
Chapter 136

Even if it was lunch, there was no well. Sometimes I was only making a pounding noise on the first floor. I wanted to know what training was going on in there but I could not help it.

It was about lunch when Koh played back again. She seemed to be thinking of teaching her to keep her job. I did not eat any more. She opened her mouth with a smile in the solicitation of Ahn Hyun.

“The kid is starving. So I do not even think about eating. ”

I declared that the oil well was reserved for the performance. The problem was that it was all left to the performers. The party also seemed to be curious, but I did not ask for it to stand still and just wait. Koge concluded with a fresh smile and immediately entered the kitchen. And eventually, even though it was evening, the pouring did not come out.

It was about time for the dusk dusk to come to a good lady and to come out of the room of the performance. In the downstairs, the King Wang went down and saw that Ahn Hyun, Ansol, and Vivian were surrounded by one.

As he approached, Ansol was memorizing the treatment order with his staff. And below that, I could see the shape of the oil well that had fallen on the floor.

The oil well was very gruesome. It was so strange that it did not bleed. The place I see right now was full of bright bruises, and my body and clothes were soaked. It was hard to get wet with sweat, and it seemed like I put water on it several times. In other words, it was the sound of being stunned after being trained.

The boys are dying of this, raising the voices of worrying that it is too much. But I just dismissed all the answers in answer to take me to the room after treatment. I thought it would not be too bad to experience this once. At the same time, I was able to guess the intention of the high performance.

I and her attitudes toward teaching children were almost extreme and dramatic. Even considering the hole planes, it was difficult to see them both as normal. Although he did not have to do this, he played his own villain. It was not just a technical map, it seemed that I was going to fix the head of my mind. I was very grateful to the performer for what I really needed, and I felt sorry.

But the user that made me even more surprised was the reason. Ansol ‘s treatment seemed to flicker as her fainter eyes shone when she used the treatment. The first word she spoke as soon as she opened her eyes was “I am hungry.” Respectively. At that end, Bunny Ahn went down to the first floor to get food, and Yuheung got up and walked to the room with his swollen face.

I did not ask if it was okay, and I did not hesitate to say that the oil well was hard. All that remains is a mixture of tiredness and poison. I did not feel like walking in a ridiculous way.

“My sister. Your body is okay. ”

“You look okay.”

“No Oh … ”

Ha… I may die really in the future. So you. I’m waiting everywhere, anytime. Give me a treatment order so I will not die. ”

He pounded his forehead gently with his fingers and no longer responded. And looking at her like that, I turned away. Resolved and awareness of death. More than I expected.

This was also the end of the labor of confluence and the caravan began to move forward again. In the meantime, I did not stay still. I can not hold onto the problems that are not solved now, I need to pay more attention to other things.

The training for me was just like everyday life. I had time to meditate once a day, unless it was unavoidable to lose my mind. I can see now that my physical abilities have already reached the extreme. It is hard to raise anymore by training. It would not be impossible, but I was not sure how much time I would need to invest to raise one point.

I had to worry about the remaining ability points or ability points. Especially, the difficulty about the ability has not been recognized yet. You can either keep your current ability stable by your physical strength, or you can make your other stats 101 and look at a higher level.

In the future, you may get these points again, but they are all three or four points at best. So I had to be more careful. So I decided to save it in case I do not know what kind of stats I need in any situation. Now, it is full of kick just because of current ability.

Turning to the side of the expedition, the road to the cave of screaming stopped again. I do not know, but I also read other records, but it was a matter of discovery. Even if the Hall Plane had many variables, it was not realistic to find a place that was not revealed for 10 years. So, I decided to clean these problems. The time went by, and it was enough to have a cave of screams right now.

And I was able to finish the problem about the equipment that I was a little worried about. I took out 1000 gold more and more using the user shop. As a result, the current caravan reserves were above 2300 gold. But I could not use it all because I had to leave the money to go to the clan application.

However, it was necessary to use enough funds to show some degree to the performer.

I aimed this time tightly and I took the oil well. Strictly speaking, oil wells are the poorest at present. I had invested in Ahn Hyun so far, this time I was planning to invest a lot of Yu. I was thinking of pushing it once when I grew up on the flow. In addition, Yu-jeong is a close-up series, but the gloves should be sturdy, but there was irony that the activity was not restricted due to the class characteristics.

The well is a close-up dealer. It is an inevitable thing to get closer to monsters with daggers, and besides, it was necessary to specialize martial arts combat so that they are mercenaries.

I once peeled all the equipment that Yu – jeong had previously worn. And I bought the jacket first, but I put on a light beige shirt. This shirt boasted the least expensive price, even if it included all of the equipment purchased in the future, or not. Only one gold coin gave me 520 gold.

I got it from a novice user in Mule’s square, but it seemed that the party I was going with took off. The caravan I was carrying was destroyed and I was looking for a new caravan. I checked the information of the seller and closed the idea of ​​recruitment. It was the ability to know why he did not get it from another caravan. I did not have any money, so I sold the equipment and it seemed to raise funds. It was a shirt that cost more than 500 gold but more money.

There are various ways to increase the magic of armor, which can be roughly divided into two. There was a way to apply the potion and a magic effect. In the case of magic, the cost was higher and the efficiency was much better because it required permanent spells. From that point of view, the shirt I bought this time had a magical effect on physical defense.

I extracted the ogre ‘s tendons by using magic process, and I was very tired because of the clothes that I made. Also, the increase in physical defense magic, potions and all the treatment did not break the attack. Moreover, it is weak, but there is also a magic defense effect of the whole series, the novice user explained. As a result of looking at the third eye, it certainly worked. But the effect was just too weak.

In addition, the ability to help the user’s mana activation was a basic option, and also had the effect of making the body a little light. And once again, the expensive potion treatment greatly enhanced the elasticity. It can be said that it is the equipment which is suitable for the oil well that attaches importance to defense and activity.

In addition, there is automatic restoration function by the finishing, and it was said that it is a very excessive equipment for a novice user to wear. I spent almost a quarter of my gold coins, but I bought it at least because I could get it for at least 700 gold.

Other equipment could not be the top shirt, but it was much better than any other equipment I’ve ever worn. One leather pant with matching tops (Physical Defense Potion + Stretch Potion.) A pair of leather boots. Leather Jacket (Physical Defense Potion + Stretch Potion.) One female belt that can be daggered.

And I decided to change one of the weapons of the well with the request of the performance. Yu had originally used a pair of daggers, but from now on, he decided to replace the squrep and the other one with a curved dagger. Originally I used to look similar to Katana, but narrowed the width of the stomach and asked to increase the length a little more. It was a curious song with a very short length that could not be called a dagger.

I’m trying to teach a realistic idol. I also asked for magic to increase the cutting power. The equipment originally required more than 300 gold, but I was able to negotiate with 207 gold instead of the existing ring mail and two daggers.

Yu-jeong wrote one gold coin nearly 1000 gold, but nothing was too much. There was still room for further withdrawals, and the cave of screams was going to be profitable soon. After leaving Mule, you can only go to a general city or a big city, and if you drown the remaining dungeons, you will lose about 1000 gold.

On the day he finished buying all the equipment, he finished his training late at night. After receiving a treatment order from Solei, he picked up his nose and walked to my room. I was able to see her differently from the previous one by pulling out the pieces of equipment one at a time.

Her hair, which is light red, is a little tight, but the pieces that stick together fit well. The clothes seemed to be winged as if it were a middle-class user. He looked at the mirror with two daggers on the belt, and soon Yu turned around with a sad face.

When I looked at her expression, I stared at her for a moment. I had a completely different attitude from when I was happy to jump when I bought the equipment in the past. When she stared at her, she woke up with a careful voice. “brother.”

Yes, I can,

“Can not you just hold me once?”

“…Come here

For a moment many thoughts crossed, but I hugged her without speaking. My mouth was wide in my arms and the face was a little relieved and I fell out of my arms. There seemed to be a lot of leftovers on the face, but it seemed to be forcible reference. Yoo Jung is usually “brother. Thanks for the equipment. I’ll work really hard. ” A word and he went out of the room.

Later, I found out that Kogaku seemed to tell her that I was focusing on oil rigs. And now that I’m giving you the last chance to make an investment, and if you can not do more than you expect in your next exploration, you might say you might be thrown away.

I do not want to throw away my efforts, but I did not explain anything. Because users who are poor have been culled from the reality of the Hall Plane, and after that day, they heard the oil spur to further training.

I did not say anything anymore when I saw I bought the oil well. He also had a little lack of gloves, but as he was learning the skill of a swordsman, he was going to put off his armor for a while. And the Reduction Of Glove is almost equivalent to investing in oil.

When I was at the laboratory of the ruins, it was the oil that I did not receive the most compensation.

For other things, I asked Vivian for the latest updates. But each time, Vivian forfeited his answer. People are good, but I still have to see more. Perhaps the contract that I wrote the previous day seems to have worked. As I recognized the value of having a rare class, she was more cautious than ever.

The ability of the children was growing day by day, and the parties were able to see the day getting stable as well. Ahn Hyun returned to the beginner ‘s class and showed himself practicing quietly. It seemed to me that I had a warning at hand. Ansol was no longer dragged.

Both Shin Sang Yong and Ha Yeon were doing well. Especially, he told me to rest a little, but when I took a break, he made me shut up.

At first, unlike when I lead one by one, I felt heartfelt when I saw the caravan taking a little place. Increasingly, the clan I was pursuing was being created. After exploring the cave of screaming this time, the first button will be stitched perfectly when the play is confirmed. I slowly walked into the bed, hoping she would enter our clan.

It seemed that the morning had come when the days were gradually getting bright. I thought I could sleep for an hour, but I closed my eyes gently.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Yes. Now it’s time to leave Mule again. I am going to the cave of screaming when this chapter is finished. Haha Today is Sunday. It is time to finish one week. Tomorrow is Monday, and there are some people who are depressed, but I hope everyone will work hard. 🙂 PS. I’ve been a little quicker at deployment, is this all right?

“Relief” 1. Refill: Congratulations on your first. I am glad to have enjoyed it. Please appreciate this time happily, too. 🙂 2. Avi Hunter to fight T: Haha. I will be waiting for the next comment of Abi Hunter T’s fight to fight always. I hope you are well done. (__) 3. Pretes: Yes. I’m going to fix my head a bit. It was a necessary task for the well. 🙂 4. masdf: on to on to on. Gomapseumnida Hi-Hi. 🙂 5. Under the name legend: haha. This is a phenomenon caused by overheating of the rivals composition. I do not think you’ll hit the back of your head as long as you have Suhyun.

6. Juary: Haha. As a user of the hall plane, the concept is not yet there. It’s been less than a year since you’ve been here. It will mature in a little more together.

7. Broken Fan: Ha and Han is also a good child. We will do our best so that you will be able to change if you come out later … . Culculaculk.

8. Good body: haha. How did you raise it a little. I thought that it was time to increase. Thank you for your coupon. (__) 9. Goksd: The answer is correct. Now that we have finished the assortment, we have only a few days left to move forward. 🙂 10. Beads in the tray: Kitchen ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ. I wonder if you are suffering …Black. I saw the bread. It will be very pleasing to Han. LOL

11. hohokoya1: haha. Thank you. Is the mercenary king a rare, secret? I will leave it to the imagination of the readers. It ‘s a far crying thing for Yu – jung to become a mercenary king. Ha ha ha ha ha

12. Toranoanal: Oh. I always try to keep it in mind. I have been unconscious since I was a child, so I can not easily fix it. ㅠ. Your recommendation and comment will be the motive power of chakra. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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