
Chapter 139

The morning was bright. It was finally a new day of exploration. Remains to excavate this time cave of scream. As an exploration that took at least three weeks, I needed to prepare the caravan firmly. As soon as I opened the door of the innocent lady, a cool breeze and clear air greeted me. I closed my eyes for a moment and drank a lot of the fresh air. It was feeling that whole body was getting better.

“Wow. The weather is really nice. It’s a great day to go on a trip. ”

When I turned my body, I touched her hair and pressed the door and came out. She had a small backpack on her shoulder. It was a travel bag for exploration, but it was a new purchase this time. As long as the period was, it was good backpacks, and bought four guns and left them to wizard and priests.The close-ups did not give backpacks because they could be rough in battle.)

Looking at her showing a fresh smile, I also responded with a soft smile.

“I wonder if this is like a trip. There are many scenic places on the Hall Plane. ”

“Ho Ho. I want to design a life-threatening trip. ”

Her neck had a beautiful necklace hanging from her neck. It was clear that it was a Necklace of Glory from the Institute of Ruins the other day. I was wondering what magic was memorized, but I kept silent as I watched the people who were coming out.

The kids also came down with solid armor from the lab. Especially, Ahn Hyun and Yoon Jung were very different from the first time they came to Mule. At that time, it was also a shy chick to call it a user. Of course, it will seem to be the only thing, but I was proud of the idea that I was a child of my own.

“OMG. It ‘s really good to wear these gloves. The window is a musty. ”

I usually feel a bit heavier and I am satisfied with the window. Glove Of Reduction. Although it does not increase the actual strength of the person, it is surely a useful equipment. Beyond Ahn, who has a pleasant face turning the window down, I slowly looked at other people.

Finally, Vivian, Shin Sang Yong, and Koh had to sort out their comrades after they finished preparing. Koh played close to the door of the inn, stood in the middle of the party, and walked toward the north gate as it was at the forefront.

I was able to see some of the crowds of users on the way. If you are in the mule at this time, you will have obvious stats. Or the annual is very low. They were looking at us with envious eyes, and seemed to be having a hard time eating every day. I also used to be an envy as a first-time user, and I was envious when I saw good users and early-morning explorers.

So we walked out of the north gate with a powerful salute from the guards, and at the same time the atmosphere of the parties changed suddenly. The tumultuous atmosphere was quiet in a moment, and the children who had a hilarious look set their faces and watched the surroundings. It was because I knew my nature that I could not even tolerate even a little play in the city even if I was free in the city. The effect of education during that time was coming out. Especially in the atmosphere of the high performance, I was more satisfied with my face.

At present, we have a total of 8 people. Of course, it was not a perfect configuration (only the configuration except for the user’s abilities). There was also a deficient class. However, compared to the time of attacking the dungeon of ancient alchemist Vivian, I could say that the assortment was right.

As such, it has now become necessary to subdivide the position of the individual user to some extent. Once I played the role of coordinating the entire tanker at the same time. At the same time as Ahn Hyun assisted me with the sub tanker, I decided to support the battle. Ansol stood in the center of the party, and Vivian, Hae Yeon, and Shin Sang Yong formed a triangular squadron around her. At first glance, the center may be weak, but its weakness was offset by putting the high performance as a keeper.

One unusual point was that the wells requested free at the same time as the tail. If it was the same, I would have decided to refuse not to be bullshit, but I accepted my permission with the condition that I would run free.

So we reached the plains where we went to the dungeon and ruins of the ancient alchemist Vivian. I quickly turned the direction east and led the parties without delay.

The kids were following my orders steadily, but there was a sense of confidence in their eyes that they could not hide. It’s a long time to go exploring, good equipment, better than before, and other users’ gaze. Because of all these factors, the children ‘s motivation was more abundant than usual.

However, I was going to turn off their motivation at once. It was nice to ride this momentum, but I thought it would be better to remind me of the alert. The kids were much stronger than their counterparts in the same year, but in the whole Hall Plane they were still just grasshoppers. And the behavior of the boys who have been seen in the past seems to have a high possibility that these confessions will turn into pride and even arrogance. And the way it was effective was to create a situation and make myself realize it rather than squeeze it.

The parties hardly talked except for the necessary talk. I kept a certain march rate for a while and after a while I looked back. The mule was not even visible at all. It seemed that the noon was getting closer as the sun rises gradually. I opened the map for a while, measured the current position, and then decided to turn slightly.

In spite of the voluptuous pace, monsters and bums were not seen. It was unexpected if the monsters were not attacked even once, even if the boomers were saying so. Continuing the march with a slight modification of the direction, I could confirm that the faces of the kids who showed an extreme sense of bounds at the beginning were loosened little by little. I thought that it was time to implement what I planned.

Soon, one of my friends and I started to see a mountain that I had aimed for. I paused for a moment, then opened my mouth to see the parties.

“From now on, we will go over the mountains that are visible.”

What is it? Do I need to cross the mountain? You said it took 10 days to go, but as far as I know, even if you use straight road, the road eventually becomes the same. You do not have to take your strength out of the mountain. ”

Apparently, the words of the performance were valid. Her words are that we need to have a long march for the next 10 days, but we need to adjust our fitness. But because I had an aiming bar, I was able to reply positively.

“I do not know, but I investigated other remains except the cave of screaming. Originally I was going to go straight to the route but it would not be too bad to pass by once on the way. Of course, you will not be able to explore every detail, but it would be better not to do it at all. Even if it is a little bit lengthy, I will not change the scheduled arrival date. However, I would like to increase the march rate as much as possible, so please come along well. ”

“Ha. Then, did you investigate all the other remains except the scream cave? ”

“Yeah. I chose only the same relics from the same direction. I just needed to prepare for one case. ”

I answered humbly and immediately turned away. He played a strange facial expression that seemed a little uncomfortable, but now the captain of the caravan was me. And if she could not find the cave of screams in the first place, she would not say anything about it because she said that it was an extension of her.

I was a little sorry for Bae Yang, Shin Sang Yong and Vivian, but this was a necessary process. The cave of screams was one of the lessons in the mule. Now, the users are not seeing much, and they are thinking that they are somewhat as small as the city.

However, even if you enter the general city or big city immediately, it is 180 degrees different from the current situation. Even if you take one step, you can see the users and the bumpers who hit the back of your head even if you are a little nervous. And a much higher dungeon difficulty and powerful monsters. In order to stay alive in such a gap, it was necessary to be aware of his current position.

So, the way I chose was a march. In the Hall Plane, I was going to kill the kids’ kites in the most basic march required for the user.

We were in front of our first target mountain. I did not know when I saw it from a distance, but when I saw a huge mountain range in front of me, I felt different from the first. Before I went into the mountains, I reconsidered the words to my friends.

“From now on I will cross the mountain in front of you. Although the name of this mountain has not been attached yet, it is said that the library has been investigating the records and has formed a huge mountain range with a total of three mountains. It will be difficult to get on the mountain, but we will not increase your scheduled arrival time. Everyone should adjust to my speed, keep the speed and also have the perimeter. The mountain is a frequent occurrence of monsters. ”

I heard a voice swallowing someone ‘s spit. I laughed once at the sound of the sound, and I sent Ahn Hyun with a well. Even if the magicians or priests were to stand down in case they were sent. Ahn Hyun still follows my order with his confident face. It seemed to remind me of the hard-liners I had done in the black forest.

But at that time, it was a tough guy who gave it to the kids. I was going to show how this is going to be enjoyed by other users.

“Then I’ll leave.”

In my words, the nods once nodded, and I immediately entered the mountain.

“Huh, huh.”

“Huck, huck.”

The children who climbed the mountains for the first time soon began to breathe in less than an hour. Among them, the first person who complained about lack of physical strength was ansol. As well as being a priest, and usually lacking in physical strength, it is the first weakness. But I never slowed down.

Everyone, except the kids, was following them all at once. When the wizard users say that Ahn Hyun and Ji Jung are difficult, it was funny as it was. In the end, however, Ansol started to fall slightly, and Ahn Hyun and Yoo Jung Jung pulled up Ansol from behind. It will increase the physical burden to them.

I felt the gaze that I wanted to have a little rest from behind, but I continued to climb the mountain without any hesitation. Everyone would have felt the taste of death as they watched me leaping high over the highlands. And the moment I was a little distracted, I immediately pointed out that user.

Every time I saw the faces of the kids. But I completely ignored their wishes. Instead, he showed a bit of a scathing reminder.

“Wake. Do not be sad, keep the form. We did not fight, we only march, but if we can not follow it, let’s do it. ”

However, the processes that have been done so far have not been in vain, the children were coming along with their breathing stretches. After I confirmed the scene, I made it even faster. In the future, it was intended to make you feel really happy when you were in Mule.

I marched one more time to such an hour, I found a small vacant lot and paced the barely. Looking back, I looked at the faces of the users who had swollen bones. I turned around for a while, checked the surroundings, and slowly opened my mouth.

“I’ll take a 10 minute break here. I will take a nap and everyone can sit back and rest. ”

All of the children lie down as if they were lying down. Gokseong had been stretching with a face that he had been exercising for a long time, and Vivian and Yeon-yeon were drinking water from each other. And Shin Sang Yong pulled out his bucket and put a sip of juice into the children ‘s mouth.

“Is not the march rate too fast?”

I watched the scenery with a pleasant face, and the performance approached me and spoke.

“Strength is 50, 45, even if you could come along at the speed. I’ve been practicing for a while, and I can not even come this far. ”

“Ho Ho. Eventually I followed. The wizards literally barely followed, and two close-up users consumed twice as much power as one person who was away. ”

When I turned my head to that, I could see that Ahn was blowing a trumpet into the mouth of Shin Sang Yong with a mouth in his mouth. I have a lot of physical strength, but I also wasted a lot of physical strength in bringing Ansol with me. And that was the same as well. Later, Ansol was almost attracted to both arms and came back. I looked at her face and saw her licking her lips and shaking her eyes, but she was patient with her crying.

“It is difficult to make a simple march on Villeville. As a matter of fact, the wizard users did not follow well. In the end, it is still mental state. ”

Yoink! It is different from when you are in the city. Please also be strict. ”

Goh played a smile and shook his mouth. And when I saw the kids for a while, I turned my gaze, shaking my head.

============================ Late Works ==================== ======== Hello. It is Eugene.

Ah. I feel so bad these days. It seemed that my throat was swollen recently and I have a runny nose and dizzy headache. I burn a cigarette in my neck and I’m dying. It ‘s too messy to worry about other things. ㅠ. ㅠ Today, I came back home and wished to have a day off, so I thought I should die in front of the computer. I think I need to update the article and go straight to sleep. I hope you get a little better after you have a sigh. I want you all to be careful of cold weather. (__) Oh and. Readers. That’s great. I guess I’ll do it. You did it right away. I will not comment on any comments. However, I was absent from the report for a while. How did you do it right? ㅜ. ㅠ PS. We will start commenting from the beginning. I would like to say sorry to those who have suffered damage.

“Lilipple” 1. A broken demon mark: First congratulations. Thank you. I hope you enjoy watching this demo.

2. Kurosion: Well. It is probably the reaction of many readers who are going to be like that. And I do not want to do that either. Hehe

3. Human life: haha. I always appreciate it because you are always drawing fan art. Of course, thank you always for those who have other comments. Lilipple is not random, but random according to the ID and contents that day.

4. Transportation: No. . However, this is a slightly different concept from common vehicles. Examples include unicorns and pegasus.

5. Tajia: Sure. Absolutely. The past may change. 🙂 6. pgh21c: In all the questions you asked, no.You can answer. It will not happen. Hahaha

7. Versurak: Haha. It’s over 100 times, but it’s still less than six months on the Hall Plane. Please watch the growth of the children slowly. 🙂 8. Good body: Mmm. Surely there will be pain. What will happen to Kim Han-bum’s recruitment? Thank you very much. 🙂 9. hohokoya1: haha. Ansol fans may be interested in seeing you. ㅠ. ㅠ 10. letzgo02: Thank you for your support comments. In the future, I will be able to reward you with even better content. 🙂 Your suggestions and comments will be the driving force behind the chronicles. (This is true.

Comments are always read all over again.
I do not want you to be so sad that you do not have a ripple.
I will answer your question if you give me a note!

So let me quit today.
I want you to always read with ease.

Alterations, recommendations, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome.

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