
Chapter 118

He said it was okay, but I took her to the door. When I was in the modern day, I often woke up in the morning and ate rice. It was because I thought that it was not courtesy to say that even if the collar was tied, it would be a marriage. Of course, it was possible at that time because it still had untouched purity. And now there are only these things that I can show to you.

After I let her into the room, I stepped forward to the door of the suite to be used for business purposes. And as soon as I put my hand on the door knob, the door opened first.

“Aw, leader.”

The male user in front of the eye wearing eyeglasses was a brand new one. He was a little reminiscent face, and he made me look surprised when he saw me at the door.

“Are you finished?”

“Oh, no. Haha I have to bring it for a while with the Master’s name. ”

Oh…”Sure you are.”

“Yeah. Well, then talk to me. ”

Sung Sang Yong was very urgent and leaned his head and passed by me. I was curious as to what kind of words I have heard in the world and what is always quiet. When I entered the room with curiosity, I looked around the room and was able to see the figure of Vivien with his head. She turned her head to the door to see if I felt what I was coming in.

Kim Soo-hyun

Yes, I can,

“Is everything over?”

Really?How about seeing the room anyway? Can it be retrofitted? Of course the demolition is in mind. I can not harm a hard inn. ”

“Umm . . .

Vivian shed a godly voice in my question, and I started to look at my eyes. Why did she want to do this? When she narrowed her legs, she put her hands into her arms and pulled out one thing with a knotted leg. Soon I was so embarrassed to see Vivian wearing that long item on his face.

Don’t You…What is it? ”

“Yeah?” Do not you know this? He said it was glasses if he said it.

“Glasses? Do not joke.” I wanted to say, but I saw her eyes filled with pride and shut her mouth instinctively.

o . . .I will. But how do you have it? ”

“How is it? Did you forget what job I was in? Such simple things can be made to close your eyes. Uh, how are you? ”

Certainly some of the items used in modern times can be implemented inside the hall plane. However, there are a lot of things that Vivian writes right now. Vivian opened his mouth with a ball banging as if I had felt strange.

“huh. What’s wrong with these glasses. It matches well. ”

“Who says what? However, it makes me wasted because I am fit. Not a child. ”

In my accusation, Vivian replied with a hot face.

“There is no harm to your body anyway. Alchemists were originally curious. ”

“It’s like a rope. I do not. ”


Vivian crouched and clutched glasses with a distorted face. Then he breathed his breath for a while, then he sighed deeply and shook his head. Is he rebelling now?

“…Hugh. Anyway, talk to me first. What do you want to do to make a studio to ask what the hell? ”

While I was worried about catching a bit of a long time, I heard Vivian’s powerless voice. I also did not have glasses right now, so I put my hands in my arms and pulled out two things.

And the moment I checked the things I took out, I could see Vivian’s eyes shine.

Kim Soo-hyun Kenichi Momoyama

Certainly, Vivian’s eyesight as an alchemist was usable. She swallowed her spit as soon as I saw the two things I took out. I listened to two items in turn.

Really? One is the heart of the Asmets extracted from Belpegor’s body, which he met at the Institute. One is a kind of spirit that served as the backbone of your body. Come to think of it…There is no Shin Sang Yong. ”

“I asked you to bring anything you needed …Kim Soo-hyun You do not … ”

Vivian responded with a loud voice and changed his words in the middle to see if there was a straw bar. In a positive sense, she nodded her head, and she opened her eyes with an astonishment, closed her eyes, and instantly fell into her own world. And I waited for such Vivian.

Originally, wizards or alchemists are often occupational. The reason why I prefer two jobs for conversation is because I understand if I pretend not to have to explain it in detail. Of course, it would be difficult to fall into Samchonpo without one but I decided to wait silently for her mouth to open.

Vivien closed his eyes, but his mouth was dripping fast. I listened more to hear her private words.

“…There is certainly a possibility. But the hearts of the Asmodians are too strong …Ah. If Kim Su-hyun can clean it like the other day, the story is different. okay . . . Not a surprise. My mood is falling a little bit. However, it is difficult to see it as simple mana stone as it has been through the flow of magic for many years. And, assuming no conflicts occur, the price becomes meaningless. But then efficiency would be very low. right. So I need a new name. The two problems are likely to be solved in one shot because of the magic of harmony or something …okay . . . It’s not unlikely … ”

As the head becomes more complicated, the beauty of Vivian has become increasingly narrow. She quickly swam with a serious face, and she opened her eyes and talked to me.

“You want to fair them through the brilliance of Shin Sang Yong’s harmony?”

Really? The answer is correct. ”

“exactly…Oh, it’s a little bit to say definitely. Oh, it’s really vague. ”

“Let’s try it. I will not blame if it fails. ”

In my words, Vivian became a prideful face. Then he shook his lips with his slender fingers and shook his head firmly.

Kim Soo-hyun I think it would be better to hold the construction of the workshop anyway. ”

What is it? Nothing…Why

Her refusal was embarrassed because she did not even think about it. As I watched my reaction, Vivian sighed and began to explain slowly.

“I do not mean not to, but I want to hold on. Simply put, this place is very poor. Simple potions If you do not have one or two, that’s the material, and the process you think can not be realized here. If you do not mind, you can do it. But then, the possibility of maximum is too low. No, I mean …I admit the possibility. I was a little hungry, but now I am a bit confused. Anyway I do not want to do it personally now. It is not necessary to hastily. ”

“That means …Are you saying that the material is a waste? ”

In my question, Vivian nodded solemnly.

“Huh. Of course, Alchemists always try to make it impossible to realize the possibility of the truth, but it’s only when I do not count on the ingredients. It is too bad to use such high possibility and quality materials in this inn. It’s ambiguous even in a professionally crafted studio … . So, if you have some equipment and you are more inclusive, you can dramatically increase your chances. ”


“If I force you with all these bad conditions, I will follow. But if I ask for the opinion of alchemist Vivien before that, I want to hold it now. Listen to me only once. ”

Vivian’s words were different from the old one, and the logic was smooth and unshaken. It was not a matter of being a problem, but a possibility. If I ordered to do it, I would not say anything. I chose my heart again as it was.

“There is a saying that you go back as soon as you do.”

“I heard it first, but it’s good. I chose it well. Ho Ho.”

Vivian smiled a pretty smile that he was happy to hear his words. And I looked at her smiley. As she looked at her, her former personality was disappearing. Of course, it was not a bad thing to look forward to, but I could not help but feel sorry for something.

I sighed and put the two items back into my arms. When I thought about it, I was blinded to my physical ability point, so I was not in a bit of a hurry. Looking at Vivian’s face as if he was delighted with my actions, I asked with a suspicious voice.

By the way…It’s not unusual as usual. It’s doubtful. ”

In my doubt, Vivian snorted and laughed. When I saw that figure, I felt some heat. It is not a situation to get open, but I felt strange and angry. Vivian relaxed and sighed, and with the voice of the.

“Hye-hyun ~ Kim Soo-hyun. My name is Vivienne Laclacias. Though now perishable, I once lived with pride in my name. As long as I am human, I am recovering my former reason. So it is hard to think that you will be childish like before. I am embarrassed when I think about it. And since I am 24 years of age, Anyway, I want you to treat me like an age. ”

She calmly explained all these words to me. But I did not like the tone or the attitude. After a short while, I approached her and lifted her hand. Despite taking a threatening stance, Vivian just kept crying.

“Foot. Now stop doing that. How long do you think you’ll see me and the kids alike? I was a skilled alchemist. No matter how you … ”

As I listened to her, I lifted the power of the lanterns over my hand. As soon as I saw the fire burning and the clear flame rising in my hand, Vivian stopped speaking for a moment. And she was speechless in her face. However, I could certainly confirm. The moment I raised the lantern, I realized that her eyes were filled with fear.

“…Do you think I will blink? I do not know how many times I used to say … ”

I watched as she spoke freely and I flicked my fingers lightly.


Tak/???. The sound is heard in the room, and the chloride sticks to the hair of Vivian. Of course, I did not really intend to harm her. As the mythic class power, the process of reaping with will was possible. It was literally just a fire on his head, but Vivian was not aware of it.

“Wow! Awful! Aw! It was real! It was real! Aaaa! ”

She screamed and ran around in the room. He rubs his head on the bed, and jumps up to his feet. I lifted up my hand once again, watching Vivian dancing with his witless attitude.

And her reaction immediately popped out.

“Huh. Do not …Do not bother …I do not … ”

“Hmm…I am also. Vivian is right. I thought it was someone else. ”

I muttered to myself with a loud voice and then threw my fingers again to turn off the flames of the lanterns on her head. Vivian, who confirmed his hair as if he was an incompetent animal, saw his dark-haired hair he was preserved and laid it face to face.

“You are … ! What the hell is this! No, that’s what I said before! ”

“Ah. I thought it was a doppelganger. So if you were a monster … ”

“Hey! That’s an excuse! You son of a bitch! I did not do well! If I keep coming out like this again … ! ”


I always pulled out a contract that she had kept in her stomach and shook her head. As soon as I saw the contract, Vivian stopped talking and became a face of greatness. Vivian looked at me with a lost face for a while and soon he smiled at me with a grimy eyeball and began to smile and shake his lips. The eyes are crying, and the mouth is laughing. It was true that it was a little harsh, but it was true that it was funny to see.

I kept on laughing for a while and finally opened my mouth with a squeaky voice.

You may also find a few flosses that penetrate the fabric as the fabric must be able to breathe.What

“Yes? In theWhat are you talking about? ”

“Under the …What

“I said bad boy.” When I spoke to him, I saw Vivian’s face burning white. She took a deep breath for a while but seemed unable to tolerate the water that filled her eyes. Nevertheless, she laughed.

“Ho Ho…Hoho ho …Ho ho hoho. Mine, I’ll take a moment …Black, I was …Black, I …Black, look …Ho Ho…HoHuh …Hmm … ”

Finally, at the end, Vivian, who smiled forcibly, could not bear the sadness of blooming, and burst into tears. Then I saw Vivian crying out loudly and I quickly began to soothe.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I got a cover for one of my readers today. After seeing it, I was amazed at this tremendous quality. Hahaha I did not even dream that you would be a fan art fan. Especially, I knew for the first time that there are some people with this ability. I feel really good. Thank you very much for drawing an anonymous cover. 🙂 In the meantime, I will try to lighten the atmosphere somewhat as much as I am in the city. I am sorry for Vivien while writing this session, and I wrote the main character too badly. Hahaha So let me quit. Good day.

P.S. Ah. Sorry for being late for midnight today. ㅜ. ㅠ “Relief” 1. Kuro Sion: I was surprised at the moment when I saw the comment. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ First congratulations.

2. Art Rocksia: I originally wanted to release it a bit earlier, but I’m postponing it now. This is for you.

3. Monsters who defeat monsters: These are settings that have not been made public, but the achievements of users and residents are different from each other. Residents can not receive the blessing (setting) of the Hall Plane. Understand in that context.

4. GradeRown: It is merely a provincial textbook. As only the craftsmen are skilled, users with professions need to learn, but they can extract the efficiency.

5. hgkdrgv: ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ I saw a smile. That’s really true. Dad, kids, and stepmother. It’s funny.

6. Cheonhyeok Shincheon Mujin: Thank you! I still can, but I do not know what will happen next week. But I will not disappear without words. 🙂 7. Ma zhong fung: Happy birthday. And I’m sorry about the cartoons. ㅠ. Today, I finished it once, so I did not have time to write two pieces. ㅜ. ㅠ 8. Holy Cross: ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ I will meet her, of course. I want to see you again soon. Of course, I do not know how she will be … .

9. Kana: Well, thirty pieces. Then it is 330KB. Well. Well. Well… .

10. Evening Glow: Thank you for the coupon. Hahaha After the creation of the clan, the new recruits are already planning. I am also excited. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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