
Chapter 127

“It was a distracting pupil. you…Sometimes I look at me while I was worried. ”

“…….”I am troubled. I made my eyes thin. I tried to persevere, but it seemed that laughter would leak out. I tried to breathe deeply while killing the sound as much as possible.

The performance slowly dropped from my body. And I opened up the distance. I felt a strange sense of incongruity when I saw the course of making one person while taking a step backward. However, as if he did not want to give it a chance to grasp it, the performance was immediately speech.

“But I could not pass the trouble. It seems like it’s too dangerous to turn over … . I know that? Every time you see the eyes that see me, your body grows creepy. Enough to get hurt. ”


Suddenly, the tobacco that I was eating was cold and cold. What she is holding is also turned off. I spit out the tobacco that I was biting and fell into my hand. I rolled the butts that came into my hands, and I thought that I was too full. I thought I was looking at her, but she was watching me more carefully than I was.

He also gently gathered his fingers and bounced the butt and opened his mouth quietly.

“What is that trouble? What the hell did you do to make me so creepy? I was curious, but I was able to realize it by chance. ”

“When was it?”

“When I caught you with bait as information. At that time, user Kim Soo-hyun talked about SSUN and general city Hale. It was only then that I could feel it. The identity of the anxiety … ”

“The identity is … ? ”

I played my guitar and I laughed and laughed. And then, I could see the cause of the incongruity. I tried to turn my head, but before that, a word of playing came to my ear.

“Living (killing).”

Acka. When I heard her answer, I immediately calculated her position and spacing. Then, he immediately turned his gaze to the sword leaning under the table. But I did not see the sword I had put on.

“Find this?”

I raised my head again in the voice of the performance, but I swallowed it immediately. First she saw a smooth finger, and when she pulled away, she waved her finger in the fingers of the sword. I immediately walked to the house and played a chopstick, which I used to roll around the table.

“Hoho, chopsticks?”

Koh played a laughing laugh despite my quick action. Then, her new model disappeared as if it had fallen into the ground. I immediately activated the third eye, and at the same time, I was able to generate magic on my whole body.

I just knew all of the techniques I had written before. Perhaps I would have used the shade block and the black shade at the same time. Both technologies, however, can respond with a third eye. So I quickly looked at the shadows of my surroundings with my own ability.

The third eye does not respond in the shaded area under the table. if so… .

“Hey. I was behind you. ”

At that moment I was able to see a spike in my shadows shone on the floor. Behind me, I heard a ridiculous voicemail of high performance, and at the same time a tearful sound that tore the air. It was a moment of the moment, but I kept my composure. I am sorry for her, but these technologies have not been intended to be ridiculed by the technologies that have already been used in the first round.

I carried out the Ability I prepared.

She slides. ChuckYoink!

“It’s not back but front. Shadow Queen? ”

I pointed at her slender neck with chopsticks and whispered in my ear with a soft voice.

Simply put, I tried to point my back through the shadows, but the performance failed. No, I was overtaken by failure and took over. In other words, I have been following her in order to get rid of the hidden Ability.

He stood as if he did not expect it. I had no intention of harming her, but her dagger had stopped at a reasonable distance. I also did not want to kill her yet, so she did not poke her chopsticks anymore.

Soon, he opened his mouth with a stuttering voice.

MajayoInconceivable!Is this Lee Hyung-whan (transfiguration)? ”

“Ohh. Did you know? answer.”

“This is obvious …okay . . . Eastantel Law Clan’s Gnome is … . No. I heard it’s still in development. But how do you … ! ”

Ah… That guy. Sy! I learned it from her first round. I think I should have a life saving one. I wanted to say, but I did not answer anything.

When I poked a little with the chopsticks, I felt a trembling of the neck of the performance. It was easily overpowered, but it shocked me.

Honestly, the situation was just a little lucky. Although the performance of the performance was not complete, the most important thing was that I was used to her combat skills and skills. In the first round I met her several times on the battlefield. Going to the 10th lecture at that time, she analyzed her battle pattern thoroughly in the clan. And thanks to the analysis, she was able to grasp her battle skills, and eventually the shadow queen was literally executed by Princess Han So – young.

I mean, she did not do well, I was out of her skills, I was learning all of the skills of the Shadow Queen, and I was preparing for it with my third eye. These four beats harmoniously made it possible to suppress the shadow queen at once. If the performance of Goguryeo was enough, I would have been able to win, but I would not have been able to solve it easily. Abyss Crowd of her abyss is really hard to deal with.

Of course, female users in front of the eyes informed these circumstances. On the surface, the 5th-year user has been suppressed by the 0th-year user. No matter how I say I have an unreasonable strength, the Shadow Queen. I do not think it’s too easy to accept the fact that the strongest player in the 10th round was so easily attacked by the 0th-year user. .


Accepting. She dropped her dagger and sword so lightly. I quickly missed the chopsticks for a moment, but I could barely catch them. I was deeply indebted, but I also thought that she was like this.

At first glance, it seems to be free and difficult to control, but she was a user who kept her ideals until the last time she had an enemy. The princess of the execution knew the fact that she would have torn her without hesitation.

I was troubled by pushing the chopsticks pointed at the neck. Will I kill or not? I think it would be nice to kill if I think about the first time, but I still feel sorry. How can I make this female user friendly? How did the old ones get to grips with this free play?

While I was thinking for a while, I heard a loud voice of the performance.

Ha… okay . . . It was just this feeling. ”

“What do you mean suddenly?”

“Sometimes it was this feeling of living that was seen in your eyes. Maybe I should kill you …I seemed to be worried. ”

I did not come up with anything to say in the words of stabbing. There was silence for a while. The silence was frustrating inside, and the performance was speechless.

“Can I just look back?”

“…Slowly With both hands lifted. ”

Going to my request, he played both hands in the air and slowly turned his body. Then she glanced at my chopsticks with a squint. I laughed at her charm and shook my chopsticks just the same. Of course, at the same time, I dumped the dagger and sword on the floor away. I did not have any weapons, but the situation was much more favorable as the rank of the swordsman coincided with the EX.

“Anyway, I’ll save you. But my arm hurts. ”

“Huh. Keep holding on. It looks good. ”

“You were a pervert, too.”


I snorted and handed both arms. Going past my eyes, I went past my side and threw myself onto the bed. The bed shook very loud once I threw it quite hard. Now, her unexpected behavior seemed to be acceptably acceptable.

She buried her face in my bed and she muttered with a weak voice.

Ah… tiring. Today is awful. I am also beaten to death and humiliated. Why are you doing this today? ”

“It will not be me today.”

She grumbled at my response. It seemed to be seemingly on the surface, but it seemed to be hurt much by all means.

As she rolled over the bed for a while, she quickly stared at me, tapping into the empty space on one side of the bed. I did not know her intentions. But rather than lie down beside him, he responded by simply sitting on one side of the bed.

There was no need to be vigilant about performance. She said, “I’m tired. I lost my ex. ” I was fully exposed to the face.

Going to the sitting position, he pushed his head to the side, and soon laid his head over my thigh. When I gave him a knee pillow, I laughed and laughed. As a result, the atmosphere became very awkward. One thing is certain, I played her by giving her life, so I got a life debt. I do not know the physiology since it is a user who has reached the 10th grade.

After enjoying my thigh for a while, she sighed and opened the door.

“Good morning. This is somewhat obvious to me anyway. ”


As she walked lightly, she lifted her hand and stabbed my nose with my fingertips.

“I thought I could just die. But you lived like this. you…I was worried about whether I would kill or save myself. ”

I did not answer anything. However, Gogaku played a glance at me. I seemed to accept my silence as a positive affirmation. She stared at me for a long time and said that she was talking about her appetite again.

“But in the end I chose to save it …I can say that I have something I want. So can you just answer it now? Until you came into the mule, you did not have a single face with me. But what do you want me to do and why do you want to kill me? ”

“…….””Do not be consistent in silence, but tell me something cool. What is it? I do not need to know about it at the moment. That’s what I say. ”

She kept pushing, but I deliberately kept herself. The performance is different from that of Yeon Yeon and Shin Sang Yong. Once again, Go-play was one of the ten lectures and was a proud user with a secret class. As such, there will be some thoughts of my own, and pride as a user was obviously high.

Of course, the level of the caravan I am currently following has been adhered to and the plan has been highly evaluated, but there was a sense that it was difficult to simply ask them to come into the future to make them. I think she is likely to reject it. Of course, if I refuse, it would be enough to kill me, but it was true that I had a sadness in my heart. I can not imagine how much it would help if she joined the party and the clan in the future.

I was worried for a while, but I finally decided my mind. The conclusion was “I can not make a decision now.” Koji is interested in me, and I wanted to see her a little more. Then she will give me time to spend with me and our party, and I will also need to make an opportunity to look closer and observe her more closely.

After sorting that out, I slowly lifted my hand and stroked the soft hair of playing. She gently closed her eyes as if she felt my touch.

“I think the night is too late?”

What is it? Suddenly, why are you saying that? ”

She looked down on me and looked at me again.

You put it first. I wanted to say, but I pushed hard. I was going to present her one condition. And she will not be able to refuse. I just owe a life to myself and I thought I would follow it if I could.

More than anything…At the end of the screaming cave, there were calculations that it would be very helpful if there was a performance as much as it was. I spit on my lips and opened my mouth before they dried out.

“It seems that your business is not working well these days. Why not take a little break this time. ”

“Hmm … ? ”

In my words, the nostalgic nostalgia changed. After confirming her reaction to such, I was speaking slowly.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Yes. The processing of the high performance was once turned to hold. It is a charming character. So I guess you need to go a little further, but I’m leaning to add weight to the recruitment. Hahaha

Ah. There are character fan arts posted by my fan in my yard. I think it would be great if you could come and visit us once in a while. I personally like the paintings and the paintings. In particular, you will see a lot of high performance paintings. That’s right. 🙂 “Lilipple” 1. Avi Hunter to fight T: Congratulations on your 1st. As soon as I landed I was surprised to run. Hahaha I congratulate you once again for winning the number one competition, and I hope you enjoyed this time too.

2. Kurosion: Yes. I am sometimes surprised. How can I post comments at the same time? -_- a 3. hohokoya1: Hard work life. I understand ten minutes. ㅠ. Especially on Monday it will be more difficult. While reading my novel, I hope you forget about those things for a while. I would appreciate it if it gets stronger. It’s fighting! 🙂 4. GradeRown: Uh ha ha. You are the first to do this to me. This is surprisingly good. Let’s take a look. LOL

5. Dragon: Yes. The answer is correct. I was worried, and the keyword was living.

6. Root squirrel: Oh no, no. Please do not report it. My writing is not a drug. ㅠ. ㅠ 7. A broken fan: Go …And playing …Mandibular mandible. Mandibular mandible. Mandatory …헙. Oh, no. I never saw fan art. No, really. Mandatory … .

8. Moon Cookie: I was wrong. Please give me the ax. I’m scared ㅜ. ㅠ 9. OZAZANA: I asked for some time to think about it. LOL I think there will be a conclusion about next week.

10. Bomber line: Although there are ten ladder, there are occasions when the place is empty, and a new deity can push out existing ten rivers with appearance. And…What happens in the future and as the incident happens, there are many vacancies in the 10th grade. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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