma in the hall plane causes tremendous stress. I do not know what she has been through since then, but I could certainly guess that she was anxious and distressed.

And the pain was cumulative, and she was slowly pushed to the limit. In the meantime, I do not know how she endured with her brother, but after losing her, the feeling of loss filled her mind exploded the trauma that she had suppressed for some time.

And she was very familiar with her current situation. I knew for myself that it was dangerous to go this way and that my mind was falling.

However, she was soon met by the country user. My first love and I were similar in the beginning, and after that I showed my way differently from the man. I did what I had hoped for and wanted from the old man. She revived the feelings that the children had forgotten after listening to the attitude and the words to them. Perhaps I have made up my mind since the correction of the truth.

She wants to get rid of her trauma through me. And I need a place to lean on. In some ways, it was my fault that she was this way. The user who killed her brother was me.

But there is no sorry heart. Now she was convinced that if she kept this mind, she would have to do well in the future. I thought of myself, but there was a snob. I also can not be considered normal. I spent 10 years on the hall plane and my emotions broke down. It’s no wonder we keep on top of this hell for over 10 years.

I did not say anything and led Jung ‘s family to bed. And I put her on the bed almost as if she was inside. She looks up at me with my body firmly entrusted to me. I was attracted to that gaze and I immediately walked beside her lying in bed.

As long as I knew her heart, I needed to accept her. I can not be a great man to refuse a woman I want to. Later, I do not know what this choice will bring, but now she seems like a better choice.

I opened my mouth lightly to release her feelings.

“It’s strange that you are in the same bed.”

“I will do more in the future, but I’m already troubled.”

I ate one. Jung Ha-yeon was also Jeong-yeon-yeon. I could not find the main event after pulling out a bad word, I just scratch my head and leaned her head near her breast.

Soon I felt her cold touch gently wrapping my head. I put her face closer to her heart. Apparently, even though I was wearing a robes, I felt a sense of sharpness and I opened my eyes in a circle. However, the texture felt inside now is only a piece of cloth that takes a little time. It was then that he was wearing only a thick robe and only his underwear in the first place.

I held her for a while in her arms and held her head and opened her mouth toward her.

“If you ever want to quit on the way, I always send you a signal. I’ll stop right now. ”

“There is no such thing. Please do not hesitate to send me any signal. ”

I laughed without knowing what she was talking about. She goes up to her side again and sets her eyes on her. She opened her mouth to see my face.

“I have a favor.”

“Please speak.”

“When you call me in the future, will you call me by name except sex?”

I nodded my head.

“Right. Mr. Hae Yeon. ”

“Please remove the seed. First name only

“…Hae Yeon. ”

Very Well. Sure!

In my reply, she had a relieved look and looked back at me. I slowly raised her hands above her robe. As soon as I got permission from Yeon-yeon, I pulled out the roving robe. Loosely knot, pull the string that came out at the end. Then she saw that her front of the robe was loosened.

I focused my attention on her inside of the robe.

First of all, I could see the valley of my breasts, which was well-swollen and surrounded by underwear. When I looked down, I saw a slender waist, a beautiful buttock, and a leg that boasted straight legs. Beautiful She was blooming from the whole body, as if she were a noble figure.

Raise your gaze again. Her bosom, which tempted Rob Men, came into my eyes. I lifted her hand for a moment and touched her face. She also reaches out and touched my face. I watched her bald head shine beautifully over her pillow, and I left the robe wide open at once with the remaining hands.

Suddenly out of the darkness sat down. The only light that comes in a dim room is a moonlight through the window. His nakedness in the light is embarrassing. In its so fresh appearance, I spoke with a quiet voice.

“You’re right. If it is difficult, you can stop. ”

“Are not you tired. just…I’m a little embarrassed … ”

She was quite shy because she was the first. I kept pushing my legs and clutching my chest with my arms and trying to avoid my gaze.

I laughed and gave her all the action and waited. She is the first time now. Do not prompt. Do not force yourself to urgency. I waited long enough for her to accept the current situation. It may seem boring, but I wanted to make good memories rather than bad memories for the first time.

Her relationship with me is simple. She acts with me, and I protect her like that. She was not able to catch up until she met me. Of course I have an idea to use her for my purposes. But when she leaned over me and wanted me to be a haven, I had the confidence to be a stronger hedge than anyone else.

I calmly waited for her. I noticed that I was able to see that her arm was wrapped around her chest and her loose leg loosened loosely. She opened her mouth with a loud voice as she watched me looking down at her quietly.

“Just the look … ”


“I just got that look okay. I’ll show you more often in the future. ”

I tilted my head to a sound that did not mean anything but I moved my hand again. Release the half-loosened robe further. There was a deep bone that rose briskly through the underwear wrapped around the chest. And the white tits that gently appear. I put my hands on it and pulled my underwear down a little bit.

Took. Took. The


Her chest, which was pulled down by her down underwear, was pressed downward, revealing herself with a slight ups and downs when I completely peeled it off. Two beautiful white hills. I glanced at her chest with a feeling of being hugged by something. Her bosom, shining in the moonlight, glowed at the same time as the calmness and the faintness that could not be tolerated.

“please…Do not look at me like that … ”

“You are pretty. It’s so beautiful. ”

As soon as I heard a voice of mockery of Daehyun, I immediately shook my head and replied. But it was true, not words. She poured redness on my praise and turned her head to the side with her lying down.

I once felt that she was once an accident of injustice, but her breasts were much bigger and more ambitious than they were on the outside. It is neither too big nor too small to be burdensome. It literally had good size and tenderness that touched it when touched.

“How old is he?”

I saw her breast and she talked to me. Was the time of silence without words uncomfortable? I swallowed the saliva and replied.

“I’m 24 years old.”

Whoops. I’m two years younger than me. ”

Know. He is 26 years old. It is a time when the charm as woman becomes more and more ripe. I took my hands gently to the sensual heart. And when she looked at me like that, she laughed a little.

“…Foof. Is your chest so good? ”

“Yes Yes?”

“It is. I’ve been watching my heart before. It is not usual. Now it’s a little tender. ”

In her reaction I laughed inside. She knows. That I looked like this on purpose. There was a younger brother, and behaving like a knee pillow or a heartbreaking embrace on my chest, she seemed to have a maternal love on the inside.

I was taking care of her as much as I could. It was because of her that she had a more relaxed face now than when she was nervous. There she was, and she took my hand that had stopped in the air and led her to her heart.

Soon after her protrusion protruded from my palm, her fingers grabbed the hill below. I felt her body shaking and fluttering with a feeling of warmth wrapped around her entire palm.

“……!”She did not make any sound. Sick does not scream or moan. I will be patient if I may be who I am. I accepted her favor and put my left hand on her left breast.

The softness that seems to dissolve in your hand right now even if you hold it hard. As I moved my hands, I enjoyed the softness of the chest changing the model. Pick up protruding protrusions at the top of the hill and move your fingers one or two times in that state. Finally, she twisted slightly with a drowning voice. However, she had just finished her mouth and her movements calmed down. The touch of the moist skin unfolds nakedly in the hand without filtration of one’s car. Her reaction and hand-conveyed touch were so ecstatic that I sped up my hand.

After touched her chest for a while, her hands were lifted, and her whitewashed white turned white. This time, I look down my chest. Suddenly she and I were not talking to each other anymore. That’s why they focused on each other’s actions.

She was wearing only her underpants. I pushed her head a little back and watched her whole body. Narrow shoulders and big, beautiful breasts. And the body of a shy. I admired her beauty by admiring her body one by one.

I lifted her hand gently and gently pecked her nakedness. I stroked my waist, which I could not find, and stopped my hand around the belly button. The hands, which were wrapped around a thin, striped, torn navel, quickly moved into place to shyly reveal the presence of the pelvis. Everywhere I reach my hand, she reacted with a wiggle and looked at her calm and rational side, and I smiled at her mouth with a fresh smile on her fresh response.

I lifted her head and approached her face. Her smile and graceful face had a sad look on her face. I looked at her for the first time, and in the face of craving I narrowed the distance with the lips like cherries that seemed to be hugging something.

She opened her eyes to see if I knew what I was going to face. I was surprised to be surprised by the embarrassment of his face, but he regains his calmness again. I wanted to kiss her mouth for the first time, so much for her mind that she cares about the man.

New. New.

yet. Her distance was so small that I could hear her breathing. At first, Dae-yeon, who kept a steady attitude, pulled his gaze downward as soon as I approached him. Seeing that, I stopped for a while and then opened my mouth.

MouthMay I guess? ”

“…I’d like to try it myself. and if you are a

This is also the first kiss. Anyway, her permission had not fallen away. I cautiously lapped my lips over her lips, which is full of curiosity. Except for a moment when I first came to a touch, she just took my lips quietly. Sometimes it seems a bit awkward. The texture of the bottom that came in my lips was so sweet, soft and warm. I was just thinking about wanting to sleep in this state for a moment.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== (There is no relief today. Thank you for your understanding.)

Hi there. It is Eugene.

Yes. There were a lot of controversies 113 times.

I read your comment and every note you sent me. H There was a person who wanted God and a person who did not want. This is the first time I have seen this phenomenon.

I fell asleep on that day, but I did not sleep at all, and at the time of the event, I finally made a comment and changed my mind at the last time. Let’s write it in the direction your readers want. So let’s read it directly. Then I entered the dawn work.

The line compromised on its own, and it was done to completion.

However, when I read the article from the standpoint of my own reader, I could not help but shake my head. I did not like the contents, and the problem was that even if I had to force this meeting, the next meeting could not be completed. I was able to reach a situation where I could not get any further progress because the stories I had envisioned had tangled up, and then I had to boldly delete the 10KB I wrote overnight.

Memories is a novel that has grown up with your readers. We also accept feedback from readers and provide feedback if necessary. There have been 2 minor feedbacks, and there have been 3 relatively large feedbacks that affect the progression in the future.

Suhyeon as a leader. The speed of deployment in the early passage ritual. The other one is skip user academy. As a result, I think Suhyeon was a great success, and I think that it was a normal development, and that user academy skipping was a failure.

I was able to explain a lot of settings at that time, but I skipped two times for the purpose of speeding up the development, and it has been returned as a boomerang after the mule. I have had a lot of trouble this time too.

However, I am also writing and deciding the progress of the writing. However, since the user academy skip, I feel like I will get out of the initial setup.

The conclusion I have made is that I am completely sorry.

There are some readers who are not sure how I would like to say it.
Then, I will not be able to explain it to readers like I used to.

And…Comments, comments given by people. Thank you.
I heard a lot of bitter sounds. I think that the readers are immersed in memorize and interested me so much, so I was really happy.

Especially those who have put emotions into each person … . Love it. 🙂

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