
Chapter 123

“So today I will finish my work with this. Everybody have time for personal maintenance or rest. ”


“Howou … ”

After dinner, I declared to the party today that I will finish my work. The reactions were different, but the two reactions were really good. He was still biting his nails as he shook his legs, and Anzol buried his forehead on the table as soon as I was finished. It seemed that it was hard for him to follow his teachings because his face was filled with tired colors.

Hae-yeon was passing a sip of the car with a casual face. She said she would like to rest today, but she seems to have taught her to do her best. I would not have taught her personally, but I could hardly guess what was wrong with her.

But I also appreciated her. I am grateful to have received a request for guidance, and I am really eager to teach. Especially, Ansol was seen as a very difficult user in terms of teaching. When I raise my voice for a while, I try to hold it with a giggling expression, but it was not always a difficult one or two.

But he could not raise his voice, so he probably would have tired of Jogon. But the words of those words would have been like cold winds. It was when I was happy with the idea of ​​putting on a good teacher.

“Hey brother … ”

He called me with a hesitant look, not a normal cheerful face.

Yes. it is.

When I pulled out the tobacco lightly with a light touch, Yujeong was speaking with a confident voice.

“Tonight …busy? Is there anything else to do? ”

Hum… right. I have a conversation with Mr. Hae-yeon and Mr. Sang-yong. I need to organize my records. ”

“Then tomorrow?”

“I have something to do tomorrow too …Why

When I asked her, she replied, and the oil well pierced her mouth. She said, “No. Nothing. After he answered, he sipped tea. After a short while in the reaction of the well, I turned my head to Hae Yeon and Shin Sang Yong and opened her mouth.

“Mr. Shin Sang Yong. ”

“Yes, your leader.”

“Yeah. Please speak.”

“Let me first go up to the room. Maybe it will be a long story, so please come up to my room with your finishing work. I’d like to talk twice so it would be better if you come with me. ”

Haha I like it. I was just having a discussion with Master about magic and recall. ”

In the words of Shin Sang Yong, I was attracted to my eyes. Vivian would always be blind, but he was always doing more than that. After listening to my request today, I was able to pinpoint exactly what I wanted and act accordingly. When she saw Vivien with a delightful face, she grabbed her neck and grabbed the tea gracefully.

I saw that I thought I wanted to push again. “I want to harass.” I felt my gaze, and Vivian painted his face with red eyes. I could barely turn my head.When I turned my gaze, I heard Vibian lowering his tongue, but decided to think that he did not hear well. Obviously you have not heard.)

Vivian has a strong will to teach, and Shin Sang Yong has a strong will to learn. It was a good teacher and priest relationship. However, Ansol and Hae Yeon seemed a little different.

I was nervous at the end of my life, and Anzol looked at me with an astonished face, sparkling at the buried face. However, there was no mercy at all.

“I’ll do that. Anthonyang? Did you hear that? So today I will do an additional map for another hour. ”

“Uh …Uh … ”

Ansol came out with a stunned face and looked at Yeon-yeon alternately. How did you teach such a simple child like this? When she made a questionable expression, she replied with a shrug. But it was me who requested a map, and I decided to believe in Hae Yeon.

“…Thank you very much. ”

Sure do. Do not worry too much. ”

In the end, I stepped back and laughed at her. Listening to Ansol’s stretching, I sighed inside.

Should I say no iron? The kids are all good, but sometimes I saw some unfortunate things. There is no urgency. And the kids did not know how happy they are now on the Hall Plane and as a new user. In some ways, it was my fault. I have never been a ship since the rite of passage, and there was nothing short of anything.

Repeatedly, new users are not allowed to survive alone until the first year. I also did. At the beginning of the first round, I barely eaten a meal a day, worried about the meal and bedding that day, and always searched the square and searched for a caravan to participate. Teacher to teach? I did not even think about it.

But it was not the kids. From the beginning, I did not know how sorry I was for new users because I took care of it. If I now take one of those users and feed them, put them on and give them a good user to teach me, I will cry at once and give me three thousand times.

In short, it is similar to students who complain that they do not want to study. Perhaps if you eat a little more year round and experience Hall Plan, you will realize how happy you are at this time. Although it is still a far cry, I decided to accept the sweetness of the parents who raise the children.

I hope the children will grow up anyway, and I decided to get up from my seat. There was a possibility that the children might be angry.

“Then let’s go first. I do not mind it at the latest, so please finish the work. ”

After throwing a nail, I climbed the stairs. I felt the gaze stare at my back from the back, but never turned my head.

Soo-hyun Are you working again? It’s been a while since I came back from exploration.

“You’re right. all right The next expedition would be nice if we could find a dungeon. ”

After finishing the meeting, Hye – yun went on an hour and touched my visit. I was then looking for a record of a cave of cries. She was worried about her body as she saw me reading the record as soon as I came back. Looking at her attitude, I felt like we were newlyweds for some reason. wait. Then to the kids, is she a stepmother?

“Do not desire it. For the time being, it’s enough to explore the city. I still feel the aftermath of that power …The more I suffer, the more I feel uneasy. So even for me, just talk today and sleep right away. ”

“Right. He said, “I will.”

“Huhh. for your troubles.”

In my innocent answer, she smiled pleasantly as if she was glad. I also saw her and smiled softly. In the first episode, I felt emotions that I hardly felt. The more I get into these feelings, the more vivid the wildness in me seems to be fading, but I was not in a bad mood.

As we watched each other, one of the users who wore glasses at the same time as the door opened. Without a doubt, the user was a brand new. He looked at me and Hazu and I bowed his head.

“Lee, leader. Our apologies. It’s a little late. ”

“Ah. It’s okay … ”

“It was exactly 17 minutes late. Would not it be better for you to come to the right time or come late at all? ”

“is.” I wanted to finish the conversation, but I stopped by because she started to speak. And after seeing such new scenes, he opened his smile with a cold voice. I had some strange notion that her voice had a thorn in her voice. It was a surprise to her voice that I was not the only one. He leaned over the elongation head, apologized, and immediately approached the table and sat down. Suddenly, I felt sorry for Shin Sang Yong.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, but I punched and throat my neck. The future talks were not only light in weight, but also a cornerstone of my plan. I closed my breath for a while and immediately opened my mouth.

“Everyone is guessing why you two are separated today.”

You can speak Korean

“I will go straight to the point. In the future I will establish a clan in Hall Plane … ”

Both responded at the same time. I nodded my head once or twice and it was right. And it was the moment when I was about to take out the matter first.

Toc Toc It’s a bitch.

I heard a couple of knocking visits, and a visit was held before my permission. When I raised my head to an uncanny mind who was not so polite, a strange user came in and showed up. That user was playing right.

Yoink! I thought you were alone. I’m sorry. ”

“…What did you come for? ”

“This one.”

Go to the play with a beautiful laugh and a gentle gait came to us.

She was dressed differently than usual. I had my hair rolled up tightly, and I was always dressed modestly, unlike the clothes that I had run around. I wanted to do it again today, but she slipped the tray we had in her arms gently over our table. It seemed that the food that smelled the smell and the fragrant quality liquor were worth the price.

“I have not ordered anything else.”

“Yeah. This is a service for regular customers. ”

Ko Kyo was able to take my words with ease and quickly set the food on the table. Looking at the unexpected midnight snacks, Shin Sang Yong laughed.

Haha Gomapseumnida I have not been able to do so. It’s just great. Lee, leader. Is it okay? ”

“…The food will be okay. I’ll eat well. ”

In my greeting, he played his head shook his head. I thought that she wanted to go out like this, but she also betrayed my expectation.

“You’re welcome. But what were you talking about? ”

“Ah. I’m talking about something important right now. Thank you for the food. ”

The answer sprang out of the novel, not me. I did not throw it in a fastball but it was a complicated word, but everyone could hear it. However, he did not turn around.

Why I’m bored because I have no guests. Can not I listen to it together? ”


This response was unexpected, but Shin Sang Yong became a stunned face. Her response was to make her eyes thin, but her performance was just laughing effortlessly. Soon Soon and Shin Sang Yong turned to me. So the high performance also turned my eyes to me.

Now that everyone’s eyes are gathering, I stare at her face, knocking on the table. Shadow Queen and playing. There was no need to handle it in any way anyway. Whether it’s our clan or killing before we leave the mule. She might have been uncomfortable with her, but she had a lot of trouble with her ability to gather information even during her first stint aside from her stats. The companion party has thought it still has time, but it was not a performance. She must now be made a party, or must be killed. If so, I thought it would be okay to look at it once.

As everyone waited for my answer, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Sit down.”

“Yes to. Thank you.”


“Lee, leader!”

Gokyeong puts his ass on the left chair, and Yeon-yeon and Shin Sang-yong called me with a perplexed face. I understand their confusion. However, as soon as the performance of the performance was revealed, it was anticipated what kind of reactions would be shown.

Soo-hyun I know who this female user is … ”

“A second year user,” he said.

It was a moment to talk with her face that she did not understand. Koh played a quiet voice to block her horses. In fact, she told her name and yearbook, and her eyes were full of light and her mouth was full.

“A wizard user abandoned by the Golden Lion Clan. And the side … 2nd year user new. ”

“흣 … ! ”

Hae-yeon’s face was horrified, but he did not give a break and turned his attention to Shin Sang-yong.

“Yes Yes?”

Shin Sang Yong replied with a startled face that he did not think he would know. As if he was cute, he played his tempting finger round and round.

“A wacky wizard who loves pension magic. And…

She gazed at them and finally looked at me and looked up at me. I also had to watch the performance of the performance. As she watched her lustful eyes, she heard her calm voice.

“0 year user Kim Soo-hyun. User academy senior graduate …And a strange user who has already attacked two dungeons at 0 year. ”

“Everything, how you do it … ! ”

I heard a shocking voice from Shin Sang-yong, and I heard her voice pounding at the chest.

However, the performance of Koh was uncomfortable. Both of them looked at me with my hands holding my chin as if I did not care at all.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

I have been releasing the atmosphere a little bit as much as I have been in the meantime, and I hope that you will come to your readers well.

Ah. I do not know if it will be a joke or a midnight series in advance. I have to go to get ready for the sacrifice. 🙂 “Lilipple” 1. Whirligig: Congratulations on the first. He is showing his strongest presence in the first spring ceremony in the spring, fall, and spring times. Hahaha

2. Centaurs: NO. I wrote it as a reminder. 🙂 3. archangels la: Not. Vivien is a 24 – year – old human woman with a mature body.

4. Avi Hunter to fight T: Ahaha. It is because I am rich. OTL 10 minutes randomly picked … . ㅠ. ㅠ 5. Ramude: ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Soohyun, if the character can not catch up to what you do not do. But this is actually part of the double line. Fuhofu. I wonder if there were some people who had noticed. 🙂 6. The God of Fantasy: It is a very accurate answer. If you get harassed, you can enjoy the relief of Suhyun (?).

7. hohokoya1: Good luck! I decided to put a small story in the middle while doing things one by one. Hahaha

8. COOL 123: Thank you for the coupon. I do not know if this will be a series or a midnight series, but I will try my best. (__) 9. Person’s life: I do not know if I’m okay with my body. Please be strong. I look forward to your comment. ^ – ^ 10. Techno: The last Lilipple was looking at the long comments, Techno’s comments were ringing. I think so too. Huh.

Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force of your journalism. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

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