
Chapter 121

# After ‘Suhyon … . ‘

At the beginning of the year he was still smoking gray smoke. She had a blank face and sighed for a long time. Suddenly, as if a lonely feeling of loneliness came on her body, she shook her body once.

Rather than “not getting involved” …That’s exactly what I’m doing. Shepherd. Oh, should I say that I do not want to do it?
But the things that the children are called angels are more naughty than theirs … . 쯧쯧.
I do not think I’ll ever get along with any angel coming to my helper.

Every single word he spit came up, and the horses that came up were sharply dodged and buried deep in Seraph’s heart. His head was so confused that Seraph was not yet able to reap the hand he had stretched to catch when he left the summoning room.

I have something to say …It was a terrible word. Do not call me back anyway. “just… ”

Clearly there was no one in the room of the summons. But Seraf opened his mouth. Her gaze was not leaving her place. She also knew that there was no one, but it seemed like she wanted to hear it.

“Are you sure …report…That’s what I thought.

Seraph, speaking with a trembling voice, reaped his hand stretched out with a lonely face. However, her pupil had just watched the portal he had thrown at before.

* During the first round. Seraf always maintained a calm and calm attitude. Of course, I’ve seen occasional disheveled figures, but I’ve found them in my hands. As such, her highs and grimaces were not common to see.

Serap had regained his attitude once again. She saw me turn around and opened my mouth with a slight voice, whether I had a little heart.

“Please give me a moment. I have a word to say. It will not take so long. ”

“…….”Seraph’s voice was silent, but he had a puzzling voice somewhere. And the moment I looked at her face like that, I was reminded of the last breakup with Seraf.

Does the user Kim Soo-hyun repeat the painful time of those 10 years again?
Please be happy … .

I do not have any virtue in that I am going to rise like this two times. It is true that I have consumed my GP, but it was actually difficult to go around with this kind of praise if it had not been a privilege mixed with an angel’s favor. My starting stats in my first season were not so good except for endurance and agility. Of course, I had myself, but now I have a huge growth rate and travel (like taking Vivian as a colleague).It would not have been possible.

This kind of thought breaks my mind. I had a lot of troubles for a while, but I thought it would not be bad to hear the story once. I do not like angels, but Miuna Gowa and I were once in a partnership with them. So it seemed necessary to listen to the word once. After I set my mind up, I sat down and opened my mouth.

“…okay . . . What the hell do you want to say. And who is Sandalpa? ”

I opened my mouth with a very soft voice but did not release the impression on my face. Nevertheless, Seraf began to speak with relief.

“I will tell you all. Sandalpa is a helper who is responsible for other users. She has been asking me to replace her user since Kim Soo-hyun graduated from the user academy. ”

Hmm. In her reply I thought for a moment. In other words, from the user’s point of view, he was changing the angel in charge of himself. And certainly there was no such precedent. It is rare. I had heard that the angel in charge had changed a few times in the first episode.

Once angled over into the Hall Plane, their users are good …No, they needed to lead them in the direction they wanted. The emphasis here is not on good, helpful directions, but on what they want. Then it was a disgrace that angels wanted to accomplish something through users.

I caught a quick sense of what was going on roughly and I finally laughed.

Ha… Really? Why do you ask me to replace it. ”

“…….”In my question, Seraf did not answer immediately. When I gazed at her eyes with the impression that I was about to guess, Seraf slightly bite her mouth and opened her nice lips.

“Since entering the Hall Plane, the user Kim Soo-hyun’s walk is so amazing. In the mule, we explored two ruins for more than a month, and we succeeded in exploration. Especially, as the user of the year 0, the angelic people are accepting the achievement of defeating the superior Asmodian Belpegor. Daman, Daman and Diu

Seraf was hesitant to speak unlike her. I had a tendency to worry about stretching my face. I waited slowly for her words without urging me. It was heard that Seraf read the words in a careful tone.

“…User Kim Soo-hyun seems to need to improve his relationship with me. ”


In her declaration I shed a voice. It was like that. I thought I was right, and I took out a tobacco in my arms. Slightly touched the tip and lit the end, but seraph’s eyes were not shaky. In some ways, the act of smoking the tobacco in front of the angel was a little ironic, but she did not restrain me. It was not that I had never burned the tobacco in front of her even during the first round. And at that time, I had never spoken to anyone else.

Just as they lit up and sucked their sip deeply, it seemed to calm down a bit. Seraf’s mouth, which watched the process quietly, was opened again.

“I will not comment on the role of the angels. But there is one question. Why does the user Kim Sohyun hate me like that? ”

“If you like it, you’ll love this guy who was dragged into this hall plane.”

“…Certainly that is the case. But that is not it. ”


I looked at Seraph, who denied my words. She was pounding her head from side to side. As I stumbled across the door, she uttered her voice in a quiet voice.

“I do not think the user Kim Soo-hyun hates me. It may sound a bit strange, but it feels like that. There must be some other reason … ”

Listen to her, with one hand touching the beginning of the year with the other hand tapping the floor. This time Serap was waiting for my answer. I mocked her for a while and laughed at her.

“Is it that important?”

confidence. Your way is interested by many angels. And all are looking positively. We need to maintain friendly relations with users who are in charge as much as we are not directly involved in the Hall Plan. They are our agents. And now the problem is that Sandalpone is a problem, and asking for user replacement is not good for me and you. If you tell me what part of me you do not like, I’ll fix it as much as I can. ”

“Rather than” not getting involved “…That’s exactly what I’m doing. Shepherd. Oh, should I say that I do not want to do it? ”

In my vexation, Seraf became a lost face. After enjoying her blunt face and dispersed gaze, I slowly talked.

Really?I hate you. I hate all angels as well as you. Everything comes from that reason, but from the inside of you, vomiting is pushed as much as winter. ”


“It is not funny to see them. Why. I guess it seemed a bit odd because it fit your taste buds. By the way…Are you afraid I’ll stick to them? ”

“User Kim Soo Hyun. What do you mean … ”

I sharply shouted at her as she stared at the remarkable embarrassment.

“You do not know? You know. You pretend you do not know it. do not do that. Is it abominable? Why are you forced into mud fighting? And what kind of intentions did you bring the humans of the earth? What will happen when users know that fact and all post-war situations? ”

“……!”I saw her face whitening at the end of my journey. I also felt that it was a bit too much. But there was a believing corner. As long as I am still here, and intentionally do not harm angels, they can not touch me with anything.

A moment of silence passed. I swallowed the burned tobacco largely once and then threw it on the floor. The smokestack of smoke stood on top of the discarded early morning. I was once more talkative.

“What if you have an extraordinary level of rank. I do not know what to do. In some ways, they might be better at that point. At least they got into the hall plane directly at the risk. But the things that the children are called angels are more naughty than theirs … . 쯧쯧. ”

o . . .How do you … ”

Cerap’s lips were shaking. I look at me with unbelievable eyes. It shocked me that I knew the secrets of running around with the angels, them, and the Hall Plane. I did not know from the beginning. I spent 10 years living on the Hall Plane and doing my own research and getting the Zero Code to figure out the perfect post-war situation.

Though I spit out a bit of dangerous words, I did not regret it. No, I heard the feeling that it was getting colder. I looked at her with her hard face and she was only talking in a kind tone.

“What?”Do not worry too much. Now I hate them much more than you guys. So, for the time being, I will play with you. If you do not make a fool of it, things will not happen. ”

“Company, user Kim Soo-hyun.”

And also,

After stopping for a moment and letting go, Seraf moved his nipple with a strained face. Suddenly I thought that she was beautiful, and I calmly finished my speech.

“Tell them well what the Sandal phone is. I do not like user replacements. I do not think I’ll ever get along with any angel coming to my helper. ”

“…….””I have something to say …It was a terrible word. Do not call me back anyway. ”

I spit out everything I said and then slowly got up. Seraph stretched out his hand and heard me calling, but I immediately turned away.

Soon I took a quick pace and walked to the portal in front of my eyes.

* When I got out of the portal, I was able to see one of the festivals still waiting. I was a man who talked about the expedition report with me. I looked at the inhabitants who greeted me with a gentle smile, and I trimmed the inside.

“You came right away. Did you enjoy your meeting with him? ”

No. It is a horn. ” I wanted to tell him, but he did not have to pretend to be as naughty as the angels who believe and follow the angels. And I hated to play with Mom. So I laughed and nodded.

Haha It was a good time. Thank you for your trust. ”

No. That’s what I do. ”

Looking at the inhabitants who see me with an envious face, I wanted to leave the temple soon. Then it was the best way to turn the conversation into a topic that would make them nervous.

Four Oh, then I know that you will make the expedition report as soon as possible. ”

“Ah. Yes Yes. I will arrange an investigation team as soon as I can afford it. It just takes a little time. ”

Clear right. However, I hope that in the first half and next month of next month, I will be able to complete the investigation and get a certificate. ”

“I will try my best.”

the filtering element. I’ll come back to the temple next time. So let’s just go. ”

He was sweating in my urging and gave me a break. The story of the angel was burdensome, too. After all he said that, he bowed his head graciously. I also walked along a long pathway, responding to my head.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

It is finally a long-awaited Friday. The weekend is over today. Wow. 🙂 haha. And artificial is not two of them. I was sick when other characters were swearing, but I feel strange because Suhyeon is cursed. Haha. And today I talked to a JoAra official, and I heard about E-Book publishing. I feel a lot of shaking.Of course, publishing will not write.) I have a lot of troubles these days. It will be a happy worry in some way.

I think you should consider a little more.

And…I would like to vote for a female character who has come out so far, but what do you think?

P.S. I put the signs that you made in the yard. If you are wondering, come to visit us!

“Relief” 1. Amish: Congratulations on your first. Afterwards. It is very easy to become the first rated in my article. It’s been a lot easier these days. As I posted it late … . OTL 2. Final Dragon: NO. We watched the latter, but we do not get caught up in battle game. I am just thinking of watching the fire across the river. Hahaha

3. Human life: Oh. I do not know. I look forward to your comment this time. 🙂 4. Opium Turf 19: Haha. The angels did a little bit of nasty stuff. You can see it as cowardly in some ways. So, Kim Soo-hyun who discovers that fact hates angels.

5. Ka-ki: Maybe it’s the beginning of distrust. And then I was disillusioned with the secrets surrounding the Hall Plane. The point is why humans came into the Hall Plane by angels.THE BACKWASH.

6. MT Bear: It is not a snake, but a snake. In any case, Seraf is a very poor child. ㅜ. ㅠ 7. Punishment: I have done that. When I remember my childhood, I often get wet with memories. 🙂 8. Kun Lai: That’s correct. And in my novel, I distinguish the devil from the Asmodians. If you keep in mind, it will help you a lot.

9. Honey Honey: Of course. Suhyun is a little confident. However, it is because there is a corner of my own belief as it is in the text of today.

10. hohokoya1: I will do my best for the day when I can afford it. Please wait a minute. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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